Unexpected Saviors --- && RP Award

...for in character discussions, contributions and Wheel of Time themed stories.
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Unexpected Saviors --- && RP Award

Post by Cassiel » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:10 pm

Fen Edit 1-20-24

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps :1
Length bonus +1-2 qps :
Part of a series +1 qps: o

Summary: +1 qps : x

In the bustling Magnificent Square of Whitebridge, a diverse group of individuals gathered near the gateway. Tolza and Lys, both Aes Sedai of the White Tower, stood at the center of the conversation. Cassiel had retreated from a recent battle in the Caralain Grass, where he had been wounded.

Tolza declared, "We should go raid Amador."

Lys, a fellow Aes Sedai, responded skeptically, "Have you been to Amador? What a dung hole."

Melosa, showing respect to the Aes Sedai, said, "Forgive me, Lys Sedai, Tolza Sedai."

Neal chimed in, "Very three oathsish of ya, Tolza Sedai."

Melosa excused herself, stating, "I must retire."

Lys acknowledged, "Very well, Melosa."

Tolza, unapologetic, remarked, "I made no oath not to raid Amador."

Cassiel, observing the conversation, interjected, "I don't suspect Aes Sedai uphold their oaths often, Lord Neal."

Neal questioned Tolza, "And by raiding Amador, what does that mean?"

Lys, expressing her disdain, spat in the face of Cassiel. Without hesitation, she rode a black stallion through the gateway, followed by Neal, Melosa, and Tolza.

Suddenly, two Shadowspawn, Kryyg and Sklarr, arrived from the east. In the midst of the chaos, Kryyg attempted to attack Cassiel, but he managed to deflect the blow. The intrigue deepened in the heart of Whitebridge as the Aes Sedai ventured into their gateway towards Tar Valon, ignoring the Shadowspawn and considering their plans on Amador.

As chaos ensued in the Magnificent Square of Whitebridge, Kryyg and Sklarr's attack left Cassiel on guard. The situation took a darker turn as another Shadowspawn Sorvitor arrived, adding to the growing threat.

Amidst the turmoil, unexpected allies emerged. The notorious Thiefbane Roberto and Child Patter of the Children of Light, usually at odds with each other, surprisingly put aside their differences. Together, they arrived on the scene, ready to face the common enemy.

The collaboration between Thiefbane Roberto, Child Patter, and Cassiel proved to be a formidable force. In a tense confrontation, their combined efforts led to Kryyg's demise. The once-threatening Shadowspawn fell under the united front of these unlikely allies.

Curiously, as the dust settled, the White Tower and Aes Sedai were nowhere to be seen, providing no assistance in the face of the Shadowspawn threat. The clash between Thiefbane Roberto, Child Patter, Cassiel, and the Shadowspawn had unfolded with the enigmatic absence of the Aes Sedai, leaving questions lingering in the air. The Magnificent Square of Whitebridge bore witness to an unexpected alliance against the forces of darkness, revealing that in times of peril, alliances could form in the most unforeseen circumstances.

Inspired by real events:
Tolza says 'We should go raid Amador'
Lys says 'Have you been to Amador?'
Lys says 'What a dung hole'
Melosa says 'Forgive me, Lys Sedai, Tolza Sedai'
Neal says 'very three oathsish of ya Tolza Sedai '
Melosa says 'I must retire'
Lys says 'Very well Melosa'
Tolza says 'I made no oath not to raid Amador.'
say I don't suspect Aes Sedai uphold their oaths often, Lord Neal.
You say 'I don't suspect Aes Sedai uphold their oaths often, Lord Neal.'

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded > exa gate
You can barely make out Merchant Square.

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Neal says 'and by raiding amador what does that mean?'

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Lys spits in your face.

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Lys rides a black stallion through the gateway.
Neal follows Lys through the gateway.
Melosa follows Lys through the gateway.
Tolza follows Lys through the gateway.
A young Tower Guard follows Tolza through the gateway.

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded > nod lys
Nod at who??

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Kryyg has arrived from the east, riding a |1|.shadow stallion
Sklarr has arrived from the east.

R HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Kryyg tries to scythe you, but you deflect the blow.

Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:02 pm

Re: Unexpected Saviors --- && RP Award

Post by Roberto » Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:16 pm

Fen Edit 1-20-24

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps :1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 1
Part of a series +1 qps: o

Summary: +1 qps : x

A short synopsis of the rp/pk that occured after Roberto was warranted by Patter, and how the fight against the dark continued even as verbal jabs were shot back and forth.


Patter narrates 'Almost this entire who list is thieves and channelers.'
Roberto narrates 'Cassiel did just join us.
Cassiel narrates 's e bvall ent'
Cassiel narrates 'ouch'

Patter enters Whitebridge, where Roberto is currently with the members of the Tower having asked them to bring him to Whitebridge so he could enter the fight. At this point he leaves to Bearlon where he knows he has stores of gear set away so he could enter a fight quickly. It seems that there is an interaction between Patter and the Sedai he left behind, and Child Patter remarks on this to Roberto.

Patter tells Roberto 'if this isn't evidence you are surrounding yourself with darkfriends, thiefbane'
Patter narrates 'ron sorvitor near wb'
Patter narrates 'on 1e wb'
Roberto replies to Patter 'For that is quite the accusation, you know I am always one of the first to join the fight against the dark. Not even you believe that. '
Patter tells Roberto 'I didn't say you were a darkfriend'
Patter tells Roberto 'you are simply surrounding yourself with them'
Roberto says “you to ignore things that can be used to beat back the dark. I don't judge you for it. I was doing a contracted job just like I would do in Amador.
Roberto replies to Patter 'To reclaim Malkier we will need more than just a couple of swords. This is a basic fact.
for it. I was doing a contracted job just like I would do in Amador.'
Patter tells Roberto 'Lies. You do not even hunt ones like Elhokar who are wanted by the city for murdering herbalists.'
Roberto replies to Patter 'in amador i would'
Roberto replies to Patter 'you never invite me over for tea'
Patter narrates 'tallanvor 1s mag'
Cassiel narrates 'brt'
Cassiel narrates 'or not'
Patter narrates 'on'
Someone narrates 'anyone else fighting DS?'
Cassiel narrates 'pretty low'
Patter tells Roberto 'Sorry, busy fighting Shadowspawn, stick with your spitter/quitters.'
Roberto replies to Patter 'i have equipped myself, '
Roberto replies to Patter 'where are these dark spawn'
Cassiel narrates 'are north east'
Roberto replies to Patter 'we can table this for later'
Patter narrates 'it's back 1s mag'
Cassiel narrates 'tallanvor 3s mag'
Cassiel narrates '2s mag'

At this point Roberto joined in the fighting of the darkspawn who had infiltrated Andor.

Roberto narrates 'on 1s'
Cassiel narrates 'e gate'
Patter narrates 'target shadow i think'
Roberto narrates 'firetruck no projectiles'
Patter narrates 'i fled outside'
Cassiel narrates '4e'
Roberto narrates 'they chassing?'
Patter narrates 'on'
Patter narrates '4e'
Cassiel narrates 'moved'
Cassiel narrates 'alln'
Patter narrates 'sklarr is crit'
Patter narrates 'not ctf'
Roberto narrates 'running low on mvs'
Roberto narrates 'need to get horse'
Cassiel narrates 'didn't go apple way'
Patter narrates 'into bf'

Knowing the darkspawn had retreated to the camp of the infamous trolloc known as Blodfest, Roberto quickly went to the entrance of the camp to join the forces fighting the darkspawn.

Patter snickers softly.
Cassiel says 'just sorvitor I think'
Roberto says 'any knives to spare'
Patter says 'imagine getting pushed into BF by two thieves'

Cassiel gets a throwing knife from a small purse.
Cassiel gets a throwing knife from a small purse.

Cassiel, putting aside his past issues with the Thiefbane, arms him with more weaponry to fight the Darkspawn.

Patter says 'no'
Roberto says 'excuse me'
Cassiel gives you a throwing knife.
Cassiel gives you a throwing knife.
Roberto says 'three thieves'
Cassiel says 'have a spare vial?!'
Cassiel says 'i am onto 0'
Cassiel sniffs sadly.
Roberto says 'i got zero'
Patter narrates 'was like 2e 2s of ent'

At this point the three rogues enter into the camp, using stealth in an attempt to quickly deal with aforementioned darkspawn. They are soon seen and must engage them in combat.

Cassiel narrates 'blocking n ent at the moment'
Patter narrates 'are 1s bv ent with a patrol
Patter narrates 'kryyg and skklarr'
Cassiel narrates 'coming'
Cassiel narrates 'kryyg wound'
Patter narrates 'that ob is too mcuh'
Patter narrates 'was 1s of bandit'
Roberto narrates 'sigh'
Cassiel narrates '2s w of blod'
Patter narrates 'go'
Cassiel narrates '29'
Patter narrates 'ris an andor patty 1n of fallentree'
Patter narrates 'would get more than 1 frag of hps first tho'
Cassiel narrates 'yea'
Cassiel narrates 'didn't think so'
Patter narrates 'i'm still standing 1n of fallentree, where was he chasing you'
Roberto replies to Cassiel 'where now'
Cassiel tells Roberto 'same place
Patter narrates 'bandit valleyish'
Roberto narrates 'all s n apple'

Roberto tracks down the darkspawn, and his allies in this struggle come to help defeat the enemies of the light. He still takes massive damage as he was attempting to fight them and the horde of trollocs they were attempting to hide behind.

Roberto narrates 'now im batt'
Patter narrates 'go to patrol roberto'
Roberto says 'my horse fleed'
Neal narrates 'they in blod
Roberto narrates 'arent they winning'

Roberto is confused by the actions of the trollocs, they seem scares of the rogues even as they were winning the confrontation. Neal has now joined the three rogues, but for some reason the horses were scared of the combat, leaving all our heroes without mounts. Patter shows concern for those fighting the dark, ensuring that as many warriors of light remain to fight against the dark.

Neal narrates 'im dism now'
Neal narrates 'they were chasing me '
Roberto narrates 'the patty did it'
Roberto narrates 'did it to me too'
Patter beckons everyone to follow him.
Patter says 'let's just group'
Roberto says ‘To kill shadowspawn we will have to work together.’
Patter nods.
Neal narrates 'im going for a horse'
Patter narrates 'stay on'
Patter narrates 'we have to whittle down kryyg'
Cassiel narrates 'chasing neal I think'
ride gray
Horse is set as: gray
Roberto starts riding him.
Patter says 'ride if you're low moves'

It is at this point that Roberto realizes Patter is very bossy and enjoys telling people what to do even after they have already done it. He also realizes that he is watching the back of one who he had just been fighting, realizing that the fight against the dark is something they all agreed on.

Patter says 'ate a bash so am lowish
Patter says 'but fine
Cassiel says 'yea will buff until auto takes me out again'
Patter says 'kryyg is beaten'
Cassiel says 'he needs no help!'
Patter says 'think we can firetruck him up'
Cassiel says 'yea'
Patter narrates 'hitting
Roberto narrates 'im patty beat'
Patter narrates 'on
Roberto narrates 'where'
Cassiel narrates 'alln w'

Though injured, the rouges once again take action, knowing that Neal had been lost to the darkspawn. They took it upon themselves to avenge him.

Patter narrates 'cgrass ent'
Cassiel narrates 'n of you'

With one final push, the rogues work to take the head of a Myddraal, attempting to cut off the head of the raiding darkspawn. They are able to defeat the general, leaving the trollocs he was leading to scatter and rush back to the blight.

Patter narrates 'kryyg's dead, yeah'
Cassiel gives the severed head of Kryyg the Myrddraal slain in the Caralain Grass to Patter.
Patter says 'Let this be a reminder of who actually fights for the Light, Thiefbane.'
Patter says 'I did not see any Tower presence until the very end and in a perfunctory manner, did
Roberto says 'I have never doubted your will to fight the shadow'
Roberto says 'what I dont want you is murdering little girls in their rooms'
Patter says 'Tower, shadow, one and the same in certain cases in my books.'
Roberto says 'and I dont mess with your tower business unless you are attacking tv while im there, per my
Roberto says ‘You will trust me to deliver Malfeasor to those that will keep it in Fal Dara.”
Cassiel gives you Malfeasor, the twin bladed scythe of blood ebony.

Though all their differences have not been resolved, the three rogues at odds understand that there is a mission to be done. The head of the enemy general has been taken, and his sword will be taken to those that will keep it from the hands of the darkspawn.

Roberto gives Malfeasor, the twin bladed scythe of blood ebony to Lord Dremond al'Moran.
Roberto gives Malfeasor, the twin bladed scythe of blood ebony to Lord Dremond al'Moran.

Lord Dremond al'Moran nods in agreement.
Lord Dremond al'Moran says 'You have done well.'

Roberto says ‘Of course, and the Thiefbane will be here when Fal Dara ever needs it.’

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