At the King's Offices --&RPaward

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At the King's Offices --&RPaward

Post by Aira » Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:45 pm

Korsik edit 18 December 2023:

1-8 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: o/x

Total: 3qps, bonus for including current in game events.


Aira sat in the vestibule of the King's Offices, on one of the luxurious chairs, all in matching fabric that had been woven to include a rising sun pattern. She sat at an odd angle to make room for the sword on her belt.

"Like riding side saddle," she thought, with a frown. She preferred riding a horse normally.

Across the vestibule sat several other high ranking members of the Rising Sun, each summoned to the King to discuss something of high import. The sound of the door handle being turned drew everyone's eyes and a lackey stepped out as the door opened. Dressed in finery and with a clear blue tabard, the man spoke past his nose: "His Highness will see you now." As if they had been the ones to petition the King, as opposed to the other way around.

They stepped into the room, where a large desk of the finest wood sat by a window. A row of chairs had been drawn up, facing the desk, where the King sat, both palms on the wood, watching them enter. Aira bowed deeply, said "Good day, your highness," and found a seat. They all subconsciously organized themselves by rank, from left to right, as viewed by the King.

As they sat, all in complete silence, the King reached for a paper and spoke:

"I have received a missive from the White Tower, from Verin Sedai, to be precise."

Some of the other facing the King shifted slightly, but whether that was due to unease or anticipation, Aira could not tell.

"Not long ago, Lord Timmee Souvraya was sent on a mission against the Aiel," the King made a face as he said the latter. "They had crossed the Dragonwall, apparently in pursuit of Shadowspawn that were taking a strange rock towards the Blight. The Shadowspawn were overtaken and killed and the rock has since sat, immovable at Tarwin's Gap."

Aira unconsciously touched the place of one of the wounds she had received that day, now cured and invisible thanks to Aes Sedai Healing.

"This same rock is the subject of Verin Sedai's missive. She believes it is 'a potential threat to the delicate balance of power in the region.'"

The King's gaze swept across the people who sat across from him to gauge their reactions, which undoubtedly were well schooled. One could not reveal too much when participating in the Great Game.

"I would like to hear my most trusted tacticians' opinions," the King finally said.

Lord Dobraine of House Taborwin spoke first, with some well chosen words, urging caution. Caution due to the unknown nature of the rock, or whether the Aes Sedai was making a threat about the stability of the region, and what was she holding back?

After Dobraine, it was Aira's turn to speak. Never one for much pomp and circumstance, she said "My liege, I feel the only rock we should be worried about is the Stone of Tear. The question also arises whether Tar Valon includes itself in 'the region' and who else received this missive. I believe it warrants further investigation before we can best advise you," Aira's gaze ran over her peers.

Everyone spoke their turn, some surprisingly agreeing with her. "What is their play?" Aira wondered.

In the end, even the King had to conclude that too little was known about this potential threat and that the Aes Sedai was playing games. With words, or another play, that was yet to be determined.