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The Hunt of the Betrayer ---&RPaward

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 7:57 pm
by Eldrenia
Ely edit June 14 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 4 qps


Eldrenia Sedai stood at the outskirts of Fal Dara, her gaze fixed on the sprawling fortress city before her. Determination burned in her eyes as she contemplated her next move. Lisennet, her former student turned darkfriend, was still at large, and Eldrenia was resolved to find her and put an end to her treachery.

With unwavering focus, Eldrenia began her search. She traversed the shadowed alleys, questioning those who might have seen or heard whispers of Lisennet's presence. Her inquiries were met with cautious glances and murmured rumors, underscoring the fear that had gripped the hearts of the people, aware that darkness lurked within their midst.

Undeterred by the elusive nature of her quarry, Eldrenia delved deeper into the city's underbelly, determined to uncover any clue that could lead her to Lisennet. She approached those with unsavory reputations, seeking information from the criminal underworld that often held secrets beyond the reach of ordinary citizens.

As Eldrenia made her way through the clandestine network of contacts, she honed her senses, listening for even the faintest hint of Lisennet's presence. Her anger fueled her pursuit, propelling her forward with unwavering resolve.

Days turned into weeks as Eldrenia tirelessly pursued her quest. Her search took her to hidden enclaves, where dark deeds festered in the shadows, and to the outskirts of the city, where whispers of darkfriend gatherings circulated among the desperate and dispossessed.

With each step, Eldrenia's anger tempered with a sense of melancholy. She remembered the days when Lisennet had been full of promise, when their bond had been one of shared hopes and dreams. The betrayal cut deep, and yet Eldrenia's determination remained unyielding.

Finally, in a run-down inn on the outskirts of Fal Dara, Eldrenia received a tip—an unconfirmed sighting of Lisennet. Without hesitation, she made her way to the designated location, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she entered the dimly lit room, Eldrenia's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, searching for the familiar face that had once been dear to her. The air crackled with anticipation as she approached a figure in the corner, cloaked in shadow.

"Lisennet," Eldrenia's voice was tinged with a mix of anger and sorrow, her tone cutting through the silence. The hooded figure turned towards Eldrenia and said "No, but the new Dreadlord sends her regards. She will be seeing you soon I would think."

Weaves of air wrapped the man tight and lifted him into the air as Eldrenia replies, "I will have it all form your lips before I am done with you". A blight line springs into existence and rotates as it opens into a gate that Eldrenia walks through and the man floats through behind her. A dark small room can be seen on the other side briefly before the gate snaps shut.

Re: The Hunt of the Betrayer

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 9:42 am
by Eldrenia
As the alarms ring through Fal Dara, signaling the impending attack, chaos ensues in the city. The Dreadlord Lisennet, the Fade Monsoon, and the trolloc named Shzrei begin their assault, spreading fear and destruction.

In the midst of the chaos, Eldrenia Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, recognizes the threat posed by the Dreadlord. Knowing that she must confront Lisennet to protect the city and its inhabitants, Eldrenia moves swiftly towards the north where the Dreadlord is said to be located.

Eldrenia and Lisennet engage in a fierce battle within the city. Flame strikes fly as the two powerful adversaries clash, each determined to emerge victorious. The fight rages on, with Eldrenia using her knowledge of the One Power and her skills as an Aes Sedai to counter Lisennet's corrupting influence.

However, as the battle reaches its climax, the Dreadlord, realizing the dire situation of the overwhelming odds against her and perhaps fearing the consequences of facing Eldrenia, makes a desperate decision. Lisennet, cornered and overwhelmed by Eldrenia's strength, chooses to leap from a nearby tower, risking the death oi the fall over facing the Aes Sedai.

The sound of Lisennet's demise echoes through the city, momentarily silencing the chaos that surrounds it. The people of Fal Dara, witnessing the fall of the Dreadlord, feel a mixture of relief and apprehension, knowing that the battle is not yet over. The Fade Monsoon and the trolloc Shzrei still pose a threat, and the city must gather its strength to face these remaining adversaries.

Eldrenia, having accomplished her mission to rid the city of the Dreadlord, takes a moment to catch her breath. She knows that her duty is not yet fulfilled, and with renewed determination, she turns her attention towards the remaining enemies, ready to protect Fal Dara until the very end.

Re: The Hunt of the Betrayer

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:00 pm
by Lisennet
Ely edit 14 June 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 2 qps


Chasing the weak and scared Aes Sedai and her pets into the city seemed to be the only way to flush them. The two hulking fighters and Lisennet the dreadlord went into the well defended Malkier gate and engaged the last defenders of the Northern lands.

Quickly the Aes Sedai and the others got help, as for some reason the guard and even the common townfolk had gathered the courage this day to assist them. Lisennet shall have to see to that later; most of them are supposed to be subdued and only feign interest. It seems the guards loyal to her were elsewhere at the moment.

As this fight was turning out to be a tough one, her companions and herself decided upon a swift regroup in the trolloc encampment nearby. Lisennet finally spotted one of her trustees amongst the guards and she quickly contrived a plan to misguide the Aes Sedai.

She used the tiniest thread of the power to put the beggar on the corner into a deep sleep. Putting her coat on the beggar, she beckoned the guard. "Here, throw this one off the Tower. I'll just walk out of the gate during the commotion". The guard knew what happened last time he hesitated, so this time he just nodded in fear and said, "Yes, my lady".

Lisennet put on the beggar's ragged woolen cloak and could not suppress a wicked smile as she walked out of the doggate, slightly hunched. After a few foot she took on her normal stride and dropped the cloak. "It's not that easy, you misguided Child" she said to the one calling herself a Yellow Aes Sedai. "She can't hear me now, but she'll hear me soon enough", Lisennet thought, as she permitted herself another wicked smile.