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A Child and an Aes Sedai... --- &RPaward

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:20 pm
by Kitiara
Kitiara and Loret meet up in Lugard where Loret tried to convince Kitiara to repent. In the middle of the conversation Gaidin Deimon rushes in to attack Loret, ending the conversation. Kitiara dresses Deimon down for his interference.

Point of view: Kitiara
Main character: Kitiara
Main character: Loret
Main character: Deimon

(Feneon already awarded 2qps to Kitiara after witnessing the bit with Deimon)

Center Square
The Center Square serves as a hub for the rest of the city. All sections of
the city can be reached by the square, from which roads leave in all
directions. The gates of the city can also be reached going north, east,
and west. The square is as much for socializing as it is to allow movement
along trade routes to and from Andor, and many people pass through here
each day. A banner stands here showing the layout of the city. You can
watch people leave and enter the gates from here.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A small purse is here.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
The Lugard town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A young Tower Guard has arrived from the east.

Loret has arrived from the north, riding a spotted horse.

l loret
A spotless white cloak bearing a golden sunburst billows around her tall body. Sporting a penetrating gaze her eyes lock onto yours, forever searching to bring justice to any that oppose the light.

Loret is in excellent condition. [Healthy]

Kitiara says 'Ah Child Loret... I hope you are not here to so called... 'Come for me' as you stated the other day?'

Loret says 'not quite.'

Loret says 'I am returning home from a diplomatic mission in the North.'

Loret says 'I see we find ourselves alone again.'

Loret muses over the idea, eyeing you up from head to toe.

Loret loosens the grip on a wicked axe and drapes it safely over an exposed shoulder.

Loret says 'what business do you have in Murandy.'

Kitiara says 'If we can journey into the blight together I imagine we will be fine here.'

Kitiara says 'Just traveled down to go for a ride I suppose, though more interesting scenery would be nice... are you one of those Children scared of gateways?'

Loret says 'I am in belief that they are of the dark lord's own hands.'

Loret says 'if that's what you ask.'

Loret says 'would you believe me if I told you I'd been shadowing you since you left Andor two nights ago?'

Kitiara says 'Well, if I promise that my Creator given ability to open up a gateway wont hurt you or result in you becoming injured, would you like to go somewhere more interesting.'

Loret says 'I find peace amongst the commoner. I think here is fine.'

Loret says 'I had suspicions you were headed south.'

Loret says 'but that's all they are. So far, everything I've watched and taken notes on checks out.'

Kitiara shrugs and says, 'I would find it hard to believe you have been shadowing me too closely, I tend to use gateways fairly often... though I do make a splash at times'

Kitiara says 'It cannot be too hard to keep track of my whereabouts...'

Loret says 'they say if you go seeking trouble, you will find it.'

Kitiara leans down and whispers something to the Young Tower Guard, who takes a few steps away to give her and Loret some space.'

Loret says 'and here we are, in this slum of a city.'

Loret says 'I must ask you while we're both here, and being civil for the time being.'

Loret says 'why not repent, and come to the Fortress of the Light.'

Loret says 'this affliction of yours, the ability to touch the source.'

Loret says 'do you not see the harm it brings to others?'

Kitiara says 'And what do you presume I would be repenting?'

Loret eyes two working class men abruptly turn around at the sight of the Child and the shawled woman.

Kitiara starts paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Loret says 'as it stands, you are a dark friend, and with your ability to channel that puts you in a particularly dangerous position.'

Loret says 'not only to be hunted for the misunderstood creatures you are, but the dangers that lay in your wake everywhere you go.'

Loret says 'I think..'

Loret says 'between you and me.'

Loret says 'there is some inkling of light left inside of those harrowed out, evil eyes of yours.'

Loret points a long well manicured nail in your direction.

Kitiara says 'Ah, we have a problem in that Child Loret... my oaths bound me to speak only the truth... And it is untrue that I am a darkfriend. '

Loret says 'I want to know, why someone like you.. someone that has shown signs of valor in the blight.. that has shown they can and will do harm to trollocs.. and even one of their fades..'

Loret says 'why someone like that wouldn't want to be pure again.'

Loret says 'whole again.. in the light.'

Loret says 'you're half way there.'

Loret says 'that tower of infighting mongrels and old women..'

Loret says 'you're not like them.'

Loret steps closer to you by just a half step, her eyes locking into yours.

Loret drags a lingering finger across your ageless hand.

Loret says 'yes..'

Loret says 'you're much more like me than them.. '

Loret says 'they won't hurt you, if you come with me south, back to the Fortress.'

Kitiara turns from Loret and paces around the Square before saying, 'You mention Trollocs... and one of the Fades, though I assure you... there have been many...'

Loret eyes cooly, her eyes lit up in curiosity.

Loret says 'that is why I believe in you..'

Loret says 'I believe you can break away from the evil that occurs in Tar Valon.'

Loret says 'you may repent anything that we know about, or do not know about..'

Deimon has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.

Deimon smites Loret's right arm hard.
Loret panics, and attempts to flee!

Loret leaves south riding a spotted horse.

Deimon leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Loret has arrived from the south, riding a spotted horse.

Loret panics, and attempts to flee!
Loret leaves west riding a spotted horse.

Deimon has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Loret has arrived from the west, riding a spotted horse.

Loret leaves north riding a spotted horse.

Deimon leaves north riding a gray palfrey.

Deimon has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.

Kitiara bellows 'Deimon I am having a conversation and would prefer to finish it'

Deimon looks at Kitiara.

Deimon says 'what conversation would you have with a wanted criminal?'

Kitiara arches an eyebrow.

Deimon says 'he is wanted'

Kitiara says 'Who is a Gaidin to question the motives or actions of an Aes Sedai, a Sitter for the Hall at that?'

Deimon says 'well i was unaware'

Deimon says 'but if thats your wish, ill leave so you can talk'

Kitiara says 'Perhaps the Tower will remain in conflict with the Children of Light forever, but we will never know if Gaidin come charging in swords first. I expect that of a Valon not a Gaidin.'

Deimon says 'he attacked me here earlier'

Deimon says 'what have i done wrong?'

Deimon says 'to offend'

Kitiara says 'and Patter hid outside my quarters waiting for to stab me earlier... yet here I am speaking civilly to his compatriot. '

Deimon nods in agreement.

Deimon says 'thats why i dont trust any child or light'

Kitiara says 'I never said I trusted him'

Deimon says 'there not a shred of good in any of them'

Kitiara says 'But I am also fully capable of defending myself against one man.'

Deimon nods in agreement.

Deimon says 'of course'

Loret bellows 'I'll be out west'

Kitiara says 'Ah Deimon... statements like that are no better than how the Children feel about us.'

Deimon says 'thats why im just a warder, i dont have the tact you do Aes sedai'

Kitiara scoffs before riding West.

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Re: A Child and an Aes Sedai...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 1:19 pm
by Korsik
Kitiara - +2 qps for formatting and summary(previously awarded 2 by Feneon for content)
Loret - +2qps