[RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai --- &RPawarded

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[RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai --- &RPawarded

Post by Aniyas » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:39 am

Ely edit, Jul 20 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality: 4

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o

Summary: +1 qps : o

Total: 7 qps

This participant listing was easy enough to handle, qps awarded to Oniyas, Carlia and Elyse as well.


(Removed non-rp elements, e.g., eating/drinking, non-involved people coming/going, etc.)

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
East: A guardsman watches the streets for signs of trouble.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A man gambles away his purse.
Oniyas of Arafel is resting here, riding a |1|.gray palfrey.
|2|.A shaggy brown mare stands here.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.

Damena has arrived from the north.

Oniyas stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Aniyas looks at Damena.
Oniyas looks at Damena.

Damena looks at Aniyas.
Damena looks at Oniyas.

Damena gets a plate of roast beef and jacket potatoes from a wooden barrel.
Damena eats a plate of roast beef and jacket potatoes.

Aniyas looks at you with a blank expression.
Oniyas looks at you with a blank expression.

Damena stops using a water skin.
Damena sips from the fountain.
Damena gently fills a water skin from an elaborately sculpted fountain.

Damena turns her gaze toward Oniyas.
Damena says 'Is there something I can do for you young man?'
Damena arches her brow.
Damena puts a water skin on her belt.

Oniyas says 'We wish to learn.'
Aniyas says 'We wish to learn.'

Damena says 'You will have to be much more specific than that.'

Aniyas says 'What are books?'
Oniyas says 'What are books?'

Damena purses her lips.

Carlia has arrived from the north.

Damena says 'Do you always repeat each other?'

Carlia looks at Oniyas.
Carlia looks at Aniyas.

Oniyas says 'What is this repeat?'
Aniyas says 'What is this repeat?'

Aniyas reaches for Oniyas' hand.
Oniyas reaches for Aniyas' hand.

Aniyas 's eyes flicker under closed lids.
Oniyas's eyes flicker under closed lids.

Damena says 'Sister, these children wish to know what a book is.'

Aniyas opens her eyes and tilts her head to the left.
Oniyas opens his eyes and tilts his head to the right.

Ysabelle has arrived from the south.
Ysabelle sits down and rests.

Aniyas says 'We want to know, what is sister?'
Oniyas says 'We want to know, what is sister?'

Ysabelle stops resting, and clambers on her feet.
Ysabelle weaves her hands, creating a hearty meal in the process.
Ysabelle weaves her hands, creating a hearty meal in the process.

Aniyas walks towards the fountain and takes a drink as if in a dream.
Oniyas walks towards the fountain and takes a drink as if in a dream.

Ysabelle eats a strange fruit.
Ysabelle eats a strange fruit.

Damena greets Carlia with a light kiss on her cheek.
Damena says 'I am off to the library.'
Carlia greets Damena with a light kiss on her cheek.

Aniyas greets Carlia with a light kiss on her cheek.

Damena leaves north.

Oniyas greets Carlia with a light kiss on her cheek.

Damena has arrived from the north.

Carlia blinks her eyes innocently.

The room becomes brighter as Carlia creates a ball of light above her hand.

Damena says 'Did this child just kiss you, Sister?'

Aniyas says 'What is library?'
Oniyas says 'What is library?'

Carlia gestures briefly at Carlia, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Fareleaen has arrived from the north.

Damena points at Aniyas.

Carlia nods at Damena.

Fareleaen nods at Carlia.

Carlia beams a smile at Fareleaen.

Ysabelle peers closely at Oniyas, trying to figure him out.

Damena inclines her head in greeting to Fareleaen.

Aniyas tilts her head and points her finger with a confused expression.
Oniyas tilts his head and points his finger with a confused expression.

Fareleaen says 'Hello everyone.'

Ysabelle says 'Twins I see?'

Damena says 'Good day, Sister.'

Ysabelle says 'Hello Fareleaen'

Damena says 'It appears that way, Ysabelle.'

Fareleaen whispers something to Ysabelle.

Ysabelle gasps in astonishment.

Aniyas says 'We want to know, what are twins?'
Oniyas says 'We want to know, what are twins?'

Damena says 'They claim they do not know what books are, and they kissed Carliya on the cheek.'
Damena says 'The gall, touching an Aes Sedai without her permission.'

Ysabelle says 'A bit presumptous.'
Fareleaen nods at Damena.
Damena purses her lips slightly.

Ysabelle looks at Oniyas archly.

Aniyas says 'What is Aes Sedai?'
Oniyas says 'What is Aes Sedai?'

Fareleaen whispers something to Ysabelle.

Ysabelle looks at Fareleaen and rolls her eyes.

Aniyas greets Oniyas with a light kiss on his cheek.
Oniyas greets Aniyas with a light kiss on the cheek.

The room becomes brighter as Damena creates a ball of light above her hand.

Aniyas says 'This is normal?'
Oniyas says 'This is normal?'

Ysabelle whispers something to Fareleaen.
Ysabelle leaves south.

Aniyas points at the ball of light.

Damena says 'Well, I am truly off to the library now. Hopefully no one else will be accosting Aes Sedai.'

Oniyas points the ball of light.

Damena leaves north.

Fareleaen says 'Too bad these two aren't Novices, a few years scrubbing pots would line them out.'
Fareleaen nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Oniyas says 'Teach us about scrubbing pots?'
Aniyas says 'Teach us about scrubbing pots?'

Fareleaen says 'And a number of other things.'
Carlia says 'This boy will never be novice'
Fareleaen says 'Clearly'
Carlia peers closely at Oniyas, trying to figure him out.

Aniyas says 'What is novice?'
Oniyas says 'What is novice?'

Aniyas says 'What is boy?'
Oniyas says 'What is boy?'

Carlia says 'What is Oniyas?'

Fareleaen leaves north.

Aniyas says 'I am Ani. We are Yas.'
Oniyas says 'I am Oni, we are Yas.'

Aniyas reaches for Oni's hand.
Oniyas reaches for Ani's hand.

Aniyas 's eyes flicker as if dreaming.
Oniyas's eyes flicker as if dreaming.

Carlia says 'I am Carlia Al'Dai.'

Carlia says 'You are Yas?'

Aniyas opens her eyes.
Oniyas opens his eyes.

Aniyas says 'Yes, we are Yas.'
Oniyas says 'Yes, we are Yas.'

Carlia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aniyas says 'You are not Yas.'
Oniyas says 'You are not Yas.'

Carlia says 'I am not Yas.'

Bianca has arrived from the west, riding a |3|.gray palfrey.

Bianca curtseys before Carlia.

Aniyas says 'Do you Dream?'
Oniyas says 'do you Dream?'

Bianca looks at Aniyas.
Bianca looks at Oniyas.

Carlia says 'I do dream, Do you dream?'

Aniyas says 'We are Dream.'
Oniyas says 'We are Dream.'

Bianca looks at Carlia.

Carlia says 'I am not dream.'

Aniyas says 'You are Aes Sedai?'

Bianca gestures briefly at Bianca, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Oniyas says 'You are Aes Sedai?'

Carlia says 'I am Aes Sedai.'

Bianca curtseys gracefully.
Bianca leaves west riding a gray palfrey.

Aniyas says 'What is Aes Sedai?'
Oniyas says 'What is Aes Sedai?'

Carlia says 'What is Yas?'

Aniyas says 'We are Yas.'
Oniyas says 'We are Yas.'

Carlia says 'I am Aes Sedai.'

Oniyas says 'Yas are Dream.'
Aniyas says 'Yas are Dream.'

Aniyas says 'We seek Dreams.'
Oniyas says 'We seek Dreams.'

Carlia says 'Tel'aran'rhiod is the world of dreams. '

Aniyas looks at Oni and nods.
Oniyas looks at Ani and nods.

Carlia nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Oniyas says 'You know Yas.'
Aniyas says 'You know Yas.'

Aniyas says 'Tel'aran'rhiod is now.'
Oniyas says 'Tel'aran'rihod is now.'

Oniyas says 'Yas is now.'
Aniyas says 'Yas is now.'

Aniyas says 'We are Dream.'
Oniyas says 'We are Dream.'

Carlia says 'I know of my dreams. I cannot claim to have entered Tel'aran'rhiod. '

Aniyas says 'We bring you to Yas?'
Oniyas says 'We bring you to Yas?'

Carlia says 'How?'

Aniyas looks puzzled.
Oniyas looks puzzled.

Carlia says 'You claim Yas is now, and yet ask to bring me to Yas. How would you bring me to now?'
Carlia says 'For I am already here, now.'

Aniyas says 'Yas is now, you are not Yas.'
Oniyas says 'Yas is now, you are not Yas.'

Carlia says 'I am Aes Sedai.'

Aniyas says 'Dream is now, you do not see?'
Oniyas says 'Dream is now, you do not see?'

Carlia says 'I see many things, I cannot say I see what you are dreaming.'

Aniyas takes off her glove revealing a wavy lined mark on her hand.
Oniyas takes off his glove, revealing a traingle mark on his hand.

Aniyas holds Oni's hand, the marks touching.

Carlia stops using a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets.

Oniyas holds Ani's hand, the marks touching.

Aniyas 's eyes flicker as if dreaming.
Oniyas's eyes flicker as if dreaming.

Saldria has arrived from the north.

Carlia looks at Oniyas.

Saldria smiles happily.
Saldria curtseys gracefully.

Carlia looks at Aniyas.

Saldria says 'Sisters? '
Saldria says 'Twins? '

Saldria looks at Oniyas.
Saldria looks at Aniyas.

Oniyas says 'We are Yas.'
Aniyas says 'We are Yas.'

Saldria leaves west.

Aniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'
Oniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Rodurnon has arrived from the east, riding a |3|.bloodstock stallion.
Rodurnon says 'evening ladies'

Aniyas says 'We want to know, what is ladies?'
Oniyas says 'We want to know, what is ladies?'

Carlia says 'Tell me a dream.'

Rodurnon points at Carlia.
Rodurnon says 'that there is a lady'

Carlia looks at Rodurnon.

Aniyas says 'That is Aes Sedai. What is ladies?'
Oniyas says 'That is Aes Sedai. What is ladies?'

Rodurnon boggles at the thought.
Rodurnon says 'to be Aes Sedai she must be a Lady as there have been no male Aes Seadai since the breaking of the world'
Rodurnon says 'unless I am mistaken'
Carlia shakes her head at Rodurnon.

Aniyas says 'We do not know Time.'
Oniyas says 'We do not know Time.'

Carlia says 'They seem to know... Yas.'

Rodurnon points in all directions, seemingly confused.
Rodurnon looks at Aniyas.
Rodurnon looks at Oniyas.

Oniyas says 'We see The Breaking.'
Aniyas says 'We see The Breaking.'

Rodurnon says 'you 2 are freaking me out'
Rodurnon throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Carlia says 'Tell me of dreams.'

Aniyas says in a trance, 'Mountains rise, cities crumble, lightning sears the sky.'
Oniyas says in a trance, 'Mountains rise, cities crumble, lightning sears the sky.'

Aniyas says in a trance,'Saidan darkens.'
Oniyas says in a trance, 'Saidan darkens.'.

Aniyas says in a trance, 'Madness set free, blood kills blood.'
Oniyas says in a trance, 'Madness set free, blood kills blood.'.

Rodurnon leaves west riding a bloodstock stallion.

Aniyas blinks and looks at Oni.
Oniyas blinks and looks at Ani.

Bianca has arrived from the west, riding a |3|.wild stallion.

Bianca puts some coins in a thick brown sack.

Carlia says 'Well thats not the Karaethon Cycle'

The room becomes brighter as Carlia creates a ball of light above her hand.
Carlia gestures briefly at Carlia, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Lugo has arrived from the south, riding a Domani razor.

Aniyas intones, 'Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow,'
Oniyas intones, 'Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow.'

Lugo sits down and rests.

Aniyas intones, 'born once more as he was born before,'

Tolveor has arrived from the south, riding a Domani razor.
Tolveor sits down and rests.

Oniyas intones, 'born once more more as he was born before.'

Aniyas intones, 'and shall be born again, time without end.'
Oniyas intones, 'and shall be born again, time without end.'

Lugo ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aniyas 's eyes flicker back and forth.
Oniyas's eyes flicker back and forth.

Rodurnon has arrived from the west, riding a |4|.bloodstock stallion.

Res has arrived from the east, riding a |5|.dust-colored gelding.
A chicken has arrived from the east.

Carlia says 'The Dragon shall be reborn'

Rodurnon flourishes grandly.

Carlia says 'That sounds more familiar.'

Aniyas says 'THE DRAGON IS.'
Oniyas says 'The Dragon Is.'

Bianca looks at Res.
Res looks at Bianca.

Bianca says 'Res may I heal you?'

Res nods in agreement.
Res says 'Yes, please'
Bianca says 'Make sure you have food to eat afterwards'
Bianca stops resting, and clambers on her feet.
Bianca leans closer to Res, who now appears to be feeling better.

Aniyas says 'What is Heal?'
Oniyas says 'What is Heal?'

Bianca leans closer to Res, who now appears to be feeling better.
Bianca leans closer to Res, who now appears to be feeling better.

Res nods in agreement.

Oniyas looks at Bianca.

Bianca leans closer to Res, who now appears to be feeling better.
Bianca leans closer to Res, who now appears to be feeling better.

Aniyas looks at Bianca.

Bianca looks at Res.
Rodurnon looks at Res.
Res says 'Thank you'

Aniyas turns to Carlia and says, 'You see the Dragon?'
Oniyas turns to Carlia and says, 'You see the Dragon?'

Rodurnon says 'have you Gate Carlia Sedai?'

Carlia says 'I have seen one who claims to be the dragon'

Carlia nods in agreement.
Carlia says 'I have gate'

Rodurnon says 'can you gate me Fal DAra'
Carlia nods in agreement.
Carlia leaves south.
Rodurnon leaves south riding a bloodstock stallion.

Aniyas says 'The Dragon Is.'
Oniyas says 'The Dragon Is'

Bianca says 'Well now that Carlia Sedai as moved on'
Bianca says 'I just want to scream Red RUm'
Bianca says 'and kill these creepy twins :)'

Res snickers softly.
Bianca throws back her head and cackles with insane glee!
Lugo falls down laughing.

Tolveor chuckles politely.
Tolveor says 'is what i was thinking '
Tolveor says 'twins'
Lugo says 'those 2 pale guys in the Matrix'
Tolveor says 'or blues brothers'

Saldria has arrived from the east, riding a |5|.wild stallion.

Lugo snickers softly.

Tolveor stops resting, and clambers on his feet.
Tolveor leaves south riding a Domani razor.
Bianca leaves south riding a wild stallion.
Lugo stops resting, and clambers on his feet.
Lugo leaves south riding a Domani razor.

Carlia has arrived from the south.

Oniyas gets a bronze belt of odd design from a wooden barrel.

Carlia looks at Oniyas.
Carlia looks at Aniyas.

Aniyas fingers Carlia's clothing and points to her own clothing.
Oniyas fingers Carlia's clothing and points to his own clothing.

Oniyas looks at Carlia.
Aniyas looks at Carlia.

Bianca has arrived from the east, riding a |5|.wild stallion.
Res grins evilly.

The room becomes brighter as Bianca creates a ball of light above her hand.
Bianca gestures briefly at Bianca, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Res leaves east riding a dust-colored gelding.
A chicken leaves east.

Aniyas puts her face right up to Carlia's serpent ring.
Oniyas puts his face right up to Carlia's serpent ring.

Aniyas looks at Oniyas.
Oniyas looks at Aniyas.

Saldria leaves north riding a wild stallion.

Carlia says 'I am Aes Sedai.'

Aniyas says 'We are Yas.'
Oniyas says 'We are Yas.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Lugo has arrived from the west, riding a Domani razor.
Tolveor has arrived from the south, riding a Domani razor.
A Wall Guard has arrived from the south.

Lugo looks at Oniyas.

Aniyas is confused by her growling stomach.
Oniyas is confused by his growling stomach.

Lugo looks at Aniyas.

Carlia gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.
Carlia gets a strange fruit from a wooden barrel.

Carlia gives you a strange fruit.

Tolveor says 'hansel and grethel!'

Carlia gives a strange fruit to Oniyas.

Lugo says 'someone should seperate them'

Tolveor chuckles politely.

Bianca says 'only if the witch is good'

Tolveor leaves west riding a Domani razor.
Bianca leaves west riding a wild stallion.
Lugo leaves west riding a Domani razor.

Oniyas holds up the fruit and asks, 'What is?'
Aniyas holds up the fruit and asks, 'What is?'

Carlia weaves her hands, creating a hearty meal in the process.
Carlia tastes a little bit of a strange fruit.
Carlia says 'food.'

Oniyas says 'food is Yas?'
Aniyas says 'Food is Yas?'

Carlia nods in agreement.
Carlia eats a strange fruit.

Aniyas says 'Food is Dream?'
Oniyas says 'Food is Dream?'

Carlia says 'Who am I to say what is dream and what is reality?'

Aniyas says 'You are Aes Sedai. We are Yas.'
Oniyas says 'You are Aes Sedai. We are Yas.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Aniyas nibbles a little bit of the fruit.
Oniyas tastes a little bit of a strange fruit.

Carlia says 'You are Yas, I am Aes Sedai. That is food.'

Oniyas looks at Aniyas.
Aniyas looks at Oniyas.

Aniyas looks at Carlia.
Oniyas looks at Carlia.

Aniyas says 'Aes Sedai is food?'
Oniyas says 'Aes Sedai is food?'

Carlia shakes her head.
Carlia says 'Aes Sedai is not food.'

Aniyas says 'You make food. You are food.'
Oniyas says 'You make food. You are food.'

Carlia shakes her head.
Carlia says 'I also make light, I am not a light.'

Aniyas says 'You bring food from Yas?'
Oniyas says 'You bring food from Yas?'

Elyse has arrived from the south.
Elyse sits down and rests.
Elyse sheathes a curved clear dagger into a jeweled wristcuff.
Elyse smiles happily.

Carlia greets Elyse with a light kiss on her cheek.
Elyse greets Carlia with a light kiss on her cheek.

Aniyas points at Elyse.
Oniyas points at Elyse.

Aniyas says 'She is food?'
Oniyas says 'She is food?'

Carlia says 'She is Aes Sedai.'

Elyse says 'too stringy and old.'
Elyse gets a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly from a backpack.
Elyse says 'this, this is food.'

Mirri has arrived from the south.

Elyse gives you a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly.

Oniyas turns Elyse, 'You are Aes Sedai. We are Yas.'

Elyse gets a plate with bread and green veined cheese from a backpack.

Aniyas turns to Elyse, 'You are Aes Sedai. We are Yas.'

Elyse gives a plate with bread and green veined cheese to Oniyas.

Elyse says 'pleasure to meet you gentlemen.'

Oniyas tastes a little bit of a strange fruit.
Aniyas nibbles a little bit of the fruit.

Mirri ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aniyas looks at the plate, 'This is food?'
Oniyas looks at the plate, 'This food?'

Mirri leaves west.

Elyse says 'good food, at that.'
Elyse says 'I hope you enjoy.'
Elyse says 'cooked, so eat it while it is still hot!'

Aniyas bites the plate.
Oniyas bites the plate.

Elyse gets a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly from a backpack.
Elyse eats a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly.

The gleeman has arrived from the south.
Elyse says 'see. I eat it. It's good!'

Aniyas does as Elyse does.
Oniyas does as Elyse does.

Aniyas pats her stomach and looks at Oni.
Oniyas pats his stomach and look at Ani.

Carlia whispers something to Elyse.

Aniyas looks at Elyse and asks, 'Do you Dream?'
Oniyas looks at Elyse and asks, "Do you Dream?'

Elyse says 'as do all, yes, I dream. But I am not a dreamer, one who walks the world of dreams. Rare indeed they are.'

Aniyas says 'You are not Yas.'
Oniyas says 'You are not Yas.'

Elyse says 'I am not Yas, no.'
Elyse says 'and woe be unto me were I to claim another's title!'

Oniyas says 'We are Yas. Yas is Now.'
Aniyas says 'We are Yas. Yas is Now.'

Elyse says 'you are indeed Yas.'

Elyse says 'I cannot parse what follows though. But be here now, Yas, and be welcome.'

Oniyas says 'Yas is Dream.'
Aniyas says 'Yas is Dream.'

Elyse says 'you may find a place to sleep, to dream perchance to the south a bit and then east.'

Elyse says 'If Yas would dream now, that is.'

Oniyas says 'Dream is Now.'
Aniyas says 'Dream is Now.'

Elyse ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Elyse says 'there are always those who suggest that existance, the pattern as we see it, is but an illusion.'
Elyse says 'but on that, I trust the wisdom of the white tower. To dream may be real for some, but this is no dream.'

Aniyas holds up her right hand, wavy lines mark her palm.
Oniyas holds up his left hand, a triangle marks his palm.

Elyse thinks hard.

Aniyas takes Oni's hand.
Oniyas takes Ani's hand.

Elyse says 'sea folk skin art, perhaps? A tracing of a carving? I fear I am no lore mistress.'

Aniyas says 'The Dream sees. The Dream knows.'
Oniyas says 'The Dream sees. The Dream knows.'

Elyse says 'perhaps.'
Elyse says 'I fear I do not know, however.'

Aniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Elyse says 'and am very unsure that I see.'

Oniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Lucie has arrived from the south.

Elyse says 'a cookie jar, hovering just out of reach. Jumping very high, nearly to flight, in incomplete control. These are a couple I recall.'

Lucie wears a filmy gown of Mayener cut about her body.

Elyse says 'but ordinary dreams, surely.'

Aniyas turns to Lucie, 'Tell us a Dream?'
Oniyas turns to Lucie, 'Tell us a Dream?'

Lucie rubs her forearm absently.

Elyse stops resting.
The room becomes brighter as Elyse creates a ball of light above her hand.
Elyse clambers to her feet.
Elyse gestures briefly at Elyse, who now appears more impressive somehow.
Elyse sits down and rests.

Lucie looks at Aniyas and Oniyas in turn and says 'My Dream died long ago.'
Lucie says 'There's nothing to tell.'

Aniyas 's eyes flicker recording Elyse's dreams.
Oniyas's eyes flicker, recording Elyse's Dreams.

Aniyas turns to Lucie, 'Dreams cannot die. Dreams are Now.'
Oniyas turns to Lucie, 'Dreams cannot die. Dreams are Now.'

Lucie gets a pair of tooled leather sleeves from a wooden barrel.
Lucie says 'Dreams are for the weak.'

Elyse assumes a defensive striking posture.

Lucie leaves south.

Aniyas looks at Oniyas.
Oniyas looks at Aniyas.

Elyse stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Carlia puts a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets on her hands.

Aniyas says 'What is weak?'
Oniyas says 'What is weak?'

Elyse says 'pardon me, Yas. I feel there may be need for me in the north. May you find your dream.'
Elyse is enveloped by a flash of bright white light, and disappears.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
North: A warder stands here, ready for combat.
East: A large man eyes the surroundings warily, every movement fluid.
West: A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A tarnished shortsword has been discarded here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Carlia Al'Dai is standing here.
Oniyas of Arafel is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.
|3|.A shaggy brown mare stands here, being ridden by you.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.

Aniyas looks at the metal blade on the ground and hisses.
Oniyas looks at the metal blade on the ground and growls.

Carlia blinks her eyes innocently.
Carlia stops using an ivory and gold-hilted longsword.
Carlia wields an ivory and gold-hilted longsword in a two-handed grip.

Aniyas points to the ground.
Oniyas points to the ground.

Carlia looks at the ground
Carlia gets a tarnished shortsword.

Carlia puts a tarnished shortsword in a wooden barrel.

Aniyas calms visibly.
Oniyas calms visibly.

Carlia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aniyas says 'You honor the Bargain?'
Oniyas says 'You honor the Bargain?'

Carlia says 'Courage to strengthen'
Carlia says 'fire to blind'
Carlia says 'music to dazzle'
Carlia says 'iron to bind'

Oniyas says 'We cannot make that bargain. We have not the authority.'
Aniyas says 'We cannot make that bargain. We have not the authority.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Aniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'
Oniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Carlia says 'That is not much of a bargain.'

Aniyas says 'We cannot make that bargain. We have not the authority.'
Oniyas says 'We cannot make that bargain. We have not the authority.'

Carlia gets a shiny copper dagger from a wooden barrel.
Carlia puts a shiny copper dagger in a wooden barrel.

Aniyas has no reaction.
Oniyas has no reaction.

Carlia ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Carlia leaves west.

Carlia has arrived from the east.
Carlia drops an ironshod staff of oak.
Carlia looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room.

Aniyas hisses and steps back.
Oniyas growls and steps back.

Carlia gets an ironshod staff of oak.
Carlia puts an ironshod staff of oak in a wooden barrel.

Carlia drops a torch.
Aniyas hisses and steps back.
Oniyas growls and steps back.

Carlia gets a torch.
Carlia nods to herself, she must need reassurance.
Carlia puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
Carlia closes a wooden barrel.

Aniyas steps forward.
Oniyas steps forward.

Liena has arrived from the west, riding a |6|.gray palfrey.
Liena opens a wooden barrel.
Liena closes a wooden barrel.

Aniyas turns to Liena, 'You tell us a Dream?'
Oniyas turns to Liena, 'Tell us a Dream?'

Oniyas looks at Liena.
Aniyas looks at Liena.

Carlia looks at Liena.

Liena says 'I think this might be past my tolerance for creepiness!'
Liena says 'I shall leave them in the Towers capable hands'

Carlia nods at Liena.

Aniyas steps back from Liena's lightstick and hisses.
Oniyas steps back from Liena's lightstick and growls.

Liena leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Aniyas steps forward.
Oniyas steps forward.

Carlia steps forward.

Aniyas steps to Carlia's left side her face near to her's.
Oniyas steps to Carlia's right side, his face near to hers.

Carlia blinks her eyes innocently.

Aniyas whispers to Carlia 'You See?'
Oniyas whispers something to Carlia.

Carlia whispers to you, 'Do you See?'
Carlia whispers something to Oniyas.

Oniyas says 'We Dream.'
Aniyas says 'We Dream.'

Carlia whispers, "What do you Dream?"

Aniyas says 'We Dream. They Receive.'
Oniyas says 'We Dream. They Receive.'

Carlia says 'Who receives?'

Oniyas says 'They'
Aniyas says 'They.'

Carlia says 'They.'
Carlia nods in agreement.

Oniyas holds up his left hand, showing the traingle.
Aniyas holds up her right hand showing the wavy lines.

Aniyas says 'They.'
Oniyas says 'They.'

Carlia holds up her right hand showing her Great Serpent ring.

Tar Valon lays still and silent in the darkness of the night.

Aniyas says 'Dreams are. Dreams were. Dreams will be.'
Oniyas says 'Dreams are. Dreams were. Dreams will be.'

Bianca sits down and rests.

Carlia says 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. '

Aniyas says 'We Seek Dreams. They want Dreams.'
Oniyas says 'We seek Dreams. They want Dreams.'

Carlia says 'and in return for these dreams?'

Aniyas says 'We Observe. We Record.'
Oniyas says 'We Observe. We Record.'

Carlia ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Carlia nods in agreement.

Aniyas says 'What is Sleep?'
Oniyas says 'What is Sleep?'

Carlia lies down and falls asleep.
Carlia awakens.
Carlia clambers to her feet.

Oniyas lays down and closes his eyes.
Aniyas lays down and closes her eyes.

Aniyas opens her eyes and is puzzled.
Oniyas opens his eyes and is puzzled.

Aniyas says 'We Sleep?'
Oniyas says 'We Sleep?'

Carlia shakes her head.

Carlia says 'You did not sleep'

Aniyas closes her eyes and asks, 'Sleep now?'
Oniyas closes his eyes and asks, 'Sleep now?'

Aniyas opens her eyes.
Oniyas opens his eyes.

Carlia shakes her head.

Aniyas 's body suddenly falls to the ground limp, her eyes unseeing.
Oniyas's body suddenly falls to the ground limp, his eyes unseeing.

Rixie curtseys before Carlia.
Carlia nods at Rixie.

Carlia smiles happily.

Aniyas 's body reanimates and she stands up and says, 'Sleep?'
Oniyas's body reanimates and he stands up and says, 'Sleep?'

Carlia looks at Rixie.

Carlia blinks her eyes innocently.

Aniyas looks at Rixie.
Oniyas looks at Rixie.

Carlia opens a wooden barrel.

Carlia gets a torch from a wooden barrel.
Carlia holds a torch above her head.
Carlia leaves south.

Aniyas takes a step back and hisses.
Oniyas takes a step back and growls.

Carlia has arrived from the south.
Carlia drops a torch.
Carlia stops using an ivory and gold-hilted longsword.

Aniyas hisses at the torch.
Oniyas growls at the torch.

Carlia wields an amber hilted iron sword.

Rixie gets a shiny copper dagger from a wooden barrel.

Aniyas takes a step back and hisses.
Oniyas takes a step back and growls.

Carlia stops using an amber hilted iron sword.
Carlia gets a torch.
Carlia puts a torch in a wooden barrel.
Carlia puts an amber hilted iron sword in a backpack.
Carlia sits down and rests on a bench.

Oniyas steps forward, relieved.
Aniyas steps forward, relieved.

Rixie leaves north.

Carlia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aniyas sits on Carlia's left, her arm brushing hers.
Oniyas sits on Carlia's right. his arm brushing hers.

Carlia sits silently, turning both palms up.
Carlia stops using a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets.

Aniyas places her hand marking down onto Carlia's hand, causing images of Tel'aran'rihod to form.
Oniyas places his hand, marking down, onto Carlia's hand, causing images tel'aran'rihod to form.
Carlia clasps the hands tightly, observing.

Aniyas closes her eyes as images of Elyse's shared dreams appear.
Oniyas closes his eyes as images of Elye's shared dreams appear.

Aniyas 's eyes flicker back and forth as images appear of a cookie jar, hovering just out of reach. Jumping very high, nearly to flight, in incomplete control.
Oniyas's eyes flicker back and forth as images appear of a cookie jar, hovering just out of reach. Jumping very high, nearly to flight, in incomplete control.

Carlia nods to herself.

Aniyas says 'They have these now.'
Oniyas says 'They have these now.'

Carlia whispers something to Oniyas.
Carlia whispers to you, 'Perhaps they should have another,'

Aniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'
Oniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Carlia says 'Falling, falling quickly, just as the ground approaches and death seems certain... it ends.'

Oniyas's eyes flicker back and forth as images of the ground quickly approaching appears.
Aniyas 's eyes flicker back and forth as images of the ground quickly approaching appears.

Carlia releases both hands causing the images to vanish as the ground draws near.

Oniyas opens his eyes and turns to Carlia.
Aniyas opens her eyes and turns to Carlia.

Aniyas says 'Tell us Dream. We have Seen. We will Show.'
Oniyas says 'Tell us Dream. We have Seen. We will Show.'

Aniyas shows a man cradling a dead woman screaming, 'Ilyena' as fire falls from the sky.
Oniyas shows a man cradling a dead woman screaming, 'Ilyena' as fire falls from the sky.

Aniyas says 'You have Seen. We have Shown. '
Oniyas says 'You have Seen. We have Shown.'

Carlia nods slowly.
Carlia says 'Was that..'

Oniyas says 'this is our bargain.'
Aniyas says 'This is our bargain.'

Carlia closes her eyes as she speaks.

Carlia whispers to you, 'Upon a dark mountainside bright lines of light appear and slash open into the squares of gateways, there must be hundreds.'
Carlia whispers something to Oniyas.

Aniyas says 'Blood kills Blood. Darkness envelops.'
Oniyas says 'Blood kills Blood, Darkness envelops.'

Carlia nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Oniyas says 'we accept this bargain.'
Aniyas says 'We accept this bargain.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Aniyas points to Carlia and says, 'You Dream. We Share.'
Oniyas points at Carlia and says, 'You Dream, we Share.'

Carlia says 'I dream.'

Aniyas says 'You share what is. We share what was.'
Oniyas says 'You Share what is. We Share what was.'

Carlia nods in agreement.
Carlia says 'I accept this bargain.'

Aniyas says 'It is agreed.'
Oniyas says 'it is agreed.'

Carlia says 'It is agreed.'

Oniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'
Aniyas says 'Tell us a Dream?'

Carlia says 'A Great Banquet in the Andoran Palace is taking place, walking through a crowd when suddenly your dress catches on a nearby statue and is ripped off, shift and all. Leaving you standing in a crowd wearing nothing.'

Carlia shudders, remembering this particular dream.

Aniyas 's eye flicker back and forth.
Oniyas's eyes flicker back and forth.

Aniyas says 'A secret hidden sees the light. Shein Chunla causes a war at Garen's Wall. Aes Sedai mutiny and the Hall and Amyrlin are exiled.'
Oniyas says 'A secret hidden sees the light. Shein Chunla causes a war at Garen's Wall. Aes Sedai mutiny and the Hall and Amyrlin are exiled.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Aniyas , the link made, stares at you while images form in your mind.
Oniyas , the link made, stares at you while images form in your mind.

Carlia closes her eyes as the images form.

Aniyas sends images of an Amyrlin desperately trying to hang onto power, just before she is exiled.
Oniyas sends images of am Amyrlin desperately trying to hang onto power, just before she is exiled.

Aniyas looks at Oniyas.
Oniyas looks at Aniyas.

Carlia swallows softly, unsure what to make of the images.

Aniyas looks at Carlia.
Oniyas looks at Carlia.

Carlia looks at Oniyas.
Carlia looks at Aniyas.

Aniyas says 'More Dreams after Sleep?'
Oniyas says 'more Dreams after Sleep?'

Carlia nods in agreement.
Carlia says 'It is agreed.'

Aniyas falls limply to the ground.
Oniyas falls limply to the ground.

Carlia shakes her head slowly as she rises.
Carlia stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Carlia peers around at the limp forms.
Carlia leaves north.

Posts: 330
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:47 pm

Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Elyse » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:34 pm

An unexpected and out of the blue bit of fun, even if I initially took the Yas for two brothers rather than a brother and sister, and so called them "gentlemen."


Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Paj » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:44 pm

While the legality of Finn or their existence/intrusion into the "real world" through puppets or volunteers is questionable, this is just amazing.

Moreover spooky/creepy and taken a bit lightly by the Aes Sedai present. I would imagine the Book Sedai would better have tried to cage them for study or tried to delve them rather than believe them at face value.

That opinion aside, this is the interesting WoT immersion that just gets me blood going and desire to play. I applaud this even if it is just two players.

Makes me recall when a voice from the shadows enticed me to zealously take a blackened steel kris from a mob raid for my own, it's companionship allowing me never to thirst or hunger. The engagement into some special story or even insignificant event was exciting.

Looking forward to more.

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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:35 am

Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Aniyas » Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:48 pm

This was a crazy idea that we had one night and we weren't sure if it would work or be accepted. We hadn't planned on RPing that day, but thankfully, we had already figured out their backstory/motivations/boundaries previously and were able to run with it. Although, admittedly, so much that was supposed to remain internal RP came out, but that's what happens though when you RP with a Brown Ajah Aes Sedai and get immersed in the shared story (while cackling irl the whole time in delight). Also, props to Carlia for experimenting with us -- that was neat as well.

Our starting premise was, 'What would happen if people stopped going through the twisted red doorframe and if the Finn didn't receive enough visitors?' And so we agree we are taking liberties with book RP and were thrilled that we got to RP with a few people who were willing to take us seriously. :)

As a note, we don't preplan alts and so will go where the RP goes and so we would have been fine being caged (so long as it's a person and RPer with good intent...and not someone just wanting to mess with our characters).

Best comment of the night: "Bianca says 'I just want to scream Red RUm'" hahaha

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Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Alayla » Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:29 pm

Loved it. Thanks for shaking things up a bit, Ani&Oni. Carlia, you continue to surprise me.

Posts: 53
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Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Lenara » Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:19 am

On a side note, at the start when you are constantly asking what everything is while being all creepy, I was totally hearing it in this voice... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0K1e2tGXzE

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Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Razhak » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:24 am

After reading this I will have to kill both of you and feed your scalps to Shaidar.

Thats what you get for creeping me out.

Posts: 117
Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:34 pm

Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Livae » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:31 am

Certainly looked different, I like different rp. Would like to see how this progresses.

Posts: 312
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:26 am

Re: [RP Log] Aniyas/Oniyas meet Carlia Sedai and Elyse Sedai

Post by Joolis » Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:24 am

Good read, thanks for posting! I actually got shivers a few times :)

All it needed was someone saying "I am Kirtha" :lol:

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