History or the news? Both! In Bandar Eban. Main star: Bart ! ---&RPaward

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History or the news? Both! In Bandar Eban. Main star: Bart ! ---&RPaward

Post by Callesa » Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:22 pm

Ely edit 19 February 2022:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x --- doing a +1 qp for editing while rplizer is down
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : o
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o

Summary: +1 qps : x

Total: 3 qps, also awarding Bart (3), Poppy Westlyn and Argon (1)


Arandi Square, after a lively battle against the Seanchan. One of the oldest Sword and Hand members, and his wife, share history of the clan with the young ones and a curious Aes Sedai. A parallel is clear between the original members, refugee/mercenaries accepted by Bandar Eban, and the recent weave of Maseen refugees, accepted the same way. Their story gets told too, and first steps towards some plans against the Seanchan take form, far from ready.

Point of view: Callesa
Main star: Bart
Main participants: Poppy,Westlyn, Argon, Callesa
Short appearances: Teng, Macharius

Poppy giggles.

Bart says 'everyone just keeps passing me stuff'

Bart chuckles politely.

Bart says 'I'm feeling the like a quartermaster'

Bart puts a silver etched shield in a backpack.
Bart puts a shining silver plated sword in a backpack.

Per Thirne, the gatekeeper of Bandar Eban bellows 'All pay heed, Teng of the Sword and Hand has
returned! Welcome home, Teng!'

Per Thirne, the gatekeeper of Bandar Eban bellows 'All pay heed, Westlyn of the Sword and Hand has
returned! Welcome home, Westlyn!'

Poppy says 'You are for now'

Teng has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the east.
Westlyn has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.
Margery has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

---some stuff given, worn, removed,etc---

Poppy says 'lot in BE today'

Poppy smiles happily.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Players in your Zone
Margery - Arandi Square
Westlyn - Arandi Square
Poppy - Arandi Square
Macharius - Arandi Square
Teng - Arandi Square
Argon - Arandi Square
Bart - Arandi Square
Callesa - Arandi Square

Bart nods in agreement.

Poppy says 'good to see numbers'

Westlyn smiles happily.

Margery says 'thought was sushi'

Westlyn nods in agreement.

Bart says 'It's good to see it so active again'

Poppy says 'sushi still have numbers so am sure someone can draw them out'

Teng says 'First time I've seen more tha 1 other person in BE in years. I really like the city, but
was never a reason to be out here with low numbers.'

Westlyn nods at Teng.

Bart nods at Teng.

Bart says 'It's a great thing'

Margery leaves east riding a warhorse.

Poppy says 'Used to come here while waiting for Bart to come from getting milk almost 17 years ago'

Teng says 'Lashar not warranted either! will have to make a note if we run into him'

Teng smiles happily.

Bart grins at Poppy.

Bart nods in agreement.

Westlyn sits down and rests.

Bart leaves north.
Poppy leaves north riding a prancing palomino mare.

Westlyn stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Westlyn smiles happily.

Westlyn looks at you.

Westlyn says 'Hello Aes Sedai'

Westlyn bows deeply.

A merchant strokes his chin thoughtfully.

A merchant says 'They do be having coin all the time. But I would rather stay away from Aes Sedai

Westlyn smirks.

You peer closely at merchant, trying to figure him out.

Westlyn says 'It's ok, good merchant.'

You give him one copper.

Teng says 'I feel it is not often to see Aes Sedai this far west! Good to see!'

You say 'A coin indeed.'

Westlyn smiles at you.

You say 'I understand you may feel a bit forgotten, but you were not. My mission may require me to
spend more time around here in near future, and surely other Sisters may follow, with the rising
activity of the Seanchan.'

Teng smiles happily.

Westlyn says 'Callesa Sedai, there's a portal stone a bit south of here you'll want to be careful

Westlyn smirks.

A merchant says 'They do be having coin all the time. But I would rather stay away from Aes Sedai

Westlyn looks at a merchant.

You say 'I know, Westlyn, I know. But sometimes, we forget even known facts in a moment. '

Westlyn smiles happily.

You peer closely at him, trying to figure Westlyn out.

Westlyn says 'I've been there!'

Teng says 'In the heat of battle if is easy to lose track of some things.'

Teng nods in agreement.

Westlyn nods in agreement.

You say 'I had just arrived for the battle and triggered the portal stone. Therefore missing it.'

Bart has arrived from the north.
Poppy has arrived from the north, riding a prancing palomino mare.

You say 'Fortunately, the Sword and Hand now have a bigger army'
Westlyn nods in agreement.

Bart looks at Argon.

Westlyn smiles happily.

Teng smiles happily.

Westlyn says 'We always appreciate presence from the White Tower.'

Bart looks at Westlyn.

Bart nods in agreement.

Teng says 'I need to take a break for a bit'

Bart says 'What do you wish to know of us Poppy'

Teng says 'This has been exciting!'

Teng stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Bart nods at Teng.

Bart looks at Teng.

Teng bows deeply.

Bart smiles happily.

Teng leaves south riding a warhorse.

Poppy says 'i dont know much about your clan oddly'

Bart nods in agreement.

Bart says 'It's a strange tale really'

Westlyn settles in to hear more of our storied history.

Bart chuckles politely.

Poppy says 'Strange how so, husband?'

phantom statue_commemorating_todays_victory
You weave flows of Spirit to create the phantom.

Bart says 'We are refugee's if I remember the old tales correctly'

Bart says 'Mercenary band driven far from are homes'

Bart says 'We traveled for a long time be the king agreed to take us in for are service.'

Westlyn waves his hands around, and then looks at his fruitless hands.

Westlyn frowns.

Bart says 'Or at least that's how I remember being told by the old timers '

You weave flows of Earth to create a meal.

You give a strange fruit to Westlyn.

Westlyn smirks.

Westlyn eats a strange fruit.

Westlyn says 'Thanks'

Bart says 'Bronx an Llewlyn'

Westlyn says 'Delicious'

Poppy nods in agreement.

Callesa mutters about a lost Create Chocolate weave

Bart says 'trying to remember the founders name'

Argon says 'i miss llewlyn'

Bart says 'Think it was Mace'

Bart says 'I miss llewlyn so much'

Callesa looks at Bart again, listening to the story.

whois llewlyn
Llewlyn of Two Rivers is a level 47 Sword and Hand human.
screams are his music ,
lightening his guide ,
he hunts in the darkness ,
death by his side ,
let the blood flow ,
let the blood flow from the dark side ,

Bart says 'And I wonder how bronx is'

whois bronx
* R HP:Healthy SP:Fading MV:Fresh >
Lord Bronx of Arafel is a level 47 Sword and Hand human.
From his wild wild red hair and his piercing emrald green eyes, as you look
at this man you are reminded of the story about the wolf who became a
shepherd. While he guarded the flock, he still remained a dangerous

Argon leaves south.

Bart says 'So yeah we traveled through a lot of lands before we arrived here.'

You say 'Would you happen to know when exactly did the bad of mercenaries arrive to Arad Doman, Lord

Bart ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Bart says 'I don't I'm like an old man Callesa'

Bart says 'I only remember bits an pieces'

Bart says 'llewlyn was actually are lore keeper.'

You say 'I imagine it was during one of the periods of time between wars, otherwise the men would
have been employed elsewhere for sure'

Argon has arrived from the west.

Argon leaves north.

Bart says 'It might very well have been. Of the original brothers none remain'

You say 'Few countries would just let such a force slip between their fingers and keep going
somewhere else'

Argon has arrived from the north.

You nod at Bart.

Bart says 'We where more refugees at the time. Dirty,,, hungry and crushed of spirit.'

Macharius has arrived from the east.

Bart says 'I don't think you could of found a more ragged band.'

You say 'And here, in this land and city, you've reached greatness. '

Poppy beams a smile at Bart.

Westlyn smiles happily.

Westlyn claps Bart on the back.

Bart says 'We have only reach that through are Service to the Crown the lands and Honor!!'

You say 'Yet, these are the days of fighting for it and much more again, against the invaders. I am
glad you have received such renforces recetnly.'

You nod at Bart.

Bart says 'Me as well'

Macharius leaves south.

Bart says 'They seem to be Noble an Brave young men!'

Westlyn says 'Oue village of Maseen was razed by Seanchan, Calessa Sedai.'

A merchant strokes his chin thoughtfully.

A merchant says 'They do be having coin all the time. But I would rather stay away from Aes Sedai

Westlyn says 'Bandar Eban has taken us in, and we aim to strike back with our new brothers.'

Argon says 'a bit rough around the edges perhaps as well'

channel 'silence' merchant

Your flows of Air dry a merchant's mouth, muting him.

Bart says 'Much needed help when we where in dire straight!'

Westlyn snickers softly.

Callesa frowns at merchant.

Poppy smiles happily.

You say 'The history often repeats itself. They arrived not that different from the original Sword
and Hand'

Bart nods at you.

Macharius has arrived from the south.

Macharius says 'early morning for me, and its midniht'

Bart says 'Aye they reminded me very much of the tale of the old Brothers.'

Poppy nods in agreement.

Macharius says 'have a good one folks'

Macharius waves.

Macharius leaves south.

Westlyn nods at you.

Bart bellows 'night Mach'

You say 'You may well see more waves of refugees and you seem to have the best recipe for helping
them and the city at the same time.'

You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

Bart nods in agreement.

Poppy nods at you.

You say 'Earlier, I heard some of you shouting back at the Seanchan, about your women being collared
. Have many been taken from your village to become damane?'

Westlyn says 'I am glad the Tower will be made aware of our situation out here.'

You nod at him.

Westlyn says 'Many of our wives and daughters were collared'

You say 'Do you know where they were taken?'

Bart nods off in his dotage!

Westlyn says 'My father died fighting, and my sister and mom are prisoners somewhere. I aim to see
them freed someday.'

Westlyn says 'I don't know.'

Westlyn frowns.

Westlyn says 'They could be anywhere.'

You say 'I really wish we all had the resources, and people the trust, to get every woman and girl
in the west tested for the ability to channel, and moved to the safety of Tar Valon. The Seanchan
sweeps are too thorough.'

Poppy says 'Sadly many were last seen being put on boats from the rumors.'

* R HP:Healthy SP:Trickling MV:Fresh >
look poppy
Swirls of fiery hair curl and uncurl from around the perfect female form. With her axe in one hand
and a shining ring on her left hand. As you stare in awe she smirks, light greens eyes laugh at you
as she glides away.

Poppy is in excellent condition.

Poppy is using:
<held> an oilstone
<worn on head> a full metal helmet and visor
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn about body> a dark, hooded cloak
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on hands> a pair of heavy metal gauntlets
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<wielded two-handed> a two-handed binnol
<worn on legs> a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves
<worn on feet> a pair of thick metal boots

Westlyn frowns.

Westlyn nods at Poppy.

You say 'That is unfortunate. A rescue operation on the continent would be one thing. But who knows
where the ships were going and there are few spies of ours among the Seanchan'

Westlyn nods in agreement.

Westlyn says 'I am not even sure they live...'

Westlyn's voice trails off sadly.

Argon says 'they live'

Argon says 'id feel it in my soul if they didnt'

Poppy says 'The best we can do at the moment is to keep from getting more of foot hold in our lands.'

Westlyn beams a smile at Argon.

You say 'Oh, I think Seanchan wouldn't kill them. Not out of mercy, but they see them as too
valuable tools.'

Callesa frowns.

Westlyn nods in agreement.

Westlyn says 'But Aes Sedai, which fate is worse?'

You say 'Their lives are now harsh without any doubt. I would rather die than be collared, from what
I know about it. But your women have hope, they have all of you.'

Westlyn nods at you.

Poppy says 'May the light bless us with a way to travel to their lands to bring back every women
they have taken or get justice for those we cant.'

Westlyn says 'With my brothers here, I know we can make a difference.'

You say 'That is the difference between them and me. You are fighting for them, and you may recover
them, if the Wheel wills it.'

You say 'If I were taken, not only my strength in the One Power, but also my knowledge from the
White Tower would become a weapon against all I value. And I do not have brothers, or sons, who
would do all to try and get me back.'

You say 'Well, we have some ways to get to the Seanchan continent, that is not the main issue, Poppy.'

Westlyn nods at you.

You say 'We can move smaller forces through the Ways in spite of the risks, we can even get ships
there. I have no doubts that even the Atha'an Miere would share their knowledge to help us.'

Poppy ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Argon chats 'and horses are severely depleted'

You say 'But what would we do upon the arrival?'

You say 'Where to go? Where to search? How many soldiers will be facing us? What are the defences of
their cities?'

You say 'We need much more information.'

Westlyn nods at you.

Westlyn says 'We are not ready to face that, for sure.'

Poppy says 'I think we should learn from them. Take a city if we can and slowly grow, hopfully
learning much in our efforts at the very least.'

You say 'And even if or when we get a woman back, there is a long path from that point to recovery.
A'dam is truly a monstrous invention that breaks people.'

You nod at her.

Poppy says 'No doubt the white tower would be the best hope for healing for our women.'

Argon leaves south.

You say 'The White Tower would be very interested in information on the Seanchan. Their libraries
must contain maps, military strategy guides and records, archives of the damane and much much more...'

Poppy nods in agreement.
Westlyn says 'You give us hope, Aes Sedai.'

Bart snort's awake!

Bart says 'Ahh ha it's Kull'

You say 'As the Seanchan are settling in Falme, I see a silver lining of opportunity in all this
mess. They will teach us much more about themselves, because you cannot run a city discreetly.'

Bart says 'Kull was the founder'

Westlyn smiles happily.

Bart says 'Him an Thomaso.

Bart slaps himself, really strange...

Westlyn says 'I heard of him in my travels the other day.'

Bart nods in agreement.

whois kull
Kull al'Memnoch |Swordbrother| is a human.
You shiver as you look upon the man standin before you.
This is is only a shadow of a man an insane warrior with only revenge on his mind.
He mutters to himself 'For Thomaso, all for Thomaso'

You smile at Bart.

Bart says 'I only ever met him once old was he when i first joined'

Bart says 'Thomaso I fought the Seanchan with many a time'

You say 'We should keep the memory of the great men and women of the past much more fresh. To
inspire us in the future.'

Bart nods in agreement.

Westlyn says 'I enjoyed questing and learning their story. It is very inspirational. It drew me to
this brotherhood.'

Bart nods in agreement.

Bart says 'I also believe Hod and Thomaso grew up around Baerlon until them and many other's where
driven over the Misties when dark forces raided they're home'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Let's hope their legacy will protect Arad Doman from fleeing to Baerlon from the new

Bart says 'I'm tapped now'

Poppy nods at you.

Bart says 'Sorry Honored Sister'

Poppy says 'As you can see my husband has not gotten any younger this 17 years.'

Poppy beams a smile at Bart.

Westlyn looks at Bart.

Westlyn says 'Doesnt look a day over 35'

You say 'There is nothing to be sorry for, Lord Bart. Thank you for reminding us of an important
piece of history today.'

Bart says 'An neither have you my deer'

Bart chuckles politely.

Bart runs his hands though Poppy's hair and tenderly kisses her on the lips. How sweet.

Poppy gasps in astonishment.

Poppy tsk Bart with a gentle tap on his hand.

Poppy says 'silly'

Westlyn says 'Poppy doesn't look a day over 29.'

Bart winks at Poppy.

Bart says 'wow someone want's brownie points'

Bart cringes!!
Westlyn snickers softly.

Bart hide's behind Westlyn

Poppy idly rubs her wedding knife, side eyeing Bart.

Bart says 'I'm sorry I didn't mean it dear!'

Bart nods to himself, he must need reassurance.

Callesa laughs quietly

Poppy says 'Oh i know you didnt darling oh i know'

Bart whispers something to Westlyn.

Bart nods at Westlyn.

Poppy looks at Bart archly.

Westlyn whispers something to Bart.

Westlyn winks suggestively.

Poppy nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding.

Poppy says 'Boys'

Poppy says 'will be boys'

You smile at Poppy.

Bart gulps

Westlyn snickers softly.

Bart says 'I think I'm in the dog house tonight Bro. That or I'm going to end up with that dagger in
my arse!'

Poppy says 'Some times they need a good swtiching to remind them of the dangers a running mouth can

Poppy peers closely at Bart, trying to figure him out.

You say 'I will head to the inn, the journey was long today. Unless you're about to make some wounds
that would require Healing.'

Westlyn smiles happily.

Westlyn says 'It was nice meeting you, Aes Sedai.'

Bart bellows 'Make your self at home Long have are treaties been strong.'
Westlyn bows deeply.

Poppy says 'He might need healing if he keeps it up.'

Poppy blinks her eyes innocently.

Bart bows deeply.

Bart says 'Thank you for coming'

Bart says 'And the wounds will be in the morning'

Bart gulp!!
Westlyn snickers softly.

Westlyn says 'Sounds kinky....'

Bart peers closely at Poppy, trying to figure her out.

Westlyn arches an eyebrow.

Poppy smiles knowingly at Callesa.

You say 'And you all, I hope we'll keep in touch. Remember, should you encounter books or maps of
the Seanchan, or other sources of information, protect them from harm and bring them back.'

Bart says 'A dagger in your butt cheek sounds kinky to you bro?'

Bart nods at you.

Westlyn nods in agreement.

Poppy nods at you.

Bart says 'We shall and Always feel free to come to Bandar Eban'

Bart says 'You'll always find safety Protection an Food'

Callesa 's face almost doesn't react, just a brief smile appears

Bart says 'If you should need it'

Westlyn nods at Bart.

You say 'Thank you all. And it was a pleasure to also get to know you, Poppy.'

You smile at Poppy.

Poppy curtseys before you.

Bart waves goodbye to you.

You say 'May the Light protect you and your city.'