Festival logs #4 - RP Improv contest ---&RPaward

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Festival logs #4 - RP Improv contest ---&RPaward

Post by Kordin » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:01 am

Organizer: Kordin

1st group of contestants: Callesa and Kavia
2nd group of contestants: Vhallerie and Amellia
3rd group of contestants: Liia and Millana

Summary: contestants pick a number between 1 and 15 to get a location and scenario to improv RP. One minute to prep, two minutes to RP. Other contestants are the audience and judges, sending points via tells for each contestants performance.
You say 'Pick one number from 1 to 15 please'

Callesa says 'you pick a number, kavia'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kavia says '8'

You say 'Ok, you have 1 minute to prepare (use tells) - Location is Lockshear. Despite it being right below the Dark Ones nose you think it has potential to be a popular tourist destination, and discuss how to use the dangers of the area to promote tourism.'
Kavia blinks her eyes innocently.

Callesa says 'So, we need to get people to Lockshear. I think we can monetize the warm weather there'

Callesa says 'What do you think, could we catch some trollocs in cages as a zoo?'

Kavia grins evilly.

Kavia says 'I think also maybe we can pitch all the exercise you can get from running!'

Kavia taps her fingers to her lips in thought.

Callesa says 'Perhaps Ilsae could use her Spikes to help us with Ice Cream'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Kavia says 'Rotted fruit flavor will be a good seller'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kavia says 'I think we will be getting fired from the agency.'

Callesa says 'People need to relax in the north.'

Callesa says 'I think Ilsae's ice cream will sell, and some sun bathing'
Last edited by Kordin on Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Festival logs #4 - RP Improv contest

Post by Kordin » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:04 am

You say 'Caemlyn - You're trash collectors in Caemlyn, shift starting right as several smob groups return to city and begin sorting and splitting loot. For whatever reason, the barrel is missing from the Square and the streets are full of unwanted items.'
Vhalerie says 'so glad that i finished all my work early today'

Amellia says 'Damn it, the smobbing train has called in'

Vhalerie says 'now i can just sit back and relax....'

Vhalerie says 'what???'

Vhalerie says 'oh no!!'

Amellia says 'they have just called us in for extra work'

Amellia says 'no overtime either'

Vhalerie says 'please dont tell me its draz leading'

Amellia grumbles

Vhalerie says 'that guy gathers all the loot'

Amellia says 'ok I wint tell you that'

Vhalerie says 'just make sure he gets it in the barrel this time!!!'

Amellia wanlk into CCS

Amellia says 'oh no.........'

Vhalerie sits back for 5 seeconds

Amellia says 'NO BARREL'

Vhalerie says 'what?????'

Amellia bursts into tears.

Vhalerie says 'its been 3 hours since reboot!'

Vhalerie says 'how is tehre no barrel still'

Amellia says 'I know....imms'

Vhalerie grumbles under her breath about certain people.

Vhalerie says 'how bad is it?'

Amellia says 'they will be throwing it EVERYWHERE'

Vhalerie says 'hrmm....'

Vhalerie says 'anything good?'

Amellia notices a sparking out of her right eye

Vhalerie ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Amellia says 'hmm look over there'

Vhalerie says 'where?'

Vhalerie says 'what?'

Amellia points to the left

Vhalerie looks left.

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Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:17 pm

Re: Festival logs #4 - RP Improv contest

Post by Kordin » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:06 am

You say 'Location is Wolf Dream. You're Wolfbrothers who want to be called Teddy Bear and Funny Bunny but you're worried your pack will ridicule you and cast you out. One minute prep starting now...'
Liia howls triumphantly.

Millana says 'So I've been thinking about our names lately.'

Millana says 'I really want to go with something, historic'

Liia growls 'These other wolves are too stuck up.

Liia nods at Millana.

Liia says 'My grandad had the best name'

Liia says 'Fluffums'

Liia says 'No one ever picks that name anymore'

Millana says 'Agreed. Hopper. goofy things like that. I want something serious.'

Liia says 'I want to be Teddy Bear'

Liia says 'I mean, Burn??? Really??'

Liia says 'who wants to be friends with Burn'

Millana says 'Listen, I'm going Funny Bunny. Like the wolf that saved the world long ago.'

Liia nods at Millana.

Millana says 'Just because the historians changed the names, doesn't make them less heroic!'

Liia glares about with golden eyes.

Millana says 'I dont think anyone can make fun of something as awesome as Funny Bunny.'

Liia says 'Who's going to remember Hopper in a thousand years?'

Millana says 'Exactly'


Liia says 'No one likes hopping.'

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Re: Festival logs #4 - RP Improv contest

Post by Siro » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:07 pm

Awarded 2 Qps each.

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