Gray and Brown Makes Brown ---&RPaward

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Gray and Brown Makes Brown ---&RPaward

Post by Catisune » Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:48 pm

In which Catisune Sedai inspects a Gray Apprentice.

Point of view: Catisune.
Main characters: Everesta, Catisune
Supporting character: Morella
Introducing: Rianneodrillia

Everesta has arrived from the south.

Everesta curtseys before Catisune.

Everesta sheathes a bladed feather staff into a cross-braided leather carrying case.

Catisune scrutinizes Everesta with pursed lips.

Catisune says 'So this is what all the fuss is about.'

Catisune smiles softly to soften the sting of her words.

Everesta looks down in a moment of self-evaluation.

Everesta says 'I hope fuss is used differently where you are from, Aes Sedai.'

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'Why, I am from here, dear, though you might hear a spot of Illian on the tongue.'

Catisune amends with a wink, 'Especially if Danelle's brought wine.'

Morella has arrived from the south.

Everesta smiles happily.

Catisune greets Morella with a light kiss on her cheek.

Morella greets Catisune with a light kiss on the cheek.

Everesta says 'I had an opportunity to speak with another from Illian, Kali Sedai, though her accent
was more glaring.'

Morella looks Everesta up and down.

Catisune says 'Kali never could help being a hometown hero, dear.'

Everesta curtseys before Morella.

Catisune says 'Morella Sedai, have you met this one?'

Morella says 'We've stood together.'

Catisune gestures vaguely, 'In a line . . .?'

Everesta leaves west. <<

Everesta has arrived from the west.

Morella says 'In combat. Why she is wasting her talents with the Gray Ajah is beyond me.'

Morella waves dismissively.

Catisune says 'Perhaps she will negotiate with the Shadowspawn.'

Morella arches an eyebrow.

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Catisune narrows her eyes at Everesta, 'What are the terms, dear?'

Everesta says 'There are no terms that can be found for something that must be removed entirely and

Catisune clucks her tongue as a bird might.

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Everesta strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Morella curls her lips in a smirk.

Everesta says 'Morella Sedai and the various ranks of the Green and Red seem to be ready to take on
any battle that comes.'

Catisune tilts her head to the side.

Everesta says 'I see my duty as that of making sure they have ranks of troops in front of them from
the world to ensure their survival, and the survival of the White Tower.'

Coulin the Master of Arms bellows 'Man the gates, the western bridge is under attack!'

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Morella says 'Well, I do love having bodies in front of mine.'

Morella says 'What have you achieved to that end, little sister?'

Catisune smiles rather dreamily, though her eyes sharpen at Morella's last.

Morella says 'A moment.'

Morella leaves south.

Everesta says 'Achievements are few and far between. I have endeavored to travel the south lands
engaging with Justice clans and finding more about how treaties while strengthening relationships
with clans like the Queen's Guard and the Wall Guard among others.'

Everesta blinks softly and gulps down a bit too much air.

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'You look rather like a fish, dear.'

Everesta says 'I have also found, though not corrected, an aptitude to speak in paragraphs in lieu
of sentences.'

Everesta glances at her reflection in the fountain.

Catisune 's smile widens by a hair.

Everesta says 'Hopefully I'm just as slick.'

Catisune says 'That remains to be seen.'

Everesta nods at Catisune.

Catisune says, conspiratorially, 'Though you make a strong opening salvo.'

Everesta blushes a second before it flushes out.

Morella has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Morella stops riding a gray palfrey.

Morella mutters to herself in complete disgust.

Everesta says 'I have learned from the best. The White Tower is full of strong models.'

Morella says 'Sorry, as you were saying.'

The sky starts to get cloudy.
Catisune says 'Everesta looks like a fish when she gulps for air, but I have decided to hear her out.'

Everesta says 'I had mentioned, Morella Sedai, that I have engaged with justice clans from the
Queens Guard to the Wall Guard to build rapport and to learn more about our treatises in the lands.'

Morella leans towards Catisune and says 'She does have those cheeks, doesn't she.'

Everesta says 'Those limited examples are not my only work, but it is work to give me an idea of
assumptions and treaties. '

Everesta lowers her jaw instinctly and tries to elongate her cheeks.

Catisune doesn't quite titter--unbecoming of an Aes Sedai--but the impetus is there.

Morella puts a willow broom in a weapon rack.

Morella gets a leather water flask from a small purse.

Morella gently fills a leather water flask from a fountain.

Morella says 'And how do you plan to continue the work?'

The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.

Everesta says 'Well and promptly. '

Catisune whispers to Morella 'xxxxxxxxx'

Everesta says 'I would like to strengthen and examine treaties from the vantage point of the weakest
members of the White Tower.'

Everesta says 'Some of the more dated opportunities might be granted more welcoming terms if looked
at from that purview.'

Morella's brows lift.

The night has begun.

Catisune inclines her head somewhat imperiously, 'And what of this Tower itself? Have you found any
cracks within its walls worthy of an aspirant Gray's notice?'

Morella exhales something about a sufficiently vague answer.

Everesta says 'I have seen things within the White Tower that make me wish to also engage in
strengthening it.'

Everesta says 'To be more specific on that front, because it affects us all, but you both more

Catisune says 'You speak out of both sides of your mouth like a proper diplomat at least.'

Everesta says 'I have seen what I consider distasteful leadership from the military wing of the

Catisune purses her lips, 'Do tell.'

Everesta says 'Morella Sedai may know what I speak of from experience. '

Morella nods once, firmly.

Catisune leans forward a little bit despite her apparent lack of interest.

Everesta straightens herself out.

Rianneodrillia has arrived from the south.

Morella says 'Ah yes, the hill that Shiva threw herself upon to die.'

Rianneodrillia curtseys gracefully.

Catisune clears her throat rather demonstratively despite her implacable features.

Catisune says 'You were saying something, dear?'

Everesta says 'I find that sometimes members of the Gaidin can specifically speak to Aes Sedai or
Accepteds as if they are incompetent in battle, swearing and directing channeling, as if they knew
what they were talking about.'

Rianneodrillia says 'sorry, no. I'm hunting for a troublesome ferret'

Everesta beams a smile at Rianneodrillia.

Catisune feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

ll trinket
[channel 'locate life']
Catisune begins to weave the appropriate flows...
-=+**+=- -
Everesta says 'I haven't seen Trinket this morning myself.'

Nobody around by that name.

A gray palfrey swishes the flies off its back with its tail.

Rianneodrillia curtseys gracefully.

Catisune says 'He is away on business, dear.'

Morella gets a willow broom from a weapon rack.

Morella gives a willow broom to Rianneodrillia.

Catisune says 'But the path needs minding.'

Rianneodrillia says 'I found the ring it stole so I thought maybe it would be nearby'

Rianneodrillia thanks Morella heartily.

Morella says 'That awful ferret likes to hide under things.'

Morella says 'Sweep him out.'

Rianneodrillia giggles.

Everesta says 'Care for Ghast, Rianneodrillia.'

Catisune says 'How do you pronounced that name, dear? Rather a mouth full.'

Rianneodrillia says 'I shall try. Oh that dreadful Trolloc tried to stab me while I was tending to
the books. Luckily I saw him at the last moment. I instantly ran to my room and locked the door'

Rianneodrillia curtseys gracefully.

Rianneodrillia says 'yes, my family had many traditions. Exhausting our guests with introductions
was, sadly, one of them.'

Rianneodrillia blushes.

Morella smiles crookedly.

Morella says 'Do you howl your names at each other?'

Catisune suppresses a cough or a laugh, who can say?

Rianneodrillia looks sad for a moment.

Catisune says 'It seems I have inadvertently assembled some of the greatest wits in Tar Valon.'

Rianneodrillia says 'I don't know, it was a lifetime ago I feel.'

Rianneodrillia says 'anyway, I do not wish to bother you all further, I shall continue my search.'

Rianneodrillia curtseys gracefully.

Morella turns her head askance.

Rianneodrillia leaves north. ^^

Catisune says 'Well, dear, have you demonstrated your value sufficiently?'

Everesta says 'To return to the conversation at hand, it is a bit too much like the fervor I hear
out of some of the Children of Light at times or their Acolytes when they speak with absolute

Coulin the Master of Arms nods at Everesta.
Coulin the Master of Arms walks off.

The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.

Everesta says 'I don't know, if I take up more of your time is that a net-negative add to the value
I demonstrate?'

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'You have a keen mind and a tongue I suspect is sharper than it sounds when addressing an
Aes Sedai.'

The day has begun.
Morella glances sidelong at Catisune.

Everesta says 'If not value, then I hope that means I demonstrate my knowledge of my place and
station well, Aes Sedai.'

Catisune blinks her eyes slowly, as a toad might.

Morella says 'The world is loud this morning.'

Everesta nods at Morella.

Catisune says 'It seems my sister is itching for more bodies in front of her.'

A gray palfrey pricks its ears forward and looks alert.

Everesta says 'I'm happy for the opportunity, though I had
hoped to hear more about what you do and what your specific strenghts are.'

Morella shrugs helplessly.

Morella says 'It seems that perhaps the others have this in hand.'

Morella whispers to you, 'did she just flip the question on you?!'

Morella looks back to Everesta with a gleam in her eyes.

Catisune whispers to Morella 'she clearly can tell that one of my specific strengths is talking about

Morella says 'Hm, what can Catisune do for us indeed...'

Catisune seems to be counting something on her fingers.

Catisune 's attention snaps back to the present as a string might, pulled taut.

Everesta straightens her dress once again, her fingers tapping softly above the waste, arm akimbo.

Catisune says 'My interests are varied and many, dear. You may attend me again if you wish to speak on the
Karaethon cycle, Shienaran poetry, or needlework.'

Everesta says 'I do love poetry in general, perhaps, that is something we should discuss in the

Catisune says 'You are familiar with Anasai of Rydingwood?'

Catisune cants her head to the side as a bird might.

Everesta says 'I am not, I was just exploring my thoughts to try and remember my favorite line.'

Catisune says 'Make it a good one, dear.'

Catisune 's left eye flutters once as if trying to dislodge a speck of dust.

Everesta says 'I can't make it any different than it is, but I do love it.'

Everesta chuckles politely.

Everesta says 'Ah, yes.'

Catisune smiles so briefly that a less discerning observer might miss the twisting of her lips.

Everesta says 'And since we've not learned'

Morella barely stifles a yawn and watches Catisune closely.

Everesta says 'How not to want,'

Everesta says 'We've had to learn,'

Everesta says 'By waiting, how to wait.'

Everesta says 'So I wait well.'

Catisune murmurs, half to herself, 'But for how much longer, I wonder?'

Everesta says 'A snippet of the overall sum of an exploration of love, out of context is how I love
it though.'

Everesta says 'I will always strive to wait well regardless of what I wait for.'

Catisune says 'Then you have absorbed at least one of your lessons well.'

Everesta nods in thanks.

Catisune says, apparently changing subjects, 'Have you spoken to the Accepted in the Blue wing?'

Everesta says 'I've heard rumors.'

Everesta says 'Well'

Everesta says 'I should say'

Everesta says 'I've been directly instructed on numerous occasions to speak with an Accepted in the
Blue Wing.'

Everesta says 'and I have not.'

Morella says 'I think one of the Blues was going to mentor you as well, no?'

Everesta says 'So I have not heard rumors.'

Everesta says 'I was hoping to catch Kali Sedai as she mentioned she would be willing to mentor me.'

A gray palfrey lays its ears flat against its neck.
Everesta nods at Morella.

Catisune says 'An iconoclast.'
Morella nods at Everesta.

Catisune says 'Very well. I shall expect more poetry the next time we meet, Everesta.'

Catisune says 'A moment.'


Catisune gives a book on Shienaran Poetry to Everesta.

Everesta thanks Morella heartily.

Morella leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Everesta tucks the book away.

Everesta says 'Thank you, I shall explore this.'

The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.

Everesta says 'I like high brow as well as lowbrow.'

Everesta says 'Or however you say that without offense, I like all poetry.'

Catisune purses her lips.

Everesta says 'My favorite limerick I think of regularly related in combat is one I heard here

Everesta says ''When in deadly danger,'

Everesta says 'When beset by doubt,'

Everesta says 'Run in little circles,'

Everesta says 'Wave your arms and shout!''

Catisune says 'Aha.'
Everesta chuckles politely.

Catisune says 'Quite charming, though not a limerick.'

The night has begun.

Everesta says 'Yes'

Everesta says 'a fifth line is missing, isn't it.'

Everesta strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'A limerick written primarily in anapestic trimeter with the rhyme scheme AABBA.'

Catisune says 'Typically with syllables 9 / 9 / 5 / 5 / 9 corresponding to the rhyme scheme.'

Catisune says 'But I digress.'

Catisune says 'Digression is another of my storied interests.'

Everesta says 'Yes, but digress with passion all day and I will listen.'

Everesta says 'At least tangentially you seem mathematically inclined as well.'

Everesta grins conspiratorially.

Catisune says 'Careful, or the shawl on your shoulders might not be so gray as you designed, dear.'

Catisune 's lips twitch again.

Everesta says 'In some ways the Accepted dress fits proper with the bands. Yet, I chose with no
regrets a pursuit that betters alls.'

Everesta says 'Which is not to say that any color betters all more than any other color.'

Catisune says 'Servants of All, yes.'

Everesta says 'One might say all Ajahs are created equally in my mind, but some are more equal than

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'A fine Gray specimen you may yet make.'

Catisune says 'I withdraw to my chambers, but attend me any time. I have found this conversation most

Everesta thanks Catisune heartily.

Catisune says 'Light illumine you . . . Accepted.'

Everesta says 'Thanks for the direct response to my request. I enjoyed meeting you, Aes Sedai.'

Everesta curtseys before Catisune Sedai.

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Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:19 am

Re: Gray and Brown Makes Brown

Post by isabel » Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:24 am

This is all kinds of fabulous. Truly a delight. It just kept getting better and better.

Thanks for posting!

Posts: 391
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:54 am

Re: Gray and Brown Makes Brown

Post by Fuujin » Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:11 am

really liked this, three really fun personalities make this a charming read

Posts: 501
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:38 pm

Re: Gray and Brown Makes Brown

Post by Siro » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:33 am

5- Catisune
4- Everesta
3- Morella
1- Alphabet soup

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