A Gray Area - The Strength of Far Madding ---&RPaward

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A Gray Area - The Strength of Far Madding ---&RPaward

Post by lexica » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:30 am

A log in which Accepted and Brown Ajah Apprentice Lexica is approached by Jocelyn Sedai of the Gray Ajah. They quick dive into the city of Far Madding and potential unexpected consequences of the guardian.

Point of view: Lexica
Main character: Jocelyn

Jocelyn says 'Where are you at in your studies dear?'

Jocelyn says 'You are Callesa Sedai's apprentice, yes'

You say 'correct and I need to finalize both my research topic and class topic'

Jocelyn says 'What do you wish to teach on?'

You say 'I havent decided but I have two areas I have been reviewing closely.'

Jocelyn says 'Boboliosie is back.'

You say 'The Ten Nations Compact and the battle of Maighande'

You say 'and the city of Far Madding.'

Jocelyn says 'I always found the guardian in Far Madding intresting.'

You say 'Interesting and troubling at the same time'

You say 'Two of the stronger false dragons both came from Far Madding.'

Jocelyn says 'Yurian and Raolin?'

You say 'I wrote a piece for the Red Ajah on false dragons and dove into this connection'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Stonebow and Darksbane'

Jocelyn nods in agreement.

Jocelyn says 'Where did Guiare hail?'

You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

You say 'Not Far Madding but he did manage to take the city with somewhat ease.'

You say 'I believe Guaire came from the west'

Jocelyn nods in agreement.

Tolza has arrived from the east.

Tolza spread her dress with colored bands, in a precise curtsy.

Tolza sits down and rests.

You say 'Back to Far Madding, Verin Sedai and Cadsuane Sedai are also both from Far Madding'

Jocelyn says 'I knew Cadsuane was I didn't know that Verin was.'

You say 'an interesting correlation that such a small city would have so many strong in the power'

You say 'I believe two Yellow Sisters as well'

Jocelyn says 'It makes me wonder if there is any correlation between such a strong ter'angreal that stops the use of the One Power, and the birth of so many prominent with the source.'

You say 'Are you familiar with the Shara and Ayyads?'

Jocelyn says 'Vageuly Shara, but not with Ayyads.'

You say 'Ayyads are a term people of the Shara use to identify channellers'

Jocelyn says 'I believe they customarily breed their channelers in Shara, don't they?'

You say 'Correct, males are paired with females that wish to have children'

Jocelyn says 'And on a certain birthday they have the men assassinated or executed.'

You say 'I did not look closely into that point, more the attempt to match partners that were strong in the power to produce offspring.'

You say 'The connection I am trying to make here is this could be an unexpected side effect of the guardian'

Jocelyn nods in agreement.

You say 'Partners that are unaware they have the ability to channel having children and passing on the traits to their offspring'

Jocelyn says 'It makes you wonder how many men in Far Madding have had the ability to channel and never knew it.'

You say 'Well, I had a question I was hoping to speak to you on.'

You say 'Did you spend anytime studying the laws of Far Madding?'

Jocelyn says 'When I was transitioning from the Yellow to the Gray, I had taken down a great many laws of various nations to store them. I believe I came across the laws of Far Madding in the Grey Library the other day.'

You say 'With the guardian and the lack of channeling in the city, was there any specific laws tied to those that have the ability to channel?'

Jocelyn taps her lower lip in thought.

You say 'I wrote a report for the Gray Ajah some time ago on the city, but do not recall anything specific.'

Jocelyn says 'Ironically there is no mention of channeling in the Far Madding law.'

You say 'It would be interesting to test women from the city to see how many have the ability to channel.'

Jocelyn says 'You did happen to know that Nooro was a Wallguard before he was a Dreadlord, yes?'

Jocelyn sips from the goblet.

You say 'But I do not think that is something the First would allow and with lack of a law to use as a reason, it seems like an unlikely ask.'

You say 'I was not aware of that, I will add that in my notes on the city.'

Jocelyn says 'Yes, Ironically Dreadlord Nooro was called Noobo, because he rose to the rank of Dreadlord through the ranks of the Wallguard.'

Tolza leaves north.

You say 'Where were we on Far Madding? Nooro and no laws on channeling.'

Konita says 'Nooro used to be pretty scary'

Jocelyn says 'Ahh yes, there are no laws prohibiting known male channelers from being in Far Madding, which I find a little surprising. '

You say 'and no way to test those that spend their entire lives inside the guardians influence'

You sigh.

Jocelyn says 'No way to test them there, and some hold such an idea of the One Power that they may even rather never be tested.'

You nod in agreement.

Mariel has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

You curtsey before her.

Mariel leaves east riding a warhorse.

Mariel has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

Mariel says 'Hello, Sister.'

You say 'good morning Mariel Sedai'

Mariel says 'Accepted.'

You sigh.

You smile happily.

You say 'It seems everyone has grown tired of our discussion, I am starting to get used to this happening'

Jocelyn says 'I'm not weary of our discussion.'

You say 'I was referring to the other accepted'

You smile happily.

Jocelyn says 'Ahhh, well perspective to that is their studies may be calling them elsewhere.'

You say 'I see the challenge in my theory though, no way to actively test the citizens of Far Madding and no way to force testing.'

You sigh.

Jocelyn says 'It is a double edged sword. We lose some potential initiates, but also not a lot of male channelers realize they can channel due to the guardian.'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Unfortunately, when they do leave the city and discover they can channel the results are disasterous.'

You say 'Perhaps a well could aid in testing the women? Do you know if that has ever been tried?'

You say 'This is my dilemma for my research project, both reach a point where there is just too much that is unknown. '

You say 'Hopefully I can catch Callesa Sedai soon to work out next steps.'

Jocelyn says 'I have seen her quite frequently.'

You nod in agreement.

Jocelyn says 'I am saddened though that I have not had a chance to catch up with Erulisse Sedai.'

You say 'Do you have any other points you would like to discuss or can I return back to the library?'

You smile at her.

Jocelyn says 'You are free to do as you please Child. When you nail down your research topic and class topic though, I would be excited to hear more.'

You nod at her.

You say 'Thank you for making the time to speak with me'

Jocelyn says 'It is also always good to brush up on my history, and nothing better than from a Brown Apprentice.'

You curtsey before her.

Jocelyn says 'Accepted Lexica, that's what I aspire to do while I am here in Tar Valon.'

Jocelyn says 'To be available to ensure that the Initiates learn and have quality learning.'

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Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:38 pm

Re: A Gray Area - The Strength of Far Madding

Post by Siro » Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:43 am


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