Tales of a Brown- part 3 --- &RPaward

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Tales of a Brown- part 3 --- &RPaward

Post by Callesa » Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:14 pm

Template to use when awarding stories/ other entries:

Ely edit 6 Nov 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 3 qps


Parts 1 and 2 can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=79&t=9074&p=73093&hilit=Callesa#p73093
Inside the Blabbering Sergeant
The front room of the local pub is typical of so many other villages,
with its thatched roof and scarred wood floors. A hearth on one side of the
room provides heat during the cold months, and a bar with an opening beyond
it leads to a private back room. The crowded rooms provides surprising privacy
for most conversations.
[ obvious exits: E ]
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

l Medyr
This stout-looking guard has been in a few fights. Yet, a huge burn scar covering the left half
of his face doesn’t seem to come from any of them. Fortunately, both eyes have been untouched
and are now examining you carefully.
Medyr is in excellent condition.
Medyr is using:
<worn on head> a leather helmet
<worn about body> a warm thick cloak
<worn as shield> a full metal shield
<wielded> a single-edged broadsword
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather boots

Medyr gives Callesa a parcel.

It is a parcel covered in brown paper.

Callesa opens the parcel. Inside, she finds several items, including her old ter’angreal shackles, the metal lizard well, a blue crystal dog, a silver ring with three black stones, and several notebooks. It looks like all her old notes, and more.

Callesa says: “Excellent. Are you sure she doesn’t suspect you?”

Medyr touches his burnt face and frowns: “If she did, I would be dead already. How is my daughter, Aes Sedai? You know that her protection is part of our deal.”

Callesa gives Medyr an envelope. “Here is a letter from Accepted Aertha. She has recently passed her test and achieved more than your lady Gevarha ever had. She is a very promising student and there is no safer place for her than the Tower.”

Medyr smiles for the first time. “Oh, she was always a clever girl. I just wish we could be in more contact. But I’m sure the postmaster serves our Lady too loyally.”

Callesa nods at him and asks: “Speaking of the other servants of your Lady, I’ve heard the tax collectors were surprisingly inefficient in her case. I hoped they could have shed some light on her businesses and made her life a bit less easy.”

A surprisingly bitter laughter escapes Medyr. “Oh, they left her mansion much richer, and the most hesitant one was buried nearby. But our rumor says that he was promoted and summoned to Cairhien, to serve at the Royal Ministry of Finances.”

Callesa sighs.

Callesa says: “I need the rest of her collection and library. The maps, any notes, any items she seems to value. Can you get me more without putting your life in danger?”

Medyr says: “I am in danger every day, serving two Ladies capable of burning me to crisp. No offense meant, Aes Sedai. Gathering this package took me several months of slow work, and I am not even sure she isn’t up to me. I’d like to propose a bolder approach. She is leaving for a dig site in three weeks, majority of the staff will be taking an overdue holiday. How about we took it all and left? I’d like to move my whole family away from this place.”

Thoughtfully, Callesa puts an escaped strand of hair behind her ear. After a short moment she asks: “How many people will be left in the mansion?”

Cozy Room
This room is quite comfortable-looking. A wide bed with a soft mattress
takes up most of the space. The door is made of tilted slats, and next to
it are a few pegs for hanging one's belongings. A window on the southern
wall lets in a gentle breeze that carries smells of the forrest
[ obvious exits: N ]
Callesa Sedai is here, sitting by the desk and reading letters.

A knock on the door breaks the silence.

Callesa waves her hand, and the door opens.

Martha, wife of Medyr, enters the room and quickly closes the door behind her. Her movements betray nervousness.
Marta says: “Good evening, Aes Sedai. Thank you for seeing me at such a short notice, I need to get home before Medyr is back.”

l Martha
A woman in her middle years, still pretty. Her blonde hair in a long braid
doesn’t let the few grays stand out, the wrinkles around her eyes look almost
Martha is using:
<worn about body> a warm woolen dress
<worn on feet> a pair of solid shoes

Callesa slightly frowns. “Why is that, Martha, what is wrong?”

Martha shivers. “Something is happening to Medyr, I don’t know what. I love him… but he is not himself.”

Callesa beckons Martha to sit down on her chair, and takes a place on the edge of the bed herself. She pours her some tea. “Start from the beginning, what happened?”

Martha accepts the tea and sips it. She almost whispers at first, as if afraid of her own words. “When you escaped, Medyr tried to cover it. He didn’t say much even when tortured. He was not broken, but he was bitter, and even hateful about our Lady. I supported him as well as I could, as any wife should. And then something changed a month ago, when the noble visitor came again. Medyr has been much calmer since, all the bitterness gone. But he started reacting weirdly at any comment about our Lady, even defended her. He forbade me to see you.”

Callesa nods thoughtfully. “Indeed, such an extreme change looks strange. Do you feel safe at home?”

Martha takes a moment to answer: “Yes, unless he finds out about me seeing you. But I am simply afraid for my family. What if he tries something against you, you have our daughter!”

Callesa frowns: “Martha, I am an Aes Sedai and your daughter is a student in the White Tower, not a hostage! How can you even imagine me hurting her! By the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, I promise to protect Accepted Aertha as any student of the White Tower, and do my best to keep her safe, should she not reach the Shawl, no matter any action of her parents.”

Martha looks impressed by the vow. “I think you are walking in a trap, Aes Sedai, and I don’t know why my husband helps her.”

Callesa nods. “It looks that way. I don’t know what happened to Medyr, but I intend to keep my word and rid you of Gevarha. I wanted to get all the information and offer you refuge in another city, but I doubt Medyr would accept in his current state. You must keep our meeting a secret. If I need anything from you, I will seek you out. Me, nobody else, I will not send a messenger. Don't trust anybody claiming to be one”

Martha nods, reassured. “I will do as you say, Aes Sedai. Please, just don’t let Medyr get hurt.”