Vibrations on Threads being Woven ---&RPaward

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Vibrations on Threads being Woven ---&RPaward

Post by Chloro » Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:38 am

Ely edit 6 June 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 3 qps x 2 for bonus qps related to Baerlon incident.


Deep beneath the Island in a cave guarded by lizards, two women spoke of things that were, things happening now, and things yet to come. The gold of their rings glittering in the eerie light given off within the cavern as words echoed and distorted. A soft hum could be heard coming from a statute within the earthen walled opening as they spoke.

The words “dark, light, operatives, and pattern” were all the escaped the depths. The conversation was over as quickly as it had begun, a gate way woven by one of the woman led into the Merchant square of Tar Valon. Both stepped through heading their separate ways towards a common goal.

Chloro walked the second floor of the tower observing the Novices and Accepted going about their day, she had meant to visit Sheriam and inquire about the new initiates in the last thirty days. So much had come undone during that time, had they received an unusual influx as well? Perhaps it would add a piece to the puzzle, or end in just a simple chat between sister. These days it was anyone’s guess how things would develop. Chloro stopped as a golden haired novice approached, the girl curtsied and offered up a folded note on vellum.

“This is for you Chloro Sedai, Light illumine you.” As quickly as the girl handed the note she was off down the stairway to the north, most likely headed to the kitchens for her chores. Noble or beggar, rich or poor, they were all equal as Novices and Accepted. Privilege was a thing of the past for some, and all together new for others.

A quick glimpse at the notice showed it was a summons from the Amyrlin for a visit and briefing on current events. Taking a turn to the left she inclined her head in greeting to Lelaine wondering if new measures had been put in place for the Amyrlin’s guard given what was happening. Either way it was not her concern at the moment.

“I request an audience with Mother, Sister, “Chloro intoned. Gently she allowed her shawl to slip in the crooks of her arms and hang low across her waist the tip a few inches from the floor. A sign of being at ease when meeting those above your station.

With a quick nod and check into the study from Lelaine, Chloro entered the space, the study door closing behind her.

---Thirty Minutes Elapsed.

The study door opened as Chloro glided out her face a mask of Aes Sedai calm and shawl in the same position as when she entered. Thoughts swirled in her head as she walked onto the gallery connecting the eastern and western sides of the tower, events were progressing.


Night over took the tower gardens as two women walked discussing current affairs and the need for a more mindful eye watching the initiates. Both concerned over what could happen with the outside world influencing those that came to them.

Weaves of fire, air, and water sprang up around the two as their conversation continued, both speaking half with their voices the other half with hands as more life poured into the conversation. As the weave dissipated both women returned to the tower proper and walked to the third floor partially in silence, each going their separate ways after leaving the stairwell.