Lighting the Beacons ---&RPaward

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Lighting the Beacons ---&RPaward

Post by Chloro » Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:17 pm

Ely edit 25 Mar 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: o

Total: 3 qps, double for Baerlon murder related rp = 6.


The midday sun provided little warmth as winter continued, though with the help of training, few full sisters noticed the difference. Aes Sedai did not feel hot or cold like most, unless it was in extremes. Soft clicks could be heard as Chloro walked along the third-floor corridor, seeming to clear her mind, yet observing the comings and goings of others. Sometimes the silent observer learned more than the questioning sister did.

Women huddled in groups speaking in hushed tones could been seen, near every Ajah wing entrance. News was starting to spread, and it was now past the time of containment, the hall would convene soon on the matter as things continued to develop. Even Accepted seemed to have conversations amongst their ranks over what was happening. Dangerous for them to do that in the open, they would of course have questions, but not all sisters viewed that Accepted should think so boldly.

Thoughts of Andor and Illian drifted through her mind, along with the puzzling lack of news from her eyes and ears in both Amadicia and Luggard. No news had come from either since this began. Had they been compromised, or had their allegiance changed? Either one would spell trouble in future, for now turmoil could be used as a subterfuge against it. Without news she could not tell if blockades or check points had been put in place by either nation. It was a routine step during troubling times to prevent mass panic.

Moving towards a set of large iron bound oak doors she gave a slight nod in greeting to a few sisters gathered near them, no doubt discussing the same thing that everyone else was. Young and old would be called into action soon, perhaps by decree of Mother, or perhaps the Ajah heads would act first. It was always a coin toss as to which would see the greater threat before the other. Webs within webs was how the system worked, though based on the number of threads weaving the webs she could not tell if it would be a master piece to behold or a novice’s craft project, mis-shaped and frayed.

Damp air met her as she gracefully glided out onto the terrace around the upper level of the tower. Shouts and the clang of metal could be heard even up here as young men learned their craft below. How many would be bonded at haste in the coming days, several women had shawled recently and with the amount of initiates they were taking on, more would be coming. A small brazier against the looming darkness that seemed to be rising, if some should fall there would be others to take their place.

Small snowflakes floated from the awning above as she look to an approaching sister, the white of her shawl denoted the Ajah, yet the face was not familiar. A common occurrence with so many returning of late. Chloro let a smile grace her lips as she inclined her head slightly in greeting to the woman. Crystal blue eyes met her own gray optical orbs as they exchanged a knowing look of trouble to come.

A small gasp escaped as the white sister tripped, over what, Chloro could not tell and fell into the moving gray. Bringing her arms up she caught the woman before they both topped, a odd feeling brushing against the skin on the bottom of her right wrist as something transferred into the pocket of her belled sleeve. Weight shifted as the slender white pushed back slightly regaining her balance.

“Forgive me sister, it seems we are all a bit pre-occupied of late. Light illumine your in your work, as it shines on the tower.” The white was already moving forward as the last words escaped her lips leaving Chloro in a state of quizzical puzzlement at what had just happened. A survey of the walkway showed no debris that would cause a fall, the white was crafty, a quality Chloro admired, to a point. A reach into her belled sleeved confirmed whatever was delivered it had been placed so it would not fall out.

Gathering herself internally, a mask of Aes Sedai calm ever present on her face she continued forward towards a balcony with a dim fire lit to give off heat. A small respite during these chilly times, however it usually did the trick for Accepted’s still learning the ways of their order. Her steps slowed as she approached her destination, clear gray eyes looking out over the Gardens to the left and practice yard to the right. Ah, the memories of tower life could be sweet, and at times harder than one could bare all at once.

With nimble fingers she plucked the missive from its spot in her sleeve checking the outer layer for any details. Faded distress lines gave away that it originally came by pigeon, the sender would be outside the Tower and yet belong to it at the same time. Tree sap had hardened to seal it closed, as to which type of tree produced it, she did not know. Using her thumb nail, she broke the seal opening it and reading the contents.

“The blight stirs, and waters churn, the wind howls and fire burns.
Protect the flame from violent turns.”

Two simple lines, as if from a story book, yet the handwriting was familiar, and the words had deeper meaning. If she had received this, others had already been put into action. A few to guard against the dark, had seem so heroic years ago and now as heavy as the bedrock beneath the tower. Threads were starting to pull together for yet another weave of the wheel.

Looking out on the girls below walking through the snow that would soon be blossoming gardens she contemplated them. Would it be one of them that attempted to disrupt things, or was it a sister out of the tower, how high could they go, and did she want to find out? Questions that would have answers in time, for now, she would observe and wait till her travel arrangements were complete.

Dancing flames reflected on her eyes as she lifted her hand putting the missive to the torch in the brazier. Which of them had been called out already, who would be joining her in this? Webs within webs. Did the forsaken touch the world so much that they were needed to counter it, could they counter it if that was the case? Questions upon questions whirled in her head as the missive turned to particles of ash carried away on soft winter breeze.