Theresa Brings Home the Bacon ---&RPaward

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Theresa Brings Home the Bacon ---&RPaward

Post by Emily » Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:26 pm

Ely edit Feb 13 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o
Part of a series +1 qps: o

Summary: +1 qps : x

Total: 7 qps, Therasa also awarded


Summary: A Wisdom Applicant, Theresa, was hanging around Whitebridge one morning. Wisdom Emily decides to invite her in for breakfast. Welllll, more like conscripting her to MAKE her breakfast.

Characters: Emily and Theresa

A Quiet House
This is a neat and well arranged house set in the middle of the city. The
house is well furnished, and the room is centered on a large table. A
couch and several chairs surround the table. Bookshelves are stuffed
full with various tomes. The door lies to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Beathas Navinen, the Wisdom of Whitebridge stands at the ready.

The Woodendoor closes quietly.

A Wisdom washes her hands.

Emily bellows 'Theresa! Theresa, you over there? I am about to make some breakfast, and could use some help.'

Theresa bellows 'Aye, Wisdom. On my way.'

Theresa has arrived from the south.

Theresa smiles at Emily.

Emily smiles at Theresa.

Theresa says 'Have not done much cooking in a while.'

A Wisdom inspects a jar of herbs.

Theresa says 'But I like to try!'

Emily gives Theres a look from top to bottom.

Theresa looks over at the jar curiously.

Emily says 'Do you like to eat, at least? I always overstock when I go to the larder.'

Theresa looks at herself from top to bottom.

Theresa says 'Who does not like to eat?'

Theresa chuckles, letting out a snort.

Theresa blushes.

A Wisdom wipes her hands on her apron.

Emily leans in close 'I heard of this torture program called a diet.'

Theresa nearly looks like she may faint at the word.

Theresa says 'Diet?'

Theresa says 'Why would someone do that to themselves?'

Emily says 'But come along into the house, I've got my pots and pans set up.'

Theresa says 'Yes Wisdom.'

Theresa starts following Emily.

knock Woodendoor north

Shuffling can be heard from inside.

The door swings open.

In the Private Quarters
This is a very tidy room, lined with neatly made bunks and sparkling clean.
Jurien the Innkeeper must clean this area constantly. The floor is scrubbed
clean and the wood shines with a glowing patina from years of travel and
care. A few pieces of furniture stand in the center of the room to be used
by Wisdoms and students alike.

A crumpled note lies on the floor.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A small, somewhat rickety table wobbles on unsteady legs.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
Jurien the Innkeeper stands here inspecting the quarters.
Theresa has arrived from the south.

The Woodendoor closes quietly.

Emily says 'Good morning Jurien!'

Theresa curtseys before Jurien the Innkeeper.

Theresa says 'Good day, Jurien.'

Jurien mumbles something intelligible in search of kaf. ( Emily )

Emily says 'Have you seen Apprentice Neela? She was supposed to help me with breakfast.'

Theresa says 'This room is very tidy. So well kept.'

Jurien mumbles something else pointing to the direction of the garden. ( Emily )

Theresa says 'The hedgedoctor in Amador was always such a mess. Drove me crazy.'

Emily tsks and says 'Ah, Neela's favorite nap spot. Too bad, she has a lot of experience you could learn from...not doing.'

Theresa seems to take some mental notes.

Emily says 'If we didn't have such a cadre of Apprentices we would be the same way. Our line of work tends to make clutter expand like the Tairen border.'

Theresa says 'Well, that must be nice to have people wanting to help.'

Emily looks back to Theresa, standing in the middle of the room.

Emily says 'You said you don't really know your way around a kitchen, yes?'

Theresa says 'We only had the hedgedoctor and myself down south.'

Theresa says 'I can do the basics. '

Theresa says 'Eggs and uhhhh....'

Emily hefts a large cast-iron pot and deftly hands it to Theresa.

Theresa says 'I can do eggs.'

Theresa nearly falls over due to the unsuspecting weight of the pot.

Emily says 'Get to it while I find the lard.'

Theresa says 'Yes Wisdom.'

Theresa walks over to the stove hoisting the pot with bath hands.

Theresa looks around a bit lost.

Emily bends down close to the ground rummaging through a cabinet-turned-pantry

Theresa says 'Wisdom, where would you keep the items to start this fire?'

Theresa situates the pan a bit more on the stove.

Emily answers from over her shoulder, not turning around 'Ah yes...the firestarter. NEELA! WHERE DID YOU PUT THE FIRESTARTER?.'

Theresa pulls out six eggs from her pack.

Neela rushes in wiping sleep from her eyes. ( Emily )

Theresa says 'Just happened to buy these fresh earlier today.'

Theresa says 'Do we need more than six?'

Emily says 'We do if you would like to have any, dear.'

Theresa lets out a loud snort of a laugh.

Theresa searches through her pack, pulling out six more eggs laying them on the counter.

Theresa says 'That should do us I figure.'

Emily says 'But don't you worry, I have eggs somewhere. Let me find this fat...'

Jurien masterfully stifles a chuckle. ( Emily )

Theresa says 'No worries, I bought a dozen at the farm outside Whitebridge earlier.'

Theresa says 'Oh you know what, I have some flint and steel I could start this stove with.'

Emily exclaims 'A Ha!' as she finds the jar of pig fat.

Theresa reaches back into her bag pulling out a small amount of flint and steel.

Emily turns back to face Theresa 'Of course, use that or the firestarter Neela gave you. Whichever floats your boat. Or sheers your sheep. Or lights your fire.

Theresa says 'Just to make sure...I do know kill us. Does this stove work like my old one? Just light the wood in the bottom?'

Theresa says 'Oh I did not actually realize she gave it to me.'

The Starling arrives at the docks.

Emily peers down at the stove.

Theresa blushes and turns back around.

Emily pointing 'Yes, light the fire in there, and it will woosh up here.' pointing again.

Theresa opens the oven and puts the firestarter to the wood.

Theresa watches as the fire begins to take hold.

Emily exits north.

Theresa gives the firstarter back to Neela and puts the flint and steel away.

Theresa says 'Thank you Neela.'

Emily returns holding a chilled slab of sliced pork fat.

Theresa says 'Mind if I grab just a tad of fat?'

A wisdom apprentice put the firestarter back on the shelf quietly grabs the magazine and quickly exitsnorth( Emily )

Emily says 'That is what it is there for.'

Emily places the jar within reach of Theresa.

Theresa takes a small amount of fat onto her hand and throws it into the pot.

Theresa watches as the fat begins to heat up.

Theresa says 'Now just to let it heat up a bit.'

Theresa takes a spatula and stirs the fat as it begins to bubble up.

Theresa says 'How do you all like your eggs?'

Theresa says 'Runny or scrambled?'

Emily says 'With the yold still runny, please. I like to sop up the juices.'

Theresa says 'That is the best way!'

Theresa takes an egg, cracks it, and drops it into the pot, repeating five times.

Emily grabs a loaf of bread and places it on a cutting board.

Theresa says 'Thank goodness for this big pot, never had one this big.'

Theresa says 'You Wisdoms must really like to eat.'

With a skillful brandish emily wields a serated bread knife ( Emily )

Theresa says 'But you could never tell with your figure.'

Theresa flips all the eggs over quickly.

Emily quotes sagely ' There is no such thing as too much food, only not enough.'

Theresa searches through the cabinets until she finds a couple plates.

Emily says 'Ah, flattery and bribery. A good start.'

Theresa says 'How many plates total?'

Emily points to Theresa, herself, and Jurien.

Emily says 'Three. Three will do.'

Theresa says 'Was not sure if you fed Neela.'

Theresa places the two plates down.

Theresa says 'Let me get one more then.'

Theresa walks over to the cabinet for another plate then placing it on the table.

Emily says 'What an funny statement. But yes, the other Wisdoms have their own meals. This is for us who wake up this early.'

Theresa reaches for a larger plate.

Emily eyes the larger plate hungrily.

Theresa says 'I could eat eggs all day, honestly.'

Emily emote: Emily eyes the larger plate hungrily.

Theresa walks to the pot and begins taking out the eggs until they are out, setting the plate on the table.

Jurien responds saying they make her feel full after a few ( Emily )

Theresa says 'Let me just get this stove turned off. Unless you need more?'

Emily shakes her head.

Emily says 'No, this is perfect. I mean, you aren't an Apprentice yet, so I should limit the manual labor I assign you.'

Theresa reaches to close the hole, cutting off the fire.

Theresa says 'Anything else needed?'

Emily says 'That looks like all.'

Theresa sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Emily places a few slices of bread on the table.

Theresa says 'Such a well made chair.'

Theresa says 'Two eggs each?'

Theresa says 'to start?'

Emily says 'A keen eye, Forrester-made, from the great forest.'

Theresa says 'Red Oak is my favorite.'

Emily opens her mouth to protest before closing it and nods.

Theresa says 'Unfortunately, I have a ton of allergies to trees and grass.'

Emily gathers herself around the table and sits down sideways.

Theresa says 'Makes for a dandy of a time trying to learn how to be a herbalist.'

Theresa takes the serving plate, giving everyone two eggs.

Emily says 'Yes, I imagine it would. You must forever be blowing into a handkerchief.'

Theresa says 'I have grown accustomed to the herbs so they do not bother me but when out and about, is a good time let me tell you.'

Emily grabs some utensils from bowl on the table and digs in.

Theresa takes a slice of bread and butters it up.

Theresa says 'First before I start, thank you for speaking with me Wisdom.'

Theresa begins to eat in a quick manner.

Theresa dips the bread into the runny yolk and takes a large bite.

Emily says with her mouth full of egg 'Of course, Theresa. I've seen you around helping others and I wanted a chance to get to know you better.'

That is probably what she said, at least. ( Emily )

Theresa has a bit of yolk on her chin, as she says 'Nothing beats bread in yolk I tell you.'

Emily nods emphatically.

Theresa wipes her chin off with her sleeve.

Theresa says 'We did not get too many good meals in Amador like this.'

Emily says 'That is a shame, to have to forego good food.'

Theresa says 'No one deserves that.'

Emily says 'I always find a hearty breakfast makes the day go better.'

Theresa says 'Well maybe a few.'

Theresa snickers softly.

Theresa finishes off her plate and adds two more eggs and slice of bread.

Theresa says 'Probably the best meat I have had in months to be honest.'

Emily says 'I was expecting to see Apprentice Theophile up and about soon. I was going to help her with her Apprenticeship tasks.'

Theresa says 'It is good to see so many wanting to help others.'

Emily wipes her mouth with a piece of cloth and picks up a crispy piece of bacon.

Theresa says 'I never noticed until I moved up this way how many Wisdoms were about.'

Theresa takes a couple pieces of bacon.

Emily says 'If I can not emphasize anything else, it is that quality I'd like to continue to encourage in you.'

Emily glances at the walls around her.

Theresa says 'Of course, I may be fairly young but I do try to only do my best.'

Emily says 'It is starting to get more crowded around here, but I am happy for it.'

Theresa dips her bacon into the runny yolks eating it one bite.

Emily bites down on a piece of bacon, closing her eyes in bliss.

Theresa says 'Better to many than to little?'

Emily says 'Indeed.'

Theresa her cheeks redden a bit as she watches you eat slowly.

Theresa takes another bite of bacon slowly.

Theresa says 'It really is finally good to meet one of you. It seemed my time to wake up did not match anyone elses.'

Emily says 'Be sure to say hi to Tibbetts or Felyrin if you see them about. They've also sent in letts to us recently.'

Emily pauses as she considers something.

Theresa says 'Oh yes, I know Felyrin a bit now.'

Theresa says 'I did see Tibbetts once too when providing some horses to the war effort up north.'

Emily says 'And there may be one from Zulsha soon, unless I am mis-reading something.'

Theresa taps her lip.

Emily says 'Excellent. It is good to see our Applicants behaving as Wisdoms would.'

Theresa says 'Seems I may have to really do some extra studying.'

Theresa smiles happily.

Theresa says 'Then again, no goal worth accomplishing comes easy.'

Theresa says 'Are the eggs to everyones pleasing?'

Emily says 'There will be time for herb-lore if we accept your application. Take the time now to get to know others and start forming an idea of what it means to care for a community.'

Emily says 'Any meal I don't have to cook is that much tastier. But yes, it is very good.'

Emily bellows 'NEELA! DISHES!'

Theresa says 'Yes Wisdom,I shall. One of my favorite parts is getting to know people, so that part should be fun.'

A wisdom applicant scurries from the north and begins putting the pans in the sink ( Emily )

Emily glances at Neela and then back at Theresa.

Theresa finishes her plate off quickly.

Emily says 'Don't mind how we treat Neela, some habits form if one is Apprenticed as long as Neela has.'

Theresa says 'It is none of my business how anyone treats their own.'

Theresa smirks.

Emily rises from her chair and places her now-empty plate in the sink.

Theresa follows suit placing her plate in the sink.

Emily gives Theresa a smirk.

Emily says 'Well, you ARE applying to get Apprenticed alongside her.'

Theresa rolls up her sleeves and begins filling up the sink with water.

Theresa says 'Well, I may as well show you what I can do with some dishes.'

Emily says 'No, please sit, you did the cooking after all.'

Theresa says 'looks at Neela and says, 'Good luck.''

Theresa takes a seat back down.

A wisdom apprentice hands emily a rather large nowwashed plate. ( Emily )

Theresa says 'So, when you say care for a community, please forgive me in asking this.'

Emily rubs the plate with a towel til it is fully dry.

Theresa says 'What does that entail? I would guess helping guide them in choices, healing, acting as a mother to the grown men.'

Emily puts a large round plate on a metal rack.

Emily turns her head to look at Theresa from the sink before nodding.

Theresa loosens the tie on the front of her clothing allowing for her to breathe easier.

Emily says 'That my dear is a full lesson indeed. But it means getting to know their needs, getting to know who they are, and how they do things.'

Emily continues to dry another dish as she talks.

Theresa says 'Is there a specific community you would like me to focus on or is this in general?'

Theresa looks around a bit awkwardly watching you do the dishes.

Theresa says 'You sure I should not help you with those dishes?'

Emily says 'The part you can work on now is the getting to know a particular community. As an example, getting to know the folk of Cairhien would involve spending time there, exploring their lands some, and interacting with the Rising Sun and visitors of the city.'

Emily answers cheerfully 'I am sure. You have done your part.'

Emily puts the towel up and returns to the table.

Theresa says 'Is there anything else you would like to know from me?'

Emily thinks for a moment.

Emily says 'Who are you close with? Who do you spend your time with?'

Theresa says 'Honestly, since leaving Amadicia, I do not really have anyone except Felyrin. I spent much of time just assisting those who may need it, normally the young ones.'

Emily says 'I am glad to hear that you already know and spend time with a fellow applicant.'

Theresa says 'It was nice to talk meet her, and hoping we stay close. Seems lovely.'

Emily says 'What can you tell me about Felyrin? All I have to go on are little notes written by Vhalerie. And those are often smudged.'

Theresa says 'Well, I know she is from Fal Dara or thereabouts. Other than that we did not talk to much about our goals but more just becoming friends.'

Theresa says 'Talked about herbs a bit but traveled around just chit chatting.'

Emily says 'That is all well as well.'

Theresa says 'I know you must be busy Wisdom, so I can leave you be if you need to attend to other matters.'

The Starling arrives at the docks.

Emily says 'Now, you aren't competing, so to speak, but the Active Wisdoms will decide who they want to take on for extended lessons. Then after a time they will ask for a vote amongst the Wisdoms to have an applicant join the clan. So, if a Wisdom picks you up for individual training you will be a lower-case apprentice. Once you pass the clan vote, an upper-case Apprentice (on the clan roster and officially a wisdom)'

Emily says 'Thank you, Theresa, I do need to get prepared for meeting with Apprentice Theophile soon.'

Theresa says 'Honestly, it is an honor to be even considered by talking to you. I know it will be very difficult so all I can do is try.'

Emily says 'If you don't have any other questions, it looks like breakfast is put away.'

Theresa says 'Thank you for everything.'

Emily says 'Thank you for breakfast. I'll see you out.'

Emily says 'exit'

Jurien the Innkeeper produces a set of keys from somewhere beneath her apron.

Jurien the Innkeeper unlocks the woodendoor.
Jurien the Innkeeper opens the Woodendoor.

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Re: Theresa Brings Home the Bacon

Post by Theresa » Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:15 pm

Thank you so much. Had a wonderful time.

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