Recreated a Scene

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Recreated a Scene

Post by Carter » Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:08 pm

Well this is Mat fighting Gawyn and Galad from book three because I'm an illiterate that plays a typing game and I lack the ability to actually read Elysia’s instructions.

Thanks to my bro Avail for playing Gawyn and Vicktor for playing Galad.
Also thanks for the ladies of the Tower for agreeing to let me use their side convo in my log before it went down.

Point of view: Maf/Mat (Carter)
Main characters: Gowyn (Avail), Gallad (Vicktor)
Side characters: Konita, Kalandria, Sarai, Kathala


* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > sc
You have XXX(XXX) hit and 31(151) movement points.
You have scored XXX experience points and 0 quest points.
You need XXX exp to reach the next level.
You have played 0 days and 6 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Maf of Two Rivers (Level X).
You are standing.
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary> lo
The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.

A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
Gallad of Andor is standing here.
Gowyn of Andor is standing here.
Konita the Journey Accepted is resting here, riding a warhorse.
Kilandria the Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Sarai Den'Sen, Green Ajah Apprentice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
A mercenary lingers here, ready to earn his pay.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala has arrived from the south.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Konita curtseys before Kathala.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala's face gains a chin as she smiles.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kilandria curtseys before Kathala.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai curtseys before Kathala.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai says 'Greetings Kathala sedai'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala says 'Are you two ogling the warder students?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kilandria blushes.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary>
Kilandria says 'no Aes Sedai'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai says 'Oh my, maybe? They are quite splendid to look at though!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai smiles happily.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Konita hides a smile behind her hand

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala says 'A shame, when they work out, the anatomy of the human physique is quite evident.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kilandria smirks.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai says 'We are about to do a quick exercise in battle training Kathala sedai.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala gestures towards one of the men.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala says 'See how the muscles stretch over the shoulders and down towards the spine?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala nods at Sarai.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala says 'Very important.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Coulin the Master of Arms nods at Sarai.
Coulin the Master of Arms walks off.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Kathala says 'Of course.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > whois kathala
Lady Kathala Arantes, Ra'dar is a level 51 Yellow Ajah human.
This olive-skinned woman is stout, with no discernable waistline. Her dark
eyes are intent in her rosey, apple-cheeked face which is framed by long
wavy dark hair. A double-chin forms when she smiles.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > whoi sarai
Sarai Den'Sen, Green Ajah Apprentice is a level 51 White Tower human.

Sarai grins at Coulin the Master of Arms.
Konita says 'Strapping young lads...'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Sarai says 'Thank you Kathala sedai'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Break! You can rest til i finish my pipe. Best rest fast; I am almost in the dottle.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > lo Gowyn
Gowyn is HEALTHY

Gowyn is using:
<wielded> a lathe practice sword
<worn about waist> a plain brown belt
<worn on belt> a soft leather pouch
<worn on belt> a water skin
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather shoes

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > lo gallad
Gallad is HEALTHY

Gallad is using:
<wielded> a lathe practice sword
<worn about waist> a plain brown belt
<worn on belt> a soft leather pouch
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather shoes

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Gowyn looks at you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Gowyn whispers something to Gallad.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Gallad and Gowyn move over to Maf.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Gowyn says 'You are Maf Cauthon, are you not? I was sure I recognized you from Egwene's description. And Elayne's. I understand you were sick. Are you better now?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'I'm Lord'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'Did you come to the practice yard to learn the sword?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You shake your head.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'I was only out walking'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'I don't know much about swords. I think I'll put my trust in a good bow, or a quarterstaff. I know how to use those. '

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'If you spend much time around Nynaeve, you'll need bow, quarterstaff and sword to protect yourself. And I don't know whether that would be enough...'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > smirk
You smirk.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn looks astonished.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'You just very nearly made a joke.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'I do have the sense of humor, Gowyn. You only think I do not because I do not care to mock people.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn shakes his head.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'You should learn something of the Sword. Everyone can do with that sort of knowledge these days.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'Your friend, Rand Al'thor, carried a most unusual sword. What do you hear about him?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'I..I haven't seen Rand in a long time. '

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'definitely did not leave him at a waygate...'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'Swords aren't the be-all and end-all, ya know... I could do fairly well against either of you, I think...if you had a sword and I had my quarterstaff'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn smirks.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn coughs loudly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad looks disbelieving.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'You must be very good.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You smirk.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > You say 'I will wager...two silver marks to two from each of you that I can beat both of you at once, just the way I said.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'You can't have fairer odds than that. There are two of you, and one of me, so two to one are fair odds.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'Maf... there's no need to make wagers. You have been sick. Perhaps we will try this some other time when you are stronger.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'It would be far from a fare wager. I'll not take your wager, now or later. '

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'You are from the same village as Egwene, are you not? I... I would not haver her angry with me.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'What does she have to do with it? Thump me once with one of your swords, and I will hand over a silver mark to each of you. If I thump you till you quit, you give me two each. '

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'Don't you think you can do it?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'This is rediculous. You would have no chance against one trained swordsman, let alone two. I'll not take such advantage.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Hammar Gaidin says ‘Do you think that? You think you two are good enough with your swords to take a boy with a stick?’

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > lo hammar
Seemlingly carved from a boulder with arms that look like tree trunks,
Hammar moves with the same deadly grace found in all other warders.
Countless scars crisscross his entire body and his palms are covered
with caluses. He moves in a way that makes the sword as his side seem
an extension of his body.

Hammar Gaidin is HEALTHY

Hammar Gaidin is using:
<held> a storage chest
<worn about body> a cloak of shifting colors
<worn as shield> a large spiked shield
<wielded> a single-edged broadsword
<worn on legs> a pair of thin leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of light leather boots

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gallad says 'It would not be fair, Hammar Gaidin'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Gowyn says 'He has been sick. There is no need for this. '

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'To the yard'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Hammar Gaidin whispers to you 'Are you sure you're up to this, lad? Now that I take a close look at you, you ought to be in a sickbed.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You whisper to Hammar Gaidin 'I am already out of one, and I'm up to it. I have to be. I don't want to lose my two marks!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Hammar Gaidin frowns.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Hammar Gaidin says 'You mean to hold to that wager, lad?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You chuckle politely.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You say 'I need the money'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >lo in rack
rack (here) :
a quarterstaff
a light pair of leather coverings
a mirrored lantern
[3] an opal choker of fiery blue and pink beauty
an ivory necklace
a water skin
an oilstone
a dark, hooded cloak
a dark blue dress bearing red and silver lightning bolts
a strange, insectoid helm
a woodcutter's axe
a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves
a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce
a plate of pickled quail eggs
a large slab of meat

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > get staff rack
You get a quarterstaff from a weapon rack.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > wield staff
You are hungry.
You wield a quarterstaff with both hands.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Grumble, grumble.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You say 'Luck...Time to toss the dice.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin looks at you.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > emote
Hammar Gaidin says 'You speak the Old Tongue, lad?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You bellow 'Remember the wager. Two silver marks from each of you against two from me'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gallad and Gowyn split apart to either side of Maf, keeping their distance.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gowyn says 'No wager! There's no wager.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gallad says 'I'll not take your money like this.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You say 'I mean to take yours!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Done! If they have not the nerve to cover your wager, lad, I'll pay the score myself.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gowyn says 'Very well...If you insist on it - DONE!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gallad says quietly 'Done, then. Let us put an end to this farce.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gallad assumes an offensive striking posture.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > change wimpy 0
You won't flee from any fight now.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > k gowyn
You strike Gowyn's head extremely hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Gowyn: Battered >
Gallad joins Gowyn's fight!

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Gowyn: Battered >
Gallad tries to slash you, but you dodge the attack.
Gowyn tries to slash you, but you dodge the attack.
You strike Gowyn's left foot.
Gowyn is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
An Aes Sedai rushes to Gowyn's aid.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > disen
But you're not fighting anyone!?

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > disen
Gallad gracefully changes forms to Wind and Rain.
Gallad tries to slash you, but you dodge the attack.
It's not likely your opponent will comply.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Gallad: Healthy >
You strike Gallad's head extremely hard.
You swiftly dodge Gallad's attempt to slash you.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Gallad: Beaten >
You strike Gallad's head.
Gallad is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gowyn stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin walks over to Gallad.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin looks at Gallad.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Who Was The Greatest Blademaster of All Time!?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
A warder's student bellows 'Draz, Gaidin!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin peers closely at at a warder's student, trying to figure him out.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gowyn bellows 'Jearom, Gaidin!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Yes! During his lifetime, Jearom fought over ten thousand times, in battle and single combat.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'He was defeated once. By a farmer with a quarterstaff!'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Remember that...'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin bellows 'Remember what you just saw.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin looks at Gallad.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin says 'If you cannot get up by now, lad, it is finished.'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Hammar Gaidin nods to the nearby women.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >rest
You sit down and rest your tired bones.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
A group of woman swarm over Gallad.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Gowyn gives you two silver Tar Valon marks.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >rest
Gowyn says 'I think I will listen next time...'
Last edited by Carter on Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 am

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Ominas » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:08 am

This was simply brilliant. The Tower girls lines came across like they were in the old high school play and it made it all the more better.

I kept seeing the you’re hungry message pop up and was like why the heck didn’t you edit this out. Then it hit me, that’s all he kept thinking about during that time.

This was brilliant. Hands down amazing. Thanks so much for posting this.

I wish you guys would put on your favorite scenes to live audiences in the game. Maybe all join the gleeman? You would master in no time. People would love coming to see plays like this.

Great job guys

Posts: 391
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:54 am

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Fuujin » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:43 am


Posts: 216
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:12 am

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Kathala » Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:04 am

Oh wow, I see what you did there! That's amazing happenstance. Well done!

Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:37 pm

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Sarai » Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:19 pm

Great job 👏

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:12 pm

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Ormus » Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:32 pm

Nice work, really hoping they pop this one into the show!

Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 am

Re: Recreated a Scene

Post by Ominas » Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:55 pm

Wouldn’t work without the same actors as above

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