Rache Kayama --- &RPaward

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Rache Kayama --- &RPaward

Post by Rache » Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:25 pm

Ely edit 30 Jul 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: o

Total: 1 qps


The sun still hung low in the Eastern sky as Rache rode thru the gates of Tar Valon. Dust and grime clinging to his boots and gear from a long ride South on the Fal Dara road. The city just coming awake for the day was not yet full of people but there were enough out and about that he found directions to the place he sought. A couple wrong turns and then Rache was sitting on a barrel with a view of the Warders Practice yard during the morning training session. Rache had been able to pick out the man he sought almost instantly watching him as he instructed young men in sword forms and use of other weapons. Moving between students to offer correction and motivation Rache’s eyes followed him all around the yard. As the students were departing the area for breakfast Rache seized his chance.

“Lord Coulin” Rache called out crossing the practice yard to where the man had been walking away. Coulin turned to face the ragged looking youth as he rushed across the court yard towards him. “What can I do for you young man?” Coulin asked. I have spoken too many in the Borderlands that say you are the best swordsman in the world and I want to ask to become one of your students. Rache blurted out all at once stumbling over his words in a rush to get them all out. Eyeing the skinny youth from dusty feet to the light brown hair just touching his collar, Coulin wore an unreadable look. “How long have you worn the Hadori?” Coulin asked. A look of slight embarrassment crossed Rache’s face. “Less than two years my Lord” Rache said. Hmmm so you are Malkieri then? No Lord my father was I’m not from anywhere. My father was a horse trainer and was away when Malkier fell, after returning to the borderlands he married and had children always moving around the Borderlands buying horses selling horses and training horses. No my Lord I’m from nowhere. “I see no sword on your hip and the barrel you been sitting on all morning has a spear leaning beside it” I have a sword on my horse pointing to where the horse had been left unattended. Coulin had noticed the red stallion standing dead still with its reins hanging strait down to the ground. Luckily it was in an out of the way spot and no one would be coming close to the trained warhorse that had been left in the guard position but the sword shaped bundle lashed to the side of the saddle had escaped his notice. “Ah no doubt an ancient blade found at an old out of the way shop or in the estate of a departed family member?” No my Lord Rache stuttered…….um fresh from the furnace made to fit my height and arm length by the best blacksmith I could find. Well the best blacksmith I could afford.

“And what do you plan on using this sword to do?” Kill trollocs Rache said to quickly in a flat empty voice that hinted at things unsaid and unknown motivations. I have many students all older than you and with more experience. You are welcome to train in the yard and after you have gained a few pounds and scene a little more action come and meet with me again and we will talk. With that Coulin turned and walked away let’s see how persistent this young fellow is he thought with a hint of a smile on his face.

Rache stood there in the yard for a long moment before quickly walking towards his horse and gear. Not making eye contact with any of the on lookers who had witnessed the conversation between him and Coulin. Three young men a few years older that Rache lwere leaning against a wall smiling at him as he passed. “Hey nice headband” the largest in the middle called out with snort and laughter falling from the other two. “Thanks” Rache shouted over his shoulder “your mother gave it to me after last night, but she used it as an ankle bracelet” Rache could hear the scuffle behind him as he walked with on without looking tears were running down cheeks red with embarrassment.

From a court yard window Coulin watched and listened to the exchange between young men……

Outside the Eastern gate of Tar Valon Rache griped the bundled sword so tight his knuckles cracked. I will be a bladed master none of them can stop me. He understood what Coulin wanted stronger faster bigger and smarter. I know how to earn those things. Turning the horse North Rache headed out. There are always trollocs to fight along the blight I’ll be older and stronger soon….

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Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 am

Re: Rache Kayama

Post by Ominas » Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:17 pm

Haha nice read man. I loved the mama joke.

Recommend going through and re-reading your to make sure there’s no mistakes and also to throw some spaces between your paragraphs.

Other than that really nice work. What a fun story!

Posts: 501
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:38 pm

Re: Rache Kayama

Post by Siro » Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:55 pm

I look forward to finding out what happens next!

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