I need a small script

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I need a small script

Post by keser » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:12 pm

I'm using mushclient, and I need a script which does the following:
I'll take the roomname by typing where, and I'll keep the value in a variable called "location". Lets say im at Malkiergate.
then I'll make an alias named "save" which is supposed to create a new alias named the current value of "location" variable with a prefix of "room-". It would be better if I use another variable for prefix as well.
if we are done properly so far, I suppose to have a new alias named like "room-Malkiergate".
the rest will be easy, I'll manualy edit the contents of the auto-generated aliases, and call the contents of them with another alias such as "show".
when I typed show, the prefix "room-" + "the current value of location variable" will be sent to execute, displaying the content of matching alias.
I'm planning to use this as an accessible alternative to the maps.
Is it possible or easy enough to code that, could any of you please write it for me?

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