Mudlet Mapper Testing

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Adael » Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:31 am

Unfortunately I'm a bit too hosed at the moment to fix any issues. I've been busy roughly 14 hours a day the last two weeks helping with preorientation/orientation events, and will be as busy for at least the next week and a half with other commitments/the start of classes/prepping to figure out my life after graduation :P.

I'll try to get back to this sometime after that though when I'm free.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Raeza » Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:55 am

Ander wrote:...this is based on either rooms that are too similar...
I'm not sure if Adael modified this in the new version, but in the original version, you can type 'forceroom' before entering the room you are trying to map, which tells the mapper to make a new room even if another identical one already exists. I've found that this works for me for at least the similar room problem that you mention, though sometimes it can be finicky if the two similar rooms come off of the same room.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Ander » Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:16 pm

The force room thing helps a bit... but still having issues. Especially if I shut the mapper off and then back on again. It totally loses orientation and starts screwing up all my previously mapped rooms as I move.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Orino » Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:22 am

Can someone good with mudlet walk me through basic scripting?

Targets, map (not needed for pk, just changes), basic scripts/macros.

I'm getting error messages with Cmud and wine bottler on my new MacBook Pro.


Firimei Lang
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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Firimei Lang » Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:20 am

Always wanted to use this client, but the lack of an updated map puts me off and never been able to find it working to download.
So its cmud on winebottler for me.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Bragar » Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:53 am

So I downloaded the free months of winebottler cmud but the buttons at the top glitched. Is that something with the free versions? Does it work ok?

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Adael » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:20 pm

I've finished the brunt of some necessary work for the next couple weeks. I'll try to add things to the WotMUD Archives Forum soon. No promises on a deadline though, it's the first full week of the semester come Monday and lots of things could pop up still unexpectedly for me.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Ander » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:41 pm

So... interestingly enough... the mapper works well on a LS char, but not on a SS char... I get a ton of disorientation when running around trying to map on Ander, but haven't had the same issues running around on a LS newb. On SS, when mapping, I could type in North for example and it will map a south room with an error or it will have 4-5 rooms just going back and forth showing an error... Guess I'm mapping on LS!

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Adael » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:01 pm

Oh really? That' interesting issue, to say the least :?
Maybe I'll make a SS newb and check it out sometime soon if I find the time. Unsure why that might be the case.

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Re: Mudlet Mapper Testing

Post by Adael » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:28 pm

Here's a (hopefully decent) rundown of some commands that may be helpful.

For starters, if you want to make a new map you should delete any old ones/move them to a secure backup location. They're probably located in a path of folders that goes something like mudlet->profiles->WotMUD->map. You should see a bunch of files with the extension .dat that are previous map files.

You'll want to map in non-brief mode, and look at the room you're in to capture the name/description/exits. You can then:

"createroom areaname" will both create a new area (if one does not exist) and put the room you're in at its center. If the area name already exists you will get an error and the room will not be made.
"createarea areaname" will create a new area.
"movetoarea newarea" will move a room from one area to the new one. You will get errors if the room or newarea do not exist.
"arealist" will list all current areas with their associated numerical ID
"renamearea idnumber newname" will rename the area with ID idnumber (found via the above command) to newname
"deletearea areaname" will delete an area and all rooms in it

"colorlegend" will display a list showing what different room colors are available
"crc xxx" will change the room color to whatever xxx is. xxx must be an element from the "colorlegend" list, and is case sensitive.
"cme xxx" will change your mapping environment to whatever xxx is. Again, xxx is a case sensitive element from the "colorlegend" list. This will make all new rooms you map be of whatever color xxx is.
"setroomdata xxx yyy" will store a key/value pair xxx/yyy.
"getroomdata xxx" will display what room data is stored with key xxx.
"deleteroomdata xxx" will delete room data for the key xxx.
"deleteallroomdata" will delete all data in a room. Note: THIS WILL ALSO DELETE THE ROOM DESCRIPTION. It's better perhaps to delete things individually one by one if you want.
"listroomdata" will give a list of all keys/values of data for the room.

"createdoor dir doorname" will create a door towards direction n/e/s/w/u/d with name doorname
You can also "createhiddendoor" or "createlockeddoor" + "dir doorname" as well. These doors will pop up on the map with colors green/yellow/red for visibile/hidden/locked respectively.

"centerview n/e/s/w/u/d" will center the map on an adjacent room (not actually moving you in the mud)
"forceroom" will force the next room you map to be a new one. Useful in areas like the blight where the names/descriptions are all the same.
"setmarker x" will place a one symbol marker on the room. "setmarker _" to delete the marker. Useful for marking "S"mobs, "T"rees, "P"atrols, etc perhaps.
"resetqueue" is a very useful command if the map fucks up when following you around. It will clear out the list of stored commands that are being used to follow you around. Type this, then take a look at the room you're in and the map should recenter correctly.
"mapping" will toggle mapping on/off.
"autoconnectrooms" will toggle on/off autoconnecting rooms when mapping (versus always making one way exits. Highly doubt anyone would ever bother using this but there if you want it for some reason).

Doors should be autocreated if you happen to search them up, or "l n" and see an open/closed door.

If you wanted to start making a map, I'll start by using CCS as an example. Make sure you don't have any map files being used currently. Make sure brief mode is off, and make sure mapping is toggled on. Take a look at the room so triggers can capture the name/description/exits, then "createroom Caemlyn". You should see a room pop up in the top right corner of Mudlet. Move 1e. A new room should be created on the map. You can "crc Bank" to change the room color to a bank. Likewise, you could move back to CCS and "crc Drink" to mark it. You can move 1n 4e to EGate, and "setmarker G" to put a marker on the gate. I could then move 1e and be outside the egate. I could "createarea East Caemlyn" to create a new area, and "movetoarea East Caemlyn" to move 1e egate to that area.

I will note that I have experienced a few issues when mapping after going through rooms with lots of doors. It is perhaps due to me moving around too fast however. I'd advise taking it slow, and if extraneous rooms pop up you can turn off mapping, delete them (select and right click them on the map itself), move back to a previous room, "resetqueue", and try mapping again.

Hope this is mildly helpful.

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