need a tell history script

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need a tell history script

Post by melyssan » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:21 am

slowly getting myself back up and running with this comp so i need a tell history script what my old one did was anytime someone sent me a tell i could type tellh and it would remember the last 10 tells i got i could also change the number it remembered by typing tellh xxxx with xxxx being the number i wanted it to remember so like tellh 25 etc any help in this will be greatly apprecated

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Re: need a tell history script

Post by Shamara » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:49 am

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Location: Australia

Re: need a tell history script

Post by Spyder » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:53 am

#CLASS {ComHistory}
#ALIAS narrh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
nnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO narrHistory set to the last @nnewhowmany narr~(s~).
nhowmany = @nnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR narrhistory ""
#ECHO narrHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @nhowmany narr~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @narrhistory)-@nhowmany,%numitems( @narrhistory) {#ECHO %item( @narrhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS chath {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
cnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO chatHistory set to the last @cnewhowmany chat~(s~).
chowmany = @cnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR chathistory ""
#ECHO chatHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @chowmany chat~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @chathistory)-@chowmany,%numitems( @chathistory) {#ECHO %item( @chathistory, %i)}
#ALIAS tellh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
tnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO tellHistory set to the last @tnewhowmany tell~(s~).
thowmany = @tnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR tellhistory ""
#ECHO tellHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @thowmany tell~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @tellhistory)-@thowmany,%numitems( @tellhistory) {#ECHO %item( @tellhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS sayh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
snewhowmany = %1
#ECHO sayHistory set to the last @snewhowmany say~(s~).
showmany = @snewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR sayhistory ""
#ECHO sayHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @showmany say~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @sayhistory)-@showmany,%numitems( @sayhistory) {#ECHO %item( @sayhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS shouth {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
ssnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO shoutHistory set to the last @ssnewhowmany shout~(s~).
sshowmany = @ssnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR shouthistory ""
#ECHO shoutHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @sshowmany shout~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @shouthistory)-@sshowmany,%numitems( @shouthistory) {#ECHO %item( @shouthistory, %i)}
#ALIAS yellh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
ynewhowmany = %1
#ECHO yellHistory set to the last @ynewhowmany yell~(s~).
yhowmany = @ynewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR yellhistory ""
#ECHO yellHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @yhowmany yell~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @yellhistory)-@yhowmany,%numitems( @yellhistory) {#ECHO %item( @yellhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS immh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
inewhowmany = %1
#ECHO ImmHistory set to the last @inewhowmany Speak~(s~).
ihowmany = @inewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR immhistory ""
#ECHO immHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @ihowmany Speak~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @immhistory)-@ihowmany,%numitems( @immhistory) {#ECHO %item( @immhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS whisperh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
wnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO whisperHistory set to the last @wnewhowmany whispers~(s~).
whowmany = @wnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR whisperhistory ""
#ECHO WhisperHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @whowmany whisper~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @whisperhistory)-@whowmany,%numitems( @whisperhistory) {#ECHO %item( @whisperhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS drawlh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
dnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO drawlHistory set to the last @dnewhowmany drawl~(s~).
dhowmany = @dnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR drawlhistory ""
#ECHO drawlHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @dhowmany drawls~(s~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @drawlhistory)-@dhowmany,%numitems( @drawlhistory) {#ECHO %item( @drawlhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS hissh {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
hnewhowmany = %1
#ECHO HissHistory set to the last @hnewhowmany hiss~(es~).
hhowmany = @hnewhowmany
} {
#IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
#VAR hisshistory ""
#ECHO hissHistory cleared.
} {
#ECHO --- Last @hhowmany hiss~(es~) received---
#LOOP %numitems( @hisshistory)-@hhowmany,%numitems( @hisshistory) {#ECHO %item( @hisshistory, %i)}
#VAR nhowmany {50}
#VAR narrrec {once it locks}
#VAR nnewhowmany {50}
#VAR ncurtime {11:55:54}
#VAR nenterthis {(@ncurtime): Mantorok narrated: @narrrec}
#VAR narrhistory {} {}
#VAR chowmany {30}
#VAR chatrec {trading 2x gators, silver etched and dyed set}
#VAR cnewhowmany {30}
#VAR ccurtime {15:42:33}
#VAR centerthis {(@ccurtime): Noctem chats: @chatrec}
#VAR chathistory {} {}
#VAR thowmany {20}
#VAR tellrec {dung broke on haert too}
#VAR tnewhowmany {20}
#VAR tcurtime {12:00:34}
#VAR tenterthis {(@tcurtime): crier tells you: @tellrec}
#VAR tellhistory {} {}
#VAR showmany {20}
#VAR sayrec {i killed this bandits here hope they popped}
#VAR snewhowmany {20}
#VAR scurtime {0:36:07}
#VAR senterthis {(@scurtime): Quartermaster said: @sayrec}
#VAR sayhistory {} {}
#VAR sshowmany {10}
#VAR shoutrec {i hope you choke on a pickle razhak!}
#VAR ssnewhowmany {10}
#VAR sscurtime {10:21:03}
#VAR ssenterthis {(@sscurtime): Malak said: @shoutrec}
#VAR shouthistory {} {}
#VAR yhowmany {20}
#VAR yellrec {I now have a shiny new scalp}
#VAR ynewhowmany {20}
#VAR ycurtime {11:20:55}
#VAR yenterthis {(@ycurtime): gateguard yelled: @yellrec}
#VAR yellhistory {} {}
#VAR ihowmany {10}
#VAR immrec {If anyone has any game related questions, send a tell please.}
#VAR inewhowmany {10}
#VAR icurtime {19:22:26}
#VAR ienterthis {(@icurtime): Elysia spoke: @immrec}
#VAR immhistory {} {}
#VAR whowmany {10}
#VAR whisperrec {You don't seem to have an active account here.'}
#VAR wnewhowmany {10}
#VAR wcurtime {15:47:14}
#VAR wenterthis {(@wcurtime): banker whispers to you: @whisperrec}
#VAR whisperhistory {} {}
#VAR dhowmany {10}
#VAR drawlrec {afk.}
#VAR dnewhowmany {10}
#VAR dcurtime {17:33:03}
#VAR denterthis {(@dcurtime): Nikolai drawled: @drawlrec}
#VAR drawlhistory {} {}
#VAR hhowmany {10}
#VAR hissrec {A noteworthy opponent, a grizzled Red Eagle warrior. There may be use for you...}
#VAR hnewhowmany {10}
#VAR hcurtime {12:07:51}
#VAR henterthis {(@hcurtime): fade hissed: @hissrec}
#VAR hisshistory {} {}
#TRIGGER {(%w) narrates '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @narrhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM narrhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE narrrec "%2"
#VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE ncurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE nenterthis %expand( "~(@ncurtime)~: %1 narrated: @narrrec")
#VARIABLE narrhistory %additem( @nenterthis, @narrhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) chats '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @chathistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM chathistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE chatrec "%2"
#VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE ccurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE centerthis %expand( "~(@ccurtime)~: %1 chats: @chatrec")
#VARIABLE chathistory %additem( @centerthis, @chathistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) tells you '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @tellhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM tellhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE tellrec "%2"
#VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE tcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE tenterthis %expand( "~(@tcurtime)~: %1 tells you: @tellrec")
#VARIABLE tellhistory %additem( @tenterthis, @tellhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) says '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @sayhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM sayhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE sayrec "%2"
#VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE scurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE senterthis %expand( "~(@scurtime)~: %1 said: @sayrec")
#VARIABLE sayhistory %additem( @senterthis, @sayhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) shouts '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @shouthistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM shouthistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE shoutrec "%2"
#VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE sscurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE ssenterthis %expand( "~(@sscurtime)~: %1 said: @shoutrec")
#VARIABLE shouthistory %additem( @ssenterthis, @shouthistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) bellows '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @yellhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM yellhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE yellrec "%2"
#VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE ycurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE yenterthis %expand( "~(@ycurtime)~: %1 yelled: @yellrec")
#VARIABLE yellhistory %additem( @yenterthis, @yellhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) speaks from the %w '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @immhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM immhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE immrec "%2"
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE icurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE ienterthis %expand( "~(@icurtime)~: %1 spoke: @immrec")
#VARIABLE immhistory %additem( @ienterthis, @immhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) answers your prayer '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @immhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM immhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE immrec "%2"
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE icurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE ienterthis %expand( "~(@icurtime)~: %1 answered: @immrec")
#VARIABLE immhistory %additem( @ienterthis, @immhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) whispers to you '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @whisperhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM whisperhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE whisperrec "%2"
#VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE wcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE wenterthis %expand( "~(@wcurtime)~: %1 whispers to you: @whisperrec")
#VARIABLE whisperhistory %additem( @wenterthis, @whicperhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) drawls '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @drawlhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM drawlhistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE drawlrec "%2"
#VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE dcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE denterthis %expand( "~(@dcurtime)~: %1 drawled: @drawlrec")
#VARIABLE drawlhistory %additem( @denterthis, @drawlhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) hisses '(*)'$} {
#IF (%numitems( @hisshistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM hisshistory 1} {#NOOP}
#VARIABLE hissrec "%2"
#VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~(, ~{)
#VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~", ~')
#VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~), ~})
#VARIABLE hcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
#VARIABLE henterthis %expand( "~(@hcurtime)~: %1 hissed: @hissrec")
#VARIABLE hisshistory %additem( @henterthis, @hisshistory)

Posts: 89
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:01 pm

Re: need a tell history script

Post by Malak » Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:51 pm

I am super famous, people put me in their scripts.

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