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Post by Sarryn » Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:02 am

Can we get this class some love? I feel like it's pretty silly that it's the only one without residuals in something useful. A big help was making them mendable. Any chance we can get them some residuals in something useful? Not sure what I'd suggest. It's just you know...odd that it doesn't have anything useful in the residuals like other classes. I get it that they were grouped into one. And that's cool, but let's be real they always should of been. Think this would bring a bit more light to the weapons. Maybe they'd get used a bit more. Variety is the spice of life. The same ol same ol is boring for weapons.

Counter it with a valid reason why it shouldn't? I mean there not that appealing to begin with...so I can't imagine that this would be a balance issue.

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Re: Flails

Post by Itesh » Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:49 am

You get residuals in weapons that are a bit like the weapon you practised. The only weapons similar to flails are chains and whips and those are withdrawn so even if I did do this, there would be any point.

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Re: Flails

Post by Mhaliah » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:05 am

Random thoughts:

A person using a flail would have to have a short weapon in their off hand. Otherwise an enemy could step into the flail radius and the main weapon would be useless.

Flail multi-hit is a good balance for mobs and xp, but in PK is not effective.

Flails are a highly defensive weapon, meant to keep enemies at bay. Maybe keep no residual but give them higher defense? Or make them have a disarm chance?

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Re: Flails

Post by Saif » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:22 am

I love flails, even made my r8 weapon a flail.

Upping Dark Barbed to 12 lbs was great, made it a viable primary weapon and not just a secondary. You won't bash dodgers, but sits absers/combo just fine and has some pretty insane damage, only point is the low OB, want to say it is a couple points worse than bclub but thats just anecdotal and I'm too lazy to check, could maybe use some points added to it, but that might put it over the top.

The multihit is really nice if you tend to pk outnumbered. Have had plenty of fights where the multihit came in clutch. Making them mendable went a long way at making them playable.

The bronze scourge is fairly decent, the damage/ob feels pretty lackluster, but PB/weight wise its pretty good, again you won't sit dodgers very often but it bashes consistently, probably on par with some of the lesser used 1h long blades(oddly curved etc). Can't speak to the defensive/channeler ones, but plenty of channelers were using that firedrop one for a bit.

The thing I'd want to see the most is making a new tier 1 flail, either rare or use the scythe that is apparently Lanfear's weapon. Or an actual useful unique flail, looking at you Hydra!

Would be nice to see binnol upped somehow to make it viable. But I'm not sure how. Maybe not every weaponclass is supposed to be "competitive" in PK and some are more focused on smobbing/exping. Warders using flails for smobs is pretty nuts, with multi attack and multihit.

In any case, overall I think flails perform fairly well, especially on masters, and seems fairly overlooked by the playerbase.

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Re: Flails

Post by Rentris » Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:34 pm

I would love to see some new variants of the old "chain" class flail. DBF, Scourge and Binnol are our only options at the moment.
I once heard that rare flails might become a thing but that was quite a while ago, so doubt that's still on the to-do list.

As stated above, variety is the spice of life.

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Re: Flails

Post by verne » Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:25 pm

Ive been seeing a lot more people using it since I started, dark barbed flail is excellent for smobbing and still has enough pb when using it to be pretty viable, but not the best choice for pk. is great for city hits because you can get multiple hits with lots of damage on the mobs, and still weave when pk shows up. also good for quickly clearing the mobs in blight, can hit them all, and if in parry or dodge you basically dont take any hits from them. the ob stinks, but if they are blinded or bashed then it doesnt matter.

That being said, it would be nice to see a rare version for sure though

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Re: Flails

Post by Sarryn » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:02 am

So while I respect what’s said above, I still think it should have residuals in something useful. Let’s be real there not super weapons. They have there uses, just like any weapon/class can. They are a more smobby/mob type weapon. There also a badass idea/class. Which is why I want to tie them into the pk/game more.

So for starters, if nothing else I’d say the rate of decaying/scratching needs adjusted. Yes it’s obvious why if you’ve ever used one. They scratch or worse pretty quickly. This is obviously a thing as it multi hits. And it’s logical, but come on. It’s also logical that this is a game. And it should be made more durable than other weapons in lieu of this. I mean it’s what it’s built for.

As for the residuals, I understand what your saying with that Itesh. Are you saying you personally can’t or no I’m unable to change it? Or is nwih because it’s to powerful. (lol) I think you can tie it into something, I’d have to look at the weapons classes. I get that they were consolidated and made mendable. Great, that’s impressive and improvement for the game. Also just needed to happen 🤷‍♂️ What about residuals in something a little less conventional.. let’s say dun dun dun! Shield parry? Works as it’s a 1h weapon... or projectiles. Or even something silly like palm and projectiles.

To be fair I’d just like the ability to bring it into play more. As a second weapon, most know I like dual setups. This has it’s downfalls, like prac cost, weight, hardening/honing a weapon that’s never used/hard to find again etc. Long story short it would be cool to give it something useful in residuals. My vote is on shield parry or projectiles/palm.

If this is a pointless discussion Itesh and it’s impossible let me know 😎 thanks! I 💚 you for all ya do here friend.

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Re: Flails

Post by Detritus » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:07 pm

Game has already has too many pracs without needing concessions with clan pracs. No one NEEDS lvl7 survival, no one NEEDS 99 in secondary weapon.

Flails have residuals in whips and chains, which were rolled into one class.

None of the weapons mentioned need anything major done to them.

Dark barbed is a great all round weapon that i used for years as a secondary smob damage weapon when no one used flails, it's very average in all ways apart from it's 6d6 damage, reflecting it's super easy availability. It is the highest damage easy availability weapon in the game.

Binnol and scourge came from chains and have a good balance after they added weight to scourge, binnol could use a d4 more damage since it's abs weapon.

The higher obs weapons in the class came from whips with no love and could use a jeweled quirt or one of the high obs options having a little more damage or pierce.

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Re: Flails

Post by Fermin » Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:01 am

Seems like dark flail and dark grim axe are the ones that are good as rank 8 weapons so that is kind of nice, but in general it seems like the tunic option + rare is just better in general...

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