Crit kills

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 122
Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:06 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Masaj » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:17 pm

Was very close to becoming a FAIL post.

You try to hack *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
Sorvitor tries to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
Rarq tries to pierce *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
Ghast closes the deadroots.
Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten >
Ghast closes the deadroots.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten > nod
You nod in agreement.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Beaten > You hack *Walker*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
Sorvitor lances *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Walker* leaves east.
Ghast closes the deadroots.
[get all corpse]
The corpse of a raven seems to be empty.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Porka closes the deadroots.
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > e

Porka closes the deadroots.
Pseudomonas narrates 'what's w?'
The deadroots is opened from the other side.

kill light
o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > The Blighted Woods
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
*Walker* is standing here.
*Kitiara* is here, fighting a ramshorned trolloc, riding a warhorse.
*Kitiara* is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
*Tarel* is here, fighting a Dha'vol trolloc, riding a wild stallion.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
A Dha'vol trolloc is here, fighting Tarel.
A ramshorned trolloc is here, fighting Kitiara.
A hooded myrddraal is here, fighting Tarel.
The way west closes quietly.
*Tarel* opens a way west.

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded > You try to hack *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
Sorvitor has arrived from the west.
Porka has arrived from the west.
*Walker* lights the fuse on the fireworks and sets them on the ground.
The fuse slowly burns...

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - Walker: Critical >
Ghast tries to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - Walker: Critical > narr firetruck's sake

*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - Walker: Critical > Ghast tries to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

You try to hack *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Kitiara* tries to strike a ramshorned trolloc, but he deflects the blow.
A hooded myrddraal slashes Tarel's head.
Kitiara swiftly dodges a ramshorned trolloc's attempt to cleave her.
*Tarel* pierces a Dha'vol trolloc's body hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to crush Tarel, but he deflects the blow.
You narrate 'firetruck's sake'
Rarq narrates 'rofl'

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - Walker: Critical > -
Sorvitor narrates 'amazing'
*Tarel* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Tarel* leaves north riding a wild stallion.

Porka narrates 'firetruck'

*Kitiara* panics, and attempts to flee!

Kitiara swiftly dodges a ramshorned trolloc's attempt to cleave her.
A Dha'vol trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A hooded myrddraal joins a Dha'vol trolloc's fight!
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

*Kitiara* leaves north riding a warhorse.

*Walker* avoids being bashed by Ghast who loses his balance and falls!
Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!
Sorvitor lances *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Kitiara* has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
Rarq tries to pierce *Kitiara*, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
A warhorse flickers its ears.
A Dha'vol trolloc says 'You Walker!!! You will die before your time!! '
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to crush Kitiara, but she deflects the blow.
A ramshorned trolloc joins a Dha'vol trolloc's fight!
A hooded myrddraal joins a Dha'vol trolloc's fight!
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
Porka tries to crush *Kitiara*, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical > [get all corpse]
You don't have a corpse.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical > gc

*Kitiara* swiftly dodges Porka's attempt to crush her.
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A hooded myrddraal slashes Kitiara's body.
Kitiara swiftly dodges a ramshorned trolloc's attempt to cleave her.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to crush Kitiara, but she dodges the attack.
*Kitiara* tries to strike Rarq, but he parries successfully.
Rarq pierces *Kitiara*'s body.
Sorvitor lances *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Three times is the charm!
Your blood freezes as you hear *Walker*'s death cry.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [get all corpse]
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Walker.
You get a pair of gray suede leggings from the corpse of Walker.
You get a small purse from the corpse of Walker.
You get a belt bearing a dragon worked in silver from the corpse of Walker.
You get the glazed katars of Mondoran from the corpse of Walker.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Walker.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Walker.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Walker.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Walker.
You get a heron-engraved scabbard from the corpse of Walker.
You get a surcoat with exquisite embroidery from the corpse of Walker.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Walker.
You get a silver medallion from the corpse of Walker.
You get a silver medallion from the corpse of Walker.
You get a braided leather and silver headband from the corpse of Walker.
You get a black diamond signet ring from the corpse of Walker.
You get an orange coral ring from the corpse of Walker.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [get all corpse]
The corpse of Walker seems to be empty.
*Kitiara* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > kill light

*Kitiara* leaves north riding a warhorse.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > Bash who?

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Sorvitor narrates 'nice'

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > look
kill light
The Blighted Woods
Among the other trees an enourmous one stretches up towards the sky. Its
stout roots seem to push all the other trees away from it so that they
alone can deplete the ground of what little nourishment is left. Arm-like
branches reach out over the other trees. Some of the lower ones have
corpses hanging in them. Exits are east, north and south into the forest.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
The corpse of Walker is lying here.
A bunch of lit fireworks lies on the ground.
Pseudomonas the Veteran Havoc is standing here.
Rarq the Wolfish Trolloc is standing here.
Porka the Dark Mother is standing here.
Sorvitor the Darkling Master is standing here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
A trolloc is here commanding a fist of troops.
A tall, ramshorned trolloc is here, commanding.
A hooded myrddraal, brooding in the shadows, slowly faces you.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

o S HP:Critical MV:Tiring > kill light
You have 21(401) hit and 145(263) movement points.

Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:00 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Skirrel » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:13 pm

o S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
A large stone well is here.
*Tarel* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Beaten >

You pierce *Tarel*'s right arm.
You swiftly dodge the ancient tree's attempt to hit you.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

You tickle *Tarel*'s body with your pierce.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >
whois radagast
Radagast of Tarabon is a human.

change mood wimpy
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s left arm.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you dodge the attack.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s body.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s body.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

You swiftly dodge the ancient tree's attempt to hit you.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s head.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s body.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >
change wimpy 0
You won't flee from any fight now.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
You barely pierce *Tarel*'s body.
*Tarel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

You barely pierce *Tarel*'s body.
*Tarel* pierces your left arm very hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

A mole leaves south.

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

You swiftly dodge the ancient tree's attempt to hit you.
You pierce *Tarel*'s left leg.
*Tarel* pierces your body very hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

change wimpy 20
* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >
You will now flee if you go below 20 hit points.

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Tarel: Critical >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

You tickle *Tarel*'s left leg with your pierce.
*Tarel* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* S HP:Critical MV:Full > Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a popular
place to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.

o S HP:Critical MV:Strong >

The raven master narrates 'Radagast was spotted in Dark Forest'

o S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
A large stone well is here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
*Tarel* is lying here, incapacitated.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
You pierce *Tarel*'s left arm very hard.
*Tarel* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Three times is the charm!
Your blood freezes as you hear *Tarel*'s death cry.

scalp corpse
o S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
You lean over and sever the bloody head from the corpse of Tarel.

o S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Pile of Lumber
Among the dead trees a pile of lumber stands. Although the wood in the
lumber pile is quite dead, it looks more alive than the trees, in a way.
The trees seem a bit undead, which is further from life than death is. The
brown lumber looks dry and has probably been piled here for quite some
time. The forest continues west, a withered path is east, and to the south
an old well stands.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.

o S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
You have 31(403) hit and 211(244) movement points.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:14 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Tarel » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:18 pm

Zerked to early, you wouldn't stab so figured yolo another tree would of helped

Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:00 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Skirrel » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:23 pm

Tarel wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:18 pm
Zerked to early, you wouldn't stab so figured yolo another tree would of helped
more like YOU wouldn't stab, haha. Every time I attempted, you were spamming, so I gave up.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:14 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Tarel » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:35 pm

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > hide
backstab h.dark

On the Stone Steps ring >
The stairs leading up to the entrance are made of the same stone that the
monastery was built with. There are thirteen steps up to what once was a
gate, but now is only a gateway. Bones and marks of blades on the steps are
witness of some fight taking place here long ago. To the west there is a
yard, and to the east the gaping hole that was once the entrance to the
monastery awaits.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
*Skirrel* is standing here.
A duck has arrived from the west.
*Skirrel* barely pierces your body.
You panic and attempt to flee!

*Skirrel* swiftly dodges your attempt to pierce him.
*Skirrel* pierces your left arm.
You flee head over heels.
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A water skin made from dried human flesh lies here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > back h.dark
Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > hide
backstab h.dark
Path Before the Gate
The path ends here, in front of a ten-foot-high gate. The wood in the gate
looks really old and worn and it is placed in a stone archway. There is
something written on the archway but the weathered letters prove hard to
make out. The path leads of to the west and the gate is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
*Skirrel* is standing here.
A snake is crawling through the water here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > You attempt to hide yourself.

You silently approach your victim...

*Skirrel* pierces your left arm.
You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!

*Skirrel* pierces your left foot.

You flee head over heels.
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a popular
place to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Weary > Path Before the Gate
The path ends here, in front of a ten-foot-high gate. The wood in the gate
looks really old and worn and it is placed in a stone archway. There is
something written on the archway but the weathered letters prove hard to
make out. The path leads of to the west and the gate is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A snake is crawling through the water here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Weary > You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Battered MV:Weary > Backstab who?

* S HP:Battered MV:Weary > w
backstab h.dark
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a popular
place to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
*Skirrel* is standing here.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Weary > You attempt to hide yourself.

You silently approach your victim...

*Skirrel* pierces your left arm.
You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A large stone well is here.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

I tried after you got a little low, since I started batt you weren't having it shrugs

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:14 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Tarel » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:35 pm


Posts: 82
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:02 am

Re: Crit kills

Post by Penetrator » Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:38 am

lkier Gate
This large iron gate leads to the fallen kingdom of Malkier, now covered
up by the Blight. A large stone road runs east to west and to the south
is the inner wall that surrounds the Keep. Hunting parties often use
this gate to journey into the Blight.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A disgusting chunk of freshly ripped flesh is here.
A pulpy pile of guts makes an inglorious mound here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Grut the Dark Master is standing here.
*Roberto* is standing here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A nondescript young man makes inquiries here.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [k roberto]
You try to slash *Roberto*, but he parries successfully.
Grut smites a young thieftaker's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - Roberto: Critical > [k roberto]
You do the best you can!
*Roberto* sheathes a silver-winged basilard into a camouflaged hood.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - Roberto: Critical > cb
[k roberto]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - Roberto: Critical > v
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
*Roberto* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - Roberto: Critical >

[kick ]
Your beautiful full-circle kick misses *Roberto* by a mile.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - Roberto: Critical >
Grut panics, and attempts to flee!
*Roberto* leaves north.
S HP:Battered MV:Winded > cw

A young thieftaker blasts Grut's head.
A Shienaran gate guard barely slashes Grut's body.
A Shienaran gate guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!
A Shienaran gate guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!
A Shienaran gate guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!
A Shienaran guard has arrived from the east.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Healthy > f

Grut leaves north.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Healthy >
A Shienaran gate guard bellows 'lBX BxlJBFdHiLF Xs[? TOf GDlJ CbI c_P TZaXWS[ RRDSt'

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Healthy > [change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Healthy >

You panic and attempt to flee!
The Malkiergate closes quietly.

PANIC! You couldn't escape!

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Healthy >
A Shienaran gate guard barely slashes your body.
A Shienaran gate guard barely slashes your body.
You slash the Caemlyn cityguard's body extremely hard.
The Caemlyn cityguard barely tickles your body with his slash.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Scratched > f

A Shienaran gate guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!
A Shienaran gate guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!
A Shienaran guard joins a Shienaran gate guard's fight!

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded - the Caemlyn cityguard: Scratched >

You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
Road Inside the City Walls
This large paved road lies on the perimeter of Fal Dara. To the west lies the
Malkier Gate and to the east the road takes a turn southward. Torches
line the walls providing light.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > o
[open gate]
[open gate]
I see no gate here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > e
Road Inside the City Walls
The walls of Fal Dara tower above you. The trash and all garbage has been
cleared well away from the walls, eliminating any hiding spots. To the east
the wall stretches on before turning south, and to the west lies the road
and eventually the Malkier Gate.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > n
[pick gate]
I see no gate here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [open gate]
I see no gate here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > w
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > w
Road Inside the City Walls
This large paved road lies on the perimeter of Fal Dara. To the west lies the
Malkier Gate and to the east the road takes a turn southward. Torches
line the walls providing light.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > n
Malkier Gate
This large iron gate leads to the fallen kingdom of Malkier, now covered
up by the Blight. A large stone road runs east to west and to the south
is the inner wall that surrounds the Keep. Hunting parties often use
this gate to journey into the Blight.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A disgusting chunk of freshly ripped flesh is here.
A pulpy pile of guts makes an inglorious mound here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
A Shienaran guard patrols here, watching you carefully.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A nondescript young man makes inquiries here.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
A Shienaran guard keeps watch at the gate.
Grut narrates 'bashed 1n'

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [pick gate]
You failed to pick the lock.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [open gate]

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > Dusty Road by Fal Dara
The road branches here, the main route leading north and south while a
wider offshoot leads up a hill to the west, approaching the gates of Fal
Dara. Despite the terrain, the ground appears well trodden and in good
repair, obviously worn down by constant use.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
The corpse of Roberto is lying here.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
Grut the Dark Master is standing here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > 9

Grut narrates 'rip'

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > nar lol
You narrate 'lol'

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > nar good
The Malkiergate closes quietly.
The Fal Dara alarm horn sounds loudly.
You narrate 'good'
Grut leans over and severs the head from the corpse of Roberto.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [where ]
Players in your Zone
Penetrator - Dusty Road by Fal Dara
Grut - Dusty Road by Fal Dara

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > scalp
[k light]
They aren't here.
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > It seems to have already been scalped.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > i
You are carrying:

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > exma corpse
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded >
*Geom* has arrived from the north.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded >
Grut nods in agreement.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [close stonegate]
I see no stonegate here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > a

Grut tries to smite *someone*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > [k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > n
The Dusty Road
The road here continues to the east and west here, bordered by impenetrable
forest. Walking along the road, you notice the recent tracks of a couple of
wagons along the road, along with some horses. To your northwest, you can see
a tower poking up through the trees. To the south, you can see the spires
of Fal Dara poking over a hill.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A squat border stone juts from the soil.

* S HP:Battered MV:Winded > stat
The night has begun.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You are a 644 year old male trolloc warrior.
Your height is 7 feet, 0 inches, and you weigh 255.0 lbs.
ou start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

o S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > The Dusty Road
The road here continues to the east and west here, bordered by impenetrable
forest. Walking along the road, you notice the recent tracks of a couple of
wagons along the road, along with some horses. To your northwest, you can see
a tower poking up through the trees. To the south, you can see the spires
of Fal Dara poking over a hill.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A squat border stone juts from the soil.

o S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > Dusty Road by Fal Dara
The road branches here, the main route leading north and south while a
wider offshoot leads up a hill to the west, approaching the gates of Fal
Dara. Despite the terrain, the ground appears well trodden and in good
repair, obviously worn down by constant use.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
The corpse of Roberto is lying here.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
*Geom* is here, fighting Grut.
Grut the Dark Master is here, fighting Geom.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring > [k h.light]
You try to slash *Geom*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Grut: Critical - Geom: Wounded > cp

You try to slash *Geom*, but he deflects the blow.
*Geom* pierces Grut's body.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Grut: Critical - Geom: Wounded > j
[change mood berserk]
Mood changed to: Berserk

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Grut: Critical - Geom: Wounded > [close stonegate]
I see no stonegate here.
Grut panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Grut: Critical - Geom: Wounded >
Grut leaves north.

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >

[bash ]

*Geom* pierces your left arm.
*Geom* pierces your body.






As *Geom* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded > nar zerked can come bashed

*Geom* pierces your right leg hard.
*Geom* pierces your left leg.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >
Grut narrates '30 hps'

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded > You narrate 'zerked can come bashed'
Grut narrates 'lol'

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >

[bash ]

*Geom* pierces your left arm.

*Geom* sighs loudly.
Grut narrates 'come'


As *Geom* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >
*Geom* tickles your body with his pierce.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded > b

Grut narrates 'ing'

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >
*Geom* pierces your left leg hard.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >
Grut has arrived from the north.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Geom: Wounded >

[bash ]
Grut smites *Geom*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

Grut smites *Geom*'s head into bloody fragments!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Geom* leaves north.

*Geom* leaves north.
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > a
[k h.light]
You try to slash *Geom*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > *Geom* pierces your body.
You try to slash *Geom*, but he parries successfully.
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!
*Geom* avoids being bashed by Grut who loses his balance and falls!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > 9
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
You are a 644 year old male trolloc warrior.
Your height is 7 feet, 0 inches, and you weigh 255.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.0 lbs and wearing 81.3 lbs, light.
Your base abilities are: Str:21 Int:9 Wil:10 Dex:17 Con:19.
Offensive bonus: 224, Dodging bonus: 4, Parrying bonus: 26
Your mood is: Berserk. You will flee below: 0 Hit Points
Your armor absorbs about 81% on average.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
You are a 644 year old male trolloc warrior.
Your height is 7 feet, 0 inches, and you weigh 255.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.0 lbs and wearing 81.3 lbs, light.
Your base abilities are: Str:21 Int:9 Wil:10 Dex:17 Con:19.
Offensive bonus: 224, Dodging bonus: 4, Parrying bonus: 26
Your mood is: Berserk. You will flee below: 0 Hit Points
Your armor absorbs about 81% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > a
*Geom* pierces your left leg hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > j
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Battered > You slash *Geom*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
[close stonegate]
I see no stonegate here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > 9
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > [k light]
You do the best you can!
*Geom* leaves north.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
Grut tries to smite *Geom*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > alias j close gate
*Geom* pierces Grut's body.
Grut tries to smite *Geom*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [close gate]
*Geom* pierces Grut's body.
Grut tries to smite *Geom*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [close gate]
It's already closed!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
You slash *Geom*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Grut: Critical - Geom: Beaten > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Grut: Critical - Geom: Beaten > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Grut: Critical - Geom: Beaten > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!
*Geom* leaves north.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
They aren't here.
hey aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
They aren't here.
Grut leaves north.
You follow Grut.

The Dusty Road
The road here continues to the east and west here, bordered by impenetrable
forest. Walking along the road, you notice the recent tracks of a couple of
wagons along the road, along with some horses. To your northwest, you can see
a tower poking up through the trees. To the south, you can see the spires
of Fal Dara poking over a hill.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A squat border stone juts from the soil.
Grut the Dark Master is standing here.
*Geom* is standing here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > sc
[k h.light]
You try to slash *Geom*, but he parries successfully.
Grut smites *Geom*'s head into bloody fragments!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > HP:Beaten MP:Winded
You have scored 90092624 experience points and 896 quest points.
You need 3407376 exp to level and 104 qp to rank.
You have amassed 41 Turn points to date.
You have played 40 days and 18 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Penetrator the Pugnacious Destroyer [Ahf'frait 6] (Level 47).
You are fighting Geom.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > a
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Beaten > a

Grut tries to smite *Geom*, but he parries successfully.
*Geom* pierces your right arm.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You slash *Geom*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Geom* leaves east.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
You try to slash *Geom*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!
Grut leaves east.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
*Geom* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
They aren't here.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > a
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > [k h.light]
You try to slash *Geom*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!
Grut leaves east.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
*Geom* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You try to slash *Geom*, but he deflects the blow.
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!
*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a

Grut has arrived from the east.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical >
Grut smites *Geom*'s head into bloody fragments!
*Geom* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > [k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > a
[k h.light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Geom: Critical > Grut smites *Geom*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Geom* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Geom*'s death cry.
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

Sorry for the bad quality
I have no page down on keyboard so I have to go manually screen by screen

great fun

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:14 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Tarel » Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:26 am

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard - Skirrel: Beaten > z
Twist in the Forgotten Trail
Obscured by layer upon layer of needles and blackened dead leaves,
what you can see of the trail beneath is a dry soil of sickly gray. The trail
continues to the west and south and an opening into the woods can be
seen to the east.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]

Matching room found! Correcting map position.

*Skirrel* is here, fighting YOU!
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
An astonishingly tall and broad man stands here, with large tufted ears.

[bash ] ggard - Skirrel: Beaten >

*Skirrel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
An ogier joins your fight!

As *Skirrel* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard - Skirrel: Beaten >
Skirrel swiftly dodges an ogier's attempt to pound him.
*Skirrel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard - Skirrel: Beaten > z
[bash ]

An ogier tries to pound Skirrel, but he dodges the attack.
*Skirrel* pierces your left hand.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!

As *Skirrel* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard >
Skirrel swiftly dodges an ogier's attempt to pound him.
*Skirrel* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard - Skirrel: Beaten > z
[bash ]

An ogier tries to pound Skirrel, but he parries successfully.
*Skirrel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

Your bash at *Skirrel* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Haggard - Skirrel: Beaten > remove shield
You slash *Skirrel*'s body into bloody fragments!
An ogier pounds Skirrel's left leg.
The lightning stops.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You stop using a silver etched shield.
You grip a razor-sharp longsword with both hands.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Skirrel: Critical >
You slash *Skirrel*'s head into bloody fragments!
*Skirrel* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
An ogier pounds Skirrel's body into bloody fragments!
*Skirrel* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Skirrel*'s death cry.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > geta ll corpse
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > geta ll corpse
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > wehre
Twist in the Forgotten Trail
Obscured by layer upon layer of needles and blackened dead leaves,
what you can see of the trail beneath is a dry soil of sickly gray. The trail
continues to the west and south and an opening into the woods can be
seen to the east.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
The corpse of Skirrel is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
An astonishingly tall and broad man stands here, with large tufted ears.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary > get all corpse
wear all
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a silver shield badge bearing the arms of Tanchico from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a silver-winged basilard from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a polished onyx-inlaid shield from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a half-cape of silk-lined leather from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get an obsidian ring with a gold tree engraving from the corpse of Skirrel.
You get an obsidian ring with a gold tree engraving from the corpse of Skirrel.

Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:47 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by mephistopheles » Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:36 pm

* HP:Critical MV:Full >
A Trolloc Camp
There is little doubt as to what taint is twisting the forest around here,
now. You are standing in the middle of a clearing, which is obviously used
as a camp by Trollocs. You see discarded human clothing and armor scattered
around, as well as a rack of strung human skulls hanging from a pole. There
is a big cookpot over the campfire, and the smell of cooking meat drifts
towards you.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Northern Borderlands
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.
*Walker* is here, fighting Scrat.
A tall, ramshorned trolloc is here, commanding.
Scrat the Dark Flying Squirddraal is here, fighting Walker, riding a shadow stallion.
A hooved trolloc anxiously stamps its feet.
A silent, black-robed figure watches you from afar.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
You try to blast *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Scrat: Wounded - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]
*Walker* leaves east. >>
A Dhai'mon trolloc leaves east. >>
*Walker* slices your right leg hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Scrat narrates 'he dlining'
A boarish trolloc tries to hack Walker, but he deflects the blow.
A boarish trolloc joins a boarish trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins a boarish trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A ramshorned trolloc says 'You Walker!!! You will die before your time!! '
A ramshorned trolloc leaves north. ^^
Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!
A ramshorned trolloc has arrived from the north.

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Wounded >

Scrat slashes *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Wounded >

Scrat slashes *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
A ramshorned trolloc says 'You Walker!!! You will die before your time!! '
A myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A myrddraal slashes Walker's body extremely hard.
A boarish trolloc hacks Walker's right leg into bloody fragments!
A boarish trolloc hacks Walker's body very hard.
You blast *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

o HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
Scrat slashes *Walker*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
A myrddraal slashes Walker's body very hard.
A boarish trolloc hacks Walker's left arm extremely hard.
A boarish trolloc hacks Walker's left leg into bloody fragments!
*Walker* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Walker*'s death cry.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.
Scrat gets a throwing spike from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a pair of gray suede leggings from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a shiny copper dagger from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a small purse from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a heron-marked blade with a jeweled hilt from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a heron-engraved scabbard from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a surcoat with exquisite embroidery from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a black shirt trimmed with lace from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets an ivory torc ridged with bloodstone from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets an ivory torc ridged with bloodstone from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a gold ring from the corpse of Walker.
Scrat gets a gold ring from the corpse of Walker.

o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.
Scrat narrates 'sick bash'

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.
Scrat can't seem to regain control of himself.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
Scrat can't seem to regain control of himself.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
You narrate 'lol let it roll'

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
You have 16(xxx) hit and 238(258) movement points.
This ranks you as Mephistopheles the Abominable Bruiser [Ahf'frait 7] (Level 47).
You are standing.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >

Scrat narrates 'hps?'

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
You narrate '16 hps'

Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:00 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Sorvitor » Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:42 pm

Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A MYRDDRAAL leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
*Walker* tickles your body with his pierce.
You try to lance *Walker*, but he dodges the attack.
[bash ]

*Walker* smiles happily.


As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
l walker
You giggle.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

The eyes of the ranger are upon you...

Walker's eyes seem to gleam with a strange golden light.

Walker has a few scratches.

*Walker* is using:
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn about body> a surcoat with exquisite embroidery
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a jeweled wristcuff
<worn around wrist> a jeweled wristcuff
<worn as shield> a polished onyx-inlaid shield
<wielded> a feathered Kandori paramerion
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a black pair of silver-tooled boots

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
You are carrying:

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* clambers to his feet.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* pierces your body hard.
You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.

change mood brave
* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* pierces your body hard.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
You fall down laughing.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
You fall down laughing.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your left arm hard.

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

*Walker* looks at you.

As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

*Walker* pierces your body.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
[bash ]

You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!


You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

*Walker* snickers softly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring - Walker: Scratched >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
[bash ]


*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Tiring >

*Walker* pierces your right leg.
*Walker* gets a cup of thready brown tea from a small purse.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A MYRDDRAAL leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is here, fighting YOU!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
You cackle gleefully.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
*Walker* quaffs a cup of thready brown tea.
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your body.


*Walker* pierces your body.

A black messenger pigeon flutters its wings.
A black messenger pigeon leaves north.
Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
You howl triumphantly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
You howl triumphantly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
You howl triumphantly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

change mood brave
* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Scratched >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >

You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* pierces your body.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]

*Walker* barely pierces your head.
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.


Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
You howl triumphantly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
You howl triumphantly.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Road to Tarwin's Gap

change mood brave
* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
Ah, don't take it so hard.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >

You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]


You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!
As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]


You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!
Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
na on walker 1s mt
You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
You narrate 'on walker 1s mt'

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
You are a 79 year old male trolloc hunter.
Your height is 6 feet, 5 inches, and you weigh 223.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.0 lbs and wearing 50.8 lbs, very light.
Your base abilities are: Str:19 Int:10 Wil:10 Dex:18 Con:19.
Offensive bonus: 185, Dodging bonus: 73, Parrying bonus: 136
Your mood is: Brave. You will flee below: 122 Hit Points
Your posture is: Offensive.
Your armor absorbs about 73% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Road to Tarwin's Gap

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* pierces your body hard.
*Walker* pierces your body.
[bash ]


*Walker* pierces your right arm hard.

Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Hurt >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

change mood brave
* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Road to Tarwin's Gap

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
You lance *Walker*'s body extremely hard.
[diag h.light]
Walker has quite a few wounds.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]



(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your body.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your left leg.
*Walker* howls triumphantly.

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.


As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* barely pierces your left arm.
*Walker* pierces your body hard.
*Walker* snarls angrily.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
You chuckle politely.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]


You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!

As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is here, fighting YOU!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your right leg.


Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Road to Tarwin's Gap

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.


You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >

You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
[bash ]

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Walker* leaves north.

*Walker* has arrived from the north.

*Walker* leaves south.
South: *Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt, leading north and south, attests to the hard use that
the road has been subjected to. To the north, the road leads towards Tarwin's
Gap, glimpsed as a cleft in the immense granite wall past the hills. The only
thing that can be seen to either side is the distinctly uninviting foliage of
the forest.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
[bash ]
Bash who?

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Bend in the Road
The road bends, leading north and west here. Far to the north, a giant cleft
in the Mountains of Dhoom can be seen - Tarwin's Gap. The air, hot and humid,
carries a tinge of the Blight's overpowering stench. Dense forest borders the
road, tall trees reaching into the sky.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
A dirty rock lies here. [2]

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Edge of the Forest
Dense foliage blots the sky from view. The air is hot and humid, tinged with
the rancid stench of the Blight. Oddly, scattered among the normal trees are
some oddly twisted and gnarled trees, as if in pain. The foliage thins out
and hills can be seen to the north. Beyond the hills, the Mountains of Dhoom
claw the sky.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A MYRDDRAAL leaving ^^NORTH^^.
A Kno'mon trolloc tracks you with his reddened eyes, snorting with battle
A Kno'mon trolloc tracks you with his reddened eyes, snorting with battle
A myrddraal slowly gazes about, leaving you shaken.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Bend in the Road
The road bends, leading north and west here. Far to the north, a giant cleft
in the Mountains of Dhoom can be seen - Tarwin's Gap. The air, hot and humid,
carries a tinge of the Blight's overpowering stench. Dense forest borders the
road, tall trees reaching into the sky.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^.
A dirty rock lies here. [2]

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The road, hard-packed earth showing through ancient paving stones, leads west
and east to a bend. Dense forest borders the road to either side, casting a
perpetual shadow onto the ground. The hot, humid air carries the stench of
Blight lightly here, brought on the winds blowing south from the Blight.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tarwin's Gap
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The paving stones that once formed the road are completely covered in dirt.
This stretch of the road continues its east-west path through the forest
between Fal Dara and Tarwin's Gap. The forest begins to thin out towards
the east, replaced by boulders and rough terrain. It would not take much
more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
Pine needles mixed with hard-packed earth form the deeply rutted road.
Several trees have been burned down in this area, casualties of the war
that often rages in this area between the forces of Light and Dark. It
would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive
forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The pavestoned road turns to the south avoiding a sharp incline to the
north. The forest gives way here to rough terrain with rolling hills and
giant boulders that dot the landscape. To the south the road winds between
these boulders on its way towards a large hill. It would not take much more
than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Wounded MV:Full >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The road plods on to the south towards a large hill and bends to the north
to avoid a sharp incline. A dark forest shadows the road to the east. The
forest once extended into these rolling hills, but large fires seem to have
cleared the area leaving only small saplings struggling to survive. It
would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive
forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
A dagger has been left here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
Before a Split in the Road
The road splits to the west and south around a large hill with sheer cliffs
on all sides as if the earth decided to suddenly thrust itself upwards from
the core. The road appears more paved to the west while to the south a
thinner earthen road shadows the hill.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
Just to the east the road branches. One route proceeds north towards
Tarwin's Gap through a thick forest, the other is an eastern route around
the massive hill to the south. An overturned wagon, gutted from flame, lies
in a heap just off the road against the cliff's face.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The smell of decaying matter is strong even this far south of the forest to
the north east. The road continues easterward where it arrives at a fork in
the road. The air is dry and dusty leaving the road underfoot cracked and
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 122 hit points.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]



*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
You're in no position to do anything aggressive.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your left arm hard.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your right leg hard.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your body.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]


(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your left arm.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]


*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.


As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your body.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
wimp 90
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
[change wimpy]
You will now flee if you go below 90 hit points.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
[bash ]


*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your head.
*Walker* pierces your head hard.
The clouds disappear.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.853 seconds.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* barely pierces your body.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >

*Walker* pierces your right leg.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your right leg.

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.


Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Wounded >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
change mood brave
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
*Walker* is sitting here

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Winding Road

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >

You lance *Walker*'s right leg into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]



*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
You're in no position to do anything aggressive.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >

*Walker* pierces your right leg hard.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >

*Walker* pierces your body hard.
*Walker* pierces your head hard.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[bash ]

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.


Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >

You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Walker* leaves west.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you dodge the attack.
The ancient tree tickles your body with its hit.
*Walker* pierces your head.


*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Walker* leaves east.
*Walker* has arrived from the east.


*Walker* pierces your right arm.

change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Battered MV:Full - the ancient tree: Scratched >
You panic and attempt to flee!

*Walker* barely pierces your body.
You lance the ancient tree's roots into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree barely hits your left arm.
The ancient tree barely hits your left leg.
You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.

change mood brave
* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
change mood brave
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Battered MV:Full >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Battered MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]

*Walker* pierces your left arm hard.

*Walker* pierces your left leg hard.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!

*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Walker* leaves east.
*Walker* has arrived from the east.

*Walker* pierces your body.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - the ancient tree: Hurt >
change mood wimpy

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - the ancient tree: Hurt >
change mood brave

*Walker* leaves south.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - the ancient tree: Hurt >
change mood wimpy

*Walker* has arrived from the south.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - the ancient tree: Hurt >

*Walker* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!

change posture defensive
change mood wimpy
You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
take thready pack;quaff thready
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
Posture changed to: Defensive

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
You get a cup of thready brown tea from a backpack.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
You quaff a cup of thready brown tea which dissolves.
A surge of adrenaline works into your muscles, enhancing your strength.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
A Makeshift Bridge
The northern section of the bridge completes the passage across the ravine.
The ravine is dry itself, only filling during heavy rainfalls for any
period of time before the heat of the nearby blight evaporates what little
water falls.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
[k light]
They aren't here.

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

scan north
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Makeshift Bridge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Makeshift Bridge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.


(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
You have 78(409) hit and 253(271) movement points.
You have scored 107259695 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1240305 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Makeshift Bridge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

scan north
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Makeshift Bridge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* has arrived from the north.
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

scan north
* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Makeshift Bridge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]


*Walker* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!

*Walker* barely pierces your right foot.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 62.078 seconds.

You flee head over heels.
Before a Cliff's Wall
To the east the cliff looms high above while to the south a ravine cuts
eastward into the cliff. To the west a road winds its way north before
curving eastward. To the south west a bridge spans across the ravine
providing passage to the south.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.

*Walker* has arrived from the west.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >

*Walker* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

change mood brave
change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
Mood changed to: Brave

change mood wimpy
* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
Mood changed to: Wimpy

change posture defensive
* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
change mood wimpy
Posture changed to: Defensive

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Battered >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >

*Walker* has arrived from the south.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Battered >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Battered >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Battered >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
Before a Cliff's Wall
To the east the cliff looms high above while to the south a ravine cuts
eastward into the cliff. To the west a road winds its way north before
curving eastward. To the south west a bridge spans across the ravine
providing passage to the south.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^.
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A Makeshift Bridge
The northern section of the bridge completes the passage across the ravine.
The ravine is dry itself, only filling during heavy rainfalls for any
period of time before the heat of the nearby blight evaporates what little
water falls.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Makeshift Bridge
The ravine forms a t-intersection here heading north and south and east
towards the hill. A bridge built from a large slab of rock has been placed
over the ravine allowing even heavy wagons to cross. The eastern section of
the ravine slices its way right up to the cliff to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Road by the Ravine
Forced on its route between the cliff to the east and the ravine to the
west the road heads northward approaching a makeshift bridge. To the south
the road continues to hug the cliff's edge.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Road by the Ravine
A ravine stretches south easterly from here forcing the road to head north
between the cliff and the trecherous drop to the west. Part of the road has
crumbled into the ravine as erosion slowly attempts to devour its prey.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
A streambed once trickled across this path bringing rainfall from the hill
to the north. The streambed heads southeastward towards a stand of trees
between two smaller hills. Rocks have been built up across the streambed, a
sign of times past when the stream once required a ford to pass.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv.
A rat scurries around trying to get out of sight, surrounded by a dark aura.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
A small stand of trees lies to the south between two hills. Grasses spread
from the south to cross the road here before cringing away from the shadowy
recesses of the cliff wall. The road continues its east west journey south
of the cliff.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
The road continues shadowing the wide hill, heading west around the
unscalable cliff walls. Boulders block passage at numerous points forcing
horses and wagons to detour around them. Mudslides have settled across the
road making travel very difficult.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A mirrored lantern has been left here. [3]

Beneath a Cliff's Ledge
Providing adequate protection from both the northern winds and the sun
during day this indentation below the cliff's overhang is an ideal resting
place. The cliff's sheer wall is cold to the touch with a slight moisture
collecting on the rocks.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [2]
You notice the death scalp of a Red Eagle officer slain in the Blasted Lands
is hidden here.
A darkfriend trooper stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.
A darkfriend trooper stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.
A darkfriend leader stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
You have 70(409) hit and 241(271) movement points.
You have scored 107255384 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1244616 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
wimp 69
[change wimpy]
You will now flee if you go below 69 hit points.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
*Walker* has arrived from the west.
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Battered >
*Walker* pierces your left arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A darkfriend trooper joins your fight!
A darkfriend trooper joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!
A darkfriend leader joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!
You lance *Walker*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
[bash ]

*Walker* leaves south.


They're not here anymore!

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
You have 57(409) hit and 241(271) movement points.
You have scored 107256494 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1243506 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

change mood wimpy
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
You have 70(409) hit and 241(271) movement points.
You have scored 107256494 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1243506 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
wimp 68
[change wimpy]
You will now flee if you go below 68 hit points.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
*Walker* has arrived from the south.
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
Your eyesight is not so keen.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
A darkfriend trooper joins your fight!
A darkfriend trooper joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!
A darkfriend leader joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]

*Walker* leaves south.


They're not here anymore!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
change posture offensive
Posture changed to: Offensive

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
change mood brave
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong > [k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Your eyesight is not so keen.


(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
Heading westerly, the road gives wide berth to the hill that casts boulders
to the land around its base. Continuing its way north west through the
hilly terrain the road snakes its way between the sharp sloping rises
dwarved by the looming hill to the north east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
*Walker* is resting here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]


*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.676 seconds.

As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]


You dodge a bash from *Walker* who loses his balance and falls!


Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Walker: Beaten >
*Walker* leaves east.
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Before a Split in the Road
The road splits here, wrapping its long arms around the hill to the north.
Its path looks less travelled to the east as the majority of wagon ruts
head on the western route. Dust blows off the top of the cliff swirling
about the road before dissipating to leave dirt on the ground.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
A big brown bear growls angrily about him.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* has arrived from the east.
[bash ]
Bash who?

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
Walker swiftly dodges a big brown bear's attempt to hit him.
*Walker* pierces your right leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]


No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >
[bash ]

A big brown bear tries to hit Walker, but he dodges the attack.
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Beaten >

A big brown bear hits Walker's left arm.
You lance *Walker*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
*Walker* leaves east.
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
The road shadows the cliff to the north staying close to its high
cliff-like face. Small boulders litter the road, having fallen from the
slowly eroding hill. The large boulders have long since been removed by
travellers, those too large merely changed the route of the road.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[bash ]
Bash who?

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
Bending to the north and west the road continues to hug the cliff as if
seeking its protection from the elements. Small indentations in the cliff
face once provided temporary protection for resting soldiers and travellers
alike from the harsh elements.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
Warped, menacing trees shiver, boughs slowly enclosing around you.
Warped, menacing trees shiver, boughs slowly enclosing around you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Road by a Hill
Dust blows off the landslide towards the north west and off the hill itself
creating a haze in the day when the heat from the sun creates a blurry
illusion. The lands are relatively devoid of life, beyond the birds of prey
that circle high above waiting for weakened or dying animals to stop from
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Road by a Hill
A large landslide lies to the west, the smaller stones and rocks having
fallen even this far to the road. The ground crackles underfoot as the dry
air has created a crusty layer of dirt from long since dried mud.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
The road curves to the south and west here avoiding a landslide to the
south west. The road stops its winding as it heads directly south shadowing
the high cliffs towards the west.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A water skin has been left on the ground.
*Walker* is standing here.
A trolloc scout sniffs the air here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* leaves west.
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
The road continues its east west path avoiding a landslide area to the
south. Although the road once led south, the large boulders and numerous
rocks forced travellers to skirt around the rockfall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
A Winding Road
Giving the hill a wide birth, the road heads further to the southeast
through the rolling grasslands. Although the air is hot and dry, the
sickly smell from the Blight far to the north has dissipated. Far to the
north a the road must cut through a forest that lies on the slopes of the
Mountains of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
Deep ruts from heavy wagons slash through the earthen road, uncovering the
ancient paving stones that mark the weakening of a once great civilization.
The constant clash between the light and dark have provided no time to
maintain the once great road.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
A small battle must have taken place here long ago. The burnt remains of
wagons rest in the earth and dust as the grass slowly encroaches on the
fallen remains of war. A few skeletons rest between the wagons from both
human and trolloc, already half buried in the earth.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Parched Ground

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The hill to the west has widen its girth dictating the path of the road as
it skirts around high cliffs. Small campfires, long since burned out, dot
the base of the cliff situated in small crevices and shallow caves that
provide protection from the elements.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
Large boulders and fallen rock have fallen from the slowly eroding hill to
the west forcing travellers to head further east before continuing south.
Mounted tracks dominate the road, outings from Shienaran soldiers as they
patrol the surrounding land.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Before a Split in the Road
The road splits to the west and south around a large hill with sheer cliffs
on all sides as if the earth decided to suddenly thrust itself upwards from
the core. The road appears more paved to the west while to the south a
thinner earthen road shadows the hill.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
Just to the east the road branches. One route proceeds north towards
Tarwin's Gap through a thick forest, the other is an eastern route around
the massive hill to the south. An overturned wagon, gutted from flame, lies
in a heap just off the road against the cliff's face.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The smell of decaying matter is strong even this far south of the forest to
the north east. The road continues easterward where it arrives at a fork in
the road. The air is dry and dusty leaving the road underfoot cracked and
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
You lance the ancient tree's trunk into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree tickles your left leg with its hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - the ancient tree: Scratched >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - the ancient tree: Scratched >
[bash ]

*Walker* has arrived from the south.

change mood wimpy
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - the ancient tree: Scratched >
change mood brave
You panic and attempt to flee!


*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tickles your body with its hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.

You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<.
Mood changed to: Brave

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

scan west
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Winding Road

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
You have 79(409) hit and 213(271) movement points.
You have scored 107259689 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1240311 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - A Winding Road

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
wimp 50
[change wimpy]
You will now flee if you go below 50 hit points.

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
[bash ]

*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Walker* leaves east.

They're not here anymore!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy

change mood brave
* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Makeshift Bridge
The northern section of the bridge completes the passage across the ravine.
The ravine is dry itself, only filling during heavy rainfalls for any
period of time before the heat of the nearby blight evaporates what little
water falls.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
*Walker* has arrived from the east.
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
*Walker* pierces your right arm.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
[bash ]

*Walker* leaves east.


Before a Cliff's Wall
To the east the cliff looms high above while to the south a ravine cuts
eastward into the cliff. To the west a road winds its way north before
curving eastward. To the south west a bridge spans across the ravine
providing passage to the south.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
*Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
*Walker* leaves north.
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[bash ]
Bash who?

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
A Road by the Ravine
A deep and dry ravine lies to the west while the road departs to the east
towards the northern point of a hill that lies in the distance. A bridge
spans the bredth of the ravine further to the south. Far to the northeast a
forest consumes the road as it heads northeasterly.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>.
*Walker* is standing here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
[bash ]

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!


(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!


As *Walker* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >

*Walker* leaves east.

change mood wimpy
* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >

*Walker* has arrived from the east.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >

*Walker* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

change mood brave
* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >

*Walker* pierces your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >
You panic and attempt to flee!

change mood wimpy

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.522 seconds.

change posture defensive
You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* has arrived from the west.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Beaten MV:Full >
*Walker* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
Posture changed to: Defensive

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Critical >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Critical MV:Full - Walker: Critical >

You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.
*Walker* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You panic and attempt to flee!

change mood wimpy
*Walker* wipes his boots in your face!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You flee head over heels.
A Winding Road
The smell of decaying matter is strong even this far south of the forest to
the north east. The road continues easterward where it arrives at a fork in
the road. The air is dry and dusty leaving the road underfoot cracked and
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>.
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
*Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
[k light]
You try to lance *Walker*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong - Walker: Critical >
You panic and attempt to flee!

change posture defensive
You flee head over heels.
Before a Cliff's Wall
To the east the cliff looms high above while to the south a ravine cuts
eastward into the cliff. To the west a road winds its way north before
curving eastward. To the south west a bridge spans across the ravine
providing passage to the south.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The road bends here, leading to the north and the west. Motes of dirt sent
airborn by the breeze and traffic on the road create a dull haze in the dry
air. A sickly sweet smell arrives on the winds from the north.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
*Walker* is standing here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
Before a Cliff's Wall
To the east the cliff looms high above while to the south a ravine cuts
eastward into the cliff. To the west a road winds its way north before
curving eastward. To the south west a bridge spans across the ravine
providing passage to the south.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<.
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
Posture changed to: Defensive

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Makeshift Bridge
The northern section of the bridge completes the passage across the ravine.
The ravine is dry itself, only filling during heavy rainfalls for any
period of time before the heat of the nearby blight evaporates what little
water falls.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >

A Makeshift Bridge
The ravine forms a t-intersection here heading north and south and east
towards the hill. A bridge built from a large slab of rock has been placed
over the ravine allowing even heavy wagons to cross. The eastern section of
the ravine slices its way right up to the cliff to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >

A Road by the Ravine
Forced on its route between the cliff to the east and the ravine to the
west the road heads northward approaching a makeshift bridge. To the south
the road continues to hug the cliff's edge.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Road by the Ravine
A ravine stretches south easterly from here forcing the road to head north
between the cliff and the trecherous drop to the west. Part of the road has
crumbled into the ravine as erosion slowly attempts to devour its prey.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
A streambed once trickled across this path bringing rainfall from the hill
to the north. The streambed heads southeastward towards a stand of trees
between two smaller hills. Rocks have been built up across the streambed, a
sign of times past when the stream once required a ford to pass.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.
A rat scurries around trying to get out of sight, surrounded by a dark aura.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
A small stand of trees lies to the south between two hills. Grasses spread
from the south to cross the road here before cringing away from the shadowy
recesses of the cliff wall. The road continues its east west journey south
of the cliff.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.

* S HP:Critical MV:Strong >
A Winding Road
The road continues shadowing the wide hill, heading west around the
unscalable cliff walls. Boulders block passage at numerous points forcing
horses and wagons to detour around them. Mudslides have settled across the
road making travel very difficult.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>.
A mirrored lantern has been left here. [3]

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Beneath a Cliff's Ledge
Providing adequate protection from both the northern winds and the sun
during day this indentation below the cliff's overhang is an ideal resting
place. The cliff's sheer wall is cold to the touch with a slight moisture
collecting on the rocks.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [2]
You notice the death scalp of a Red Eagle officer slain in the Blasted Lands
is hidden here.
A darkfriend trooper stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.
A darkfriend trooper stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.
A darkfriend leader stands here, surrounded by a dark aura.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 38(409) hit and 200(271) movement points.
You have scored 107256815 experience points and 1597 quest points.
You need 1243185 exp to level and 1403 qp to rank.
You have acquired 469 alt qps to date.
You have amassed 204 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Sorvitor the Darkling Master [Dha'vol 7] (Level 50).
You are standing.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
wimp 50
[change wimpy]
You will now flee if you go below 50 hit points.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[change wimpy]
You won't flee from any fight now.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
change mood brave
*Walker* has arrived from the west.
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
Players in your Zone
Sorvitor - Beneath a Cliff's Ledge

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
*Walker* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
*Walker* wipes his boots in your face!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >
[bash ]

*Walker* makes a nice balletstep which plants a foot a mile above your head.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your bash at *Walker* sends him sprawling!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >

A darkfriend trooper joins your fight!
A darkfriend trooper joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!
A darkfriend leader joins a darkfriend trooper's fight!

* S HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Walker: Critical >

A darkfriend leader slashes Walker's body into bloody fragments!
*Walker* panics, and attempts to flee!
A darkfriend trooper slashes Walker's body hard.
*Walker* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A darkfriend trooper slashes Walker's right foot extremely hard.
*Walker* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Walker*'s death cry.

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