Ouch! That really did HURT!

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Ghast » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:48 am

Mazrim Taim has arrived from the west.
[k h.light]
They aren't here.

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

Mazrim Taim howls a loud battle cry!

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
You try to smite Mazrim Taim, but he parries successfully.
Mazrim Taim's hands weave a chilling blast of ice...
Mazrim Taim commands the very air around you to turn to solid ice.
[k h.light]
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

change mood wimpy
o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
[k h.light]
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..
Shzrei narrates 'what a well-dressed person of quality'

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

Sklarr narrates 'afk sec'

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

Penetrator has arrived from the west.
Penetrator leaves east.

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
*Lakon* has arrived from the west.

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
[k h.light]
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

*Lakon*'s aggressive efforts have little effect against the slab of ice encasing you.

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

*Lakon*'s aggressive efforts have little effect against the slab of ice encasing you.

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

*Lakon*'s aggressive efforts have little effect against the slab of ice encasing you.

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

*Lakon*'s aggressive efforts have little effect against the slab of ice encasing you.

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..
Shzrei narrates 'hidden'

o S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..
Mazrim Taim's hands weave a bright red flame...
Mazrim Taim throws a fireball at Lakon, who screams in pain.

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >
You try, but the mind-numbing cold prevents you..

* S HP:Wounded DP:Bursting MV:Weary >

Mazrim Taim slashes Lakon's body into bloody fragments!
*Lakon* panics, and attempts to flee!
Mazrim Taim gestures and you begin to lose your balance.
The earth trembles and shivers beneath your feet..!
*Lakon* vibrates and is knocked about.
Your icy encasing has been completely shattered.
You vibrate and are knocked about.

* S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Lakon: Battered - Mazrim Taim: Scratched >

*Lakon* leaves west.

o S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

o S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >

*Lakon* has arrived from the west.

* S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >

Mazrim Taim's hands weave a bright red flame...
*Lakon* panics, and attempts to flee!
Mazrim Taim throws a fireball at Lakon, who screams in pain.

* S HP:Battered DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
Mazrim Taim slashes your head hard.
Mazrim Taim's hands weave a bright red flame...
Arrrgggh!!! Your body is on FIRE! You have precious few moments to save your sorry life!
You try to smite Mazrim Taim, but he parries successfully.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >

*Lakon* leaves west.

o S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Weary - Mazrim Taim: Healthy >
change mood wimpy
A brown deer has arrived from the west.
Mazrim Taim's hands erupt with streaks of fire...
Your screams die away as streaks of Fire from Mazrim Taim devour your flesh.
You are dead! Sorry...
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Ghast » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:50 am

*Lakon* pierces your head.

* R S HP:Scratched DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Lakon: Wounded >
Lakon has quite a few wounds.
*Karens* has arrived from the south, riding an Illianer steed.

* R S HP:Scratched DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Lakon: Wounded >

You try to scythe *Lakon*, but he deflects the blow.
A fade joins your fight!
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins a fade's fight!
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins a fade's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc says 'You Lakon!!! You will die before your time!! '
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Karens, but she dodges the attack.
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Karens, but she parries successfully.
*Lakon* pierces your right hand.

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Lakon: Wounded >

A fade slashes Karens's body hard.
*Karens* panics, and attempts to flee!
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Karens, but she parries successfully.
Karens swiftly dodges a Ko'bal trolloc's attempt to hack her.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lakon's body extremely hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Lakon, but he dodges the attack.
*Lakon* pierces your left arm.
*Karens* leaves south riding an Illianer steed.
*Lakon* panics, and attempts to flee!
Your bash at *Lakon* sends him sprawling!

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Lakon: Wounded >
nar on pat
You narrate 'on pat'
*Karens* has arrived from the south, riding an Illianer steed.

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Lakon: Wounded >

An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lakon's body very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lakon's body very hard.
You scythe *Lakon*'s body into bloody fragments!
You scythe *Lakon*'s right hand into bloody fragments!

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Full MV:Tiring - Lakon: Battered >
nar bashed lakons
You narrate 'bashed lakons'

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Full MV:Tiring - Lakon: Battered >

A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade slashes Lakon's body extremely hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lakon's body into bloody fragments!
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lakon's body extremely hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lakon's body extremely hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lakon's body extremely hard.
You scythe *Lakon*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Karens* coughs and shivers.

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Full MV:Tiring - Lakon: Critical >

You scythe *Lakon*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Lakon* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Lakon*'s death cry.
Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by *Karens*!

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Full MV:Tiring - Karens: Battered > [k h.light]

* R S HP:Hurt DP:Full MV:Tiring - Karens: Battered >
get all corpse
nar rip lakon
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a soft leather pouch from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a silver-winged basilard from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a silver etched shield from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a surcoat with exquisite embroidery from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Lakon.
You get a crystal lightstick from the corpse of Lakon.

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:05 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Kiltwich » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:09 pm

The Blight
The sickly pale yellow of the Blight surrounds you. The air is thick with a
ripe stench of decaying matter, and you eye the surrounding forest with
disgust. Despite the disease apparent in everything, the whole area seems
crawling with vile forms of life. The very trees and creepers seem to inch
towards you. The plain slopes down steeply to the east, and there seems to
be no way to get back up.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: The Blight
Door down: rock
The corpse of the giant blight beetle is lying here.
The corpse of Bonin is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Lord Ominas Crowe is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Lord Finan Duffy - The Berserker is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A watchful Dha'vol trolloc scouts his surroundings here.
*Masaj* is standing here.
*Kilgore* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Nevaeh* is here, fighting Glynn, riding a bloodstock stallion.
*Axxye* is here, fighting Matheus, riding a shadow stallion.
Glynn the Forester Second is here, fighting Sklarr, riding a Domani razor.
A raven is here flying around.
Lord Matheus the Lieutenant is here, fighting Kalamr, riding a gray palfrey.
*Sklarr* is here, fighting Glynn.
*Kalamr* is here, fighting Matheus.
*Byrg* is here, fighting Glynn, riding a shadow stallion.
*Reck* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Skirrel* is standing here.
*Zynak* is here, fighting Matheus.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
Matheus panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
You hack *Masaj*'s right hand.
Finan pounds a watchful Dha'vol trolloc's body into bloody fragments!
*Skirrel* tries to pierce Ominas, but he parries successfully.
Matheus leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Matheus narrates '3 dls'

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
[k 1.dark]
You do the best you can!
Matheus narrates 'OFF'

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

Glynn panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
Ominas tries to lance *Skirrel*, but he parries successfully.
*Skirrel* barely pierces Ominas's body.
A watchful Dha'vol trolloc tries to hit Finan, but he deflects the blow.
Finan pounds a watchful Dha'vol trolloc's body into bloody fragments!
*Masaj* slashes your body hard.
You hack *Masaj*'s left foot.
*Byrg* tries to scythe Glynn, but he deflects the blow.
Glynn slashes *Sklarr*'s head.
*Reck* opens the rock.
Glynn leaves west riding a Domani razor. <<
*Byrg* scythes Finan's body.
[k 1.dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Reck* tries to scythe Ominas, but he deflects the blow.
*Kalamr* barely blasts your body.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
*Axxye* leaves east riding a shadow stallion. >>
Finan narrates 'whoa'

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Sklarr* slashes Finan's head very hard.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
nar thats a lot <---perhaps actions vice running one's mouth would have been a better course of action.

*Kilgore* leaves east riding a shadow stallion. >>
*Zynak* leaves east. >>
Finan narrates 'OFF'

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
You narrate 'thats a lot'
Finan narrates 'OFF'

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Byrg* scythes Finan's body.
*Skirrel* pierces Ominas's right leg.
A watchful Dha'vol trolloc barely tickles Finan's left leg with his hit.
Finan pounds a watchful Dha'vol trolloc's right arm into bloody fragments!
You hack *Masaj*'s body.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
Ominas sends *Skirrel* sprawling with a powerful bash!

*Reck* sends Ominas sprawling with a powerful bash!
*Kalamr* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Finan panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

Finan leaves east riding a warhorse. >>

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Kilgore* has arrived from the east, riding a shadow stallion.
*Zynak* has arrived from the east.
*Zynak* pounds Ominas's body very hard.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Byrg* scythes your body.
Matheus narrates 'was bashed'

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Byrg* scythes your body hard.
*Zynak* pounds Ominas's left foot very hard.
*Kalamr* blasts your left leg hard.
*Reck* scythes Ominas's body very hard.
*Masaj* slashes your body extremely hard.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by *Nevaeh*!
*Axxye* has arrived from the east, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >

*Sklarr* leaves east. >>

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
*Byrg* scythes your body.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
*Zynak* pounds Ominas's right leg very hard.
*Kalamr* blasts your body.
You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You can't ride in there.
*Reck* scythes Ominas's head very hard.
*Masaj* slashes your left hand very hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You hack *Masaj*'s body.
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Matheus narrates 'go ragan'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Masaj: Wounded >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by *Kilgore*!

Ominas panics, and attempts to flee!
Ominas tries to flee, but is too exhausted!
You flee head over heels.
Path in the Blight
You have stumbled upon a well traveled area in the Blight. It's not quite a
path, but the frequent travel seems to have worn a small trail in the ground.
The trees and bushes which cover the Blight are sparser here, and you can see
the worn trails leading off to the south as well as running east and west.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
The corpse of the giant blight beetle is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Sklarr* is standing here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh >

*Sklarr* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Sklarr: Beaten >

Ominas has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Sklarr: Beaten >
Ominas panics, and attempts to flee!
Ominas leaves west riding a warhorse. <<
No way! You're fighting for your life!
*Masaj* has arrived from the west.
A watchful Dha'vol trolloc has arrived from the west.

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Sklarr: Beaten >
No way! You're fighting for your life!
*someone* slashes your body hard.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

HP:Critical MV:Fresh >
You are dead! Sorry...
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 122
Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:06 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Masaj » Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:00 pm

You try to hack *Matheus*, but he deflects the blow.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Matheus: Beaten > Rig scythes *Matheus*'s right leg hard.

*Zendaya* sheathes a silver sai into a heron-engraved scabbard.
*Matheus* assumes an offensive striking posture.

*Matheus* slashes Blytzkrieg's body very hard.
Zendaya swiftly dodges the blighted tree's attempt to hit her.
The blighted tree tries to hit Zendaya, but she deflects the blow.
*Zendaya* barely stings Blytzkrieg's right leg.

A throwing spike arcs through the air.

*Matheus* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Matheus* leaves south riding a bloodstock stallion.

A shadow stallion grunts in pain as it is struck by a throwing spike.

kill light
By the Deserted Well
[ obvious exits: N S ]
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large stone well is here.
*Matheus* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > You try to hack *Matheus*, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Matheus: Beaten > Blytzkrieg narrates '1n well'

*Matheus* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!
A raven caws 'Zendaya is at A Pile of Lumber'
*Matheus* assumes an offensive striking posture.

*Matheus* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Matheus* leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion.

kill light
You panic and attempt to flee!

The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree tickles your head with its hit.

You flee head over heels.
A Pile of Lumber
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving >>EAST>>
A well balanced throwing spike is here, plume attached.
Rig the Shar'cor'sam is here, fighting Zendaya, riding a shadow stallion.
Blytzkrieg the Myrddraal is sitting here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Zendaya* is sitting here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.
The blighted tree is here, fighting Zendaya.
The blighted tree is here, fighting Zendaya.
You hack *Zendaya*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Wounded > They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Wounded >
Rig stops using a silver etched shield.
Rig grips a wicked knife bladed axe with both hands.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Wounded > cpo
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Wounded > Rig scythes *Zendaya*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
[change posture OFFENSIVE]
Posture changed to: OFFENSIVE

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Wounded >
You hack *Zendaya*'s body into bloody fragments!
Rig scythes *Zendaya*'s left hand into bloody fragments!
A shadow stallion tries to hit Zendaya, but she deflects the blow.
The blighted tree tries to hit Zendaya, but she parries successfully.
The blighted tree hits Zendaya's right leg very hard.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Battered >
Blytzkrieg clambers to his feet.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Battered >
Blytzkrieg slashes *Zendaya*'s head into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Blytzkrieg: Beaten - Zendaya: Battered >
Blytzkrieg slashes *Zendaya*'s right hand into bloody fragments!
*Zendaya* panics, and attempts to flee!
You hack *Zendaya*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
Rig scythes *Zendaya*'s body into bloody fragments!
A shadow stallion hits Zendaya's left foot hard.
The blighted tree hits Zendaya's body very hard.
The blighted tree hits Zendaya's right arm extremely hard.
*Zendaya* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Zendaya*'s death cry.

Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:04 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Isela » Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:01 am

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

*Dah* has arrived from the north.
*Dah* leaves south.

The ancient tree barely tickles Gryb's left leg with its hit.
The ancient tree barely tickles Gryb's body with its hit.
*+=- -

*Rig* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Ouch! You couldn't maintain the flows.

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >

*Cravok* crushes your left arm into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >

*Cravok* crushes your body into bloody fragments!
*Rig* scythes your body into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree barely tickles Gryb's right hand with its hit.
The ancient tree barely tickles Gryb's right arm with its hit.

* R HP:Battered SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >

Elhokar narrates 'isela/' <-- sorry friend, can't respond at the moment

* R HP:Battered SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >

Glynn narrates 'isela ok?' <-- no, but I'll probably autoflee soon...

* R HP:Battered SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >

*Dah* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Battered SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Gryb: Scratched >
*Cravok* crushes your right leg into bloody fragments!
*Rig* scythes your body into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree tickles Gryb's left arm with its hit.
The ancient tree barely tickles Gryb's body with its hit.
*Gryb* scythes your body into bloody fragments!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

PANIC! You couldn't escape!
*someone* scythes your body into bloody fragments!
You are dead! Sorry...
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Ouch! You lose a level.
You stop following Glynn.

Posts: 1090
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:53 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Kitiara » Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:00 am

Before the Keep
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A hanging lantern lights the path.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Sorvitor* is standing here.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh > kill dark

*Sorvitor* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > You do the best you can!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded >
You try to strike *Sorvitor*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > nar on 1n cross

fg ------------------------------------------------------------------ Messed up my flee, got bashed
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounde >
*Sorvitor* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > f

Elmer narrates 'i crit'

* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded >
*Sorvitor* slashes your right leg into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded >
*Sorvitor* stops using a polished onyx-inlaid shield.
*Sorvitor* grips the Sword of Kirukan with both hands.

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > f

*Axxye* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded >
*Axxye* strikes a young Tower Guard's body hard.

* R HP:Hurt SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded >
A young Tower Guard tries to blast Axxye, but he parries successfully.
*Sorvitor* slashes your head into bloody fragments!
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
*Sorvitor* shifts the Sword of Kirukan to one hand.
*Sorvitor* binds a polished onyx-inlaid shield to his arm.

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > f
You panic and attempt to flee!------------------------------------- Whew, got away before the fireball went off... i know lets spam flee so much i
go right back in!

You flee head over heels.
On the Drawbridge
On the Drawbridge
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Failed to correct map position after fleeing.
A hanging lantern lights the path.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

Before the Keep
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A hanging lantern lights the path.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Axxye* is here, fighting a young Tower Guard.
*Sorvitor* is standing here.
A young Tower Guard is here, fighting Axxye.

Room Found Teleporting
* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh > PANIC! You couldn't escape!

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh >
Axxye swiftly dodges a young Tower Guard's attempt to blast him.

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh >
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Axxye*!

* R HP:Battered SP:Full MV:Fresh - Sorvitor: Wounded > No way! You're fighting for your life!

You panic and attempt to flee!sh - Sorvitor: Wounded >

*Sorvitor* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash! --------------- thats not good

*Sorvitor* slashes your body into bloody fragments!
A young Tower Guard tries to blast Axxye, but he dodges the attack.

You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
A flash of bright red fire sent by Axxye is the last thing you ever see.
You are dead! Sorry...
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 160
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 7:52 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Shzrei » Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:06 pm

*Melosa* has arrived from the north.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
[bash ]
Bash who?

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

Sorvitor has arrived from the north.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
[kill light]
You try to scythe *Melosa*, but she deflects the blow.
Sorvitor slashes *Melosa*'s left leg into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Hurt >
[bash ]
*Melosa* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.
The Caemlyn cityguard joins Melosa's fight!
A merchant guard joins Melosa's fight!
A merchant guard joins a merchant guard's fight!
A grocer joins a merchant guard's fight!
A grocer bellows 'P[WO^Chvqz bJxjc[ VA UmCagekqp ?hJ] z^vFuzg'
*Melosa* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Melosa* panics, and attempts to flee!
Your bash at *Melosa* sends her sprawling!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Hurt >

A grocer pounds your body hard.
A merchant guard tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
A merchant guard barely slashes Sorvitor's left leg.
The Caemlyn cityguard barely slashes Sorvitor's body.
Sorvitor slashes *Melosa*'s body into bloody fragments!
You scythe *Melosa*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Wounded >
na bashed
You narrate 'bashed'

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Wounded >
Sklarr has arrived from the north.
Sorvitor stops using a polished onyx-inlaid shield.
Sorvitor grips the Sword of Kirukan with both hands.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Wounded >

Sklarr hacks *Melosa*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Melosa* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Melosa: Battered >
Sklarr hacks *Melosa*'s left foot into bloody fragments!
A grocer bellows 'n[mdexLiqc InXnj? EF OmRg@Fecx o[jF GBtdiqq'
A grocer pounds your left leg.
A merchant guard slashes your right leg very hard.
A merchant guard barely slashes Sorvitor's left leg.
The Caemlyn cityguard tickles Sorvitor's body with his slash.
Sorvitor slashes *Melosa*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
You scythe *Melosa*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
*Melosa* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Melosa*'s death cry.

Posts: 181
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 3:04 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Kilgore » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:42 pm

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
*Melosa* is resting here.
*Melosa* is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
*Draimin* is standing here, riding a dust-colored gelding.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
*Lisette* is standing here.
*Lisette* is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
*Walker* is standing here.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A street sweeper is lying here, mortally wounded.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
*Lisette* has arrived from the south.
Brolock tries to cleave *Lisette*, but she parries successfully.
Sorvitor tries to lance *Lisette*, but she parries successfully.

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Sqwak stops resting, and clambers on his feet.
You narrate 'naw he was idling and remount'

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Gully says '21 ftw'

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
*Lisette* gestures and you begin to lose your balance.
The earth trembles and shivers beneath your feet..!
Sqwak vibrates and is knocked about.
Sklarr vibrates and is knocked about.
A shadow stallion vibrates and is knocked about.
The fighting is too thick and heavy for you to enter the fray!
You vibrate and are knocked about.
Sorvitor vibrates and is knocked about.
A shadow stallion vibrates and is knocked about.
Byrg vibrates and is knocked about.
Gully vibrates and is knocked about.
Brolock vibrates and is knocked about.

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh > You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

*Lisette* tickles Brolock's right leg with her strike.
Brolock tries to cleave *Lisette*, but she parries successfully.
*Lisette* panics, and attempts to flee!

= + * *
*Lisette* panics, and attempts to flee!
You draw some energy from the stone in your hand.
There were no weaves to slice.

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Sorvitor sends *Lisette* sprawling with a powerful bash!

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Sqwak hacks *Lisette*'s right leg into bloody fragments!

* N HP:Wounded SP:Strong MV:Fresh >
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

Sqwak hacks *Lisette*'s body very hard.
Sorvitor lances *Lisette*'s right arm extremely hard.
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

- = + * * + = - -
Sqwak hacks *Lisette*'s head into bloody fragments!
Sorvitor lances *Lisette*'s body extremely hard.
Brolock cleaves *Lisette*'s body extremely hard.

= +
You draw some energy from the stone in your hand.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your fireball blasts into *Lisette*, dropping her charred corpse to the ground.
*Lisette* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Lisette*'s death cry.

Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:00 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Sorvitor » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:48 pm

“It looks like LS are going to try and stay ungrouped and send the channelers in one at a time

[“That’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off” /i]

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:35 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by jeb » Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:28 am

*Vittak* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Waya: Battered - Sklarr: Beaten >
*Sklarr* leaves south.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Battered >
A myrddraal slashes Aelarien's left arm very hard.
Aelarien panics, and attempts to flee!
A boarish trolloc tries to cleave Aelarien, but she parries successfully.
A boarish trolloc cleaves your left leg.
*Vittak* pounds your body hard.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Battered >

Patter has arrived from the west.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Battered >
Aelarien leaves west riding a warhorse.
Patter pierces *Vittak*'s body hard.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
Waya leaves south riding a bloodstock stallion.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten > -
Patter pierces *Vittak*'s left arm.
A boarish trolloc joins a boarish trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins a boarish trolloc's fight!
A boarish trolloc barely cleaves your body.
*Vittak* barely pounds your body.
Waya has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

= + *
Aelarien has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

Aelarien barely pounds *Vittak*'s body.

Waya scythes *Vittak*'s body.

= -
*Vittak* panics, and attempts to flee!

- =
Your bash at *Vittak* sends him sprawling!

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
A myrddraal barely slashes your body.
A boarish trolloc cleaves your left foot.
Patter pierces *Vittak*'s body.
You pound *Vittak*'s body.
A boarish trolloc tickles your body with its cleave.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
Patter sheathes a silver sai into a camouflaged hood.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
Patter draws a throwing knife from a belt with a buckle of cuendillar with a flash of steel.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
Waya stops using a finely crafted axe.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
Waya draws a throwing spike from a sungwood bracelet with a flash of steel.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >

Waya throws a throwing spike at *Vittak*.

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten > A throwing knife arcs through the air.
Deserted Guest House
A massive table of wood stands in the center of this room, which appears to
have been deserted long ago. Other than the table, the only sign that
anyone has been here is a crooked, dusty portrait of an ogier Elder hanging
on the east wall. There is a darkened room to the west.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
A throwing spike is flashing by in flight.
A throwing knife is flashing by in flight.
Aelarien Drasiel is here, fighting Vittak, riding a warhorse.
Waya of Illian is here, fighting Vittak, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Patter Reilly is here, fighting Vittak.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
*Vittak* is sitting here
A boarish trolloc is here, fighting YOU!
A boarish trolloc is here, fighting YOU!
A myrddraal is here, fighting YOU!

* RHP:Battered MV:Strong - Vittak: Beaten >
A throwing spike arcs through the air.
Aelarien pounds *Vittak*'s body.
A myrddraal slashes your body.
A boarish trolloc barely cleaves your body.
You pound *Vittak*'s right arm very hard.
A boarish trolloc cleaves your head.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
The lightning stops.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
Aelarien coughs and shivers.
They already seem to be stunned.

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Beaten >
*Vittak* grunts in pain as he is struck by a throwing knife.

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Critical >
*Vittak* grunts in pain as he is struck by a throwing spike.
You whistle appreciatively.

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Critical >

PANIC! You couldn't escape!

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Critical >
You do the best you can!
Waya draws a throwing spike from a sungwood bracelet with a flash of steel.

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Critical > Patter pierces *Vittak*'s body.
You do the best you can!
Waya throws a throwing spike at *Vittak*.

* RHP:Battered MV:Full - Vittak: Critical >

You panic and attempt to flee!

A throwing spike arcs through the air.
*Vittak* leaves south.

A myrddraal slashes your body.
A boarish trolloc barely cleaves your body.
A boarish trolloc cleaves your body.
*Vittak* has arrived from the south.

#Ok. $fleebot is now set to {0}.
#Ok. $fleestatus is now set to {HP}.
You flee head over heels.
A Dusty Bedroom
An enormous bed of sungwood rests in the center of this darkened room.
Small insects scurry across the floor leaving faint trails in the thick dust.
Dozens of spiders lurk in the rafters.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full > They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full > They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full >
The brokengate seems to be closed.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full >
They aren't here.
*Vittak* has arrived from the east.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Full > Deserted Guest House
A massive table of wood stands in the center of this room, which appears to
have been deserted long ago. Other than the table, the only sign that
anyone has been here is a crooked, dusty portrait of an ogier Elder hanging
on the east wall. There is a darkened room to the west.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Waya of Illian is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Patter Reilly is standing here.
Aelarien Drasiel is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A silent, black-robed figure watches you from afar.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong > They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Abandoned Square
Once a hub of ogier activity, the square is now devoid of life. Simple
buildings line the square, each with carved wooden doors of excessive height
and width. Small residences lie to the north and east, a broken fountain is
further south in the square.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving west.
The corpse of a Dha'vol trolloc is lying here. [2]
The corpse of a hideous trolloc is lying here. [3]
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.
Waya has arrived from the north, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Aelarien has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong >
They aren't here.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong >
Deserted Guest House
A massive table of wood stands in the center of this room, which appears to
have been deserted long ago. Other than the table, the only sign that
anyone has been here is a crooked, dusty portrait of an ogier Elder hanging
on the east wall. There is a darkened room to the west.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A silent, black-robed figure watches you from afar.
Waya has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Aelarien has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong >
A Dusty Bedroom
An enormous bed of sungwood rests in the center of this darkened room.
Small insects scurry across the floor leaving faint trails in the thick dust.
Dozens of spiders lurk in the rafters.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Patter Reilly is here, fighting Vittak.
*Vittak* is here, fighting Patter.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
Waya has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Aelarien has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* RHP:Beaten MV:Strong > You pound *Vittak*'s right arm.
*Vittak* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Vittak*'s death cry.

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