Stab Thread

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 459
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:16 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Fermin » Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:57 pm

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded > [backstab h.vittak]
Backstab them?!? They are in the throes of battle!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Rhydderch has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded > a

Rhydderch tries to slash *Stomper*, but he parries successfully.
Chablis leaves north riding a warhorse.

Benjen leaves north riding a warhorse.
[backstab h.vittak]
You silently approach your victim...

A ramshorned trolloc joins Stomper's fight!
A ramshorned trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A hideous trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A hideous trolloc joins a hideous trolloc's fight!
*Honey* cleaves Rhydderch's left leg extremely hard.

Matheus has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

Matheus leaves east riding a warhorse.

Chablis has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

*Honey* cleaves Rhydderch's body very hard.
A hideous trolloc tickles Rhydderch's body with its cleave.
A hideous trolloc tickles Rhydderch's body with its cleave.
A ramshorned trolloc tries to slash Rhydderch, but he deflects the blow.
A ramshorned trolloc barely slashes Rhydderch's body.

Matheus has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

Matheus tries to cleave *Vittak*, but he parries successfully.
Chablis leaves west riding a warhorse.

*Stomper* panics, and attempts to flee!

Matheus panics, and attempts to flee!
*Stomper* avoids being bashed by Rhydderch who loses his balance and falls!
*Stomper* leaves east riding a shadow stallion.

Benjen has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.
Benjen leaves west riding a warhorse.
A raven leaves west.
You can't backstab a fighting person, too alert!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
*Vittak* hacks Matheus's body.
*Honey* cleaves Rhydderch's body very hard.
A hideous trolloc tickles Rhydderch's left leg with its cleave.
A hideous trolloc tries to cleave Rhydderch, but he parries successfully.
A ramshorned trolloc barely slashes Rhydderch's body.
A ramshorned trolloc tries to slash Rhydderch, but he parries successfully.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded >
Matheus leaves east riding a warhorse.
Matheus has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded > a

Matheus leaves west riding a warhorse.

[backstab h.vittak] ded >
You silently approach your victim...

*Vittak* hacks Rhydderch's body very hard.

Rhydderch panics, and attempts to flee!

Chablis narrates 'am off sec'

*Vittak* hacks Rhydderch's left hand hard.
A hideous trolloc cleaves Rhydderch's body.
A hideous trolloc tries to cleave Rhydderch, but he parries successfully.
A ramshorned trolloc slashes Rhydderch's right arm.
A ramshorned trolloc barely slashes Rhydderch's body.
Matheus narrates 'im crit'

*Stomper* has arrived from the east, riding a shadow stallion.

Rhydderch leaves north riding a warhorse.

*Honey* leaves north.
*Vittak* makes a strange sound as you place a silver sai etched with talons in his back!
*Vittak* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Vittak*'s death cry.
*Stomper* leaves north riding a shadow stallion.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Winded > g all corpse
A ramshorned trolloc tries to slash you, but you dodge the attack.
A ramshorned trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A hideous trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A hideous trolloc joins a hideous trolloc's fight!
A hideous trolloc tries to cleave you, but you deflect the blow.
A hideous trolloc tries to cleave you, but you deflect the blow.
A ramshorned trolloc slashes your right foot.
A ramshorned trolloc tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.

Rhydderch has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

Rhydderch leaves west riding a warhorse.

-You flee head over heels.
The Blight
The sickly pale yellow of the Blight surrounds you. The air is thick with a
ripe stench of decaying matter, and you eye the surrounding forest with
disgust. Despite the disease apparent in everything, the whole area seems
crawling with vile forms of life. The very trees and creepers seem to inch
towards you. The plain slopes down steeply to the east, and there seems to
be no way to get back up.
[ obvious exits: E W D ]
East: A huge darkhound is here, drooling and snarling.
West: A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
You don't have a corpse.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Tiring >
* S HP:Wounded MV:Tiring > g all corpse
The Blight
The Blight is thicker to the south, and probably impassible. To the north
and west, slight gaps in the thick trees allow you to cut a way through.
You are reluctant to approach those dark trees which seem almost eager to
touch. The plain slopes down steeply to the east, and there seems to be no
way to get back up. The Blight is thicker to the south, and probably
impassible. To the north and west, slight gaps in the thick trees allow you
to cut a way through. You are reluctant to approach those dark trees which
seem almost eager to touch.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
North: A giant blight beetle is here, scurrying about.
West: A raven is here flying around.
The corpse of Vittak is lying here.
*Stomper* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Honey* is standing here.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
A tall, ramshorned trolloc is here, commanding.
A tall, ramshorned trolloc is here, commanding.
*Stomper* tries to pound you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Tiring - Stomper: Battered > You try to pierce *Stomper*, but he parries successfully.
A hideous trolloc joins Stomper's fight!
A hideous trolloc joins a hideous trolloc's fight!
A ramshorned trolloc joins a hideous trolloc's fight!
*Stomper* gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.
You feel very paranoid about your surroundings.
*Stomper* tries to pound you, but you parry successfully.
You get a thin vial of yellow fluid from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a pair of gleaming metal boots from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a shiny copper dagger from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a small purse from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a bronze belt of odd design from the corpse of Vittak.
You get Al'Akir's Despair, the bronze-headed voulge of the Malkieri from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a pair of polished, gold-plated vambraces from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a heron-engraved scabbard from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a black, silver-embroidered cape from the corpse of Vittak.
You get an ornate chainmail shirt chased with gold from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a silver medallion from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a gold-chased morion with an engraved silver comb from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a jade signet ring from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a jade signet ring from the corpse of Vittak.
You get a badge emblazoned with an iron fist from the corpse of Vittak.

Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:52 am

Re: Stab Thread

Post by vittak » Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:09 pm

Nice kill, I should have just been spamming there was silly to roll a bash.

Posts: 26
Joined: Sat May 09, 2020 6:48 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Wovoka » Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:49 am

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Rhydderch the Phalanx is here, fighting Stomper, riding a warhorse.
*Vittak* is here, fighting Rhydderch.
*Stomper* is here, fighting Rhydderch, riding a shadow stallion.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
A sergeant bellows 'Rally the forces, the dreadlords approach!'
Iblis narrates 'two are 1s of commander'
Amongst the Rubble
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
North: South: *Vittak* is standing here.
*Stomper* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > backstab h.dark
[hide ]
You look around for somewhere to conceal yourself, but to no avail.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > You silently approach your victim...

-backstab h.dark
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > You silently approach your victim...

The Shienaran commander bellows 'To arms!'

*Stomper* leaves south riding a shadow stallion.
*Vittak* leaves south.

- -
*Stomper* has arrived from the south, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vittak* has arrived from the south.

*Vittak* makes a strange sound as you place a silver sai in his back!
*Vittak* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Vittak*'s death cry.

Posts: 90
Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:18 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Stomper » Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:51 pm

Dat was my bad, tbh didn't even see you there :p It seems like I was leaving that stab, but alas I was just moving around. Vittak taking one for the team! And I failed to loot most anything good to boot. For shame, for shame. And the above stab by fermin didn't even realize you'd gotten stabbed lol. Was just spamming around trying to kill things! :( Definitely was hard to run bashes that pk, dang wizkilling stabbers. Kryyg has had it right all along.

Posts: 26
Joined: Sat May 09, 2020 6:48 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Wovoka » Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:47 am

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > h
The Dusty Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
West: *Wukong* is standing here.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

backstab h.dark
* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > [hide ]
You look around for somewhere to conceal yourself, but to no avail.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary > Backstab who?

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary > w
The Dusty Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
East: A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
West: A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
*Wukong* is standing here.

backstab h.dark
* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary > [hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary > You silently approach your victim...

-=+**+=- -=+*
*Wukong* makes a strange sound as you place a silver sai in his back!
*Wukong* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Wukong*'s death cry.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary > gc

Vianca has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary >
Vianca leaves west riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Weary >
[get all corpse]
You get a pair of gleaming metal boots from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a shiny copper dagger from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a soft leather pouch from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a bronze belt of odd design from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a darkened steel trident from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a pair of polished, gold-plated vambraces from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a heron-engraved scabbard from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a black, silver-embroidered cape from the corpse of Wukong.
You get an ornate chainmail shirt chased with gold from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a gold-chased morion with an engraved silver comb from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a jade signet ring from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a jade signet ring from the corpse of Wukong.
You get a horned skull badge from the corpse of Wukong.

Posts: 124
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:41 am

Re: Stab Thread

Post by gok » Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:04 pm

A Destroyed Catapult
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
North: A red-eyed raven is visible flying high in the sky.
South: A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.
*Isela* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Isela* is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
*Isela* leaves south riding a warhorse.

o S HP:Scratched MV:Winded >
*Neveyan* has arrived from the north.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the north.
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Winded >
[back h.light]
You silently approach your victim...

*Neveyan* leaves south.
A red-eyed raven leaves south.


*Neveyan* has arrived from the south.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the south.

*Neveyan* leaves north.
A red-eyed raven leaves north.


*Neveyan* has arrived from the north.
A warhorse has arrived from the north.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the north.

*Neveyan* makes a strange sound as you place a sai in his back!
*Neveyan* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Neveyan*'s death cry.

o S HP:Scratched MV:Winded >
[get all from corpse]
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a small purse from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a shiny copper dagger from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a steel warhammer from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a silver etched shield from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a half-cape of silk-lined leather from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Neveyan.
You get a lantern from the corpse of Neveyan.

o S HP:Scratched MV:Winded > You lean over and sever the bloody head from the corpse of Neveyan.

Posts: 26
Joined: Sat May 09, 2020 6:48 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Wovoka » Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:22 am

* S HP:Wounded MV:Weary >
*Teveyl* has arrived from the north.

backstab h.dark
* S HP:Wounded MV:Weary > *Trill* tries to pierce a Shienaran forward scout, but he parries successfully.
Ragan joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Trill's body extremely hard.
A Shienaran forward scout tries to slash Trill, but he deflects the blow.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Trill's left hand very hard.
A Shienaran forward scout tries to slash Trill, but he parries successfully.
You silently approach your victim...
*Teveyl* strikes Arjuna's right leg.
*Trill* leaves east.

Arjuna panics, and attempts to flee!

*Trill* pierces Arjuna's right arm hard.

Arjuna leaves west.

*Teveyl* makes a strange sound as you place a silver sai in his back!
*Teveyl* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Teveyl*'s death cry.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Haggard >
*Vittak* has arrived from the north.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Haggard > gc

You swiftly dodge *Vittak*'s attempt to pierce you.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Haggard - Vittak: Hurt >
A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
Ragan joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!

* S HP:Wounded MV:Haggard - Vittak: Hurt >
Ragan slices Vittak's left hand into bloody fragments!
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vittak's left leg hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vittak's body.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vittak's right leg.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vittak's left hand into bloody fragments!
You swiftly dodge *Vittak*'s attempt to pierce you.
*Vittak* gets a bubbling draught from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a thin vial of yellow fluid from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a thin vial of yellow fluid from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a cup of thready brown tea from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a cup of thready brown tea from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a shiny copper dagger from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a belt pack from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a shocklance from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a heron-engraved scabbard from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a surcoat with exquisite embroidery from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Vittak* gets a dark suede shirt rich with lace at the neck and cuffs from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Trill* gets a silver medallion from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Trill* gets a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Trill* gets a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Trill* gets a gold ring from the corpse of Teveyl.
*Trill* gets a gold ring from the corpse of Teveyl.

* S HP:Wounded MV:Haggard - Vittak: Wounded >
Beads of cold sweat emerge from *Vittak*'s face!

Posts: 180
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:03 am

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Geoff » Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:48 am

Nice kill on Teveyl. Wasn’t K-sword with him?

Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:38 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by Teveyl » Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:25 am

Gave it to a porridge type trolloc...

Posts: 34
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:45 pm

Re: Stab Thread

Post by mush » Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:27 am

Teveyl wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:25 am
Gave it to a porridge type trolloc...
It's not me, folks. I am just mushy like porridge, it's grueling being this handsome.

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