Early Morning Mistakes at Akkad

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Re: Early Morning Mistakes at Akkad

Post by Rig » Fri May 10, 2024 12:49 am

Huh? Abs weapons are the best they’ve ever been, lol. I won’t touch combo weapons that aren’t heron/nimble/steel warhammer/triple/dst because the rest suck or are almost directly comparable to non-rares. Except maybe wicked, but they’re as common as claymores.

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Re: Early Morning Mistakes at Akkad

Post by Kryyg » Fri May 10, 2024 6:36 am

What Rig said. Every time someone dies on this game does not necessitate a change. You basically hit a super duper mob solo. I think combo being downed over the years and you basically got hit by every heavy hitting mob - fades and elites. Good show and try. Sklarr falling back to this point in a 2v2 (from what I can tell) at beaten - effectively ended pew pew.

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Re: Early Morning Mistakes at Akkad

Post by Sklarr » Fri May 10, 2024 12:48 pm

3v2 (Draz Roberto Eadmund vs Sklarr Malf), but it wasn't intended as a place to be hit. Malf and I were split, I was mid beat and last I saw the bashers (Draz Eadmund) were both wound, unsure on Rob. And we had just lost at a fade pat, so I was considering options.

Given their hp and that Malf and I were split, I figured 1n oakdoor was a sure loss, irondoor was a maybe, RK would end PK, but that Akkad might act as a soft reset - they'd take a sec to track me there while Malf and I got hps, realize it was ridiculous to hit, we'd all sit around for two minutes getting hps, and then we'd go blight and resume.

That didn't end up happening, and I won't claim I did a ton here, other than closing doors and letting the mobs do the work. But it definitely wasn't intended as a PK fallback point or a place to continue PK.

One of those 'what if' scenarios I'm thinking about reading the log - Eadmund's bash was 2 pulses away from landing. If he lands that and LS gets lamans + sblade/projectiles + Draz on me and are able to tank Akkad, I think I'm down to 20 hps or lower and might have just died before Malf gets there. In which case I think the hit pays off, despite how it actually went.

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Re: Early Morning Mistakes at Akkad

Post by Neveyan » Sat May 11, 2024 8:37 am

Not sure I agree with the premise of this post even though the humans in this log are super fun to pk alongside for the very behaviour demonstrated in this log.

The risks for hitting inside that place look to me pretty predictable (high risk but predictable). (When I say predictable what I am referring to is stuff like wiz kill type mobol/mobs which make calculating risks much harder).

Hence, 3? humans, one which is batt, vs 2 beat/batt trolls: Assuming the trolls are decent, I think the chance of winning for humans here are low at best.

Pk is about calculating and taking risks. Either in this case the calculation was wrong or a bet was taken which didn't pay off - based on the players here it was probably the latter.

I do think the jump exit might be worth reconsidering though: however it doesn't play a role in this log except maybe giving the trolls extra confidence.

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