A bolt of lightning called from the sky

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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A bolt of lightning called from the sky

Post by Grut » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:59 am

I thought Well diverted zing/weaves, but I guess that is only the no-mob 1n of here. Stupid of me...

The Well
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A revolting well bubbles with the blood of the sacrificed.
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
A black flame dances here in midair.
*Callan* is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A red-eyed raven is here flying around.
A red-eyed raven is here flying around.
*Melosa* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Draz* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A trolloc is here commanding a fist of troops.
A bearish trolloc towers here, its snout drawn into a snarl.
A figure stands here, ready to collect unwanted things.
A brooding trolloc watches her charges.
A hooded myrddraal, brooding in the shadows, slowly faces you.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

kill light
* HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
kill light
You slash *Callan*'s right hand.

* HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Callan: Battered >
You do the best you can!

* HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Callan: Battered >
A sullen trolloc joins your fight!
A bearish trolloc joins your fight!
A hooded myrddraal joins your fight!
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

The collector leaves west. << <<
A Dha'vol trolloc joins your fight!
You do the best you can!
*Draz* leaves south riding a warhorse. vv
A red-eyed raven leaves south. vv vv
A red-eyed raven leaves south. vv vv

* HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Callan: Battered >

A hooded myrddraal tries to slash Melosa, but she parries successfully.
A hooded myrddraal swirls about with a black sword, slicing across Melosa's body.
A Dha'vol trolloc crushes Callan's head.
A bearish trolloc slashes Callan's body.
A sullen trolloc tickles Callan's body with its hit.
*Draz* has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the south.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the south.
*Draz* tries to scythe you, but you deflect the blow.
*Melosa* calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!

*Callan* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Wounded MV:Strong - Callan: Beaten >

A hooded myrddraal tries to slash Melosa, but she parries successfully.
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A Dha'vol trolloc crushes Callan's body.
A bearish trolloc barely slashes Callan's left leg.
A sullen trolloc tickles Callan's body with its hit.
*Callan* blasts your body very hard.

change mood wimpy
* HP:Battered MV:Strong - Callan: Beaten >

*Melosa* calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Callan: Beaten >

A hooded myrddraal tries to slash Melosa, but she parries successfully.
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

*Draz* scythes your left arm very hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc crushes Callan's body hard.
A bearish trolloc slashes Callan's body.
A sullen trolloc barely hits Callan's head.
*Callan* blasts your left leg hard.

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Callan: Beaten >

*Draz* stops using a polished onyx-inlaid shield.
*Draz* grips a wicked knife bladed axe with both hands.

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Callan: Beaten >

You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!
*Melosa* calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!

A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A hooded myrddraal swirls about with a black sword, slicing across Melosa's body.
A hooded myrddraal tries to slash Melosa, but she parries successfully.
A hooded myrddraal hisses 'This is the will of the Great Lord.'

A hooded myrddraal swirls about with a black sword, slicing across Melosa's body.
*Draz* scythes your left leg hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A Dha'vol trolloc crushes Callan's body.
A bearish trolloc slashes Callan's body hard.
A sullen trolloc barely hits Callan's body.
*someone* blasts your body very hard.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

You're in no shape to flee!
You're in pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

HP:Critical MV:Strong >
You're in pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

HP:Critical MV:Strong >

You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

HP:Critical MV:Strong >

You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
A bolt of lightning called from the sky by Melosa strikes you dead.
You are dead! Sorry...
Ouch! You lose a level.
Last edited by Grut on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 612
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:14 pm

Re: Zing is win

Post by Draz » Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:21 am

The lightning stops.

* R HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
The Bridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Callan has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.
Melosa has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the east.
A red-eyed raven has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >
You say 'well'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >

Melosa says 'what'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >
'im glad i was wrong
You say 'im glad i was wrong'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >

Melosa says 'about?'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >
'and that you suck at listening :)
You say 'and that you suck at listening :)'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >

Melosa says 'i do suck lol'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >
'you narrate can't use zing at well or 1n well
You say 'you narrate can't use zing at well or 1n well'

* R HP:Hurt MV:Full >

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