The great escape

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:55 pm

The great escape

Post by Judy » Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:42 pm

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Shzrei narrates 'close door'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
There is(are): 14 player(s) on LS and 2 player(s) on DS as of 2024-03-04T02:45:49Z
Judy the Abhorrent Dogface [Ahf'frait]
Zarth the Dark Master [Ghar'ghael Master]
Moghekko the Boarheaded Trolloc
Gok the Great Darkling [Dha'vol Master]
7 Shzrei the Master Torturer [Dhai'mon Master]
Mogh the Wolfish Trolloc

6 players displayed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
l in g.pack
backpack (here) :

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Shzrei narrates 'kill next guard'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
na what's up?
You narrate 'what's up?'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Zarth narrates 'they are killing baerlon'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
You are carrying:
an enormous double-bladed battleaxe
a potato
a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves
a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Shzrei narrates 'arjuna in door'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Zarth narrates 'maybe getting pk?'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
The Grand Hall
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
A hideous trolloc is here, in a world of hurt.
A tall and cloaked myrddraal locks eyes with you, smiling cruelly.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > The Entrance to the Northern Twin Keep
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A trolloc is here commanding a fist of troops.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A fade emerges from the shadows as you pass by.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full >
The Courtyard
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > A Destroyed Catapult
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A bearish trolloc towers here, its snout drawn into a snarl.

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > The Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A hooved trolloc anxiously stamps its feet.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
The Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [6]
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
A remnant of the Age of Legends juts from the soil.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
The Well
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A revolting well bubbles with the blood of the sacrificed.
A bruised and bloody leg lies on the ground, torn from its socket. [3]
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
A black flame dances here in midair.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
A hooded myrddraal, brooding in the shadows, slowly faces you.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >

The night has begun.
(tic_timer): Starting tic timer.

o HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
enter flame blodfest's camp

o HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >

You step into the flame.
The Center Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W D ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door down: grate
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [4]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A black flame dances here in midair.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.
A large, goat-faced trolloc glares at you hungrily.

o HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
On the Path
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > Southern Inner Fence
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: fence
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > The fence seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > The fence seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
The fence seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
open fence s

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > On the Path
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door north: fence
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
A large, goat-faced trolloc glares at you hungrily.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Southern Outer Fence
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Shzrei narrates 'have food?'

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
On the Path
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A crippled bear is here, drooling rabidly.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > Rising Plains
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Black Hills
Door north: bushes
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An irritating fly is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Rolling Plains
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A flock of ravens is circling in the air, searching for prey.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full > Wide Plain
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A frog is here, croaking happily.
A small, harmless salamander is here.
The corpse of an opossum is lying here.
A large swarm of mosquitoes is buzzing around your head.

o HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Wide Plain
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
A Ring of Beeches
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
An owl is here, looking for mice.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A large swarm of mosquitoes is buzzing around your head.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
A Thinning in the Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
Some black belladonna berries are here.
A fierce merlin is visible flying high in the sky.
A fierce merlin is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
A Thinning in the Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > A Path Through the Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
A fierce merlin is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > A Path Through the Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >

Shzrei narrates 'on 3 in door'

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Shzrei narrates 'win fight'

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Trail through Decaying Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
Door east: branch
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A fierce merlin is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Through Grass and Oak
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Path
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > A Bend in the Path
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A plump pheasant is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Before an Abandoned Cabin
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
A Rotten Shed
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
A fierce merlin is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Through the Blackberry Bush
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [5]
A plump pheasant is visible flying high in the sky.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N E D ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.
A half-man lurks here, cold and dangerous.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
A plump pheasant is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Standing on a Low Hill
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
A plump pheasant is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Caralain Grass
[ obvious exits: E S W U ]
Zone: Caralain Grass
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving up. uu
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
The corpse of Krazu is lying here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: E S W D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A green woodpecker is here flying around.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A green woodpecker is high up a tree, tapping away.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.
A man of the woods strides by quietly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Braem Wood Stream
[ obvious exits: N E W U ]
Zone: Braem Wood
A white heron is visible flying high in the sky.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Windy Cliff
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door south: secret
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving up. uu

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Higher Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: E S D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >

A woodsman bellows 'YIGn] oe_s ]tG lIIaVgVTcEz Zt FGeBs GTAGG_ omw _Gpgus j[FVj\rp[J'

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Higher Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A badger is rummaging about, looking for stuff to eat.
A twitching vine of creepers dangles from above.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
Door down: board
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
A hunter from Illian searches for the fabled Horn of Valere.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Broken Path
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
A raven is here flying around.
A raven is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road by the Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Outside the Gates of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door west: gate
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A bruised and bloody leg lies on the ground, torn from its socket. [2]
A shattered arm lies in a bloody red and purple mess. [2]
A dragon's fang has been hastily scrawled into the gate.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Inside the Gate
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door east: gate
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Stone Street
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Stone Street
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Magnificent Square
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A lantern has been left here.
A pair of soft leather sandals lie atop one another.
A pair of black pants lies here.
A plain weapons belt has been forgotten here.
A bloodstained club of deadly proportions lies here.
A jet black shirt of satin is here.
A wide-brimmed black felt hat has been crushed to the ground.
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
The Whitebridge town crier stands here, spreading the news.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Foot of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: W D ]
Zone: Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Apex of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: E D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving down.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving down.
An old woman smiles kindly.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
A little girl plays here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Foot of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > White Bridge meets Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: W U ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door west: gate
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door east: gate
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
An elite Queen's Guard stands at his post.
An elite Queen's Guard stands at his post.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
A tired farmer is here.
A tired farmer is here.
A tired farmer is here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A black wolf growls loudly, poised to leap.
A gray mouse is scuttling about here.
A gray mouse is scuttling about here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A sheep is here, bleating.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A gray mouse is scuttling about here.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > A Small Crossroads
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Empty Road to Caemlyn
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Empty Road to Caemlyn
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Around a Small Bend
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Light Forest
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > You shudder at the concept of crossing water.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You shudder at the concept of crossing water.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Bridge over Wide Stream
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A fallen tree lies upon the ground, seemingly chopped down in haste.
A raven is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Caemlyn Road through Wilderness
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Road at Edge of Meadows
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Lush Meadowland
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Tall Grassy Meadows
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Narrow Path through Woodland
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A black wolf growls loudly, poised to leap.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Bend in the Road
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > In the Tall Grass
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
A Dried Out Brook
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > An Animal Trail
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Beside the Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Off the Beaten Path
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
The Short Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > The Pebbled Grass
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Within a Few Pines
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > In the Weeds
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Hills of Absher
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Fork in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
The Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Curve in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Forested Cliff
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door west: fissure
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Shortcut Through the Hills
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door east: fissure
Door west: brush
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving up.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Twist in the Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door east: brush
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Hills of Absher
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Low Forested Hills
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A rust-colored bobcat crouches low, ready to pounce.
A rust-colored bobcat crouches low, ready to pounce.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Thinning Timberland
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Harrowed Fields
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
A Raggedy Scarecrow is here, staring blankly into the distance.
A Raggedy Scarecrow is here, staring blankly into the distance.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Shady Glade
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door west: door
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Intersection By Baerlon
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Before the Gate
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: citygate
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Gate Road
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door east: citygate
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A dirty old beggar stands here in rags, giving you a blank stare.
A wild stallion bucks madly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
na smell baerlon
You narrate 'smell baerlon'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
na where y'all?
You narrate 'where y'all?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
Thick grey flagstone lathered with heavy dark lines of mortar lace the streets
around you. The road, bowed upward in the middle to divert rainwater, looks
like the protruding spine of a giant plated serpent, diving back into a
sea of dirt and stone. Up ahead, a sign hangs on an iron pole depicting a
rearing Stag and snarling Lion.
A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of Baerlon.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A dirty old beggar stands here in rags, giving you a blank stare.
A wild stallion bucks madly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.
Shzrei tells you 'we diued'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Central Street
Thick grey flagstone lathered with heavy dark lines of mortar lace the streets
around you. The road, bowed upward in the middle to divert rainwater, looks
like the protruding spine of a giant plated serpent, diving back into a
sea of dirt and stone. Up ahead, a sign hangs on an iron pole depicting a
rearing Stag and snarling Lion.
A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of Baerlon.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A dirty old beggar stands here in rags, giving you a blank stare.
A wild stallion bucks madly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.
Zarth narrates 'they might be dead'
Gok tells you 'we died'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You stop paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Central Street
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >

A city lamplighter has arrived from the south.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
tell gok oh crap...I spammed down
You tell Gok 'oh crap...I spammed down'

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Central Street
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A little boy plays here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A drunken fool staggers in no particular direction.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > On a Well-Paved Path
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: greatdoor

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > The greatdoor seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
open greatdoor n
It seems to be locked.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > The greatdoor seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A ratter is here, hunting shadoweyes.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door south: door
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Fine Baked Goods
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: door
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A baker prepares for a day's worth of food sales.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door south: door
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: door
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
*Kestral* is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: archway
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > Baerlon Bazaar
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Baerlon
A grand master of the guild ambles by with confidence.
A grocer stocks some shelves.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door east: door

o HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Headquarters of the Town Watch
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
close door w

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Headquarters of the Town Watch
Recently renovated, this room gleams in cleanliness. The walls and floors
have been oiled, letting off a light scent in the air. New furnishings have
also been added, including a large desk with chair surrounding it and a
storage shelf on the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
close ladderhatch u
It's already closed!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary >
Headquarters of the Town Watch
Recently renovated, this room gleams in cleanliness. The walls and floors
have been oiled, letting off a light scent in the air. New furnishings have
also been added, including a large desk with chair surrounding it and a
storage shelf on the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
l head
Roaring orders and cursing loudly at his subordinates, this man tries to
get the members of the guards to shape up in such a way that they can
maintain control of the city of Baerlon. After his tirade, he sits down to
take a moment of rest and wipe his brow with a sleeve.

The head of the Darkfriends' Watch is in excellent condition.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch is healthy.

the head of the Darkfriends' Watch is using:
<worn on head> a leather helmet
<worn about body> a long red coat
<worn on hands> a pair of leather half-gauntlets
<wielded> a walking staff
<worn on legs> a black pair of pants
<worn on feet> a pair of heavy leather boots

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
open ladderhatch u
It seems to be locked.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Headquarters of the Town Watch
Recently renovated, this room gleams in cleanliness. The walls and floors
have been oiled, letting off a light scent in the air. New furnishings have
also been added, including a large desk with chair surrounding it and a
storage shelf on the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You have 406(406) hit and 108(259) movement points.
You have scored 98164085 experience points and 319 quest points.
You need 335915 exp to level and 81 qp to rank.
You have amassed 35 Turn points to date.
You have played 7 days and 8 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Judy the Abhorrent Dogface [Ahf'frait 5] (Level 48).
You are standing.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You are using:
<worn on finger> a jade signet ring
<worn on finger> a jade signet ring
<worn on head> a full metal helmet and visor
<worn around neck> a shimmering chain of gold
<worn around neck> a shimmering chain of gold
<worn on body> a shining steel breastplate
<worn about body> a black, silver-embroidered cape
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on arms> a pair of steel-plated vambraces
<worn on hands> a pair of heavy metal gauntlets
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<wielded two-handed> an enormous double-bladed battleaxe (scratched)
<worn about waist> a bronze belt of odd design
<worn on belt> a skin of human flesh
<worn on legs> a pair of steel-plated greaves
<worn on feet> a pair of thick metal boots

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
l in pack
backpack (used) :
a gourd of human blood
[3] a bubbling draught
a large number of copper pennies (24)
a wealth of gold crowns (155)
a bunch of fireworks
[5] a cup of thready brown tea
[5] a large slab of meat
a backpack
[4] a thin vial of yellow fluid

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
get gourd pack
You get a gourd of human blood from a backpack.

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
drink gourd
You drink the human blood.
Aaaah, that hit the spot... you feel refreshed.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You have 406(406) hit and 144(259) movement points.
You have scored 98164085 experience points and 319 quest points.
You need 335915 exp to level and 81 qp to rank.
You have amassed 35 Turn points to date.
You have played 7 days and 8 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Judy the Abhorrent Dogface [Ahf'frait 5] (Level 48).
You are standing.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Judy - Headquarters of the Town Watch
You catch a smell of horses nearby. 1+ humans

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Headquarters of the Town Watch
Recently renovated, this room gleams in cleanliness. The walls and floors
have been oiled, letting off a light scent in the air. New furnishings have
also been added, including a large desk with chair surrounding it and a
storage shelf on the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Vampa speaks from the Dark 'if anyone needs anything, send a tell, I'm about to hop off'

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >

Zarth narrates 'I think they are dead'

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
There is(are): 15 player(s) on LS and 4 player(s) on DS as of 2024-03-04T03:17:51Z
Judy the Abhorrent Dogface [Ahf'frait]
Zarth the Dark Master [Ghar'ghael Master]
Moghekko the Boarheaded Trolloc
Gok the Great Darkling [Dha'vol Master]
7 Shzrei the Master Torturer [Dhai'mon Master]
~ Vampa the Lord of the Dark
Mogh the Wolfish Trolloc

7 players displayed.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >

Zarth narrates 'yes, they are dead'

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
na I arrived moments late...and will likely die as well =P
You narrate 'I arrived moments late...and will likely die as well =P'
The door is opened from the other side.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
[k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > [k light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Headquarters of the Town Watch
Recently renovated, this room gleams in cleanliness. The walls and floors
have been oiled, letting off a light scent in the air. New furnishings have
also been added, including a large desk with chair surrounding it and a
storage shelf on the wall.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: door
Door up: ladderhatch
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
A stalwart darkfriend patrols the streets, controlling the citizens.
The head of the Darkfriends' Watch enjoys a break here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
k h.light
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
scan w

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
A young hedgedoctor stands here, learning the trade.
*Kestral* is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
The apprentice is sitting here.
*Krazu* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
*Arjuna* is standing here.
*Vhalerie* is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
*Amarea* is standing here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >

*Vhalerie* has arrived from the west.
*Amarea* has arrived from the west.
*Arjuna* has arrived from the west.
The apprentice has arrived from the west.
A young hedgedoctor has arrived from the west.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door east: door
A pair of high leather riding boots shine with boot-grease.
A fine woolen cloak has been left here.
*Kestral* is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
*Krazu* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

* HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Baerlon Bazaar
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Baerlon
A grand master of the guild ambles by with confidence.
A grocer stocks some shelves.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: archway
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
You sense a hidden life form in the area...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door north: door
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door south: door
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > East-West Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A ratter is here, hunting shadoweyes.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A drunken fool staggers in no particular direction.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A little boy plays here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Central Street
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Central Street
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Baerlon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A wild stallion bucks madly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You stop paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Gate Road
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door east: citygate
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Before the Gate
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: citygate
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving east. >>
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.
A darkfriend guard stands ready to control the city and its citizens.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Intersection By Baerlon
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
get vial pack
You get a thin vial of yellow fluid from a backpack.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Hills of Absher
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
quaff vial
You quaff a thin vial of yellow fluid which dissolves.
You feel a sudden burst of stamina!

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A wild boar runs through the forest.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Twist in the Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door east: brush
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Shortcut Through the Hills
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door east: fissure
Door west: brush
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
Door west: fissure
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Turn in the Road
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Curve in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > The Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Fork in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > You are a 54 year old female trolloc hunter.
Your height is 6 feet, 7 inches, and you weigh 205.0 lbs. BMI: 23.115.
You are carrying 37.5 lbs and wearing 94.3 lbs, somewhat heavy. MUD BMI: 0.480.
Your base abilities are: Str:19 Int:7 Wil:7 Dex:17 Con:19. Total: 69.
Offensive bonus: 143, Dodging bonus: 15, Parrying bonus: 15. Total Defence: 30.
Your mood is: Wimpy. You will flee below: 406 Hit Points
Your armor absorbs about 79% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A cackling hyena circles its prey.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Bushy Forest
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A cackling hyena circles its prey.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Bend in the Road
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Bend in the Roadway
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A gray mouse is scuttling about here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Road Crossing the Meadows
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alder and Birch Groves
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
You shudder at the concept of crossing water.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road through Wilderness
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A raven is here, watching.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bridge over Wide Stream
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A fallen tree lies upon the ground, seemingly chopped down in haste.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Small Bend
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Around a Small Bend
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Empty Road to Caemlyn
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Empty Road to Caemlyn
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Small Crossroads
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A peddler pawns his wares here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A peddler leaves west. <<
Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road through Countryside
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.
A sheep is here, bleating.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along the Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A gray mouse is scuttling about here.
A tired farmer is here.
A tired farmer is here.
A tired farmer is here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door east: gate
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
An elite Queen's Guard stands at his post.
An elite Queen's Guard stands at his post.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > White Bridge meets Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: W U ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door west: gate
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Foot of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving down.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving down. dd

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving up.
An old woman smiles kindly.
A little girl plays here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: E D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving down. dd
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Haunter narrates 'sup'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Apex of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: W D ]
Zone: Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > On the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Foot of the White Bridge
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Whitebridge

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Magnificent Square
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A lantern has been left here.
A pair of soft leather sandals lie atop one another.
A pair of black pants lies here.
A plain weapons belt has been forgotten here.
A bloodstained club of deadly proportions lies here.
A jet black shirt of satin is here.
A wide-brimmed black felt hat has been crushed to the ground.
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
The Whitebridge town crier stands here, spreading the news.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Stone Street
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Stone Street
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.
A town watchman is here, patrolling the city.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Inside the Gate
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door east: gate
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Outside the Gates of Whitebridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door west: gate
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a fowl leaving west.
A bruised and bloody leg lies on the ground, torn from its socket. [2]
A shattered arm lies in a bloody red and purple mess. [2]
A dragon's fang has been hastily scrawled into the gate.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a fowl leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a fowl leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Caemlyn Road
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a fowl leaving west.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road by the Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Broken Path
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Ruins
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge
Door down: board
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
A raven is here flying around.
A raven is here, watching.
A hunter from Illian searches for the fabled Horn of Valere.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Zarth narrates 'shzrei et al got killed in baerlon'

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Higher Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving down.
A badger is rummaging about, looking for stuff to eat.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Higher Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: E S D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A twitching vine of creepers dangles from above.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
A Windy Cliff
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door south: secret
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving down. dd
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving up. uu

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Braem Wood Stream
[ obvious exits: N E W U ]
Zone: Braem Wood
A white heron is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door east: woods
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A man of the woods strides by quietly.
Zarth narrates 'judy about to die in baerlon?'

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door east: woods
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A man of the woods strides by quietly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
open woods e

* HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Far in the Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door west: woods
Door down: rocks

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >

A woodsman bellows 'xJspd LAHz U@N qTMb\mxMalf jE Y]Guc krn[gP `aY _xRgfh mMA_JPzpoi'

nna nope!
o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Far in the Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
Door east: bramble
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.
A fierce merlin is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
na nope!
You narrate 'nope!'

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > The bramble seems to be closed.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Far in the Braem Wood
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Braem Wood
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
In the Forest
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Forgotten Braem
Door south: brush

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Light Forest
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Light Forest
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Well Worn Path
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A fallen tree lies upon the ground, seemingly chopped down in haste.
A small grasshopper hops from place to place.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

o HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Bend in the Path
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Path in the Brush
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
Door east: thicket
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A large swarm of mosquitoes is buzzing around your head.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Path Past the Tower
[ obvious exits: N S U ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
On the Path
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A frog is here, croaking happily.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
na I gotta post this log
You narrate 'I gotta post this log'

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
At the End of the Path
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A jet-black wolf bitch is here, growling dangerously.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.
A frog is here, croaking happily.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Wide Plain
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A large swarm of mosquitoes is buzzing around your head.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Rolling Plains
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Southern Black Hills
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A flock of ravens is circling in the air, searching for prey.
A frog is here, croaking happily.
A black crow is here, watching.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Rising Plains
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Black Hills
Door north: bushes
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An irritating fly is here flying around.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A crippled bear is here, drooling rabidly.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: bushes
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.
A crippled bear is here, drooling rabidly.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
A Forest Trail
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > On the Path
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Southern Outer Fence
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > On the Path
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door north: fence
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
Zarth narrates 'judy escapes!/'

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > Southern Inner Fence
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: fence
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
A large, goat-faced trolloc glares at you hungrily.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
On the Path
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded > The Center Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W D ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door down: grate
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [4]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A black flame dances here in midair.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.
A raven is visible flying high in the sky.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
enter flame

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >

The black flame surges as you step into it and arrive on the other side.
The Well
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Ruined Keep
A revolting well bubbles with the blood of the sacrificed.
A bruised and bloody leg lies on the ground, torn from its socket. [3]
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
A black flame dances here in midair.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
Moghekko the Boarheaded Trolloc is standing here.
Haunter the Trolloc is standing here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
A hooded myrddraal, brooding in the shadows, slowly faces you.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >

Zarth has arrived from the north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >

Zarth looks at you.

na judy lives!
o HP:Healthy MV:Winded >
You narrate 'judy lives!'

Posts: 454
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:16 pm

Re: The great escape

Post by Fermin » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:30 pm

Was waiting for the ways DT at the end, but nice escape! I'm confused what door they died in...?

Posts: 192
Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:11 pm

Re: The great escape

Post by erulak » Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:11 pm

art of wat

Posts: 135
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:38 pm

Re: The great escape

Post by Walker » Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:50 am

Hmm...tracks of two trollocs winding, let me investigate!

Rugged Terrain
The rugged terrain throws footfalls, giant cracks, and short stubby
thornbushes at its travellers doing its best to impede movement in this
treacherous world. The western route around the hill lies to the north
while the craggy hills stretch out to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving north.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving north.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > [scan ]
North: Lord Lakon the Sheriff is here, fighting Sklarr.
South: A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > n

Lakon has arrived from the north.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > A Winding Road
Heading westerly, the road gives wide berth to the hill that casts boulders
to the land around its base. Continuing its way north west through the
hilly terrain the road snakes its way between the sharp sloping rises
dwarved by the looming hill to the north east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
kill dark
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
*Sklarr* is standing here.
*Penetrator* is standing here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > kill dark
*Sklarr* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
[scan ]
North: A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
South: Lord Lakon the Sheriff is standing here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched > You do the best you can!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched > You do the best you can!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
The master of scouts narrates 'Penetrator was spotted A Winding Road'

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
*Penetrator* tries to smite you, but you deflect the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
*Penetrator* tries to smite you, but you deflect the blow.
You try to pierce *Sklarr*, but he deflects the blow.
*Sklarr* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
*Penetrator* snickers softly.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched > A Winding Road
Heading westerly, the road gives wide berth to the hill that casts boulders
to the land around its base. Continuing its way north west through the
hilly terrain the road snakes its way between the sharp sloping rises
dwarved by the looming hill to the north east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
*Sklarr* is here, fighting YOU!
*Penetrator* is here, fighting YOU!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
Lakon tries to pierce *Sklarr*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s body.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched > l

*Sklarr* looks at you.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched > A Winding Road
Heading westerly, the road gives wide berth to the hill that casts boulders
to the land around its base. Continuing its way north west through the
hilly terrain the road snakes its way between the sharp sloping rises
dwarved by the looming hill to the north east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
Lord Lakon the Sheriff is here, fighting Sklarr.
*Sklarr* is here, fighting YOU!
*Penetrator* is here, fighting YOU!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s body.
*Penetrator* tries to smite you, but you deflect the blow.
You try to pierce *Sklarr*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
You try to pierce *Sklarr*, but he parries successfully.
*Penetrator* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
*Penetrator* leaves west.

[bash ] - Sklarr: Scratched >

You dodge a bash from *Sklarr* who loses his balance and falls!

Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s left leg.

Your bash at *Sklarr* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Scratched >
Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s right leg.
You pierce *Sklarr*'s left leg hard.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > change mood brave
Mood changed to: Brave

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > l sklarr

Sklarr has some small wounds and bruises.

*Sklarr* is using:
<worn on head> a gold-chased morion with an engraved silver comb
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn about body> an earthen brown mantle
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on hands> a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn as shield> a silver etched shield (used)
<wielded> an ivory and gold-hilted longsword
<worn on legs> a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves
<worn on feet> a pair of gleaming metal boots

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt >
Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s right leg hard.

kill dark
* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > Lakon pierces *Sklarr*'s body.
You pierce *Sklarr*'s head.
*Sklarr* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
*Sklarr* waves.
You do the best you can!

kill dark
* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > notice
You do the best you can!

kill dark
* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > kill dark
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > kill dark
A Winding Road
Heading westerly, the road gives wide berth to the hill that casts boulders
to the land around its base. Continuing its way north west through the
hilly terrain the road snakes its way between the sharp sloping rises
dwarved by the looming hill to the north east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
Lord Lakon the Sheriff is here, fighting Sklarr.
*Sklarr* is here, fighting YOU!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > You do the best you can!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > notice
You do the best you can!

kill dark
* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > kill dark
You do the best you can!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > You stop paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > *Sklarr* panics, and attempts to flee!
You do the best you can!

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary - Sklarr: Hurt > *Sklarr* leaves north.
They aren't here.

* HP:Healthy MV:Weary > laugh
kill dark
You fall down laughing.

And they both escape directly to the ruined keep before they are suckered into dropping below hurt hps...

Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:02 am

Re: The great escape

Post by Penetrator » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:16 am

2 full dodgers with rank bonus damage attack
No way to bash

We can fight dl. Im waiting

Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:40 pm

Re: The great escape

Post by Sklarr » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:30 am

I'm glad you had about as much fun as we did. Catch you around.

Post Reply