Projectile Logs

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Rig » Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:29 pm

I don’t think anyone should be criticizing character choices when the majority of us all play mainly fades/dreadlords/black talon/wolfbrother/Gaidin/bonded pair roles. A little pot calling the kettle black.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Jestin » Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:40 pm

Lol you're an idiot. I die to you in probably 75% of our pk sessions together. So obviously my master plan of only playing powerful characters to dominate pk is not working out so well for me. Sorry I didn't die today because of the AS drain bullshit which I have been saying should be removed, for years now. Otherwise I would have died like 5 times.

The reason you don't die to stab is because you never pk less than hurt. So yeah your experience doesn't represent everyone's.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Jaster » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:00 pm

Jestin wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:40 pm
Lol you're an idiot. I die to you in probably 75% of our pk sessions together. So obviously my master plan of only playing powerful characters to dominate pk is not working out so well for me. Sorry I didn't die today because of the AS drain bullshit which I have been saying should be removed, for years now. Otherwise I would have died like 5 times.

The reason you don't die to stab is because you never pk less than hurt. So yeah your experience doesn't represent everyone's.
I am not referencing anything about you dying or living. I am just stating the counter to stab is fairly simple and channelers can dish out just as much damage output. But you got me good. I never pk below hurt. But thats below 380hps and stab wizkills that. Interesting.

And I play variety of different characters without issues. Some bonused, some clanned, some unclanned. Most of the time im on a trolloc hunter(the darkside version of WB lol), and an Ls hunter.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Rig » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:09 pm

My counter to stab is telling the player that if they give me my gear back i'll help them out on DS.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by langois » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:16 pm

Rig wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:09 pm
My counter to stab is telling the player that if they give me my gear back i'll help them out on DS.
Odd. This a reference to something I don’t get?

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Davor » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:53 pm

I also think my own frustration with rogues is that I find the class so boring and irritating to play. I would probably love playing a rogue that had consistent damage with stab but still took some degree of skill to finish a kill (with projectiles, already good melee damage, and chasing!). Otherwise, any turd can just roll a timer, get a few kills every few days and just live forever.

I will say the majority of the current group of players who do play rogues aren't completely dung heads playing like total pussies. There was a time where 6 out of the 7 reaver spots were just well-proportioned felid rogues who never did anything but roll stabs and didnt die for months because they just fled away at hurt. While Fermin/Zeeb etc are turds when they play those chars, they are still out there going crazy and taking risks. I think most players are given the insane abundance of gear currently.

I actually don't play stab so for the players like Fermin/Zeeb other stabbers, wouldn't you rather land 50%+ of your stabs at more consistent 100-200hp damage rather than 5-10% (what is the actual land rate?) and still have your ability of a high damage weapon with attack and projectiles. Maybe even a shorter lag time after a missed stab. You would probably never blick a healthy person again but blicks are open game for anyone batt or beaten and below? Dunno, would make the class far more interesting to me. It would actually make more sense in PK for rogues to run around solo and soften up the other side.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Jestin » Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:04 pm

Downside to lots of damage on a channie is low max hps and low melee damage. What is the downside to a rogue? That's why the dying is relevant. Outside of wvd happy channies such as yourself, channies are glass cannons that die very frequently in pk to counter the high damage output.

Rogues today:
Lots of hps
Huge damage potential with stabs that ignores defense and armor
Huge melee damage
Projectiles to ignore defense and armor

Hps for rogues should be capped in the 340 range, stab should no longer kill in pk (make it do a % of remaining hps). They have projectiles to get the kill solo or tons of melee damage to get the kill with a group. In exchange up stab landing rate, and eliminate landing lag/reduce missed stab lag.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Artorias » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:39 pm

I'm not sure that troll rogues are able to go stab, attack , projectiles with the way pracs are. LS rogues can do it no problem tho. As someone who enjoys playing a rogue and taking big risks for that maybe kill, I think upping the landing rate and lowering the damage would be good thing. I like playing rogues but I absolutely despise flee stabbers. If that be stab > brick > flee > stab, or stab > get engaged-flee at healthy> stab, or time stabbing with > start timer > friend flees > profit. None of it is fun. Everyone is different in what they enjoy, but there's just some things I can't understand when it comes to people and spam fleeing at hurt/healthy doing nothing but rolling stabs.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by Jestin » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:35 am

Maybe up projectile damage and landing rate too but only with higher practices.

Then troll rogues can choose between stab (with upped landing rate/remove and reduce landing/missed lag)and straight up melee with attack/projectiles.

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Re: Projectile Logs

Post by jaimie » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:19 am

You can get both, just drop notice.

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