Today's caliber of Fade's...

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:48 pm

Today's caliber of Fade's...

Post by Draconus » Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:56 pm

Apparently chasing someone semi quickly = chasing script... And people wonder why pk and numbers suck..

Disclaimer, this is a dung log with nothing happening except an idiot whining about nothing!

Twist in the Road
The Caemlyn Road continues west towards the horizon and twists sharply
Correcting map position after fleeing.
north to avoid a series of steep hills to the east. Thick bushes, laden
with sharp thorns and bright red flowers, grow heavy on the slopes, making
travel over the hills difficult, but not impossible.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A delicate, pastel butterfly is here flying around.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.
A wild boar runs through the forest.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark

*Pounds* has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched > b

*Pounds* panics, and attempts to flee!

[bash ] ing - Pounds: Scratched >

kill dark
*Pounds* leaves north.

They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > n
kill dark
Bend in the Roadway
The Caemlyn Road takes a sharp turn as it winds its way around a large set
of hills to the south. To the west, the Hills of Absher roll away,
disappearing into a small forest some distance away. The ruts and gouges
marring the road seem less pronounced here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.
Zargon narrates 'omw'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched >
*Pounds* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched >
You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched > l pounds

You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched > kill dark
Channies are overpowered folks. Don't fight them. Run to a stedding or a no channel.
Or just go in until you have a big smash group of DOOM to overwhelm them.
They are not worth the effort to fight otherwise!

Pounds has a few scratches.

*Pounds* is using:
<held> an oilstone
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn about body> an earthen brown mantle
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<wielded two-handed> a blue steel trident
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a black pair of silver-tooled boots
*Pounds* leaves east.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
The main thoroughfare between Baerlon and Whitebridge is just a wide,
dirt-packed road, though it bears the marks of many wagons. The brown earth
is gouged into deep ruts and potholes dot the road in spots. The hilly
countryside causes the highway to wind and curve.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
Curve in the Roadway
The Caemlyn Road winds through the Hills of Absher. Wide enough for two
wagons side by side, the hard-packed sod is rutted and gouged. A solitary
farmhouse stands atop a hill in the distance, surrounded by a wooden rail
fence. A small square of land has been carved out for crops, but it quickly
gives way to the wild underbrush and trees that cover the hills.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Roadway
The Caemlyn Road bends around a small hillock and to the south, a cliff
drops away into a small valley. Just off the main path, an abandoned wagon
wheel lays on its side, grass growing up between the battered spokes. The
weathered road continues towards Baerlon to the north and Whitebridge to
the east, stretching for miles upon miles through the uneven countryside.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a human leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A rust-colored bobcat crouches low, ready to pounce.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > s
kill dark
Forested Cliff
The trees grow close together here, their branches woven together in an
intricate canopy that shades the forest floor. Vision is limited, though a
steep drop off is visible to the west. Low-lying flora hugs the ground and
various wildflowers provide pops of color in a sea of green and brown.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > cmb
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 119 hit points.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > [change posture offensive]
Posture changed to: Offensive

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Curve in the Roadway
Hoofprints and wagon tracks mar the hard-packed surface of the Caemlyn
Road, the only artery between Baerlon in the west and Whitebridge in the
east. The highway curves sharply north as a tall cliff looms immediately to
the west, covered in dense foliage. Leafy branches dangle over the road
creating a light canopy that shades the road.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > The Caemlyn Road
Surrounded by gently rolling hills, the Caemlyn Road continues through the
lightly forested countryside. A small group of buildings cluster at the
base of a distant hill, thin streams of smoke rising from several. Several
cows graze in a meadow nearby, while their calves frolic nearby.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Along the Caemlyn Road
Deeply rutted and gouged, the hard-packed road continues its march east and
west, through gently sloped hills and small thickets. In places, worn and
weathered fences pop up along the wall, their wood grey with age and
splintered. far the east, a hillock looms, forcing the road to split.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A wild dog with matted fur snarls at you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Fork in the Roadway
A large hill looms nearby and the road splits around it. The larger, more
traveled path continues east, while a smaller, overgrown trail leads into
the hills to the north. To the west, the highway continues towards Baerlon,
through light forests and gently rolling slopes.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
A large cluster of weeds have grown up to the north, while to the east and
west the road continues, wagon ruts creating parallel tracks in the hard
dirt. Hoof prints are most common, but once in a while a footprint marks the
dirt as travelers make their way to or from Whitebridge.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
A stand of pine trees lies to the north reaching high into the sky. The
ground beneath is littered with the long needles that have fallen from
thick branches. To the west of the trees, a thick clump of tall weeds grows
just off the main track. The Caemlyn Road continues to the east and west.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along Caemlyn Road
The well-traveled Caemlyn Road passes by a small campground to the south as
it makes its way east and west between Baerlon and Whitebridge. To the
north, a patch of pebbled ground is preventing much more than a few stray
clumps of grass to grow, a start contrast to the green countryside.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A cute brown deer eyes you nervously.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
The hard-packed earth of the Caemlyn road is rutted and pot-holed and bears
the marks of many travelers. Trees give way to a small grassy clearing to
the north while a broad hill stretches away to the south, covered with
sparse thickets of tall leafy trees mixed with evergreens.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road runs east and west between Baerlon and Whitebridge. A
small path mirrors the road to the north, while to the south, a cluster of
forested hills break up the countryside. Deep wagon ruts and many foot- and
hoof prints mar the hard-packed earth, evidence of many travelers.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Along Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road winds through a sprawling countryside that is dotted with
rolling hills covered with a wide variety of trees, some with leaves that
fall and some whose needles remain all winter. To the north, a path runs
alongside the road, while to the south is the edge of the forest.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
A small clearing is visible to the south through the trees just off the
main road. To the north, a small track bears the marks of many different
animals as it runs alongside the hard-packed dirt of the Caemlyn Road.
Rolling hills covered in trees flank the highway as it winds east and west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road is a long dirt road, winding through the forested hills of
the Andoran countryside between Baerlon and Whitebridge. To the south, a
small forest comes up almost to the edge of the road, its floor thick with
underbrush. A small dried-out brook is visible a short distance north.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

kill dark
* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Bend in the Road
The Caemlyn Road bends south and west through the hills. Tall thick grass
extends north, and to the east, a large tumble of boulders blocks the way.
Pits and gouges mark the well-traveled road that links Whitebridge to
Baerlon, the result of many travelers and wagons.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Bend in the Roadway
The great Caemlyn Road bends north and east around a pile of boulders.
Packed hard by many travelers and wagons, there are deep grooves gouged
deep into the earth. In the distance, a small farm is visible with a wooden
fence surrounding the neatly kept yard.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Along Caemlyn Road
You travel along the Caemlyn Road, which runs from Caemlyn many leagues to the
east through Whitebridge, and continues on westward toward Baerlon. Here the
hard packed dirt of the road, wide enough for two wagons to pass one another,
passes through wilderness, far from any human settlements. The road has begun
to leave the hills, but they continue to flank the road to the south. About
the road on all sides and up on the hills grows a rich forest of oak and ash,
with ocassional groves of fir scattered about. Occasional clumps of underbrush
crowd in the ravines and low points.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road through Countryside
You pass along the Caemlyn Road that stretches in a broad swath through the
countryside on its way to Baerlon. Here the hard back dirt of the road is
passing through a rich land of forest and meadows, far from many human
settlements. The road follows along the north side of a long stretch of
lush meadows, beyond which peaceful forest blankets the hills which rise
upwards in folds and ridges further south. Similar forest covers the
flatter land to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > s
Caemlyn Road through Countryside
The Caemlyn Road, the main route between Caemlyn in the east and Baerlon in
the west, continues in a broad swath of hard packed earth. The route is
passing through a rich wilderness of forest and meadows, with few signs of
any human activity; however, an uneven dirt track turns north in the forest
that lines the Caemlyn road along that side. The south side of the road is
flanked by a long stretch of lush green meadows, with forested hills rising
in folds and ridges further south.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A raven is here flying around.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Road Crossing the Meadows
You travel along the Caemlyn Road, the main route between Caemlyn in the east
and Baerlon in the west, as it passes through wilderness, far from human
settlements of any kind; yet even here the broad dirt swath is wide enough for
two wagons to pass one another. Here the road crosses a long stretch of lush
meadows fed by tiny springs, before returning to its main east-west route.
Beyond the meadows in all directions stretches peaceful forest, blanketing the
hills off to the south and covering the flatter country out east and south.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
An elk with massive antlers eyes you with curiosity.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Road at Edge of Meadows
Here a land of meadows and forest surrounds the wide dirt road you travel on,
the route bending north to round the lush green meadows that stretch west of
here, tiny runnels of water trickling out from them across the and into a
tall forest of birch and alder to the east. Elsewhere the forest is dominated
by oak and ash, with occasional thickets of fir. Further south the forest
rises upwards onto hills and low ridges.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road through Wilderness
The hard packed earth of the Caemlyn Road continues on through a light forest
of oak and ash and fir with low hills and ridges a ways to the southwest. Here
the ground slopes down toward one such stream to the east, a number of alder
and birch grow thickly in the moister soil below the stream banks. A bridge
just east of here leads over the large stream, which flows steadily northward
toward the distant Arinelle. West of here the road bends northward around
along patch of lush green meadows.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
Bridge over Wide Stream
Here a stout wooden bridge leads the Caemlyn Road over a fair sized stream.
Tall alder and birch line both banks of the stream, with groves of oak, ash and
fir standing above the banks. A strong current carries the stream from the
south, where the ground rises gradually towards distant ridges and hills. A
ways to the west the forest can be seen to open out in lush meadows of tall
green grass. Off north and east the forest seems darker than elsewhere.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
A fallen tree lies upon the ground, seemingly chopped down in haste.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road continues through forested country predominately of oak,
ash and fir, with occasional groves of other trees. Here the ground slopes
down to the west, from which the sound of flowing water can be heard. A
stand of much older, thicker and taller oaks borders the north side of the
road here, growing so thickly together that little or no sun makes it
throug the dense canopy to the ground. Eastward the Caemlyn Road bends
southward, avoiding a tall dense thicket of brush.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

kill dark
* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Small Bend
Here the road from Baerlon to Caemlyn makes a southward bend around a dense
thicket of brush directly to the east. To the west the road continues on
through a light forest mostly of oaks and fir. On the north side of the road
a thick clump of tall alders grows, creating a twilight beneath their canopy.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A raven is here flying around.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Alas, you cannot go that way...

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > s
They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Around a Small Bend
Here the wide bare track of the Caemlyn Road bends north around an area of
tall thick brush of to the northeast. Few travelers pass this way anymore,
and settlements in this region are scarce. A light forest of oak and ash,
with ocasional thickets of tall fir stretch of to the south and west, while
north around the bend can be seen a much darker forest of huge ancient oaks.
A small clump of bushes directly to the south looks a bit broken and trampled.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Empty Road to Caemlyn
You travel along the Caemlyn Road, far from the influence of human activity,
yet even out here the road is still wide and well maintained. South of the
road stretches a thin forest of oak and ash, with occasional stands of fir.
Eastward the forest becomes broken by stretches of tall dry grass. North of
the road, however, is flanked by tall thickets of dense brush; no paths into
the brush are visible. A little ways west the brush ends and the road bends
north around its edge.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Empty Road to Caemlyn
The Caemlyn Road continues on through the empty countryside, the wide bare
road still wide enough for two wagons to pass one another. Most of the
surrounding country consists of scattered patches of oak and ash woodland,
interspersed with fields of tall dry grass; the blanket of trees becomes
unbroken further west. However, an area of tall brush and dense scrubs borders
the north side of the road, and grows thicker as it flanks the road westward.
Just to the east, a smaller side road branches off north and south from
this route.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Small Crossroads
Here along the broad Caemlyn Road a smaller track branches off both north and
south. Surrounding you are large fields of tall dry grass interspersed with
small woodland copses of native oak and fir. The countryside is devoid of
human activity, the only sounds are rustlings from small animals hidden in the
grass or copses, and birds singing amongst the foliage. The only direction that
seems different is to the northwest, where the land is covered in thickets of
tall brush and dense scrub that stretches off out of sight.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Caemlyn Road through Countryside
You travel along the Caemlyn Road through empty countryside devoid of any
human activity. Around you stretch fields of tall dry grass separated by
small copses of oak and fir, with occasional stands of ash trees mixed in.
Except for the occasional rustlings of small animals hidden in the grass or
trees, all is quiet. Just west of here, a smaller side road branches off,
both to the north and the south. Beyond this the copses and fields
continue. A large paw print has been pressed into a flagstone, heading
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a horse leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving <<WEST<<
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > n
Empty Countryside
You wander about in small fields of tall dry grass separated by copses of
fir and oak and tall ash tress, with small bushes growing in thickets about
them. Except for the occasional rustlings of small animals and birds chirping
in the trees, all is quiet here, with the only signs of mankind being the
broad Caemlyn Road itself just south of here, and a small side road passing
by to the west, which branches off north from the main route. Beyond to the
west are dense thickets of tall brush; but to the east and north are more
fields and copses.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > n
Edge of the Plains
About you stretch fields of tall dry grass separated by small copses and belts
of oak and ash, and smaller bushes. To the north the copses become even more
sparse and give way to low rolling plains of tall grass that stretches as far
as you can see. West of here a small dirt track heads off south, beyond which
stands a small cottage. A quiet solitude surrounds you, the only sounds being
occasional small rustlings in the grass and a few distant bleats from one or
two scattered herds barely visible to the south and east.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > n
Neck-High Grass
The grass here is mostly up to your neck or higher, making it hard to see where
you've been, and where you're going. Large rocks and stumps make traversing
through this terrain rather difficult, but not impossible.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A hunter looks for tracks here.
A snake is crawling through the water here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > n
Along the Small Stream
The small stream which you are following has to bend quite a bit, to avoid
some large rocks that are in the middle of the bed. The rocks look like they
were once underwater with smooth, rounded edges. The stream bends west and
north here.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving north.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Path Along the Small Stream
A faint, dirt path runs parallel to the quiet flowing stream. Several animal
tracks lie imprinted in the moist soil showing the inhabitants of this
trail. The sky is shown clearly above, unobscured by the branches of trees
that grow a distance away from the stream.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
A young giant plays quietly by himself.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Path Along the Widening Stream
A faint, dirt path runs next to the quiet flowing stream as it begins to grow
in size. Small rapids form as the water pours over small algae covered rock
outcroppings in the path of the stream. The curving wispy branches of several
weeping willows dot the border of the water.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > e
Flooded Grassland
The swamp has totally taken over here, killing anything and everyting that
cannot survive the conditions. You see many dead trees and bushes poking
out here and there, victims of the swamp. The swamp also seems to be trying
to consume you, for the land sinks everywhere you step, some places up past
your knees. And the only way you can go is north, into more swamp.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving ^^NORTH^^
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > In a Shallow Mire
This swamp looks like it is trying to destroy the land. As you walk you can
see rocks and dead trees sinking. Its as if the swamp is eating away the land.
And it is doing a very good job of it, for swamp is all you can see for miles.
But you are blocked by deep water north and west, so you can only go east.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.
*Pounds* leaves east.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Filthy Mire
The swamp goes on and on here, and it is becoming more and more difficult
to walk as your feet sink deeper and deeper into the muck. But you know that if
you stop you will eventually sink, and never be found again. The swamp
surrounds you here, but because of deep water, you cannot proceed south.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.
*Pounds* leaves east.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > A Flooded Bog
You have trudged through the mirk, and have found what seems to be the only
thing that is not sinking into the murk. Just east of you is a large rock
formation, sticking out of the swamp twenty feet in the air. Just to the
north you see a place where you can climb onto the rock.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.
*Pounds* leaves east.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
On Top of the Rock
Standing on this rock, you get a good view of the swamp, stretching out to
the west. The rock is very flat on its top and is easy to walk on. It is
only covered with small bushes and moss. The only problem is that you
probably can be spotted from a long way away.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.
*Pounds* leaves north.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Atop a Rock
You are standing on a far edge of a strange rock formation that is jutting out
of the swamp. It is seemingly made of stone, but is very geometric in shape,
suggesting it is not natural. There is a small crack here that is barely
noticeable because it is mostly covered in moss. The rock continues to the
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
|1|.A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
*Pounds* is standing here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > kill dark
You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched >
*Pounds* tries to lance you, but you deflect the blow.
You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched > You do the best you can!

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched >
You try to pierce *Pounds*, but he deflects the blow.
*Pounds* opens a way down.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched >
*Pounds* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Pounds: Scratched > kill dark

*Pounds* leaves down.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
The way down closes quietly.

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > narr and inside
You narrate 'and inside'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > narr at scratched
You narrate 'at scratched'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Zargon narrates 'lol he scared'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Someone bellows 'nice speedwalking'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > narr heh, had him in a spamable but didnt know the name
You narrate 'heh, had him in a spamable but didnt know the name'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Someone bellows 'what woudl u have done if i went granite insteadof moss' I would have guessed wrong and you wouldn't have been hit at scratched!

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > yell its called chasing boy
You bellow 'its called chasing boy'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Someone bellows 'no its not'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Someone bellows 'script kiddy'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > yell hahahahahaha
You bellow 'hahahahahaha'

* R HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > yell the fact that you think i use a script is too funny
You bellow 'the fact that you think i use a script is too funny'

Looks like guessing where people will run to and spamming there = being a script kiddy!

End of a priceless log


Posts: 201
Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:17 am

Re: Today's caliber of Fade's...

Post by fiddler » Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:04 pm

The real question is wtf is that kit

Pounds has a few scratches.

*Pounds* is using:
<held> an oilstone
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn about body> an earthen brown mantle
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<wielded two-handed> a blue steel trident
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a black pair of silver-tooled boots

Posts: 113
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:49 pm

Re: Today's caliber of Fade's...

Post by Venum » Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:16 pm


Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:40 am

Re: Today's caliber of Fade's...

Post by Woden » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:27 pm

fiddler wrote:The real question is wtf is that kit

Pounds has a few scratches.

*Pounds* is using:
<held> an oilstone
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn around neck> a torc of gleaming steel
<worn about body> an earthen brown mantle
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<wielded two-handed> a blue steel trident
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a black pair of silver-tooled boots
No, the real question is wtf is there an apostrophe in the title of the thread?

Posts: 94
Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:26 pm

Re: Today's caliber of Fade's...

Post by Pounds » Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:42 am

The kit is indeed a wtf. I was helping a lowbie abs trolloc exp, so switched the abs halberd for dodge and a trident because that is all I could find quickly.

Curiously the log is missing the part where Zargon pissed his pants when he saw me and the lowbie in Hobrion, and yelled for Big Bad Traven to come save him. Unfortunately the lowbie trolloc died, and I was not looking for pk in that “wtf kit”. Hence why I said “sayonara” and yelled at you guys because you guys ALWAYS take the bait.

What I find most amusing is how riled up you get about these things to the point where you feel the need to post a log or argue nonstop to prove something. Guess I’m LIVING RENT FREE :) Sorry though Traven I’m already taken maybe someone else wants your soggy swampy ass.

I also have some suggested reading for you: ... escription

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