Ouch! That really did HURT!

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:00 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by kalabra » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:30 pm

*Iblis* sniffs sadly.


Iblis swiftly dodges the blighted tree's attempt to hit him.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
Iblis swiftly dodges a Dha'vol trolloc's attempt to cleave him.


As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Scratched MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >

*Iblis* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Scratched MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he parries successfully.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
*Iblis* strikes your body hard.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >
l iblis

Iblis has a few scratches.

*Iblis* is using:
<used as light> a crystal lightstick
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a small silver amulet engraved with ravens
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn about body> a coat bearing the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai
<slung on back> an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<wielded two-handed> a jade shafted partisan
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a pair of light, well-oiled leather boots

* HP:Scratched MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 123 hit points.

* HP:Scratched MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched > The blighted tree tries to hit
Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
Iblis swiftly dodges the blighted tree's attempt to hit him.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
*Iblis* strikes your body hard.
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he parries successfully.
[bash ]

The blighted tree hits Iblis's body.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Scratched MV:Full >

*Iblis* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he parries successfully.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
*Iblis* strikes your body hard.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >
[bash ]

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he parries successfully.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

Your bash at *Iblis* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >
nar he's got the jade partisan!
You narrate 'he's got the jade partisan!'

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Scratched >
You blast *Iblis*'s head into bloody fragments!
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body.
The blighted tree tickles Iblis's left arm with its hit.
A Dha'vol trolloc cleaves Iblis's body very hard.
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 123 hit points.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Hurt >
The blighted tree joins the blighted tree's fight!
The Blight
The ground is slightly depressed here, and the rotting forest seems to
suddenly spring up around you. Several exceptionally large trees grow here,
barks broken with thick black sap oozing out. The forest seems rife with
movement. The gaps through the trees provide good views of the blight.
[ obvious exits: S ]
The corpse of the stick is lying here.
*Iblis* is sitting here, riding a warhorse.
A Dha'vol trolloc is here, fighting Iblis.
The blighted tree is here, fighting Iblis.
The blighted tree is here, fighting Iblis.
The blighted tree is here, fighting Iblis.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Hurt >

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
You blast *Iblis*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
The blighted tree hits Iblis's left leg hard.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he parries successfully.
A Dha'vol trolloc cleaves Iblis's body very hard.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* leaves south riding a warhorse.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >

A Dha'vol trolloc leaves south.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow tree with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the Mountains
of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A Dha'vol trolloc is here, fighting Iblis.
*Iblis* is here, fighting a Dha'vol trolloc, riding a warhorse.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > [k human]
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - a Dha'vol trolloc: Scratched - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's left arm into bloody fragments!
Iblis swiftly dodges a Dha'vol trolloc's attempt to cleave him.

=- -
As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >

A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 123 hit points.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > You stand up.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[k human]
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - a Dha'vol trolloc: Hurt - Iblis: Wounded > [bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's left hand hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
*Iblis* leaves east riding a warhorse.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
scold iblis

*Iblis* has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
*Iblis* struggles to barrel down on you, a jade shafted partisan aimed at your chest.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
Maybe you should get on your feet first?

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
You stand up.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
A Dha'vol trolloc says 'You Iblis!!! You will die before your time!! '
Iblis swiftly dodges a Dha'vol trolloc's attempt to cleave him.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
[k human]
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Hurt - Iblis: Wounded > [k human]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Hurt - Iblis: Wounded >
[k human]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Hurt - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body very hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he dodges the attack.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's head into bloody fragments!
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
You stand up.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
[k human]
*Iblis* swiftly dodges your attempt to blast him.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Wounded - Iblis: Wounded > [bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's right hand very hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
You stand up.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
[k human]
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Wounded - Iblis: Wounded >
You blast *Iblis*'s left hand extremely hard.
*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body extremely hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
[bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's head into bloody fragments!
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Battered - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* tries to strike a Dha'vol trolloc, but he parries successfully.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Battered - Iblis: Wounded > Do you not consider fighting as

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Battered - Iblis: Wounded >
[k human]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Battered - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* looks at you.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Battered - Iblis: Wounded >

You try to blast *Iblis*, but he parries successfully.
*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's left arm into bloody fragments!
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Beaten - Iblis: Wounded >
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 123 hit points.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Beaten - Iblis: Wounded >

You try to blast *Iblis*, but he deflects the blow.
*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body very hard.
Iblis swiftly dodges a Dha'vol trolloc's attempt to cleave him.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Critical - Iblis: Wounded >
l iblis

Iblis has quite a few wounds.

*Iblis* is using:
<used as light> a crystal lightstick
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a small silver amulet engraved with ravens
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn about body> a coat bearing the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai
<slung on back> an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<wielded two-handed> a jade shafted partisan
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a pair of light, well-oiled leather boots

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Critical - Iblis: Wounded >
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Critical - Iblis: Wounded >
A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he parries successfully.
*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body very hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 123 hit points.

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Beaten - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]


A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he parries successfully.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Beaten - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* cringes in terror!

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Beaten - Iblis: Wounded >
*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's right arm into bloody fragments!
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Iblis, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - a Dha'vol trolloc: Critical - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Iblis* strikes a Dha'vol trolloc's body very hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear a Dha'vol trolloc's death cry.

As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
*Iblis* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Scratched MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* strikes your head.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >

*Iblis* barely strikes your body.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow tree with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the Mountains
of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
The corpse of a Dha'vol trolloc is lying here.
*Iblis* is here, fighting YOU!, riding a warhorse.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded > You stare at the sky.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded > A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
The Blight
The verdant green of the southern regions is all but invisible here, swallowed
by the foulness of the Blight. Dark shapes stir in the trees, and you feel
extremely uneasy. A large rocky hill prevents movement to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >

*Iblis* has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full > The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow tree with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the Mountains
of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
The corpse of a Dha'vol trolloc is lying here.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
The Blight
The ground is slightly depressed here, and the rotting forest seems to
suddenly spring up around you. Several exceptionally large trees grow here,
barks broken with thick black sap oozing out. The forest seems rife with
movement. The gaps through the trees provide good views of the blight.
[ obvious exits: S ]
The corpse of the stick is lying here.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[k human]
They aren't here.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[k human]
They aren't here.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[k human]
They aren't here.

o HP:Hurt MV:Full >
[k human]
They aren't here.
*Iblis* has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full >
*Iblis* strikes your right leg hard.

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Wounded >
[k human]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Hurt MV:Full - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]

You dodge a bash from *Iblis* who loses his balance and falls!

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
The blighted tree joins the blighted tree's fight!
The blighted tree joins the blighted tree's fight!
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body very hard.
You try to blast *Iblis*, but he deflects the blow.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
As *Iblis* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
Iblis swiftly dodges the blighted tree's attempt to hit him.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
*Iblis* barely strikes your body.
[change mood berserk]
Mood changed to: Berserk
Wimpy reset to: 0 hit points.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!

The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he dodges the attack.
Iblis swiftly dodges the blighted tree's attempt to hit him.
The blighted tree tries to hit Iblis, but he deflects the blow.
*Iblis* strikes your right leg hard.

Your bash at *Iblis* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Wounded >

You blast *Iblis*'s head into bloody fragments!
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body very hard.
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body.
The blighted tree hits Iblis's right foot very hard.
You blast *Iblis*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Beaten >

A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Beaten >

You blast *Iblis*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body.
*Iblis* panics, and attempts to flee!
The blighted tree hits Iblis's left leg hard.
The blighted tree hits Iblis's body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh - Iblis: Critical >

You blast *Iblis*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Iblis* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Iblis*'s death cry.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
nar rip
You narrate 'rip'

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
get all corpse
You get a gold crown from the corpse of Iblis.
You get eleven copper pennys from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a pair of light, well-oiled leather boots from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a jade shafted partisan from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Iblis.
You get an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a coat bearing the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a small silver amulet engraved with ravens from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a beautifully worked great serpent ring from the corpse of Iblis.
You get a crystal lightstick from the corpse of Iblis.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh > [change mood wimpy]
You try to calm down, but can't.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh > [change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh > [change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 205 hit points.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
nar jade partisan is mine
You narrate 'jade partisan is mine'

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
The Blight
The ground is slightly depressed here, and the rotting forest seems to
suddenly spring up around you. Several exceptionally large trees grow here,
barks broken with thick black sap oozing out. The forest seems rife with
movement. The gaps through the trees provide good views of the blight.
[ obvious exits: S ]
The corpse of Iblis is lying here.
The corpse of the stick is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >
nar lol
You narrate 'lol'

cha ching... thanks for the jade partisan! I'll use it on the ghar! First the heron foil, now this jade partisan thingy!

Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:00 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by kalabra » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:04 am

doored by davor probably an hour later.. inside rk.. on accident.. fled into rockpen :( oh well.

Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:00 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by kalabra » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:06 am

doored by davor probably an hour later.. inside rk.. on accident.. fled into rockpen :( oh well.

Posts: 100
Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:56 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Iblis » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:44 am

been a while since I went kerdoink, those trees do more damage than I recall.

Posts: 357
Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:52 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Kryyg » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:29 pm

West of the Palisade - Along a Well Travelled Path
The thick forest wall has been painstakenly cleared from the first few dozen
feet in front of the log palisade that lies to the east and the hard packed
ground of the road widens this clear zone of fire for the archers on the wall.
The road splits upon the balwark of the palisade to head both north and south
around it.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > where
They aren't here.
*Jonny* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Diablo - West of the Palisade
Kryyg - West of the Palisade - Along a Well Travelled Path

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > l
kill human
West of the Palisade - Along a Well Travelled Path
The thick forest wall has been painstakenly cleared from the first few dozen
feet in front of the log palisade that lies to the east and the hard packed
ground of the road widens this clear zone of fire for the archers on the wall.
The road splits upon the balwark of the palisade to head both north and south
around it.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
*Jonny* is standing here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > 0
You try to slice *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.

[bash ] V:Full - Jonny: Healthy >

Diablo has arrived from the south.

You swiftly dodge *Jonny*'s attempt to pierce you.
Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.
*Jonny* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Jonny* leaves west.


Diablo starts following you.

Along a Well-Travelled Path
The forest to either side of the road thins slightly as the log palisade and
the cleared area before its walls looms closer to the east. It is apparent even
from this distance that there is no portal through the defenses of the wall on
this side.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Jonny* is standing here.
Diablo has arrived from the east.
*Jonny* swiftly dodges Diablo's attempt to cleave him.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > [kil h.human]
You try to slice *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.

*Jonny* tries to pierce Diablo, but he deflects the blow.ealthy >
[bash ]

*Jonny* tries to pierce Diablo, but he deflects the blow.
Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.
*Jonny* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Jonny* leaves east.
*Jonny* has arrived from the east.

Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he dodges the attack.

Your bash at *Jonny* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Scratched >
You slice *Jonny*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
Diablo cleaves *Jonny*'s head into bloody fragments!
Nageer pierces *Jonny*'s body extremely hard.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Hurt > [change mood berserk]
Mood changed to: Berserk
Wimpy reset to: 0 hit points.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Hurt > jonny is now set as your target.
kill jonny
Nageer pierces *Jonny*'s body into bloody fragments!
You slice *Jonny*'s head into bloody fragments!
Diablo cleaves *Jonny*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
You do the best you can!
Nageer starts following you.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded > kill jonny
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded > 0
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded > 0
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded >
*Jonny* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded >
Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.
You try to slice *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.
Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.

[bash ] V:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Wounded >

Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.

*Jonny* leaves west.

Along a Well-Travelled Path
The thick forest walls rise up on either side to shroud the north and south
running path that cuts through its heart, little of the forest can be seen for
the trees. The path itself is hard packed from hard use by men, wagons and
hooved beasts. To the distant east a tall log palisade can be seen rising up to
block the only easy route through the thick trees.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A raven is here flying around.
Diablo has arrived from the east.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > kill jonny
Along a Well-Travelled Path
The thick forest walls rise up on either side to shroud the east and west
running path that cuts through its heart, little of the forest can be seen for
the trees. The path itself is hard packed from hard use by men, wagons and
hooved beasts. The path continues on west through the trees where a larger road
can be glimpsed.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A raven is here, watching.
Diablo has arrived from the east.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > 0
Path to Lockshear
The black granite of the Mountains of Dhoom begins to become shrouded by
scattered trees and ground cover in this area and rises up to become solid
forest to the east. The wind from the gap shrills through the trees and rock
and whistles its way down the path as it cuts through the thick forest to the
east and leads back west across the rocky terrain. A weather-beaten sign stands
to the south of the path.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving east.
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
Diablo has arrived from the east.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > Eastern Path
This path winds its way through the mountainous terrain. It appears quite wide
and well travelled, suggesting that a settlement must be near. The path bends
to the north and east here, all other travel is obscured by the black granite
of the Mountains of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Jonny* is standing here.
Diablo has arrived from the east.
Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.
Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > You slice *Jonny*'s body into bloody fragments!

[bash ] V:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Battered >

Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.
*Jonny* pierces Diablo's body.

*Jonny* panics, and attempts to flee!

Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.
Diablo cleaves *Jonny*'s body extremely hard.

Your bash at *Jonny* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Battered >
You slice *Jonny*'s body into bloody fragments!
Nageer pierces *Jonny*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
Diablo cleaves *Jonny*'s head into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Critical >
*Jonny* leaves east.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > e
kill jonny
Path to Lockshear
The black granite of the Mountains of Dhoom begins to become shrouded by
scattered trees and ground cover in this area and rises up to become solid
forest to the east. The wind from the gap shrills through the trees and rock
and whistles its way down the path as it cuts through the thick forest to the
east and leads back west across the rocky terrain. A weather-beaten sign stands
to the south of the path.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
Diablo has arrived from the west.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > kill jonny
They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > Along a Well-Travelled Path
The thick forest walls rise up on either side to shroud the east and west
running path that cuts through its heart, little of the forest can be seen for
the trees. The path itself is hard packed from hard use by men, wagons and
hooved beasts. The path continues on west through the trees where a larger road
can be glimpsed.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A raven is here, watching.
Diablo has arrived from the west.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > e
They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > e
Along a Well-Travelled Path
The thick forest walls rise up on either side to shroud the north and south
running path that cuts through its heart, little of the forest can be seen for
the trees. The path itself is hard packed from hard use by men, wagons and
hooved beasts. To the distant east a tall log palisade can be seen rising up to
block the only easy route through the thick trees.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Jonny* is standing here.
A raven is here flying around.
Diablo has arrived from the west.
Diablo tries to cleave *Jonny*, but he parries successfully.
Nageer tries to pierce *Jonny*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > kill jonny
Along a Well-Travelled Path
The forest to either side of the road thins slightly as the log palisade and
the cleared area before its walls looms closer to the east. It is apparent even
from this distance that there is no portal through the defenses of the wall on
this side.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > West of the Palisade - Along a Well Travelled Path
The thick forest wall has been painstakenly cleared from the first few dozen
feet in front of the log palisade that lies to the east and the hard packed
ground of the road widens this clear zone of fire for the archers on the wall.
The road splits upon the balwark of the palisade to head both north and south
around it.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > w
Alas, you cannot go that way...

kill jonny
o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > Along a Well-Travelled Path
The forest to either side of the road thins slightly as the log palisade and
the cleared area before its walls looms closer to the east. It is apparent even
from this distance that there is no portal through the defenses of the wall on
this side.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > Along a Well-Travelled Path
The thick forest walls rise up on either side to shroud the north and south
running path that cuts through its heart, little of the forest can be seen for
the trees. The path itself is hard packed from hard use by men, wagons and
hooved beasts. To the distant east a tall log palisade can be seen rising up to
block the only easy route through the thick trees.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
Diablo the Pugnacious Destroyer is here, fighting Jonny.
Nageer the Trolloc is here, fighting Jonny.
*Jonny* is here, fighting Diablo.
A raven is here flying around.
*Jonny* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > w
You slice *Jonny*'s left arm into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Critical > kill jonny
A raven leaves west.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Critical > You do the best you can!

kill jonny
* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Critical > kill jonny
kill jonny
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full - Diablo: Battered - Jonny: Critical > You slice *Jonny*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
*Jonny* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Jonny*'s death cry.
They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > kill jonny
They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > They aren't here.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > 2
[change mood brave]
You try to calm down, but can't.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > [change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 120 hit points.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > [change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 120 hit points.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > 9
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 120 hit points.

o R HP:Hurt DP:Good MV:Full > [take all corpse]
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a small leather sheath from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a small leather sheath from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a triple bladed dagger from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a polished onyx-inlaid shield from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a surcoat with exquisite embroidery from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a cuendillar dragon pendant on a simple chain from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a cuendillar dragon pendant on a simple chain from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a soft leather pouch from the corpse of Jonny.
You get a crystal lightstick from the corpse of Jonny.

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:38 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Diablo » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:31 pm

Dodge sucks.

Posts: 315
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:02 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Aishana » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:53 pm

And lamans is op

Posts: 315
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:02 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Aishana » Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:36 pm

This some bullshit...wonder why people run around wvd all the time? Nobody remembers this kind of crap, they just remember how op it was that they got chilled that one time.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh > Road Through Daghain
The Tar Valon Road runs right through this large square going north to
the Borderlands and south to the city itself. Except for the side street
and road entrances the square is totally surrounded by buildings, most
of which are shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
The corpse of a draft horse is lying here.
The corpse of a wild stallion is lying here.
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
*Jestin* is standing here, riding a |2|.chestnut stallion.
*Kryyg* is standing here, riding a |1|.shadow stallion

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh >
*Jestin* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.
*Kryyg* tries to slice you, but you deflect the blow.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > f
You can't ride in there.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > f
You try to strike *Jestin*, but he deflects the blow.
You can't ride in there.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > f
You can't ride in there.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > f

Ouch! That Really did HURT!

Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by *Jestin*!

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt >
*Kryyg* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt >
*Kryyg* slices your body into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Wounded SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt > Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You can't ride in there.
Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by *Jestin*!
Maybe you should get on your feet first?

* R HP:Beaten SP:Full MV:Fresh - Jestin: Hurt >
*Kryyg* slices your right leg into bloody fragments!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You panic and attempt to flee!
*someone* strikes your body into bloody fragments!
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

You're in no shape to flee!

HP:Incapacitated SP:Full MV:Fresh >
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Your screams die away as streaks of Fire from Jestin devour your flesh.
You are dead! Sorry...
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 2262
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:00 pm
Location: JESUS

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Rig » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:09 am

Maybe u should dismount

Posts: 409
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:11 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by ecthus » Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:05 pm

Bad luck on flees.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Ecthus - Thinning Woods
Matheus - In Front Of The Dark Tower
Dhavan - In Front Of The Dark Tower
You sense shadowspawn nearby.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
In Front Of The Dark Tower
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a myrddraal leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a myrddraal leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a myrddraal leaving south.
The corpse of a hideous trolloc is lying here.
The corpse of a shadow stallion is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Lord Matheus the Lieutenant is here, fighting a Ko'bal trolloc, riding a gray palfrey.
A fade is here, fighting a soldier.
A soldier is here, fighting a fade.
A soldier is here, fighting a Dhai'mon trolloc.
Dhavan of the Borderlands is here, fighting Jaster, riding a warhorse.
A Ko'bal trolloc is here, fighting a soldier.
*Jaster* is here, fighting Dhavan, riding a shadow stallion.
A Dhai'mon trolloc is here, fighting a soldier.
A wild hog snorts angrily, pawing at the ground.
A rat has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's body hard.
A soldier tries to scythe a fade, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's body hard.
A fade tries to slash a soldier, but he deflects the blow.
A Ko'bal trolloc crushes a soldier's left leg.
A Dhai'mon trolloc hacks a soldier's body.
[k dark]
You scythe a Ko'bal trolloc's left foot into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a soldier: Wounded - a Ko'bal trolloc: Battered >
[bash ]

*Jaster* sends Dhavan sprawling with a powerful bash!


A soldier tries to scythe a fade, but he dodges the attack.
A soldier tries to scythe a Dhai'mon trolloc, but he deflects the blow.
A fade slashes a soldier's left leg hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to crush a soldier, but he parries successfully.
*Jaster* slashes Dhavan's left arm hard.
A Dhai'mon trolloc hacks a soldier's left leg.

A Ko'bal trolloc avoids being bashed by Matheus who loses his balance and falls!

Your bash at a Ko'bal trolloc sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a soldier: Battered - a Ko'bal trolloc: Battered >

*Rig* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a soldier: Battered - a Ko'bal trolloc: Battered >
You intercept *Rig*'s attack on your mount.
*Rig* scythes your right arm hard.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a soldier: Battered - a Ko'bal trolloc: Battered >

An Ahf'frait trolloc has arrived from the west.
An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries successfully.
The hog leaves north.
*Jaster* gives a Dhai'mon trolloc an order.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - a soldier: Battered - a Ko'bal trolloc: Battered >
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he deflects the blow.
You scythe *Rig*'s body.
A fade swiftly dodges a soldier's attempt to scythe him.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's right leg.
A fade slashes a soldier's right leg very hard.
*Jaster* slashes Dhavan's right leg very hard.
A Dhai'mon trolloc hacks a soldier's body.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
[bash ]

Matheus assumes an offensive striking posture.

You dodge a bash from *Rig* who loses his balance and falls!

An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries successfully.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's right arm into bloody fragments!
A soldier scythes a fade's left leg very hard.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's head hard.
A fade slashes a soldier's left arm.
A Dhai'mon trolloc tries to hack a soldier, but he parries successfully.

Matheus narrates 'what shitty luck'

Your bash at *Rig* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >

Dhavan sends *Jaster* sprawling with a powerful bash!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >

An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries successfully.
You barely scythe *Rig*'s body.
Dhavan blasts *Jaster*'s body.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's left foot into bloody fragments!
A soldier scythes a fade's right leg hard.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's left arm.
A fade slashes a soldier's body very hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to crush a soldier, but he deflects the blow.
A Dhai'mon trolloc barely hacks a soldier's left arm.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [op fence]
It's already open!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > Matheus narrates 'so many mobs moving in'
[k rig]
*Rig* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
[k rig]
*Rig* leaves north.
*Rig* has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
You scythe *Rig*'s body.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > *Rig* scythes your body.
You scythe *Rig*'s body hard.
An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries successfully.
Dhavan blasts *Jaster*'s right arm.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's left foot into bloody fragments!
A fade swiftly dodges a soldier's attempt to scythe him.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's body.
A fade slashes a soldier's body very hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc crushes a soldier's body.
A Dhai'mon trolloc barely hacks a soldier's body.
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten >
[op fence]
It's already open!
*Rig* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > *Jaster* gives a Dhai'mon trolloc an order.
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Beaten > [k rig]
*Rig* leaves north.
*Rig* has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
You scythe *Rig*'s right leg hard.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical >
A Dhai'mon trolloc has been kicked out of *Jaster*'s group!
A Dhai'mon trolloc stops following Jaster.
[k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > *Rig* scythes your body.
You tickle *Rig*'s body with your scythe.
An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries successfully.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's body very hard.
A soldier tries to scythe a fade, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's body.
A fade slashes a soldier's body very hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc crushes a soldier's body.
*Jaster* slashes Dhavan's right leg hard.
A Dhai'mon trolloc hacks a soldier's body.
[k rig]
*Rig* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > Dhavan sends *Jaster* sprawling with a powerful bash!
[k rig]
*Rig* leaves north.
*Rig* has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
[k rig]
You scythe *Rig*'s left leg.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > *Rig* scythes your body.
You scythe *Rig*'s body.
An Ahf'frait trolloc cleaves Matheus's left arm hard.
Dhavan blasts *Jaster*'s body.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's body hard.
A soldier tries to scythe a fade, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier tries to scythe a Dhai'mon trolloc, but he deflects the blow.
A fade slashes a soldier's left arm hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc crushes a soldier's body hard.
A Dhai'mon trolloc hacks a soldier's body hard.
[k rig]
*Rig* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical > [k rig]
*Rig* leaves west.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > An Ahf'frait trolloc tries to cleave Matheus, but he parries
Dhavan tries to blast *Jaster*, but he deflects the blow.
Matheus slices a Ko'bal trolloc's body very hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience...
Quite a death count. Have it put on your tombstone.
You feel like you have lost something.
Your blood freezes as you hear a Ko'bal trolloc's death cry.
A soldier tries to scythe a fade, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier tries to scythe a Dhai'mon trolloc, but he deflects the blow.
A fade slashes a soldier's right hand.
A Dhai'mon trolloc tickles a soldier's right hand with his hack.
Matheus panics, and attempts to flee!
Matheus tries to flee, but is too exhausted!
[k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > You can't ride in there.
Aishana narrates 'you guys camp? want me to come?'

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Matheus stops riding a gray palfrey.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong > Matheus leaves west.
You follow Matheus.

You can't ride in there.
[k rig]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >

*Jaster* gives an Ahf'frait trolloc an order.
An Ahf'frait trolloc now follows Jaster.

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
*Jaster* gives an Ahf'frait trolloc an order.
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* R HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Dhavan tries to blast *Jaster*, but he parries successfully.
A soldier scythes a fade's body hard.
A soldier scythes a Dhai'mon trolloc's left leg.
A fade slashes a soldier's body very hard.
*Jaster* barely slashes Dhavan's right leg.
A Dhai'mon trolloc tries to hack a soldier, but he deflects the blow.
[dism ]
You stop riding him.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong > Tower Entrance
[ obvious exits: E U ]
A rat has arrived from the east.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
[k rig]
They aren't here.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
[k rig]
They aren't here.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong >
Second Floor Of The Tower
[ obvious exits: U D ]
Lord Matheus the Lieutenant is standing here.
A rat has arrived from below.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
They aren't here.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong > Top Floor Of The Tower
[ obvious exits: N D ]
*Rig* is standing here.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong > [k rig]
You scythe *Rig*'s body.

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* HP:Scratched MV:Strong - Rig: Critical >
*Rig* scythes your head hard.
A muzzled trolloc barely tickles your body with his cleave.
You scythe *Rig*'s body hard.
*Rig* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Matheus has arrived from below.
[k rig]
You scythe *Rig*'s right hand hard.
*Rig* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Three times is the charm!
You feel like you have lost something.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Rig*'s death cry.

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