Tutorial: Using Doors (Serious)

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:49 pm

Tutorial: Using Doors (Serious)

Post by Revescaal » Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:43 pm

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Dah - The Courtyard
Revescaal - The Courtyard
Smoker - The Courtyard
Jestin - The Courtyard

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
The Courtyard
To the east lie the shattered remains of the southern keep. From here the
devastation is even more apparent than before. The roof of this once
prominant keep has collapsed in on itself totally destroying the upper
level of the keep. Large vines with huge spikes on them have made the walls
of the keep their home. To the north a well can be seen and to the east is
the entrance to the barracks.

A temporary makeshift pen of rocks and wood blocks the way to the south,
but it can easily be opened by a strong arm.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Dah the Dark Master is standing here.
Smoker the Rabid Hunter is standing here.
Jestin the Dreadlord is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A hooved trolloc anxiously stamps its feet.

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >

Dah tells you '[redacted]'

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >

Smoker leaves north.

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >

Smoker has arrived from the north.

o HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >

A bearish trolloc has arrived from the west.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
You are carrying:

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Obvious exits:
North - The Well
East - The Courtyard
South - The Courtyard
West - Entrance to the Courtyard

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
The Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N ]
A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.
A trolloc is here commanding a fist of troops.
A wolfish trolloc is here, howling for blood.
A red-eyed raven is here flying around.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
A juvenile trolloc waits hungrily to be fed.
A brooding trolloc watches her charges.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
clo rockpen
clo rockpen

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
clo rockpen
It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!
The rockpen is opened from the other side.

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > Ok.

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
clo rockpen
It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
The rockpen seems to be closed.
The rockpen is opened from the other side.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
Smoker has arrived from the north.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
The Courtyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A bearish trolloc towers here, its snout drawn into a snarl.
Dah the Dark Master is standing here.
Jestin the Dreadlord is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A hooved trolloc anxiously stamps its feet.

o HP:Healthy MV:Strong >
clo rockpen
clo rockpen

clo rockpen
clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!
Smoker narrates 'why have you done this'

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!

clo rockpen
o HP:Healthy MV:Strong > It's already closed!
Smoker narrates 'lol'

Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:39 am

Re: Tutorial: Using Doors (Serious)

Post by Smoker » Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:31 pm

LoL can't believe you posted this, this is hilarious

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