
... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Ghast » Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:27 pm

Blustery Grasslands
A ways off to the west you can just barely make out a small brook cutting a
meandering path through the savanna. Trying to protect yourself from the
grass blades whipping your face and skin is taxing and not very effective.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
*Rayven* is standing here, riding a battle-trained gray destrier.
A black snake is here, lying on a rock.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > [hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded >
[ba h.light]
You silently approach your victim...

Ooops. Your clumsy execution broadcasts your intentions.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Rayven: Healthy >

*Rayven* panics, and attempts to flee!
Fong narrates 'i have rings on all my toes now Meren!'

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Rayven: Healthy >
*Rayven* leaves south riding a battle-trained gray destrier.

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded >

*Rayven* has arrived from the south, riding a battle-trained gray destrier.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Winded >

*Rayven* struggles to barrel down on you, a red and gold tasseled spear aimed at your chest.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Winded >
Suddenly *someone* charges you with a red and gold tasseled spear!
You are dead! Sorry...
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.

Down stab brick lag!

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:13 am

Re: Fail!

Post by malf » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:08 pm

[where ]
Players in your Zone
Erevos - The Food and Supplies Tent
You catch a faint scent of a horse nearby. 1 human

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
[cha mood berserk]
Mood changed to: Berserk
Wimpy reset to: 0 hit points.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
*Everesta* has arrived from the south.
You try to strike *Everesta*, but she deflects the blow.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Wounded >
You do the best you can!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Wounded >
*Everesta* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Everesta* leaves south. vv

*Everesta* has arrived from the south.

Your bash at *Everesta* sends her sprawling!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Wounded >
You strike *Everesta*'s body into bloody fragments!
A deranged trolloc warrior joins your fight!
A deranged trolloc warrior joins a deranged trolloc warrior's fight!
A deranged trolloc warrior joins a deranged trolloc warrior's fight!
A deranged trolloc warrior joins a deranged trolloc warrior's fight!
Blodfest joins your fight!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Wounded >

*Everesta* panics, and attempts to flee!
You strike *Everesta*'s right arm into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Critical >

*Everesta* leaves east. >>
*Everesta* has arrived from the east.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >

*Everesta* leaves south. vv

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
k light
k light
They aren't here.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
k light
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > Blodfest leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > At a Roasting Pit
A pit has been dug into the ground and lined with soot-blackened rocks. An
iron crosswork is suspended above the pit, and a spit lies nearby in
readiness to roast whatever meat becomes handy. There is a dirty tent to
the north that looks large enough to hold dozens of creatures at a time.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a MYRDDRAAL leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving north. ^^
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
Blodfest, the camp commander, stands here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > They aren't here.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
Tic in 7 seconds!
Blodfest leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves south. vv
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
k light
The Main Path Through Camp
A wide path runs east to west through the camp, creating a byway just short
of being a true road. The forest is to the west, and the center of the camp
is to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
Blodfest, the camp commander, stands here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
Blodfest leaves west. <<
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves west. <<
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves west. <<
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves west. <<
A deranged trolloc warrior leaves west. <<

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
The Main Path Through Camp
A wide path runs east to west through the camp, creating a byway just short
of being a true road. The forest is to the west, and the center of the camp
is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
The Center Courtyard
Flat stones have been laid to make a central courtyard in the middle of the
camp. A sturdy pole has been erected in the exact center of the stones upon
which a rotting body has been spiked with rough iron nails. A sturdy iron
grate has been placed in the ground, its hatches surprisingly well kept.
[ obvious exits: N E S W D ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door down: grate
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
A black flame dances here in midair.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
The Main Path Through Camp
A wide path runs east to west through the camp, creating a byway just short
of being a true road. The forest is to the west, and the center of the camp
is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > The Main Path Through Camp
A wide path runs east to west through the camp, creating a byway just short
of being a true road. The forest is to the west, and the center of the camp
is to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
Tic length updated to: 61.353 seconds.
The Western Fence
A checkpoint has been erected between the forest and the inner camp, a
makeshift fence blocking the way. The main encampment stretches to the
east, a line of dirty tents and undercured hides.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: tentflap
Door west: westfence
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
Blodfest, the camp commander, stands here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k light
On a Wide Path
A wide path has been cut through the forest, leaving sap-oozing stumps
behind. A makeshift encampment to the east carries the sound of metal on
metal, and a fetid odor wafts through the air.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door east: westfence
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k light
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > The Western Fence
A checkpoint has been erected between the forest and the inner camp, a
makeshift fence blocking the way. The main encampment stretches to the
east, a line of dirty tents and undercured hides.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door south: tentflap
Door west: westfence
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
A deranged trolloc warrior howls with rage.
Blodfest, the camp commander, stands here.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > They aren't here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Erevos - The Western Fence

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
On a Wide Path
A wide path has been cut through the forest, leaving sap-oozing stumps
behind. A makeshift encampment to the east carries the sound of metal on
metal, and a fetid odor wafts through the air.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door east: westfence
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring > A Forest Trail
Trees tower overhead blotting out most light from the forest trail, putting
everything into a perpetual twilight. Shadows reach from the trees to cast
startling shapes across the ground. The trail continues north to south, and
a wider path breaks off to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door west: bushes
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
*Everesta* is standing here.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k light
You try to strike *Everesta*, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Everesta: Critical >
*Everesta* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Everesta* leaves north. ^^

k light

*Everesta* has arrived from the north.

A Forest Trail
The trees and underbrush stand so closely together as to block out almost
all light, with only this narrow trail showing a way from north to south.
To the east is an encampment, its outer fringes visible. The forest to the
west of the trail is dark and forbidding, passage not allowed.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door west: bushes
There are some bloody traces of a HUMAN leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A crippled bear is here, drooling rabidly.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > They aren't here.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > *Everesta* has arrived from the south.
Bash who?

k light
* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
A Forest Trail
Trees tower overhead blotting out most light from the forest trail, putting
everything into a perpetual twilight. Shadows reach from the trees to cast
startling shapes across the ground. The trail continues north to south, and
a wider path breaks off to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door west: bushes
There are some bloody traces of a HUMAN leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of a HUMAN leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. <<
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > They aren't here.

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > Bash who?

o S HP:Beaten MV:Winded >
k light
A Forest Trail
The trees and underbrush stand so closely together as to block out almost
all light, with only this narrow trail showing a way from north to south.
To the east is an encampment, its outer fringes visible. The forest to the
west of the trail is dark and forbidding, passage not allowed.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Door west: bushes
There are some bloody traces of a HUMAN leaving south. vv
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
*Everesta* is standing here.
A crippled bear is here, drooling rabidly.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded > You try to strike *Everesta*, but she parries successfully.

* S HP:Beaten MV:Winded - Everesta: Critical > The rabid bear tries to hit you,
but you parry successfully.

The rabid bear tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.

- -
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by *Everesta*!
As *Everesta* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!standing...
*Everesta* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - Everesta: Critical >

The rabid bear tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
*Everesta* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
*Everesta* leaves north. ^^

o S HP:Critical MV:Winded - the rabid bear: Healthy >
*Everesta* has arrived from the north.
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - the rabid bear: Healthy > *Everesta* tries to slash you, but you deflect
the blow.
Berserk! Death! Death! Fight to the death!

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - the rabid bear: Healthy >

You strike the rabid bear's body into bloody fragments!
The rabid bear tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.

* S HP:Critical MV:Winded - the rabid bear: Scratched >
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Your screams die away as streaks of Fire from Everesta devour your flesh.
You are dead! Sorry...

Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Ghast » Tue Nov 30, 2021 4:51 pm

Path Past a Small Village
The small path runs past a cozy home here, and then disappears into the
grasslands. You may continue along the path to the north, where it heads west
into the village. The house to the west is small, but in good repair. White
smoke drifts up from its chimney. Someone must be at home.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
*Lexica* is resting here. <--- ooh resting, nice

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > [hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded >
[ba h.light]
You silently approach your victim...


[change mood berserk]
Mood changed to: Berserk
Wimpy reset to: 0 hit points. <--- been stabbing too many channies to crit lately, not taking a chance here!

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > [hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded > [ba h.light]
You silently approach your victim...

Ooops. Your clumsy execution broadcasts your intentions.
*Lexica* panics, and attempts to flee!

o S HP:Hurt MV:Winded - Lexica: Beaten > <--- and she was already beaten anyway.

...then I burn 2 vials trying to track her down

Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:37 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Sarai » Thu Dec 02, 2021 5:52 pm

Magnificent Square
The broad, milk-white arch that gives the town its name dominates
Whitebridge as much close up as it does from afar. The eastern foot of the
White Bridge settles down right in the middle of a large town square, and
extends up and off to the west. The square is paved with even flagstones,
worn down by generations of feet and wagon wheels. Shops and inns dot the
square and the surrounding streets, which lead off in every direction. A
large banner has been attached to a staff, depicting a map of Whitebridge.
[ obvious exits: N E S W U ]
A small purse is here. [4]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
The Whitebridge town crier stands here, spreading the news.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Strong >
A city lamplighter leaves east.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Strong >
The Starling arrives at the docks.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full >
*Tabarnak* has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full >
The Watchman has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full >
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman has arrived from the south.
The Watchman has arrived from the west.
The Watchman has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full >
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full >
*Tabarnak* clumsily approaches you with a pair of moonstone hilted dirks, but you fend off the attack.

* R HP:Scratched SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Healthy >
You try to slash *Tabarnak*, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he dodges the attack.
Tabarnak swiftly dodges the Watchman's attempt to pierce him.
The Watchman pierces Tabarnak's right leg very hard.
Tabarnak swiftly dodges the Watchman's attempt to pierce him.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Scratched >
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman pierces Tabarnak's body hard.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Scratched >
You try to slash *Tabarnak*, but he parries successfully.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
Tabarnak swiftly dodges the Watchman's attempt to pierce him.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Scratched >
*Tabarnak* snickers softly.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Scratched >
*Tabarnak* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full - the Watchman: Scratched - Tabarnak: Scratched >
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he deflects the blow.
The Watchman tries to pierce Tabarnak, but he parries successfully.
*Tabarnak* leaves north.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Full >
The Watchman leaves north.
The Watchman leaves north.
The Watchman leaves north.
The Watchman leaves north.

Almost got me good :p was using the bathroom

Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:23 am

Re: Fail!

Post by Tabarnak » Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:33 pm

I think no hide stabs have about a 4% chance.

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:38 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Angelia » Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:12 pm

I heard someone bellow on the west side of Tar Valon. Figured I would go investigate.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Annabelle the Tower Accepted is standing here.
A warder stands nearby, calm yet poised to leap into battle.
An astonishingly tall and broad man stands here, with large tufted
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Annabelle - Tower Square
Angelia - Tower Square
Chloe - The Anvil of the Shining Walls

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >
Annabelle leaves north. ^^
Tower Square
At the corner of the square, the dazzling pearl white buildings of Tar
Valon surround the square. In the center of the square is the White
walled off from the rest of the city. To the south the Air Avenue
into the square from the Alindaer Gate in the southwest secion of the
In the center of the square, atop a pedestal of blue veined white
is the polished silver statue of a regal Aes Sedai. Surrounding the
base of
the statue are hundreds of morning lillies, their heady and rich
filling the air and delighting the senses.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Tar Valon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Air Avenue
Here, along Air Avenue, one can view the White Cliffs of Tar Valon.
buildings along this avenue are superbly crafted and intricately
decorated. From the Alindaer Gate, one could almost mistake them for
cliffs. The avenue ends to the east at Tower Square but continues
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Air Avenue
Along this avenue, the buildings become grand and spacious. Their
rooftops are curved and rounded, giving them the appearance of clouds.
The road widens up a bit and the buildings seem to lean back a little
so that the open sky can fall down on the avenue. Running north and
Merchant Street intersects with Air Avenue.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Air Avenue
The buildings lining this street seem to have been designed to look
windswept, portrayed as though wind is to be funneled between them.
As a result, even in perfect stillness a sense of movement fills the
air, and a rustle of air can almost be heard. To the west lies
Gate and, beyond that, the Dragonmount rises in the distance.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Gate to Alindaer
The busiest gate in the city rises in the wall here, allowing passage
most of the trade from Caemlyn. The White Cliffs of Tar Valon rise
the worn stones of the road down Air Avenue to the east. Stunningly,
the White Tower looms past them in the horizon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door west: AlindaerGate
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A guard stands watch over the Tar Valon gate.
A guard stands watch over the Tar Valon gate.
A guard stands watch over the Tar Valon gate.
A guard stands watch over the Tar Valon gate.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >

You call for the AlindaerGate to be opened.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper unlocks the AlindaerGate.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper opens the AlindaerGate.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >
Bridge Over the Alindrelle
The river rolls, strong and steady, fifty or more paces below, and for
its half mile length the bridge flows unsupported from riverbank to
The bridge has room and some to spare for ten men to walk abreast. A
bronze-clad gate stands between the bridge and Tar Valon to the east.
large sign lists the local laws and customs.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
Door east: AlindaerGate
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Bridge Over the Alindrelle
Striking, the bridge is an architectural wonder. The openwork walls
intricate enough to tax the best craftswoman at her lace-frame. It
seems that such could have been done with stone, or that it could
even its own weight.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded > Foot of the Bridge
Often a place thronging with crowds, the bridge begins a long arch
over the
half mile or more of the River Erinin. Guards posted at the foot
check everyone who wants to cross.
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A Tar Valon bridgeguard peers at strangers suspiciously.
A Tar Valon bridgeguard peers at strangers suspiciously.
A Tar Valon bridgeguard peers at strangers suspiciously.
A balding, sour-faced officer checks everyone passing by.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >
Players in your Zone
Angelia - Foot of the Bridge

* R HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Winded >
life patter
[channel 'locate life']
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

Suddenly Patter places a silver-winged basilard in your back!
Ouch! That Really did HURT!

You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.
You panic and attempt to flee!
You flee head over heels.

Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Ghast » Tue Dec 14, 2021 9:35 am

Here we go again....

Braem Wood
An especially tall and sturdy oak tree stands here, higher than the
surrounding trees and with long, sloping branches that appear to go in
every direction. The grass under the tree looks shorter than most of the
wood, as if people regularly come here for some reason. The woods to the
east and north are hard to enter, but those to the south and west are
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Aringill
Door up: treehouse
The dismembered corpse of a frightened young thief is lying here.
A figure stands here, ready to collect unwanted things.
*Nunzio* is standing here, riding a dust-colored gelding.
A mole is here, looking sickly.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > [hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > [ba h.light]
You silently approach your victim...


*Trang* has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

Dreadlord Lokras narrates 'I see the horde is awake. I will choose a task for the Dha'vol, Dhai'mon,
Ghar'ghael, and Ahf'frait.'
The collector leaves north.
Ooops. Your clumsy execution broadcasts your intentions.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Nunzio: Battered >

*Nunzio* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - Nunzio: Battered >

Dreadlord Lokras narrates 'The first to complete this task and return to me in Thakan'dar will be
*Nunzio* leaves north riding a dust-colored gelding.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >

*Trang* starts barreling down on you, a red and gold tasseled spear aimed at your chest.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring >
Suddenly *someone* charges you with a red and gold tasseled spear!
You are dead! Sorry...
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 136
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:35 pm

Re: Fail!

Post by Zatuchly » Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:35 pm

A Forested Path Through the Borderlands
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Northern Borderlands
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north. ^^
*Relena* is standing here.
A giant bee preys on small animals.

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded >
You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
Zarth narrates 'i orch ent hag'

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >

Sicko narrates 'i alln gap'
Ghast tries to pierce *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
Porka narrates 'sarai blight'

*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Relena* tries to flee, but is too exhausted!


Ghast tries to pierce *Relena*, but she deflects the blow.
*Relena* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.

*Draz* has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

As *Relena* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
*Relena* winces in pain.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Relena* tries to flee, but is too exhausted!

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >
nar relena 1n shady

Ghast tries to pierce *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
*Draz* tries to slash Ghast, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >

*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Relena* tries to flee, but is too exhausted!

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >
change posture offensive
change mood brave

*Draz* tries to slash Ghast, but he deflects the blow.
Ghast tries to pierce *Relena*, but she deflects the blow.
*Relena* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >
You narrate 'relena 1n shady'

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >
*Draz* drops a glass of apple cider.
Posture changed to: Offensive

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >
Mood changed to: Brave
Wimpy reset to: 113 hit points.

* HP:Scratched MV:Winded - Relena: Critical >

Ghast tries to pierce *Relena*, but she deflects the blow.
*Relena* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.
Ghast gets a glass of apple cider.

Zarth narrates 'no mvs zatch'

Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!
*Relena* winces in pain.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Relena* tries to flee, but is too exhausted!

* HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Relena: Critical >

Ghast quaffs a glass of apple cider.
Ghast looks more refreshed and ready to move than before.

* HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Relena: Critical >
nar come hit she crit hag

*Draz* sends Ghast sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Relena: Critical >
You narrate 'come hit she crit hag'

* HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Relena: Critical >

Gok barely pierces *Draz*'s right leg.
*Draz* winces in pain.
*Draz* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Relena: Critical >

Gok pierces *Draz*'s body.
*Draz* winces in pain.
*Draz* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Draz* leaves west riding a warhorse.
Someone squeaks 'Relena is at A Forested Path Through the Borderlands'
You lance *Relena*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Relena* winces in pain.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Relena* tries to flee, but is too exhausted!
Gok pierces *Relena*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
*Relena* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Relena*'s death cry.

Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:47 am
Location: USA, Virginia

Re: Fail!

Post by Nunzio » Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:18 am

Ouch, tough luck lol. Good quick thinking on Ghast's part. The way he scooped it up and used it right away reminded me of someone grabbing a key and swallowing it so other people can't get it. Made me laugh

Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:23 am

Re: Fail!

Post by Tabarnak » Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:23 am

The use of the cider had me loling. Was such a slap.

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