The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:58 pm

The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Dukug » Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:02 am

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > s
Small Farmyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
A shadow stallion has arrived from the north.
Mazoku has arrived from the north.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > track horse
Some obvious fresh tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving south.
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving east.
Some obvious fairly recent tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving south.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > w
kill light
Small Farmhouse
[ obvious exits: E ]
*Relena* is standing here.
A tired farmer is here.
A stooped old woman assesses your behavior with deep set eyes.
A shadow stallion has arrived from the east.
Mazoku has arrived from the east.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy > close door east

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy > change mood berserk
Mood changed to: Berserk

close door
* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy >
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy > You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
It's already closed!

close door
* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy > close door
close door
It's already closed!

close door
* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy > It's already closed!

close doorhy DP:Strong MV:Full - Relena: Healthy >
close door
close door
Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!
Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!
Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!
Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!
Connected to host
Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!

The Wheel Of Time MUD
Mark IV

Updated and Maintained by
Flash, Ingtar, Mournblade, & Zun

Based on the novels by Robert Jordan
and published by Tor Books

Running since Summer 1993
Original Code - CircleMUD
[DikuMUD I Original Source]

Original game idea, concept, and design:
Katja Nyboa, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

WARNING: Character has no registered email address!
Those entered in forums don't show up here/aren't linked here yet.
If you forget your passphrase you will be out of luck! See 'help passphrase'!

__ __ _______
\ \ / /_|__ __| __ _ _ ____
\ \ / / __ \| | \ / | | | | _ \
\ \ /\ / / / \ \ | \/ | | | | | \ \
\ \/ \/ /\ \__/ / | |\ /| | |_| | |_/ /
\ /\ / \____/| |_| \/ |_|\___/|____/
\/ \/ |_|

--------:- telnet:// 2224 -:---------

------:- -:--------

Welcome to the Wheel of Time! Type 'help' for information.
Don't forget to read the forums at !

A shadow stallion starts following you.
Small Farmyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > look
Small Farmyard
Here you gaze about at a small farmyard, a small wooden gate leading south
out onto a narrow gravel path. The farmyard is mostly bare soil, surrounded
by a low hedge, with patches of trampled grass growing around the edges. A
good sized barn, its red paint peeling in places, open on the north end of the
yard. On the west side stands the small farmhouse itself. Beyond the hedges
surrounding the yard stretch fields of tabac and wheat and pastures for
grazing livestock.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > Players in your Zone
Dukug - Small Farmyard

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > stat
You are a 139 year old male myrddraal.
Your height is 5 feet, 11 inches, and you weigh 187.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.0 lbs and wearing 59.6 lbs, very light.
Your base abilities are: Str:18 Int:15 Wil:16 Dex:17 Con:19 Sum:85.
Offensive bonus: 148, Dodging bonus: 71, Parrying bonus: 154, Total defense: 225
Your mood is: Wimpy. You will flee below: 418 Hit Points
Your posture is: Normal.
Your armor absorbs about 74% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > change mood brave

Mazoku has entered the game.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > kill light
They aren't here.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > The door seems to be closed.

doorName is now set as: door

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh >
Mazoku starts following you.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > open door
close door

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Fresh > Small Farmhouse
[ obvious exits: E ]
A tired farmer is here.
A farmer's wife is here.
A stooped old woman assesses your behavior with deep set eyes.
Mazoku has arrived from the east.
A shadow stallion has arrived from the east.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > close door
close door
close door

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > It's already closed!

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > It's already closed!

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full >
The door is opened from the other side.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > group all
Mazoku is now a member of your group.
A shadow stallion is now a member of your group.

close door
The door is opened from the other side.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full >
The door is opened from the other side.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > *Draz* has arrived from the east.
A hired mercenary has arrived from the east.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > e
kill light
Small Farmyard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a horse leaving west
There are some tracks of a trolloc leaving west
There are some tracks of a myrddraal leaving west
There are some tracks of a HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving west
A shadow stallion has arrived from the west.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > They aren't here.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > w

A dynamic event is occuring nearby.

Find the farmer's wife and ask if she needs help.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > kill light

The door closes quietly.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > The door seems to be closed.

doorName is now set as: door

close door
o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > They aren't here.

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > It's already closed!

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > open door

o HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > kill light
Small Farmhouse
[ obvious exits: E ]
A hired mercenary is here, fighting Mazoku.
*Draz* is here, fighting Mazoku.
Mazoku the Grotesque Torturer is here, fighting Draz.
A tired farmer is here.
A farmer's wife is here.
A stooped old woman assesses your behavior with deep set eyes.
A shadow stallion has arrived from the east.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > You lance *Draz*'s right hand.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Scratched > change mood berserk
You lance *Draz*'s left arm.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's left leg with his hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left arm hard.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s head.
Mood changed to: Berserk

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Scratched > close door

* g MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Scratched >
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left leg.

Mazoku sends *Draz* sprawling with a powerful bash!

They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt > tell mazoku Spam door shut, I bashing
You tell Mazoku 'Spam door shut, I bashing'

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
You lance *Draz*'s body.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body hard.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >eq

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt > You lance *Draz*'s body hard.
You are using:
<held> an oilstone
<worn on finger> a gold ring delicately carved with ivy
<worn on finger> a gold ring delicately carved with ivy
<worn on head> a rimmed round helmet
<worn around neck> a shimmering chain of gold
<worn around neck> a shimmering chain of gold
<worn on body> a shirt of overlapping black scales
<worn about body> an inky black cloak
<slung on back> a backpack
<worn on arms> a pair of polished, gold-plated vambraces
<worn on hands> a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<worn around wrist> a sungwood bracelet
<wielded two-handed> a darkened steel trident
<worn about waist> a bronze belt of odd design
<worn on belt> a skin of human flesh
<worn on legs> a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves
<worn on feet> a pair of animal-fur boots

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
*Relena* has entered the game.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
You lance *Draz*'s body.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's left leg with his hit.
Mazoku barely blasts *Draz*'s body.
*Relena* slashes a shadow stallion's body very hard.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt > group all
* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
You lance *Draz*'s head.

* HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she deflects the blow.
You barely lance *Draz*'s body.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.

g MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
*Draz* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
*Draz* sends Mazoku sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Scratched DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Scratched - Draz: Hurt >
Relena swiftly dodges a shadow stallion's attempt to hit her.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
*Draz* assumes Parting the Silk.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.
*Draz* spins on one heel, changing forms to Ribbon in the Air.
*Draz* slashes your body very hard.

* HP:Scratched DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Hurt - Draz: Hurt >
Your body is pierced by sharp but melting ice spikes sent by *Relena*!

* HP:Hurt DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Hurt - Draz: Hurt >
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.

* HP:Hurt DP:Strong MV:Full - Mazoku: Hurt - Draz: Hurt >
Relena swiftly dodges a shadow stallion's attempt to hit her.
*Relena* tries to slash a shadow stallion, but it deflects the blow.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.
*Draz* slashes your right leg very hard.

* V:Full - Mazoku: Hurt - Draz: Hurt >
Relena swiftly dodges a shadow stallion's attempt to hit her.
A hired mercenary tries to hit Mazoku, but he dodges the attack.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's head.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's head.

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

As *Draz* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full >
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she parries successfully.
*Relena* tries to slash a shadow stallion, but it deflects the blow.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's right foot with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full >
Mazoku avoids being bashed by *Draz* who loses his balance and falls!

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full >
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she parries successfully.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's right leg with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body hard.

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full > relena is now set as your target.

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Healthy >
You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she deflects the blow.
*Relena* tries to slash a shadow stallion, but it parries successfully.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's left arm with his hit.
Mazoku barely blasts *Draz*'s body.

* HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Healthy > bash

Mazoku avoids being bashed by *Draz* who loses his balance and falls!

A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she parries successfully.
A hired mercenary barely tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s right leg hard.

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!
Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Scratched >
You lance *Relena*'s body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Scratched > get tinful pack
quaf tinful
You get a tinful of a black, foul liquid from a backpack.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Scratched > You lance *Relena*'s body into bloody fragments!
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she deflects the blow.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's left hand with his hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s head.
You quaff a tinful of a black, foul liquid which dissolves.
Hmmmmmmmmm.. That was quite good actually.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Hurt >
*Draz* sends Mazoku sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Hurt >
You lance *Relena*'s head into bloody fragments!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Full - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Wounded >
You lance *Relena*'s body hard.
A shadow stallion tries to hit Relena, but she deflects the blow.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's left hand with his hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left hand with The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Scratched - Relena: Wounded > bash
Relena swiftly dodges a shadow stallion's attempt to hit her.
A hired mercenary tickles Mazoku's body with his hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body with Whirlwind on the Mountain.

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.
A hired mercenary gallantly rescues Relena!

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.
A hired mercenary gallantly rescues Relena!

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.
Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Scratched >
You lance a hired mercenary's right leg hard.
You swiftly dodge a hired mercenary's attempt to hit you.
A shadow stallion tickles a hired mercenary's body with its hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body with The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s left leg hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Hurt > Timer now at 62 secs... Estimated Tic!

*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Hurt >
You lance a hired mercenary's body hard.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you dodge the attack.
A shadow stallion barely tickles a hired mercenary's body with its hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s left leg hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Wounded > relena is now set as your target.

You lance a hired mercenary's right leg extremely hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Wounded >
*Draz* sends Mazoku sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Wounded >
You lance a hired mercenary's right hand very hard.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
A shadow stallion tickles a hired mercenary's right leg with its hit.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left foot with Wind and Rain.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Battered >
You lance a hired mercenary's body hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'
Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* moves swiftly to protect *Relena*.
*Relena* slashes a shadow stallion's right leg extremely hard.
A hired mercenary joins Draz's fight!
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left leg very hard.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh > k relena

*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh > You try to lance *Relena*, but she deflects the blow.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Wounded >
You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion barely tickles Draz's head with its hit.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Wounded > bash
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

*Draz* sends a shadow stallion sprawling with a powerful bash!
*Draz* sends Mazoku sprawling with a powerful bash!

You swiftly dodge a hired mercenary's attempt to hit you.
*Draz* barely slashes Mazoku's body.
*Draz* slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!

Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Wounded - Relena: Wounded >
You lance *Relena*'s left leg extremely hard.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's right leg hard.
*Draz* gracefully changes forms to The Falcon Swoops.
*Draz* slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!
You lance *Relena*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's right arm very hard.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Wounded >
You lance *Relena*'s body very hard.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion tries to hit Draz, but he deflects the blow.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left hand.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > bash

You lance *Relena*'s right leg extremely hard.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > They already seem to be stunned.

* ng MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered >
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion barely tickles Draz's right leg with its hit.
*Relena* tries to slash a shadow stallion, but it dodges the attack.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left arm hard.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.
Mazoku sends *Draz* sprawling with a powerful bash!

As *Relena* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > bash

You swiftly dodge a hired mercenary's attempt to hit you.
A shadow stallion tickles Draz's left arm with its hit.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s left arm very hard.

* MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered >
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion barely hits Draz's head.
*Relena* slashes a shadow stallion's body extremely hard.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.
A hired mercenary gallantly rescues Relena!

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.

*Draz* gives a hired mercenary an order.

Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Battered >
You lance a hired mercenary's left leg extremely hard.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Draz swiftly dodges a shadow stallion's attempt to hit him.
Mazoku blasts *Draz*'s body.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Critical >
You lance a hired mercenary's body hard.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Critical > k relena

*Draz* sends a shadow stallion sprawling with a powerful bash!
Mazoku avoids being bashed by *Draz* who loses his balance and falls!

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Critical > You lance a hired mercenary's left leg very hard.
A hired mercenary is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear a hired mercenary's death cry.
A hired mercenary realizes that Draz is a jerk!
You lance *Relena*'s body extremely hard.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > bash
They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > bash
*Draz* avoids being bashed by Mazoku who loses his balance and falls!

*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left arm hard.
*Draz* gracefully changes forms to The Falling Leaf.
*Draz* slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!

You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
You feel a sense of shame at your loss.
A flash of bright red fire sent by Relena is the last thing you ever see.
You are dead! Sorry...
Ouch! You lose a level.
Circle of Darkness
[ obvious exits: N E S W U D ]
A rancid slab of decaying meat lies here, covered with maggots.
A shattered arm lies in a bloody red and purple mess.
A fresh chunk of meat has been recently cut from a kill.
A revolting well bubbles with the blood of the sacrificed.

Posts: 182
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 3:04 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Kilgore » Tue Oct 12, 2021 11:30 am

Looks very much like mob abuse with retreat and rescue to conserve HPs and force disengage to get Draz buffing. This is intended mob use?

Posts: 1396
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:43 am

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Razhak » Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:15 pm

Can't imagine this is intended.

Posts: 192
Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:11 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by erulak » Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:43 pm

Personally can't imagine Draz abusing mobs. But yeah, that does strike me as something most people should pause and consider not doing because it's obviously not intended and the reason why we can't have mediocre things.

edit - should note, this is basically like abusing disengage/k target with a mob that's not buffing.

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:25 am

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by livendros » Tue Oct 12, 2021 5:27 pm

So this is how the mobs function with regards to not being able to flee or do much. I'm usually pretty quick call out some abuse and this does not look like it to me but our mere mortal opinions matter little. Looks like ds just got outplayed. I was however somewhat rooting for the shadow stallion. Legend has it it's still fighting to this day.

Posts: 182
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 3:04 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Kilgore » Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:19 pm

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Battered >
You lance a hired mercenary's body hard.

* HP:Battered DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'
Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* says 'retreat'

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a hired mercenary: Beaten >
*Draz* moves swiftly to protect *Relena*.
*Relena* slashes a shadow stallion's right leg extremely hard.
A hired mercenary joins Draz's fight!
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left leg very hard.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh > k relena

*Draz* slashes Mazoku's body hard.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh > You try to lance *Relena*, but she deflects the blow.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Wounded >
You try to lance *Relena*, but she parries successfully.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion barely tickles Draz's head with its hit.

* HP:Beaten DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Hurt - Relena: Wounded > bash
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by *Relena*!

*Draz* sends a shadow stallion sprawling with a powerful bash!
*Draz* sends Mazoku sprawling with a powerful bash!

You swiftly dodge a hired mercenary's attempt to hit you.
*Draz* barely slashes Mazoku's body.
*Draz* slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!

Your bash at *Relena* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Wounded - Relena: Wounded >
You lance *Relena*'s left leg extremely hard.
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's right leg hard.
*Draz* gracefully changes forms to The Falcon Swoops.
*Draz* slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!
You lance *Relena*'s left leg into bloody fragments!
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's right arm very hard.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Wounded >
You lance *Relena*'s body very hard.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!
A hired mercenary tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A shadow stallion tries to hit Draz, but he deflects the blow.
*Draz* slashes Mazoku's left hand.

* HP:Critical DP:Strong MV:Fresh - a shadow stallion: Battered - Relena: Battered > bash

You lance *Relena*'s right leg extremely hard.
*Relena* panics, and attempts to flee!

mob dies this round during relena fleelag and doesn't get to rescue again. So lets say next bash from fade lands, Relena is rescued off the bash (even though she's rescued after he misses a bash).

Posts: 616
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:14 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Draz » Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:46 am

So a couple comments

1) I honestly don't think Dukug's plan here was to call out for abuse - we got chortlesnorfling lucky, and he got outplayed thereafter; had I not been rooms away I couldn't have gotten there in time.
2) these mobs are weak as hell and we've been told multiple times function as intended.
3) Multiple masters use mob rescue and grouped shadow daily - and the most likely result of me doing it in this case was Dukug escaping; Had Relena just not been rescued and fireballed between each bash he still may have actually died faster, with a small outside chance of if both he and maz landed every single bash. .
4) You'll note that it didn't reengage him on me, because he was already engaged on the hired mob from rescue, yes, if he killed the hired mob, and situations specifically permitted me to auto-rescue, then he would end up on me.
5) mobs rescuing still rescue lags the person,

PS. The Shadow Stallion survived..for a while.

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Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:16 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Fermin » Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:30 am

hard to know if it could have been close without seeing draz hps, but without the initial disengage bash to get on relaana seems like a lost cause...

I could assume if you are in a door buffing an abs character and spam to have mob retreat and engage that would be abuse just like disengage + attack with old mob.

Posts: 84
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:58 pm

Re: The sweet taste of Vic... oh wait..

Post by Dukug » Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:55 am

Draz wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:46 am
1) I honestly don't think Dukug's plan here was to call out for abuse - ...
Yeah, no, wasn't calling anyone out for mob abuse. Was posting a log with a funny twist of events.

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