Funny quotes.

... sit down, kick back and relax, and talk about anything that doesn't belong on one of the other forums.
Posts: 381
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:56 pm

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by byrg » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:18 am

o R HP:Healthy DP:Strong MV:Full > fade liqliqhrtardolp
The shadows reach out, and suddenly engulf you.
Preparing to find this room on the map.
In a Hidden Passage
This passageway is obscured from the road by the thick scrub and shrubbery
lining the road to Tarwin's Gap. Constructed of sturdy planks of wood, this
hidden building seems able to withstand the roughest weather. The thick
walls prevent any sound of the outside from drifting in.
[ obvious exits: E W ]

Matching room found! Correcting map position.

A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
Cravok steps from the murky depths of the shadows.

o R HP:Healthy DP:Good MV:Fresh > In a Hidden Passage
This passageway is obscured from the road by the thick scrub and shrubbery
lining the road to Tarwin's Gap. Constructed of sturdy planks of wood, this
hidden building seems able to withstand the roughest weather. The thick
walls prevent any sound of the outside from drifting in.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Cravok the Grotesque Torturer is standing here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R HP:Healthy DP:Good MV:Fresh > Open passage west
It's already open!

o R HP:Healthy DP:Good MV:Fresh > Road to Tarwin's Gap
The road works through the hills, leading north into Tarwin's Gap and south
into the Borderlands. The Gap can be seen as a massive cleft in the black
snow-covered peaks clawing into the sky. The cold mountain wind whips through
the Gap, carrying the stench of the Blight with it.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a horse leaving east.
There are some tracks of a horse leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Ominas* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Twixt* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Yvonne* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Viva* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A black hawk with white markings scans for prey.
*Jeremy* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Aloe* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Dennel* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Finan* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Cravok has arrived from the east.

* R HP:Healthy DP:Good MV:Fresh >
Cravok says 'many' <============================================= lol, just a few.

* R HP:Healthy DP:Good MV:Fresh > *Twixt* says 'and theryin'
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The hard-packed dirt of the road attest to the hard use it has seen. Hills
rise up over the path to either side, casting shadows onto the scrub. Black
granite peaks claw the north sky, while the forest lies to the south. The
air bears a hint of the Blight's stench, carried by the cold mountain winds.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving ^^NORTH^^
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
Cravok has arrived from the north.

Posts: 27
Joined: Sat May 30, 2015 10:04 pm

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by Costa » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:13 am

You chat 'anything anywhere?'
Pen narrates '?'
You chat 'Oh Im sorry let me be clearer'

Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:17 am

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by zankou » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:14 am

* HP:Wounded MV:Tiring >
Sklarr narrates 'yes'
You narrate 'i have to afk a few. '

* HP:Wounded MV:Tiring >

Sklarr narrates 'exactly'

* HP:Wounded MV:Tiring >
You are already resting.
There is already something in a belt hook.

* HP:Wounded MV:Tiring >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

The shadows lengthen as the sun sinks beyond the horizon.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 62.124 seconds.

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

A beaked trolloc leaves east.

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Grut narrates 'draz Dorthy fd fade'

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Grut narrates 'melosa'

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

The Wheel of Time turns...

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

Penetrator narrates 'where u grut?'

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Grut narrates 'fd fade'

* HP:Wounded MV:Full >

A hound of the shadow has arrived from the east.
The night has begun.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.665 seconds.

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

A hound of the shadow has arrived from the east.
Grut narrates 'don't come'

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

Grut narrates 'heading n'

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

Penetrator narrates 'Im campish'

o HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

*Draz* has arrived from the east, riding a wild stallion.
*Melosa* has arrived from the east, riding a wild stallion.

* HP:Hurt MV:Fresh >

*Draz* slashes your right leg hard.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Melosa* barely tickles your body with her strike.
Penetrator narrates 'or more north?'

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Melosa* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Melosa* leaves east riding a wild stallion.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

You pound *Draz*'s body hard.
Draz swiftly dodges a hound of the shadow's attempt to hit him.
A hound of the shadow barely tickles Draz's body with her hit.
A beaked trolloc barely tickles Draz's body with his pierce.
A beaked trolloc joins a beaked trolloc's fight!
A darkhound joins a beaked trolloc's fight!
A draghkar joins a beaked trolloc's fight!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Draz* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

A beaked trolloc tickles Draz's left leg with his pierce.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

A draghkar barely tickles Draz's body with his hit.
A darkhound barely hits Draz's body.
A beaked trolloc barely tickles Draz's body with his pierce.
A beaked trolloc barely tickles Draz's body with his pierce.
A hound of the shadow barely tickles Draz's body with her hit.
A hound of the shadow tries to hit Draz, but he parries successfully.
*Draz* assumes The Heron Spreads Its Wings.
*Draz* slashes your left leg very hard.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

A beaked trolloc tickles Draz's head with his pierce.
*Draz* looks at you.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Draz* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

The raven master narrates 'Draz was spotted in Thick Woods'
A draghkar barely tickles Draz's body with his hit.
A darkhound tickles Draz's body with its hit.
A beaked trolloc barely tickles Draz's body with his pierce.
A beaked trolloc barely tickles Draz's body with his pierce.
A hound of the shadow barely tickles Draz's right hand with her hit.
A hound of the shadow barely tickles Draz's body with her hit.
*Draz* slashes your right arm hard.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Draz* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

Sklarr narrates 'orch would be good'

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - Draz: Wounded >

*Draz* leaves east riding a wild stallion.

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

Penetrator narrates 'melosa cant come'

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

A hound of the shadow has arrived from the east.

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >
Players in your Zone
Alphamael - Among the Ruins
You catch the scent of many horses nearby. 4+ humans

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Sklarr narrates 'I just don't love camp'

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

Penetrator narrates 'nods'

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >
na hmm many smells siffas. they were hitting me while i was afk, but stopped.. nice
You narrate 'hmm many smells siffas. they were hitting me while i was afk, but stopped.. nice '

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

Sklarr narrates 'very hard to get out if they bring more'

o HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Geom* has arrived from the east.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

A darkhound tries to hit someone, but he parries successfully.
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!
A Dhjin'en trolloc joins a darkhound's fight!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

Penetrator narrates 'we should actually do dhs then they can fight'

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* has arrived from the east.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

A Dhjin'en trolloc tries to slash someone, but he deflects the blow.
A darkhound sears someone's flesh with a scorching flame!
Siffas the Eyeless tries to smite someone, but she parries successfully.
Someone swiftly dodges a Dhjin'en trolloc's attempt to slash him.
Someone swiftly dodges a Dhjin'en trolloc's attempt to crush him.
Someone swiftly dodges a Dhjin'en trolloc's attempt to crush him.
A Dhjin'en trolloc tries to bite someone, but he dodges the attack.
A Dhjin'en trolloc tries to bite someone, but he deflects the blow.
A darkhound hits someone's head extremely hard.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Geom* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Geom* leaves east.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* barely pierces Siffas the Eyeless's body.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* tries to pierce Siffas the Eyeless, but he deflects the blow.
Siffas the Eyeless gazes deeply at Dorthy...
*Dorthy* looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.
Siffas the Eyeless tries to smite Dorthy, but she parries successfully.
*Dorthy* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Geom* has arrived from the east.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* tries to pierce Siffas the Eyeless, but he parries successfully.
Siffas the Eyeless tries to smite Dorthy, but she deflects the blow.
*Dorthy* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh >

*Dorthy* leaves east.
Suddenly *someone* places a silver-winged basilard in your back!
You are dead! Sorry...
You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
Ouch! You lose a level.

Posts: 611
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:14 pm

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by Draz » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:22 am

yo a very decent chance I didn't narrate you were afk

Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:18 pm

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by Stomper » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:03 am

Pene and I were both low messing around with Lakon/Asandra. Hadn't seen draz and we found him in fence. Thought it was pretty funny we both had the same thought as we came into circle.

Penetrator arrives suddenly, looking dazed and confused.

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard > Circle of Darkness
Deep beneath the world, the circle of darkness is the accursed ground of
the friends of the dark. From here, a few major locations can be reached,
as shown by a blood-colored sign. A permanently-flowing well in the center
of the circle provides a soothing background to ponder mortal matters.

Newcomers to this mud should LOOK NOTICE.
Exits to this room are posted on LOOK SIGN.

[ obvious exits: N E S W U D ]
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A revolting well bubbles with the blood of the sacrificed.
Penetrator the Abominable Bruiser is sitting here.

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard > You have no sense of location here.

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard >
Penetrator snickers softly.

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard >
You can type 'warrior/hunter/rogue practice' in this room to summon trainers. Dismiss trainer once you are finished.

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard > say lol
You say 'lol'

o HP:Critical MV:Haggard > say typical draz move
You say 'typical draz move'
Penetrator says 'basic draz move'

Posts: 784
Joined: Mon May 13, 2019 11:30 am

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by Asandra » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:21 am

Draz narrates 'clearing fence'
You narrate 'they both in there'
You narrate 'in camp, that is'
Draz narrates 'hit fence'
Draz narrates 'hit fence'


You give us too much credit, but it did work out perfectly.

Posts: 611
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:14 pm

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by Draz » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:21 pm

More to this

I gather Lakon didn't even see my call to come in fence. He apparently fled into tower 3x and then into fence.
I repracced, ran zone, wimpy not set, autofled into fence - decided to clear and get an idea of where we were at and test out my new binnol
I was engaged on mobs (Binnol killed them wayyy too slow) - if you'd landed bash on Lakon or kept Asandra out may have outright won..

Perfect timing/luck
Should post the kill on me right before this; tooo predictable!

Posts: 25
Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:32 am

Re: Funny quotes.

Post by melosa » Fri May 31, 2024 9:27 am

Robinn the Journey Accepted [White Tower]
~ Vampa the Lord of the Dark
Lord Finan Duffy - The Berserker [Gaidin Blademaster]
Lord Aldevir Caldaire, Soldier of Andor [Queen's Guard]
Azareth the Lieutenant [Winged Guard, Second of Mayene]
Illasera of Altara
Garanol of the Malkieri Diaspora
Wanda Wuornos
Zeco Sumraku {Shienaran Lancer Applicant}
Aloe the Wall Lieutenant [Wall Guard]
6 Lady Vianca the Honored Sister [Green Ajah Sitter]
1 Melosa Beshar, Accepted and Apprentice to the Green Ajah [White Tower]
Roberto al'Farath of Malkier
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted [White Tower]
Lady Chloro Arovni [Gray Ajah Sitter]
Maddy Mantear, Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Valentino of Two Rivers
Evse of Murandy
Duelion of the Malkieri Diaspora
Kayzar of Murandy

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
t vampa Hi hi
You tell Vampa 'Hi hi'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
t vampa Halp?
You tell Vampa 'Halp?'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh > Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Robinn the Journey Accepted [White Tower]
~ Vampa the Lord of the Dark
Lord Finan Duffy - The Berserker [Gaidin Blademaster]
Lord Aldevir Caldaire, Soldier of Andor [Queen's Guard]
Azareth the Lieutenant [Winged Guard, Second of Mayene]
Illasera of Altara
Garanol of the Malkieri Diaspora
Wanda Wuornos
Zeco Sumraku {Shienaran Lancer Applicant}
Aloe the Wall Lieutenant [Wall Guard]
6 Lady Vianca the Honored Sister [Green Ajah Sitter]
1 Melosa Beshar, Accepted and Apprentice to the Green Ajah [White Tower]
Roberto al'Farath of Malkier
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted [White Tower]
Lady Chloro Arovni [Gray Ajah Sitter]
Maddy Mantear, Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Valentino of Two Rivers
Evse of Murandy
Duelion of the Malkieri Diaspora
Kayzar of Murandy

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>

A shimmering pillar of light appears, and Vampa steps in.

* Press <Return> to continue, q to quit *>
* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Annoura Larisen shouts 'The Tower must put down the false dragon, Vampa!'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Vala gasps in astonishment.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa slices Annoura Larisen's head into bloody fragments!
A Gray Sister joins Annoura Larisen's fight!
Annoura Larisen shouts 'The Tower must put down the false dragon, Vampa!'
Annoura Larisen tries to hit Vampa, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
t vampa ah not now now
You tell Vampa 'ah not now now'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is here, fighting Annoura Larisen.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister is here, fighting Vampa.
Annoura Larisen is here, fighting Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

A Gray Sister tries to strike Vampa, but he deflects the blow.
Vampa slices Annoura Larisen's body into bloody fragments!
Annoura Larisen tries to hit Vampa, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is here, fighting Annoura Larisen.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister is here, fighting Vampa.
Annoura Larisen is here, fighting Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

A Gray Sister tries to strike Vampa, but he deflects the blow.
Vampa slices Annoura Larisen's left arm into bloody fragments!
Annoura Larisen is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear Annoura Larisen's death cry.
A Gray Sister stops following Annoura Larisen.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
The corpse of Annoura Larisen is lying here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister is here, fighting Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

A Gray Sister tries to strike Vampa, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa says 'uh'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa slices a Gray Sister's right foot into bloody fragments!
A Gray Sister tries to strike Vampa, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
The corpse of Annoura Larisen is lying here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is here, fighting a Gray Sister.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister is here, fighting Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa slices a Gray Sister's body into bloody fragments!
A Gray Sister tries to strike Vampa, but he parries successfully.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa says 'wtf'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa slices a Gray Sister's head into bloody fragments!
A Gray Sister is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear a Gray Sister's death cry.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Chloro says 'Not in my tower'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

You sense Chloro connecting to the True Source.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Vampa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Robinn - In the Well
Vala - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Melosa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Wanda - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Chloro - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Maddy - In the Well

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Wanda looks at Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Vampa says 'sorry!'
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
The corpse of a Gray Sister is lying here.
The corpse of Annoura Larisen is lying here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vala says 'Burn me!'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Chloro says 'A fever dream. perhaps it could have been that. '

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Vampa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Robinn - In the Well
Vala - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Melosa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Wanda - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Chloro - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Maddy - In the Well

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
say A mass delusion.
You say 'A mass delusion.'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
The corpse of a Gray Sister is lying here.
The corpse of Annoura Larisen is lying here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark (Wizinvis 1) is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa gets the corpse of a Gray Sister.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa gets the corpse of Annoura Larisen.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Vampa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Robinn - In the Well
Vala - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Melosa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Wanda - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Chloro - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Maddy - In the Well

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Chloro pulls a folding fan from her belled sleeve and fans herself rapidly.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa eats the corpse of Annoura Larisen.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa eats the corpse of a Gray Sister.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
You are carrying:
a bridle made of leather
a pair of wicker panniers
a war saddle with stirrups
iron horseshoes
a stable ticket
eight copper pennys
a large number of gold crowns (25)
a mug

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

A Gray Sister now follows Annoura Larisen.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark (Wizinvis 1) is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Wanda seems strangely attracted to Vampa.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa says 'did you need help with something?'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
say Uh tells? :)
You say 'Uh tells? :)'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark (Wizinvis 1) is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
say Sowwie.
You say 'Sowwie.'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark (Wizinvis 1) is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa says 'oh'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Vampa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Robinn - In the Well
Vala - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Melosa - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Wanda - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Chloro - Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Maddy - In the Well

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Vampa glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Vampa the Lord of the Dark (Wizinvis 1) is standing here.
Vala Galanis, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Wanda Wuornos is standing here.
Lady Chloro Arovni is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
You're in pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
You're in pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

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