Retroactive punitive policies

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Tusty » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:18 pm

Nice to see people are still arguing over things that don't matter :D

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Draz » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:25 pm

Couldn't keep reading
Identified with Jasters post

I mean.. it affects 5 people?
Why not talk to each and ask if they've made a specific decision to play that character around not pking.. because all of those named so far have chosen not to take scalps and heads from pk with me.

Maybe amend it to specifically needing qps from pk or rp ranks.

Then recognise that.

And if you feel for the clan those individuals are in it isn't reasonable, talk to them about that.
XxX you're a great borderguard and representative, and you know our laws down to the tee. However the queen and I feel that to earn your next rank we need to see you leading soldiers in battle, and earning the respect of those on the front lines

If nothing else.. make it a month transition to these new requirements. That way you aren't forcing people to abandon the way they play their characters which is almost exclusively intentional.

Each of these players actually asking for scalps from whichever ds group hit them would make the requirement.

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Taziar » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:48 pm

I just want to add that Taziar was not one of the 5 characters affected at R7. I only ever remember one solo PK he won and turned the scalp in. The rest were given to me in group PK. So the stipulations are not absurd for R7; redundant and unnecessary would be more accurate.

R8 is where this policy really takes any affect.

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Rig » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:24 pm

Taziar wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:48 pm
So the stipulations are not absurd for R7; redundant and unnecessary would be more accurate.

R8 is where this policy really takes any affect.
The stipulations are the same both ways though.

1k = master (250 pk qps required)
3k = r8 (750 pk qps required)

You’re putting in the same amount of work to r8 a character that you would to master 3 characters. Also once you master there’s 0 stipulation required to PvE for qps to your hearts content.

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by reil » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:12 am

Not really getting the "transition into this" comments at this point. It sounds like you can continue PVEing to your heart's content and continue being rewarded for it. You just won't be able to rank to 7 unless you have 250 PVP QPs and you won't be able to rank to 8 unless you have 500 PVP QPs more on top of that. It's tough to think of a softer transition policy than "you still get to earn PVE QPs, do the PVP QPs thing whenever you want to rank and, oh, we'll count anything you've already done in the history of your character and let you keep your bonuses if you're already rank 7."

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Thore » Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:39 am

Again, not that I really care (think my post got buried in the spam), and I don't feel compelled to test, but Elysia mentioned this:
Suppose you have a char who is 15 scalps short of the mark, you will get a mail that you're short of the mark, you will retain your master status and all bonuses and... pve rewarding mobol simply stops working for you until you have gotten the pk scalps. At which point you can just ping an imm, they audit you, flag you and pve rewards start working again. You can get all the way to 3k qps, but you will not be ranked to rank 8, nor receive the bonuses, until you also have the scalps for that.
Pretty sure it's a spare character flag they're using and then they modified each PVE QP reward room/mob to check that flag. So, unless I'm mis-reading that, you CANNOT earn PVE QPs until you get cleared. The confusing complexity of this change (and I understand, imms work with limited resources of mobol) sucks - it's too complicated IMO for me to track or be concerned with it and I'd rather just ignore it and do something else. Not very elegant, I guess.

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Draz » Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:54 am

If they can still earn pve qps then yes ignore what i said about transition

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Grut » Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:39 am

I am currently on a short break but will be back soon for everyone's PK scalp requirements! :D

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Kosch3i » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:03 am

They're likkr ''Uoy'ee Ab alcoh okoc,'' I go ''Bo, O'm not..'' Andd then apoarentñy rHat's qhat alcoho. kics s. ay. too, you kNow? STSRBD! MEW K. EGG!

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Re: Retroactive punitive policies

Post by Chloro » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:42 pm

Gonna regret doing this but, coming from a very light pker, I think this was a much-needed step. Getting to Rank 7 and 8 shows that you are versed in all manners of the game. From what I can see for regular clans, the requirements are not that bad. I am sure Tower and channie clans will get less, due to the fact that when more of us join pk, DS/SS/LS non-channies tend to break apart or head in, that is after we have had our hps downed and can be killed in a single backstab. I would like to see perhaps a new perk on the rank 8 list. The angreal creation was a good April fool’s joke but got many people talking and a drive towards getting into pk to rank up quicker. I can say from the non-pk side, Warriors and hunters don't give it a bad name. Stabbers sitting outside clan rents farming clanned scalps do, this is especially frustrating in the Tower (Ajah wings), and the Fortress of the light, Ruined keep (clan rent rooms), and within the Keep of Fal Dara (talking the actual keep where Agelmar and weapon/armor merchants are). Fighting in the streets is fun, but let’s also remember, in the books that rarely would have happened unless a coordinated darkfriend/fade effort made it happen. I do think some heavier mob raids on certain regions, like the Seanchan raiding the south (Tear/Mayene/Illian) all at once might be a good way to draw more people back into the fun of PK. Releasing the Darkfriend system would also be a good way to get Rpers more into pk, everyone loves a murder mystery!

- In my own opinion, Stabbers vs Channies are overpowered. Taking us to battered/beaten can be just as deadly as insta kill.

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