LS Remorts and Blademasters

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LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by Aureus » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:48 pm

Wanted to get a pulse check from the community on something. A caveat that this is all very fuzzy and subject to completely change or maybe never happen at all.

We have tossed around the idea of a few different LS remorts upstairs, geared towards warriors and hunters (female channelers would be ineligible, and likely rogues as well due to being thematically inappropriate). The general concept is there would be a couple paths to choose from - likely 2. One would be geared towards leaders/more utility, and the other more of a personal buff but lacking the group utility. You would remain in your clan, and possibly only certain clans like justice clans would be eligible. The different paths would be mutually exclusive to each other, and also mutually exclusive with the Warder flag (the Warder flag would likely suppress any other "remort" status for the duration of the bond), and Wolfbrothers would probably be ineligible as well. That's about as far as I will go into the details since again this is very fuzzy/early thinking.

For the "personal buff" version, we have toyed with the idea of it being a Blademaster, and there being an actual benefit to the blade forms that are purely cosmetic today. However, this would mean that all existing warriors that have the Blademaster flag today would need to lose it to free it up again for this new use. (And no, we would not have two versions of Blademaster, one for RP and one with bonuses; there are not enough free player flags to go around and support that.)

So I wanted to get a general sense from players how you would feel about that. Blademaster doesn't feel all that special today, so I suspect it would be ok, though the blade forms are cool and that it is available to most people who want to RP one pretty easily is sort of nice (assuming you are someone who wants to RP one and do not want to put the effort into e.g., attaining something rank 8-ish).

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by Kiltwich » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:09 am

As much as I enjoy the sexy blademaster title, I wouldn't mind too much giving it up for the greater good of the Mud.

The vision I have would be very similar to how Fades work -- war's +5 OB (and mvs roll) and hunter auto-track, cannot follow ANYBODY, 1/1/3 in terms of war/hunter/rogue prac costs, and while zerk attack with all weapon varieties and faceoff switching to any target in the room. Fade/remort version of extra rank damage, and Most importantly, significantly reduced QP gain and QP loss on death.

I think it would be best to limit blademasters to clans that have no hard coded pk bonuses -- justice clans, forresters, etc. to reduce to headache of the blademasters needed to be balanced around the already bonused clans (gaidin, borderguards, etc.) version that would otherwise be better than everybody else's. Bonused characters shouldn't have an easier time achieving the blademasters, and thus exempt from being able to.

I don't see any issues with rogues remorting to be a blade master, if the idea is a true remort and not just an extra set of extra bonuses for a character.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by Rig » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:56 am

Think it’d be better if it was a separate clan, like DS remorts. Just getting another “cool flag” that has a couple extra bonuses on your already master/rank 8/whatever character feels less meaningful than if you were to have to work your way up from 0 with new perks again.

Obviously this would mean that it would have requirements that are immortal mandated instead of player mandated to make it fair for anyone who wants to put it in the effort, like DS remorts. As for what those requirements could be, I have no idea.

I wouldn’t extend the 5 ob to it, as that is a warrior only thing and doesn’t apply to fades or warriors that are bonded. If you want it as a leader-type having auto-track and some sort of group utility skill that is effective even when alone, however less so, would be good.

Removing the blademaster tag from all warriors and turning it into something more meaningful is probably the best version of this. Allowing hunters and warriors alike to obtain it would be kosher.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by Mantas » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:05 am

I approve, any form of LS remort would be nice - the lack of it is why I quit for so long back in the day. "Just play alts" didn't do it for me.

Preferably something that promotes leading, grouping and chasing.
Perhaps a specific bonus only gotten when leading other PCs?

I love the Lancers so would rather stay in the clan, but I see where Rig is coming from and how that might not gel best.

And to add, the current progress on LS is mostly to diversify: get alts in more clans. Get a Warder. Maybe try for a secret clan. Just sticking all your time into 1 alt and you'll hit a limit pretty quickly. So to that end I very much like this idea!

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by erulak » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:13 am

Disagree with Rig. Fade as a separate clan works for DS because it's a straightforward funnel hierarchy side. I don't think the same approach makes sense for LS where you're not a part of a horde, but individual clans with very different identities. It would largely resolve the issues of what clan can or can't have it as an option, but it doesn't make sense. Then I think that if you're going to have a distinction on what clans can "remort" on LS, you need consistency on what clans are considered bonused or not. For example, the war system purportedly excluded bonused clans but there were definitely bonused clans that were allowed to participate. Similar things happened with prac bonuses for clans -- where bonused clans weren't supposed to get them and certain bonused clans didn't, but plenty did. As both of those systems kind of showed, system breaks down if you ask one Imm if you're eligible for something and they say no, but then another one says yes for whatever reason.

Personal buffs are probably less disruptive than group buffs based on LS dynamics too -- group buffs that I can think of fades or DLs having, such as DLs essentially guaranteeing every trolloc around them is 21 str to largely bash everything around them or fades being able to compel can be pretty over the top in addition to more-common-on-LS options like gating or refreshing/support channelers. I think group buffs also don't register with people as being powerful sometimes when they don't know how to maximize their characters and individual buffs will leave more people feeling satisfied - a significant group buff (either example I just gave for DS) can be ignored to argue for and/or implement individual buffs down the road. Just makes me think it's better to have individual buffs so everyone feels good about themselves.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by langois » Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:15 pm

Up LS rogues now this? I understand the fallout from DirksGate was large and loud but this is a shameless and transparent distraction and is beneath you

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by isabel » Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:08 pm

I want to write a long post but typing on fone

So short version - blademaster isn't just an imaginary title on the game. It can have actual meaning because the game has actual blademasters (rhys, Ragyn, rerulak, rig etc)

When they enter the pk , it is similar to - in the books - a mat cauthon entering the battle.

Let's be honest, what have these players -ever- wanted. A heron long.

Let blademasters be players be a chosen few who have demonstrated great leadership or skill. Let them issue !notake heron longs at some ridiculously high qp cost.

That way they get an incentive to pk more and not just feed qps to other players or play alts.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by dean » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:30 pm

I'm barely going to touch on how irritating it would be to have something taken away that I work countless hours on getting and that's just me personally no telling how much harder it was for other people to get the flag for blade master.

I wanted to add that according to the world of Wheel of Time there is already something in place for what you're describing already it's called the Great generals. Ie gareth bryne ... pedrion nialle ... iteralda(sp) davram etc there are only supposed to be five but our weave of the wheel could have more.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by jaimes » Sun Jul 16, 2023 5:59 pm

I personally have always wanted to be a Hero of the Horn, I think it would make a great LS remort option, or a Truth Seeker for seanchan.

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Re: LS Remorts and Blademasters

Post by Kiltwich » Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:53 pm

dean wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:30 pm
I'm barely going to touch on how irritating it would be to have something taken away that I work countless hours on getting and that's just me personally no telling how much harder it was for other people to get the flag for blade master.
That was back in the day....

with the introduction of crafted rares, a pair of hooked swords will demolish the blade master quite handily. A heron great will allow you to just about kill two of him back to back!

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