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Post by plando » Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:36 am

Should we award characters more for participating in PvP or going out of their way to make the world immersive by role playing at high levels. I know both are important to the life of the game and are often blended but, I want to know which one is most important to you and why. There are no wrong answers, and honestly I'd give out extra points for being brutally honest.

Just a fun little discussion. Some things to think about: what would the game be like without the other? What would happen if the same goals you can achieve through one, were achievable through the other? I'm sure there's more but, I'm interested in people's responses.

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Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:16 pm

Re: PVP or RP

Post by Jerc » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:24 pm

When it comes to the "PVP or RP, which is more important" question, I believe it's not "one or the other", it's BOTH. It needs to be Both.

Without the RP, it's basically Deathmatch MUD. Sure, it's fun, but the most fun comes through both at the same time. Otherwise, SS end up playing like purple trollocs who can read your narrates, which really misses the point.

I'd like to point characters like Cera and Sarinda who are very open to jesting RP over narrates, though it's understandable that those sort of things slow down a bit (but not completely!) while also working combat actions at the same time.

Without the PK, RP really lacks the punch. You can at best insult and berate back at them, but there's nothing that really puts things in place like the narrate of their demise and wearing their head on your belt. It really takes things to the next level, though the speed at which things go from jovial RP banter to flat toxic spewing can be a bit too quickly in many cases.

When it comes to "participation".... that one gets hard. In theory, things like chunking scalps to more evenly award a group, or an award for a justice clan member for attempting a defense of their city head in the face of unsermountable numbers are very relevent....but it takes a significant amount of time and effort to police to prevent abuse.

More incentive to RP during PK (that should be the focus for SS...purple *trolloc*s and all) would be amazing, and with a focus on emergent story.
Take the novices out to woodbridge for a class with some field testing on the foliage -- open things up for some DS or SS to wander in, and then you have a great log that RPliser will struggle with, but will be much more entertaining in the moment, and SHOULD be much more incentivized to post!

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