Discussion: How to bring back old players

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by Enoch » Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:13 pm

I'd agree that there are a number of avenues as a stabber to smob, get some eq for self/alts, items to sell at market hall, farm gold, etc. If you have quests to do on that char, then that can take up some time as a solo person (some of the joncask quests, the liason quests like statuette, ring, dress, the a'dam quest, any clan quests, etc). Sometimes it makes a big difference just having one additional friend to join and help with things.
Janers wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:53 am
This effectively means there really ain't that much I can do as a HoL during my playtimes. So I go switch to some new unclanned alt and may join a tower smob group.
This is one thing that I think has almost always been the case, but I'd really love to see changed. Almost every major global quest, city heads, major targets, a Tower group is the only available option. Multibashing Gaidin are part of the reason, which is why you see so many of these targets adjusted to be harder for such a group, which tends to have the side effect of making it even harder for non-tower groups. As someone with a number of characters that I enjoy playing that are not Tower-friendly, I'd love to see groups form that aren't Tower to do these things. But I think that comes down to more play style, and players defaulting to the 'easy' option.

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by isabel » Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:55 pm

@Janers - I was so excited to see yuo back actually because you were the first player that killed my first fc :lol:

Anyway I have an alt in a clan that is almost completely inactive too so had been thinking of switching to a different one - when I saw you around I thought of x-fering to *oL though it would mean losing almost all my qps. But EU time suits me and i do think team-pk with 2 people is pretty fun, same with a lot of smobs etc. Just been hesitating because of the qp loss haha

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by may72 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:47 am

I think muds are competing for a smaller pool of players nowadays, ive played several muds, two of which were huge in numbers and they are both suffering.

So i think trying to get back old players AND get new players is maybe the way to go?

I felt nostalgic today and logged on for the first time in maybe 10 years, i quit initially as life was busy, then spent years fighting cancer (i won) and life just gets in the way which is why people quit

I may start playing again- the main deterrents that make me unsure are that the friends i made (imrahil, dovienya, mira, mikaela etc) are long gone from what i can see... and i am back to rank zero and naked, and not sure i want to go through the novice/accepted stuff again.

Apparently even with stat inflation my stats are still ok ...which is something.

You cant help people logging on to find their old friends are gone, but i think maybe make it easy for people to regain clan rank etc...without having to start from scratch?.

Edit, just found out how to rerank, ignore that !

El (may)

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by may72 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:59 am

Divina wrote:
Sun May 23, 2021 2:19 am
I think the majority of us found the game in high school, college, university etc. The mid/late teenage years and early 20s. Life was a simpler time and we all had less worries/stresses and responsibilities in the world. If you could somehow make that come back then you'd have the miracle cure and we'd all be back to the days of the en-mass 30 v 30 Mangler gank squad 4k fights.

P.S I have no miracle cure.
Thats exactly how i found the game, i imagine if you look at the demographics of wotmud player, we are an older bunch than most (on average)

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by Callesa » Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:23 pm

Reviving the thread as another European player: please give us more to do in small groups or solo.

I am trying to gather QPS to master (last fifty something qps) and it is hard, as I cannot even do the Heralds anymore (they require a large group as they end in the north, from what I've heard), Joncask requires a lot of smobbing, everything requires a large group that I am unlikely to gather unless I stay up till 4 am.

The problem is not just for characters that cannot/don't want to play with FCs (such as the CoL). Honestly, Tower is just as disadvantaged these days, because the very short Wholist includes half Tower friendly and half Tower very unfriendly people.

Please, make more smobs doable by 2-4 people, even if the loads need to be adapted. As a channie, I cannot really solo anything (even many regular mobs), and I am ok with that, that's the designed change that has happened over the years. But I simply cannot get into a full group with aligned interests unless I really damage my real life for a few days.

New quests that are soloable would be nice too. I was excited to hear about Joncask, a new wave of quests (I did his old ones like five years ago). Until I actually got to step two and found out I needed several smobs to get each one of the items. That's simply unlikely to ever happen. And it has really damaged my new found excitement and desire to play this game regularly.

Anyone remembers the old gambler quests? Those were for people from all clans, and they were great, most were solo activities, or something to just do with a friend. If I remember correctly, they were more about exploring and finding something, than just smobbing.

I am glad there are new RP rewards, but unless I am mistaken, it is a separate system from the clans. I really like some of the ideas, I love to RP, but other than the obvious problem (there are too few people on the who list, when I play, so the probability of getting rpers is not that high either), it is a separate system. Not something that will help me finally master after 15 years.

I am not asking for tons of solo activities, even though some would be great! But a group of 3 people should be sufficient for much more than it is now.
Another point: it is only natural that we grow up and older, we have less time. I am excited how some time consuming things got "easier", the exp trainer, the Lugard trading house to help with reeq, prerolled stats, wiki. I'd say the new balance between the time consuming activities necessary to make you ready for PK/Smobbing/Clanning and these most fun activities is much better. Good job!

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Re: Discussion: How to bring back old players

Post by Elysia » Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:41 pm

You can use rp qps for mastering too. They're just qps, just earmarked to make it easier to count them for the Roleplay Ranks.

The gambler quests still exist, you can issue them at various embassies, envoys and other diplomats in a bunch of cities. They are a mix of old and new quests.

There is also Baerlon which can be flipped by 2-3 and that yields a scalp, which can be turned into chunks for qps.

The CTF patrols allow for a slow accumulation of tps which can be turned into qps.

Depending on your clan, there's also council/ Sitter quests that can add up to 60 qps a year of 6 month/3 month equivalents.

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