Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

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Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Rig » Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:07 pm

Thanks to Lea, you are now all subject to my snack and energy drink reviews from 7/11 and likewise stores.

Today we had some jack links XXL hot jerky and some peach hibiscus tea. I definitely do not recommend the peach hibiscus. It was awful. I drank all of it.

The jerky was incredibly chewy and didn’t feel like real meat. Processed dung probably. But it tasted good. Meat is murder, and I’m a murderer.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Asandra » Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:50 pm

Awesome. So from the local supermarket I had this burger the other day. Does require some work at home (fire + frying pan), but it tastes like the real thing. And I have tried a lot of them. Most taste like plastic or fall apart before you even flip them. This one is great. Remember Veggie Food is also Murder. Plant Lives Matter. ... nal-burger

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by isabel » Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:56 pm

Well the irony is that religions that consider animals and plants sacred (again not saying they advocate vegetarianism which imo is as violent just with less teeth in your countries as anti-abortion) are 500-700 years older than Christianity.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Lea » Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:30 pm

I would like to submit a review of the Kettle brand dill pickle potato chips. I recently purchased this particular chip during a visit to the grocery store out of a morbid curiosity. The chips themselves are crinkle-cut chips, often known by the Lays brand term "ruffles." These chips are "kettle cooked," meaning they are thicker and crunchier than the traditional potato chip. The texture of the chip was pleasing, with significant crunch when chewed. The flavor was very reminiscent of a dill flavored pickle, with the spices doing an excellent job of capturing the tang and umami of a deli pickle. The powdered spices did leave an unpleasant texture on my fingers, which required a napkin to remove.

They were disgusting and I gave them away, would not recommend to anyone.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Anansi » Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:06 pm

I would like to submit a review of my local food trucks Banhmi.

Delicious crusty french bread rolls with a soft fluffy inner, perfectly cooked crispy pork belly with the general Bahnmi accompaniments.

The real kicker is their choice of hot sauce. I believe it is based on Thai red chillies and Serrano chilli. Have found it both tasty and invigorating.

I have only one negative to report and that is if the lady who runs the truck isn't making it for you the hot sauce tends to all be in the last bite!

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Benito » Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:36 pm

Sticky please.

Also the last bag of chips I had was a bag of Boulder potato chips. I was really hungry and remembered at just the right moment that they were stuffed away in a cupboard. Can you imagine? Perfect bliss.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Brocas » Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:27 am

Is this the wotmud version of the podcast The Anthroprocene Reviewed?

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Rig » Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:23 pm

Interesting experience today. I stumbled across what must be an elusive species of chip today, for I had not seen it elsewhere before, nor had I ever heard of it.

They were referred to as ‘Seaweed and Salt’ potato chips. The aroma of such an appetizer sent me spinning into a haze. I knew after I bought them and opened the small bag that I would quickly and efficiently devour them as a hungry, ravenous dog unhinging it’s jaw upon its long awaited morsels.

With this I sampled Raspberry Tea. Not to be confused with my favorite, raspberry vodka. It was delicious. I recommend this particular flavor tea as a masochist and, quite possibly, a sadist.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by erulak » Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:25 am

I would like to submit a review of the Kettle brand Jalapeño potato chips. I recently purchased this particular chip during a visit to the grocery store, but my love affair with these particular chips harkens back to 2010, when Lion Capitol sold the Kettle Foods, Inc. brand to Diamond Foods. Diamond Foods took the brand to bold new directions, including introducing the jalapeño flavor I have known and enjoyed for the past decade.

The bag itself is an unassuming green with one piece of flair: a stylized, red jalapeño pepper with the word "Hot!" scribed on the inside. I routinely chuckle to myself, because everybody knows jalapeño peppers are green. I assume the red is to convey a sense of heat, but the most befuddling and existentially significant question raised by this red jalapeño isn't the color, but the question: "Hot for whom?"

The chips are well-spiced and, at times, rather overwhelming -- however, I routinely consume 5 oz bags in one sitting. These chips are "kettle cooked," meaning they are thicker and crunchier than the traditional potato chip. The texture of the chip was pleasing, with significant crunch when chewed. The flavor was not remotely reminiscent of an actual jalapeño -- much in the way that the flavor "grape" is rarely associated with actual grape. The powdered spices did leave an unpleasant texture on my fingers, which required a fair amount of licking my own fingers to remove, much to the chagrin of anyone in my immediate vicinity.

Highly recommend.

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Re: Reverend Dew and the 7/11 Hot Dog

Post by Jaye » Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:30 pm

As a violent yet toothless vegetarian, I must consider the content of my snacks before purchase and consumption. My crazed ways and penchant to destroy all plant-based life with just my gums led me to agree to try a bottled matcha tea drink, which had the matcha powder in a cap. An acquaintance who worked in the Catering department had just been given some bottles as free samples, to see if our company would sell them in our most excellent café.

Though satisfying to puncture the foil containing this delicious looking verdant powder, then to marvel in the magic of physics as the powder swirled through the liquid, I can only say my mouth was assaulted by the strange combination of both the lack of flavour and the flavour of when your mouth goes dry with fear, at the same time. It was how I imagine the water in Flint must taste.

3/10. Extra points for novelty packaging. Would not give money for. Would probably accept for free again.

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