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Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:04 pm
by iria
interesting to read people's thoughts with regards to changes. Personally I've loved the changes the past couple years. Tweaking zones we've run around in for decades, without breaking the design adds some freshness to the zones, new ways to block, chase and run.

Haven't had pk around dhounds yet, but the few sessions I've participated in around the revamped Caralain has been more enjoyable than they previously were. Choky zones leads to more kills, which is more fun than chasing someone around a football field. I can sympathize with it being slightly overwhelming if you're returning from a longer break, but a few questions and a glance at the weapons spreadsheet will generally get you up to date with the most recent "meta" and I don't think the zone changes so far have been backbreaking. I can also understand the frustration from people who mainly focus on a single character and having that character be downed.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:04 pm
by myzec
Yeah I missed playing with and against Isabel too. The most fun zerk warrior to play against. Someone was going to die!

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:36 pm
by Gretchen
someone asked me about this so thought i would stick my head in and look

ach hit the nail on the head really

i quit and cant even talk about why .....

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:10 pm
by Kryyg
I was thinking about my start on this game and it was funny. Noikor and I started around the same time. Both pretty awful and yet within a month or so we were both clanned, he joined WC on his first char and I joined BG. I didn't know Blight at all and my first leading experience was leading the group into the Gatekeep and us all dying. Clanning with that little knowledge would never happen today. Which is unfortunate. I definitely would not have stuck around if I did not clan and did not have some type of character progression. Even the most basic clans have such dumbass time sink requirements it would frustrate anyone. In addition, its actually joining a clan and getting a group of people you can talk to, ask questions to, learn from, that is what also made me stay. I think most new players join today, have little to no clue how to join a clan, get some shitty requirements and get voted on by players who DONT PLAY. At least back then nearly everyone who had a say (which was typically the 1 person who was rank 7) played quite actively. Perhaps immortals should re-vamp the entire clanning system to basically be automatic from Ranks 1-5, then if someone shows commitment will get the full authority and benefits of the clan. Clanning is the first achievement after getting level 30 and probably more important to keeping someone in the game rather than the 5 OB from getting master postures.

I also find all the RPers and AS complaining on this thread quite fresh. You guys are also a cruel group of assholes in your own ways. I have read the Sedai forums and some of you guys are serious scheming pieces of dung, possibly worse than most of the PKers I have had to deal with. I don't say this as a direct attack at you - just that this attitude has nothing to do with whether you're a PKer, Smober, Rper, the end we are all humans and this piss poor attitude is prevalent across every play style, without discrimination. Just makes me chuckle. I'm glad I avoided drama since calling Nass a needle-dick. I learned early.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:08 pm
by hasp
Kryyg, this is why CoL is kill a couple smobs, rp log, and get voted in. Even getting in Lancers is easy. Just play and be active and your skill doesn’t really matter. I was not pk ready when I clanned and it’s helped me develop being in a clan with help.

I wholeheartedly agree it should be easier for the most part. It is sad when I am told don’t even try raken cause you won’t get in. Whether it is true or not it makes it hard to want to play knowing a goal may not be achievable.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:38 pm
by Foil
Clanning has been an issue for quite some time, so I wholeheartedly agree with Krygg here. With clanning being such a large part of your character advancement it has always been strange to me that there always seems to be large time blocks on most clanning procedures. People don't want to apply, then wait upwards of two months for even the most lax clans to see their application realized.

I think someone posted on a thread months back that the early ranks in a clan should really just be the time in which a character is decided by the clan if they are a fit or not.

Perhaps even go as far as to offer qps for interacting with recruits to speed the process up across the board.

Voting is also quite hit or miss. It should just be assumed that everyone who wants to join a clan can and unless you interact with them on your respectively clanned character and experience something un becoming of the individual you should have very little to say other than welcome.

Faster clanning helps player driven goals, player driven goals help character attachment, character attachment equates to retention. Most people who quit just don't have anything interesting to do.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:31 pm
by jafra
^^^^^ this ^^^^

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 1:10 am
by Harun
Been busy for a few days but wanted to get back to something to demonstrate what I'm talking about. I suggested that players complaining about Wolfbrothers are largely creating an atmosphere of resentment without actually making any balance arguments. That's exactly what Jaster did in his first post on the thread:
again, another change that will largely impact one race positively while the other negatively with the mediocre pracs.
some players will largely benefit from changes like that. Ones that get extra OB for being in the clan. So HIGH OB/ATTACK weapons to shred the mediocre prac DS version
The insinuation is that WB have more OB than other people. That's false. Within the last year or 2, WB OB was increased to be on par with trollocs and mounted humans. In other words, for most of the mud's existence WB have had lower OB ceilings than everyone else. Even after the change, trollocs still have a higher OB ceiling because they can have up to 21 STR. And surely if he meant Gaidin (which largely don't practice attacking weapons) then he would have just said that. That's the kind of statement that just breeds resentment. It would be kind to call it misleading.

Besides that, Jaster's post about rogues doesn't address the obvious: trolloc rogues are still strong and it's still easier to be successful on a trolloc rogue than on a human rogue.

Anyhow, something else I wanted to do was respond to how people think about bonuses. It's never fun to lose bonuses, and there's a lot of resentment about bonuses being nerfed or taken away because "I earned that." My sense is that's the wrong way to think about it. If I get 1000 qps, I haven't earned moblead and postures, I've earned whatever master bonuses are. If I complete the fade reqs, I haven't earned mounted ranger sneak and moblead all over the map, I've earned whatever fade bonuses are. In other words, it's fine to be upset about changes but we have to think about the game as a whole and balance as a whole.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 1:24 am
by myzec
Harun the point of this thread isn’t for you to tell people how they should think but rather to hear what the community is currently feeling and thinking. Sometimes it’s good to not say anything and just listen.

Re: Are players leaving?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 1:33 am
by Shinobi
If you want to join a Light Side clan, Civil Watch pay 1000 crowns for new recruits with no recruitment process other than signing up.

Perks include our obsidian, gold-plated membership watches. A cove of treasures. The opportunity to roleplay and make elaborate posts of which there are literally thousands upon thousands of participants in. Sometimes Gaidin spinning women on fingertips.

Clans are run by Council though. If you want to change your clan, change it. Modify it to fit what you think would be a benefit to the current environment and that makes your playing and habits more enjoyable. Joining a clan is a great way to gain access to equipment and to eventually be immersed in a world filled with swords and flails. We had a flood of new members during the time immediately after the show came out and not many stayed. I guess the recruitment piece was the only real eye-catching aspect.