Lightside Needs Help

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Vilac » Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:39 am

I could come back and show y'all how it's done but something is still keeping me from wanting to :lol:

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Brocas » Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:47 am

Vilac wrote:I could come back and show y'all how it's done but something is still keeping me from wanting to :lol:
I'm back playing now! That should motivate you a little. Nice to see you posting on here at least.

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Tempest » Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:46 am

I hear people say Ds is easy mode and that's why a lot of people play it, but the only thing that makes Ds easier is that for years we have a core of pkers that work really well together, Ds is more about the side as a whole and this is why we tend to dominate even numbered battles. We will sacrifice to help out a fellow troll, for example someone that is close to master, we will give that person all the scalps from that Pk session. We also will go out of our way to help eq someone after Pk. Admittedly sobbing for re-eq on Ds is a lot easier cause of how close all the smobs are.

We will also re-eq people from our own chests or storages if it is needed. But more than anything it's the social aspect. Ds is home for me, always has been, I like logging on and chilling with the boys, some of the newer Ds players think the way fight each other is lame or the way we talk about each other. But it's all part of the experience, we argue and kill each other but grudges are rarely held.

If I held grudges for every time zarth killed me afk, cause he not good enough to do it while I am not afk! I do feel bad I don't pay enough attention to my ls alts but I been strictly Ds for 12+ years and everytime I hop on ls is like wearing someone else's clothes.

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Mantorok » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:12 am

DS also talks to each other, which is something LS just refuses to do in recent years. Other than PK on narrates, it is often silent for long stretches.

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Tempest » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:35 am

Also it comes down to trust and knowing each other's play style, I think the biggest advantage in Pk is everyone getting on a Skype call or something of the like, the time and confusion saved by not having to communicate via the mud is huge, though it can be unfortunate for the people not in the call lol.

For example some of my favourite Pk is Rig and I vs whatever number, we have done this a lot over the last year, and we generally win, and the main reason is cause we trust in each other's abilities and we both thrive on crit Pk, he trusts that I make the right decisions and I can trust he will be there. I know I get defensive about rogues, but I like to think I pked outside the typical rogue style, I played low, gave people every chance to kill me, I only stabbed rarely in Pk, and I definitely didn't sit there rolling stabs in group fights . But as a result of how I played and led even as a rogue, built a good trust with a lot of ds. And as I said earlier, that's what wins the group fights, it's trust in the leader and trust in the followers to make the right decisions.

I think the leaders of ls need to work on getting to know the north pkers on a better level, take them smobbing, get to know them, and let them get to know you, I see so many group fights lost because the followers will bail before the out call, cause they don't trust in the leaders ability to read the situation. If you are new to leading be open about it, take your time, keep the group together and don't over extend. People will taunt that you are scared and call the Pk dung, but it's the best way to learn. The speed and decisions in reading how a group fight is going, when to chase and when to regroup will get better and better, I have no doubt some of the Pk I have led since fading has been called boring, but I'm still getting used to my own strs and weaknesses as a fade, where in the past leading as a rogue I knew my limits. My main goal in Pk is too keep my troops alive, cause I want Pk to last longer. I urge people to be patient with Pk in its current state, especially Ds, it frustrates me when i 5-6 people go in cause they all have to afk, which I seriously doubt but I can understand why, again there is no trust. So it's safer to just go in.

It's a bit of a rant but what I am getting at is don't be afraid to step up and lead, you are not going to be a great leader without practice , I can tell you right now all the current great leaders it took years, be patient your going to stuff up, but when you have a good day it's a great feelinv

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by pial » Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:44 am

The difference in the access to leadable mobs between LS leaders and DS leaders is huge. A fade is only limited to how many trolloc mobs are in camp and in blight whereas a LS leader usually has to make due with how many followers he has. Even individual followers on darkside that are masters have access to mobs in pk that can help turn fights or allow darkside to fight in situations where lightside can't. This is just a certain reality that exists in pk and has to be kept in mind.

The problem with trust on LS is partly that so many people have been burned by their leaders using them as mobs. This happens on darkside too but due to the smaller, more compact nature of darkside there's smobbing and more sharing that goes on when these people are used that way. On lightside there's plenty of people who either aren't connected or don't have access to getting gear easily when they die. So of course they don't want to be the last one to flee because they don't want to end up naked on lightside trying to scrounge together a kit on a side that largely doesn't care about each other unless you're in some particular niche group that has relationships with each other.

Maybe having some qp reward for some smob oriented clans to help supply people with gear on LS would be something to consider?!

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Tempest » Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:26 am

Totally agree with Pial, I try and avoid using mobs in even Pk, partly due to qp loss and partly cause I suck at using them effectively, my main use for them is either to get past blocks or just an extra body to avoid damage from the entire group. I'm also getting used to dismounting in Pk lol.

I just think we need to all open up our circles of mates and start getting to know people that you normally wouldnt talk to. And try to be less judgmental of people because of how they play. I too am bad for this and it is so.ethi g I will work on

An idea I wouldn't be opposed to is perhaps swapping the leadable mobs with non leadable mobs, force masters to bring the mobs from their home zones or at least from tkd road. Fades can still lead the ramshorneds from the patties but at the risk of ruining the safety of the patties.

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Astolfo » Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:26 am

Hi, my name is Astolfo. Will you be my friend?

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Rig » Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:28 am

Astolfo wrote:Hi, my name is Astolfo. Will you be my friend?
Marry me?

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Re: Lightside Needs Help

Post by Pulverwise » Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:41 am

Mantorok wrote:DS also talks to each other, which is something LS just refuses to do in recent years. Other than PK on narrates, it is often silent for long stretches.
So this is I think the single biggest thing that players can take note of, and actually impact.

I've been trying to experience some wider elements of LS recently, and doing so without just revealing alts to everyone. The lack of general communication and interaction on globals is notable. DS tends to 'shoot the dung', and sometimes it's overly childish and full of bro-talk, but for the most part it's just people chatting away and sharing a community. LS just doesn't seem to have that to a large degree anymore. LS chat is either - an argument, or b - functional PK narrates.

So here you go, a little challenge for those of you who want to make LS more attractive again. 3 things to do:

1) Say hi when you log on, do it in an RP style if you fancy, but even if you don't - just say hello.
2) Respond when someone logs on and says hello. It doesn't have to be much, just an acknowledgement they exist.
3) Every time you're logged on, try at least once to make an obersvation/start a conversation. It can be a brief RP thing or even just a "I've never noticed this Inn on the Fal Dara road before." Anything really.

There you go. All the other problems aside, that's probably one of the biggest, and one of the few players can directly and immediately impact.

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