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Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:22 am
by Protus
Astolfo wrote:No one's rude or unkind when you're smobbing! #hellmud
Did I not just smob with you where a ss came and killed all our horses and then ran. I mean, if he wants pk then why kill the horses? Then after we go spend money and clearly arent pking him, he follows us to another smob and kills horses again? I want to know the thinking here?

If you are trying to be a dick, you achieved it.

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:32 am
by Masaj
alima wrote: It starts with the attitudes.
And ends in meaningless platitudes. Seriously, goes back to the self-awareness - how do you sit there and tell people how to behave when your fundamental belief is that "people play how they play and they're not here for YOUR entertainment"? How about a corollary to that, where people act how they act and they're not here for YOUR feelings? We want a sense of community, but we also just want to play how we want to play, whatever the consequences? Doesn't compute, doesn't lead to anything besides venting about how people are being mean.

At least the guys who were doing the yelling you're referring to aren't coming on here and talking about how they hurt each others feelings. I can respect that.

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:39 am
by alima
Well I mean, that's just reality. I sure don't expect much from people and I definitely do not feel entitled to have my pk served up to me just how I like it. Would it be nice if everything was puppy dogs and rainbows? Yup. But we don't get there by berating people and harassing them because we don't like the way they pk. All you can do is be an example of what kind of player you want to see. This idea of we have to pk the "right way" so others will be kind and show sportsmanship is a little odd to me.

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:57 pm
by Stomp
I agree with langwa...he is generally right....disagree with everyone else

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:46 pm
by livendros
I quit associating with people who i view as only "in it for themselves". I also have little to do with people I view as equipment\kill at all costs oriented. Because of that I find myself associating with very few people. Its fine with me. Just dont have anything to do with someone who gets under your skin. Its still a big game. Easy to find something to do somehwere else. Or ya know. Find a few good tv shows and forget about it al.

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:48 pm
by briana
you can't change people, Alaina. unfortuantely there are some old and jaded people still lurking around the game with nothing better to do than cry and point fingers or verbally abuse others. When I started I was probably in the 8th grade at best, and people were like that. The same people are still playing, just under new names mostly but they're easy to point out. It used to bother me but, then I realized it's just nature of the beast and some people won't ever care/get the point. Just continue to set the good example, and do the best you can. I don't agree with the constant ganking that goes on or the people who think it's their right to berate people over globals for stupid things on a text game but, it is what it is. I do wish imms would take away globals from people who continuously do this though, just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you should verbally abuse them constantly. grow up, drink a beer, relax. It's just a game.

Also: the new fades, sure they're not the same quality of the old super fades who were incredibly good at this game but, this isn't 2000, it's 2017. they're learning and doing the best they can, so come off it a bit. Just support them and maybe help them get better to all the "l33t" players with opinions out there. I play because it's fun, when it stops being fun I stop playing. Lots of people have this same mentality so if you want a place to log into for a while, just be mindful of your opinions or learn to let them roll off your back like water on a duck..

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:22 pm
by Astolfo
Protus wrote:
Astolfo wrote:No one's rude or unkind when you're smobbing! #hellmud
Did I not just smob with you where a ss came and killed all our horses and then ran. I mean, if he wants pk then why kill the horses? Then after we go spend money and clearly arent pking him, he follows us to another smob and kills horses again? I want to know the thinking here?

If you are trying to be a dick, you achieved it.
I meant in the group you're smobbing with :p

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:29 pm
by Jaster
Hang out with me and we will have fun. We will beat the bullies back into submission! #HellMud

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:22 pm
by ecthus
We can talk all we want about behavior, but it's a little perverse to put the burden on players to self-regulate rather than limiting what makes PK frustrating. There's a few fundamental problems with northern PK that have to be addressed.

1. Northern zones, mob support, and bonuses are designed under the assumption that DS is chronically outnumbered and outgunned.
2. This may have been the case a decade ago, but isn't anymore.
3. Fades are wildly overtuned, both offensively and defensively.
4. It's not at all uncommon for there to be more DS remorts than trollocs in PK, or for the majority of trollocs to be masters.
5. A lot of PK is characterized by rapid swings in power, or standoffs, rather than both sides taking risks.

Some of the simplest solutions for these problems:

1. Severely reduce fades ability to lead mobs, and the prevalence of clanned/leadable mobs in PK zones. Moblead should come with risk, not allow players to totally minimize risk, which is most often how they're used.
2. Remove mounted rsneak--there's no legitimate case that can be made for its existence. We need more ways to know where other players are, not fewer.

Re: PK Behavior

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:27 pm
by Drakmyr
All that's left are people who are cowards and think they're not and handheld people like Masaj who can't move on! So I agree with him that the mud is dead because there's the lack of all the mediocre people who liked to have fun and would give fun pk via being willing to give and take in pk.