Regarding recent remort changes!

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by pial » Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:42 am

The reasoning given is that it's about leadership and leading. I think it's fairly evident that the player and not the class dictates leading ability once they become a fade. You can stick Scizzor on a hunter but that won't help him any!

I think the idea or the hope behind the change is that people who were on rogues would switch over to non-rogues but I'm not so sure that will be the case, they might quit or just keep on playing their rogues.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Tempest » Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:50 am

I dont know, I came from Ko'bal and I lead all the time and did back when I was Ko'bal too, unless there was a fade or dl on.

Saying they dont make good leaders is a cop out. view reaver no.1 he came from Ko'bal. Some of the best leaders came from Ko'bal.

Sometimes these days you do get a group full of rogues, but i also was part of a group in pk the other day that had 4 channies. I am for one thankful I do not have to play a rogue again, cause they are boring, but people give them way to much credit, the best part of this game, was people playing how they wanted to and you having to find a way to neutralize them. I think i got chilled 3-4 times, I even seen a trolloc get blinded in pk today, I dont care, thats how the game works, did I stop pking no, I kept my group together and we kept fighting and we lost, unbelievable i know cause we had this OP master trolloc rogue in our group, crazy right. Stop making excuses and figure out a way to kill someone instead of blaming a class.

A helpful suggestion, would be rather than making rogues not allowed to remort, make all the mob quests no hide, therefore a rogue would need to lead a group (showing leadership) and who cares if they are not great leaders, I say if anyone puts the chortlesnorfling years it takes to get dung done in this game, let them play it how they want.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by guhadin » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:07 am

Tempest wrote:Sometimes these days you do get a group full of rogues, but i also was part of a group in pk the other day that had 4 channies. I am for one thankful I do not have to play a rogue again, cause they are boring, but people give them way to much credit, the best part of this game, was people playing how they wanted to and you having to find a way to neutralize them. I think i got chilled 3-4 times, I even seen a trolloc get blinded in pk today, I dont care, thats how the game works, did I stop pking no, I kept my group together and we kept fighting and we lost, unbelievable i know cause we had this OP master trolloc rogue in our group, crazy right. Stop making excuses and figure out a way to kill someone instead of blaming a class.
Two thoughts in response:
1. Fighting against a stabby fade is way more frustrating than against master trolloc rogues, so I'm not sure the issue is really one of giving trolloc rogues too much credit.

2. PKing alongside multiple stabbers as a basher on DS is miserable. On LS, its really rare for me to get stabbed, and even rarer for me to die to one. On DS, a good number of my deaths involved getting screwed over by stabbers, or getting targeted as the only non-stabber in the fight. The issue is even worse with stab fades, who tend to show up and leave without warning. It messes up PK for both sides.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Skeeve » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:17 am

Surely they can't be so silly that they ban a specific setup for an entire class?

It is of course the first step in the opening of the Gray Men remort! Right? right...

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Rark » Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:00 am

guhadin wrote:Great change. I probably would have included all clanned rogues rather than current masters but, for me personally, it's a wash. Always felt that fading should be about leading rather than solo PK, solo smobbing, etc.

For whatever it's worth, I would also happily get my class changed to a hunter if that offer was made to clanned rogues 8-)
seconded, good rule.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Tempest » Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:05 am

Watch out for those 3 fades that play stab lol, they are sure destroying pk. (One of them is for stab for the pure reason there is no pk on his times, so he needs something to do which is smob) Again I am going to say this, people put years into this damn game, let them play it how they want. People go on about all these rogues what about the equal amount of channies? I'd rather pk against a group of rogues than channies any day of the week.

As a leader on ds, you know what splits my group up more than anything and ends up resulting in trolloc deaths, is bashers rolling bashes instead of spamming and they get left behind and then die, cause these days, abs ain't worth nothing with all the masters running around, so they get picked off easier. But this is not the point, there isn't as many rogues as people make out in pk, since I have faded, i've pked with more bashers than rogues.

I get it, people hate rogues, people hate channies too, especially the status weaving ones, they also hate chargers, people also hate pkers that hug smobs all day and take 0 risks, are we going to start banning all these people from playing how they want?

I can think of 2 rogues that play often on ds, Jakd and Rig. Watch out for that rogue swarm.
Last edited by Tempest on Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Rig » Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:18 am

I am a 10 rogue army. Flee stabbing, spam fleeing, running to TKD. All the good stuff.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Firimei Lang » Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:20 am

From someone who Tempest stabbed a lot. I learnt a lot from the stabbing, it helped me improve.

I fully understand the where and whys this new system is coming from. Although just to read ALL the frustrated posts from rogues, tells you that it may be highly unpopular.
A few will be thankful, but in a game with dwindling players from earlier days [ so I am informed] we need all classes viable to play. Channies to rogues, to perfectly started DL's:P

Though both Imms and players put ALOT of time into the game. So therefore makes more sense for a trial? At least get the fairer and level headed rogue etc and Imms to discuss the matter privately?

I for one love this game and even with quiet moments, always something to do. The thrill of pK has me enjoying it a lot more than I thought, obviously for someone wanting to Shawl its a prerequisite almost. To be able to defend and flee, listen and obey. We learn from rips and mistakes made in PK. Rogues are not a bad class, some play it dirtier than others granted.
It is not illegal though, like poisoning Fades. It's game mechanics we are addressing here, not the very rp idea of Fades leading [ which is great in theory and sometime practice] Maybe only leading Fades get to be chosen, I don't know as I've never played one. Not on DS anyway. [rogue that is]

Without one element we loose the on the alert skill from stabby fades, many don't stab after remorting, I don't think anyway. We have stabby rogues, which is a high pain in the ass in PK , but also keeps you on the proverbial toes. Master abs are just as grr sometimes and combo hunters. It is the player not the class, which is in effect. I don't want to loose active pkers like Rig or so forth, due to this.

It is a fun dynamic game , we need the dynamics in there to work efficiently. Yes the Imms must of deliberated over this for a while and got Flashes approval. I understand the hard work and time for no pay thing, we all play this game for years or even longer for some. We like to have something to show for it and a play style of our very own. The bad players get rooted out and the good ones should be recognised.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Nareda » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:33 am

So uh, what happened to the Ogier that was promised? Too hard basket?

Or are we too busy focusing energy on stuff that is turning away players rather than attracting them. Just curious.

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Re: Regarding recent remort changes!

Post by Mangler » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:57 am

I suspect the answer to your question is that this change isn't something that required coding. Whereas implementing Ogier requires significant work from a very limited and very busy element of immortal resources.

I wanted to give you a thumbs up for how oozing with passive agressive a short, simple post could be though :)

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