Turn Points

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Zyonel » Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:56 am

Harun wrote:My preference would be that the lists reflect recent activity, and that it would be fun to have some small bonus so that it's not simply a cosmetic label.

The tokens have been good for getting that started, and probably would be even more successful if it were possible to implement a harsher decay rate for huge quantities of turn points. That would encourage players who know they won't be active to purge what they have and open a spot up for someone more active. One way or another, this will sort itself out.

If there were bonuses, they would probably only be viable if applied automatically and dynamically (rather than manually.) One way would be flat additions to OB/DB/PB, but top end dodge doesn't need any help, especially in combination with stab. Another version would be some type of scaling so that the seventh spot, which anyone can hit randomly, is less valuable than a top spot.

On the flip side, most people that end up on the lists are already bonused masters and also don't need the help.

Another possibility would be to actually create some sort of non-stats-based malus to being on the lists, like turning the swirl of colors into a sense or smell that alerts players there is a big dog in the zone. That would be another way of encouraging players to make a decision about what kind of playstyle they want. That would make it harder for listers to randomly gank people and easier for others to hunt them down. That's probably my favorite idea! Especially because the more ways we have to find other players, the better.

I don't think we need to find ways to encourage players to retain anything. The more circulation the better.
Generally agree :) the benefit I would see in having an incentive to retain TP is so that when these players are killed in PK, there is greater TP reward for them. As opposed to nowadays where a kill usually nets you 10 TPs or less if split among the group.

The small automatic bonus for the list is one way. The tugging of the pattern when a ta or reaver is in zone mentioned by Taziar is a cool addition to bring back if coding is not in the way.

I am also all for encourage more aggressive TP decay, but I think provision should be made for the players to have an opportunity to turn in their TPs for tokens, to be fair to them.

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Pounds » Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:58 am

Harun wrote:Another possibility would be to actually create some sort of non-stats-based malus to being on the lists, like turning the swirl of colors into a sense or smell that alerts players there is a big dog in the zone. That would be another way of encouraging players to make a decision about what kind of playstyle they want. That would make it harder for listers to randomly gank people and easier for others to hunt them down. That's probably my favorite idea! Especially because the more ways we have to find other players, the better.
OOOOH I really like this. Totally didn't even think of the possibility of adding some sort of detrimental effect to being on the list. That is a very good suggestion. Someone with that much pull, so to speak, people should be able to see that coming!

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Vampa » Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:30 am

This was done in the past, on 'where' the same way you currently see smells as a trolloc, etc, you would see 'You feel a strange tug at the Pattern...' or something like that. It didn't work well in practice, at all.

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Taziar » Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:06 am

Vampa wrote:This was done in the past, on 'where' the same way you currently see smells as a trolloc, etc, you would see 'You feel a strange tug at the Pattern...' or something like that. It didn't work well in practice, at all.
That was a different time, different numbers, without a way to shed TP in any kind of rewarding way. It only didn’t work well in practice because people on the lists (the more accomplished people of the time) complained??

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Rig » Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:26 am

Sounds to me this would be more like a "oh there's a xxx lister zone and we're in a smob, firetruck this let's just lock the door and gate out" type of deal which is the usual motto for any pk anymore anyway.

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Cruoris » Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:55 am

The initial idea of bonuses for tav/re is really strange.
You know, people wont suddenly become better pkers or change their playstyle because they want extra 5pb.
Such a small bonus isnt worth enough changing your playstyle to conservative.
A worthy bonus would just make current rea/tavs stronger than they currently are while they are already good at surviving or killing. Also, with tp being a currency now its harder to gain tps with kills(i.e. your victims give you almost no tps now). Thus less chance for someone to throw current re/tavs away from the list.
Imms made it so eq grows on trees, yet majority of pbase avoids risks at any cost. We dont need an extra motivation for people to play even more conservative.

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Razhak » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:08 am

Honestly just do away with the lists.

They add nothing really, and in some cases only make people less inclined to take risks.

When doing away with the lists, also do away with them being fade reqs.. I never really understood why people should be dependent on other peoples playtimes/-styles/etc for fading.

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Antioch » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:44 am

What if lists were changed to be based on qps instead of tps?

Makes them completely independent of playstyle, and if you're getting lots of kills over time and turning then into clerks, it doesn't matter how many deaths you get in between since you don't lose qps on death. (Well, most of us anyway)

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Razhak » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:54 am

Sure, make it based on qps, Puny can be reaver 1 And I can be reaver 2

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Re: Turn Points

Post by Skurk » Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:26 pm

Speaking of puny, can someone eli5 how someone is actually rank 9

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