How should I come back?

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Naerin » Thu May 25, 2017 3:26 pm

And yeah, Legion or Wingers. Both good people.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Harun » Thu May 25, 2017 4:43 pm

Abunar wrote:I have so many 51st level alt, but I have no special alts. I RP'd a seeker in SS for years, murdered heaps of the right people, said the right words whilst I did it, but there is no seeker clan so nothing happened. The same goes for all my non tower FCs when it came to the Kin, or my hunters and the WB, - unless you run across the right person all your RP is irrelevant - in fact my amoral hunters who murdered everyone in so many villages should have been offered a place as a DF, because seriously they killed more innocent LS mobs than my DS alts ever did.
This reads a little strangely to me. More or less, you're completely disregarding the actual atmosphere of clans, and the work that's been put into them over two decades. Rather than interacting with members of clans, you want abstract "RP" done in isolation. You're also disregarding mechanics that exist and are in place, like for becoming a Darkfriend, in favor of murdering random, innocent, low-level mobs.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Zeeb » Thu May 25, 2017 5:43 pm

Really suggest getting a PK alt and try it out... DS combo hunter/LS combo warrior (LS Combo hunter would be ideal but the statting is too bad).

Pretty steep learning curve as it sounds like you have figured out, but it just never gets old for most of us which is why we're still here. :)

One thing about pk though, it's going to be terrible if you don't enjoy the reequipping process - grabbing a weapon and shield and hopping back into pk is my favorite part of the game.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Vala » Thu May 25, 2017 9:20 pm

There is way too much entitlement and butthurt in this thread. You should remember that nobody owes you anything, and nothing will change just for you. Not PK, not clans, and especially not other players.

In two posts you complain of being killed. I'm not good at fighting, PK isn't my favorite thing to do, and everybody knows it. Still, I don't expect to be left alone because that's just unrealistic. If it's that much of a problem then this isn't the right game for you.

Why all the hate on clan masters? According to you:
1. they take up space and hog areas in a clan
2. someone with a master alt in 5 clans is worthless in day-to-day play
3. someone with an alt in 5 secret clans is disgusting and you hate them

I think a person with 5 masters might be spreading themselves a bit thin, but why is that your problem? Do you really think you got denied entrance or weren't invited because a clan has too many masters?

You said, "There is a certain level of skill and a certain level of 'people I know' that allows you to do have anything you like, whilst a committed played is still waiting to get admitted to the first level of a clan." Well, there's a certain level of "not being an entitled princess" that people just might be looking for in their applicants. If you couldn't get admitted to the clan maybe it's because your attitude sucks.

I completely disagree that "unless you run across the right person all your RP is irrelevant." I haven't been around long, and I certainly don't know who's who around here, but it's clear to me that they probably all know each other along with most of their alts. You should assume any interaction you have with anybody could affect your plans for your character, and behave accordingly.

Your FC didn't get into Kin. Your hunter didn't get into WB. Your murderer didn't get made a DF. In all cases you seem to feel you were cheated out of something. Why? Did you ever think maybe you are the problem, thinking you deserve everything? It seems they did not agree with your assessment.

You worry far too much about what other people do, when you should be concerned with how you come across to them.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Dartes » Thu May 25, 2017 9:22 pm

Abunar wrote: Is there a way to find out what I have and have not done in my attempt to join the Dragonsworn? I liked the not having to talk to anyone entrance exam, but lost track right at the end (besides the alt was not an mc ... but I do have 2 lovely mcs that I really would like to use more often ... the Wall Guard tempts me in this direction.)
If I may interject, for your first question, you might have to ask an imm. You could find a prophet mob and say 'dragonsworn' then follow the quests, i don't know if it will respond if you've started. Either way it's s fairly quick set of quests!

Also you'd be surprised that a lot of us in the clan are actually not mcs and are happy for anyone to join! Those crazy wall guard on the other hand... ;) jk!

Though Wall Guards have a number of cool active people so you can't go wrong joining them with an alt. Valon guard too lately. Actually I've met a lot of cool people recently, so really, find a clan you enjoy the rp and make some friends and you'll do well in any clan. I'd shout out some names but it would be a long list, and you'll find them easily enough anyway!

Anywho, carry on!

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Lykan » Thu May 25, 2017 9:53 pm

I think the problem seems to just be a genuine misunderstanding or mis-expectation of how things work. Sure, in a perfect game you could manifest the ability to enter the wolf dream solely out of luck/character creation/interactions with npcs, but this isn't that game. Clans on wotmud are player-run and at the end of the day, you're going to have to cater to what the majority of that clan seeks in new members if you want to join. Plenty of good examples have been brought up throughout this thread of how various clans do not perfectly fit with canon from RJ's world, but thats just the reality of the game.

As has been discussed somewhat frequently lately, it really isn't difficult to clan pretty much anywhere you want in today's game if you put your attitude aside and put a little effort into it. Yes, you will have to interact with other players and many of those interactions will be from a place of inferiority - you are attempting to join a clan/group/guild of ranking members while you are noone of consequence (as we all are when we are seeking entry to a clan). No, you can't go rp with a wolf for 30 minutes and suddenly become a wolfbrother. In the end though, you appear to have a significant amount of resentment and disdain for those who've achieved the things you appear to covet so much. I don't really see why you'd want to become one of them. If you don't want to pk because winning is so boring, what do pk bonuses matter? If you are so "disgusted" by all of the people in these clans, why do you want to join them?

It seems to me like you'd be better off just rping anything you want. Form your own band of wolfbrothers. Take on the wild and be sure to give no fucks while doing so.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Rig » Thu May 25, 2017 10:14 pm

I vote Dartes for best mudder award.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Astolfo » Thu May 25, 2017 10:54 pm

Rig wrote:I vote Dartes for best mudder award.
I'll second this!
Dartes wrote: Actually I've met a lot of cool people recently, so really, find a clan you enjoy the rp and make some friends and you'll do well in any clan. I'd shout out some names but it would be a long list, and you'll find them easily enough anyway!
I have plenty of time, so I'll start with myself.

I'll pass this back to Rig, since I'm sure he'll want to be next to go!

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Rig » Thu May 25, 2017 11:03 pm

Astolfo wrote:
Rig wrote:I vote Dartes for best mudder award.
I'll second this!
Dartes wrote: Actually I've met a lot of cool people recently, so really, find a clan you enjoy the rp and make some friends and you'll do well in any clan. I'd shout out some names but it would be a long list, and you'll find them easily enough anyway!
I have plenty of time, so I'll start with myself.

I'll pass this back to Rig, since I'm sure he'll want to be next to go!

Multiple quotes within a quote, it brings my dung posting to a whole new level. I am also amazing, like our dear friend Astolfo.

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Re: How should I come back?

Post by Jaster » Fri May 26, 2017 12:04 am

Just come back and play. Don't worry about others, just worry about yourself and enjoy the game for what you find entertaining. Everyone has their own escapes, and they don't need to do what you want. If you come back, great. If you don't, great. Everyone else will go on with what gives them enjoyment...

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