How long have you played and what are your goals?

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How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Bumper » Tue May 21, 2024 7:48 am

As the title says I'm curious what goals are out there for yall. My two careers are in the people business, and I just like to understand what motivates individuals. Personally, I started playing around 2002 when I was 13 after my dad stumbled upon the game. He was terrible and so was I but we had a lot of fun running around trying to make it from Caemlyn to Whitebridge without dying to a Mangler squad in 4k. I don't think either of us ever stayed above level 30. He eventually quit playing because he can't properly type :P. Vayus was a nice guy that played back then, and he would keep me supplied with jeweled daggers that I would lose pretty much daily after I clanned into the Lion Warden. I can't remember all the names of the bandits that killed me often, but I do remember Wuken trying to teach me how to play a rogue so that I could at least stay alive.
Eventually I quit playing due to other interests in my teenage years and didn't play again until after I graduated. I got my two cousins to play at this time and we have played off and on together for the last 18 years.
My goals are pretty small in the grand scheme of things. I play these days for the thrill of PK and to just have a little time to step away from an often chaotic real life schedule. I've mastered a grand total of 1 character in 22 years of playing since I have given away nearly every scalp I get. I suppose eventually I'd like to get into some of the more interesting clans on LS that offer different mechanics and playstyles, and maybe try playing DS seriously for the first time.
How about yall?

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Stomp » Tue May 21, 2024 12:24 pm

Stomp, the Myrddraal, known ominously as "Stomp made of doom," is a dark harbinger of chaos in the "Wheel of Time" series. Born from the depths of the Shadow, Stomp embodies the ruthless efficiency and malevolent intent of the Dark One's most loyal servants. With eyes that pierce through the veil of darkness, Stomp commands legions of shadowspawn, spreading fear and despair wherever they tread.

Driven by a relentless pursuit of power and domination, Stomp's goals are as ambitious as they are sinister. As a key instrument of the Dark One's will, Stomp seeks to unravel the fabric of the Pattern itself, plunging the world into eternal darkness and chaos. Their ultimate aim is to crush all who oppose the Shadow, bending the will of nations to serve the whims of their malevolent master.

Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction wrought by Stomp's hand, whispers of dissent begin to stir. Beneath the facade of invincibility lies a being haunted by the echoes of their own mortality, driven by a fear of failure and oblivion. As the forces of light rally against the encroaching darkness, Stomp's resolve is put to the ultimate test, forcing them to confront the limits of their power and the true nature of their allegiance.

But despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, Stomp remains a formidable foe, a relentless force of darkness determined to fulfill their dark purpose at any cost. In a world where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, Stomp's ultimate destiny remains shrouded in uncertainty, a testament to the ever-turning Wheel of Time and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Ominas » Tue May 21, 2024 1:06 pm

Miss you Stomp

I originally started in 98 and took a few years off after that. We were poor and moved further from the library which had the puters.

I don’t have any goals left. I just log on to try to have fun and treat it as a distraction and hopefully a pleasant way to pass the time. Maybe my goal now is helping others meet their goals. That seems to be what I do a lot haha

This is a good thread. I should try to come up with a goal

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Kitiara » Tue May 21, 2024 7:04 pm

I started in 2009, my first summer back home with satelite internet after 2 semesters of college iwth fast internet and i was yearning for an online game. I had read Wheel of Time and was really interested i playing game based on that world.

I originally wanted to play an MC... and tried to for awhile, I even was apart of 4-5 MCs who made an unoffical secret clan... that achieved literally nothing haha. I didnt know what I was doing.

Finally I started a Tower character, got to Towered Accepted... got screwed over by an Aes Sedai who ended up being a Darkfriend... then started Kitiara.

Goal wise... Ima get rank 8 here soon, after that I dont know... PK is fun, and smobbing is nice when there are events going on... Maybe one day ill really double down on PK and try and get good... until then i remain decidedly mediocre I think... no matter how much Ominas coaches me I cant seen to stop dlining back into bashes and such.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Vala » Tue May 21, 2024 7:42 pm

The first character I made to try out the mud is 559 years old. I created a few more over time and dabbled in the game here and there, but remained a total newbie and didn’t really get into it until years later.

Only one of those early characters is close to being on par with prerolled stats. It was a tremendous disappointment to learn that rerolls are broken and you only get 10 rolls because half of them fail. They’ll probably never be anything more than storage alts because their stats are bad and there’s very little hope of improvement.

Vala is 290 years old, my first serious attempt at playing, the first with proper stats and the only one to join a clan.

There was a much longer than anticipated gap in playing after my PC broke down and I lost the client setup plus a bunch of notes. I had too much going on to deal with it then, and returning only seemed to grow more daunting as time passed.

My goals are fairly simple:
1. To follow the example set by a certain Aes Sedai whose kindness and encouragement once meant so much to a young Novice.
2. Make friends and have fun with other WoT fans. Like Ominas said, hopefully it’s a pleasant way to pass the time.
3. Learn more about the game in general like zones, smobs, etc. and attempt to help new players.
4. Develop some skill and perhaps even confidence in battle, and become a decent all-around player.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Naomi » Tue May 21, 2024 8:11 pm

I've been around since the early 2000s, and I haven't accomplished a lot truthfully!

I bounced around a bit trying to be an Aiel through roleplay, to being a Hedgedoctor and then eventually clanning into the Winged Guard on my first real character named Jrac. Jrac was really fun, a 19 18 14 hunter that I got to about rank 6 before deleting...and then that month rerolls were introduced, haha.

I double-downed on Naomi and mastered her. Then I mastered a Kandori Merchant, and I've been playing around on other alts.

Like Ominas, I don't really have a lot of goals anymore. I mainly just log in and have fun with friends and try to make the game a more fun place for everyone involved.

If I had a goal, it'd be an unachievable one: acknowledged sovereignty for Mayene! I got reeaallly close back during the daes' war stuff though!

Maybe I'll give darkside a try - it's something I've never really done.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Draz » Tue May 21, 2024 8:49 pm

Started playing on the school comps when I was 12.. so 1999 I believe

I mostly play out of addiction; enjoying helping others, and a release from real life.
The last couple months included renewing goals to rerank Draz, and refade Shzrei.
I had planned on reranking shzrei to rank 8 but was told basically nothing will be kept on fade so am less likely to do that.

I no longer plan on clanning ko'bal, given how badly previous attempts went.
I no longer hope to clan a wolfbro, given what I saw happen with other players.

I'd be vaguely keen if any core of ss players want to have fun to play my deathwatch and damane.
I'd be vaguely keen to play by dragonsworn if any core of players wanted to push rp or fun goals, or if tower give a pardon quest that doesn't first involve being stilled.
I'd be keen to try and reinstill life into defenders, I think that clan struggles with players not playing the same timeframes.
I'd like to rank my accepted, but honestly I don't see it happening until I get around to writing a script to farm the 75ish qps required to get to a point where she can do the rank quests. I just feel stuck otherwise.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Chloro » Tue May 21, 2024 9:24 pm

I logged on for the first time in 2004, Adaire was the most popular Sedai back then. It took me nearly 20 years to reach my goal of having a Sedai, a hand full of tries previously, in different mind sets. I do miss the population of the old days, the free flowing rp that was everywhere without rpqps. Long walks on the illian road with Kesumi stabbing me over, and over and over again. Simpler times... My goal now is to find out what treasure trove a rank 9 Sedai gets, I don't know as any Sedai as ever made it that far before. The closest to come to it was Melyssan/Deadlit.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Harker » Tue May 21, 2024 9:43 pm

Too long and nothing

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Khaster » Tue May 21, 2024 9:50 pm

Statted a couple characters in like 2017 but never played them and stopped after I think a week or two? Actually started playing the game in 2019.

As far as goals I guess I want to master my Sedai. Master a DS char and maybe go for Fade. Kin seems interesting. Always wanted a DL but not sure that's possible anymore lol.

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