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Post by erulak » Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:48 pm

It's 2023 - can we save us (and Yaerin/Rig) the embarrassment of fireworks acting as a get out of jail free card yet? People being launched across the WoTMUD equivalent of several hundred yards is not very immersive! Make them create one room where it's too thick and smokey to engage to use strategically for a tick or two, keep 'em relatively rare, or something, I don't know.

Same deal with rsneak on shadows hiding flee directions/fact of the flee - if it HAS to do that and it's not the obvious bug I've suspected it is for two decades running can it at least give a message that the person has fled out of the room?

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Re: fireworks

Post by Sraeyn » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:05 am

I agree. We should make some adjustments. Teveyl worked himself at healthy to escape some people. Very odd gameplay.

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Re: fireworks

Post by Rig » Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:04 am

Should just remove fireworks. It’s super embarrassing when they’re used by greater number groups, especially in trash zones for the opposition like Blight

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Re: fireworks

Post by Teveyl » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:10 am

There are tons of rooms with no good double lines, fireworks are the correct move in these situations. Great gameplay and interesting mechanic. Although another direction to take the game would be to only pk when you have more numbers and are healthy. Go room by room making sure there is no danger, and you can even add a bit of roleplay - use emotes and stances in each room to spice it up!

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Re: fireworks

Post by erulak » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:47 am

Hi viewers -- here's a game-within-the-game translation:

Erulak takes a dig at his friends to make a wider point about an actual game issue.
Sraeyn takes a dig at someone, to not really make a new point.
Rig takes a dig at Sraeyn for taking a dig at someone, to also not really make a new point.
Teveyl takes a dig at someone/everyone, I don't think he has friends OR enemies, but he does make a potentially valid counterpoint.

Further sifting through the whole some discourse so far, here are the only two contentions I can see:

1. Fireworks are a poorly thought out and cartoony mechanic for a game that, generally, strives to be relatively immersive. Well, as immersive as you can be when people are swinging around 17 lb weapons, but I only mention that to trigger Itesh and other people who study the blade.

2. Fireworks are great gameplay and interesting mechanics.

Personally think that rooms without good double-lines exist for a reason in PK -- there's gotta be an element of zone layout that makes it more difficult to just flee around endlessly, which is why area design that requires you to go through a bad dline room or feature a rough dline or two are generally good and need to be thought around. They're much better than, say, dumb mechanics that make you fail flees on repeat for no real reason you can do anything about. And in a game where we strive to kill each other, that's not a bad thing.

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Re: fireworks

Post by Teveyl » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:49 am

I do find it interesting that fireworks and several potions were modified so there is no tradeoff to carrying multiple...I think they used to weigh .7 lbs and now at .1 .... didn't STR tea weigh in a little heavier too?

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Re: fireworks

Post by Kryyg » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:51 am

Keep them in game. Add a % chance to incinerate yourself. You are technically blowing yourself away. This should be different than weave incinerate so your gear stays and you lose TPs - we wouldn’t want anyone posting in this thread trying to be a sore loser. Also, add a damage % to everyone who gets thrown similar to jump damage.

Greatly decrease their availability.

Speaking from someone who usually dies with them in backpack.

For the viewers Kryyg made multiple valid points while taking digs at everyone on this thread!! Except Teveyl who has no friends OR enemies. lol. The wotmud forums ARE sometimes more fun than the game.

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Re: fireworks

Post by Sarryn » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:40 pm

I don't see much wrong with them. Honestly when I've tried to use them about half the time they don't even go off. Even as people enter the room. I tried using them fighting a group like 1 on 6 plus or more and they didn't even work lol. This is there actual intended use. Once in blue moon they can bail you out of a tough situation. Sometimes you think you have that ace in your pocket and they don't even go off. Usually though there used in a situation where your either flee lagged or trapped vs superior numbers. Which seems to be the case in a lot of the pk I've seen. It's very lopsided engagements where 1 side clearly is dominating. A lot of people seem to think that pk is fun. Honestly it's boring as fk for most people. Though some of us regrettably still give pk, when we shouldn't. I don't really see anything wrong with fireworks as is. There not as common as I've seen them in the past.

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Re: fireworks

Post by Yaerin » Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:19 pm

Useful for escaping chase-scripters like Sorvitor in unknowable zones (Braem). They are funny but could be funnier if more chaotic and had a chance to fling low weight items around the zone. Like rings. Unless those rings were securely stored in a bag, satchel, or ideally a pack. Imagine the joy of getting your first dragon belt by picking it up from a random room in Shayol Ghul. Should probably up the weight to like 3 lbs.

I think strength teas expire faster now, so that seems like okay trade off for weighing less.

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Re: fireworks

Post by Eol » Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:12 pm

Works are complicated (and terrible) but in the end both works and fade flee are crutches to reduce dying which is something we actually need more of. There's a lot of talk about ganking lately but way too much PK is simply stagnant. Zones were updated through time, but in the end players always find a way to tip the scales towards surviving. We need more death and fewer crutches.

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