Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by isabel » Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:31 pm

Been discussing the show with a friend who hasn't read the books so that was illuminating. Also she tried reading the books recently but found it very slow overall which made me realise that we overlook a Lot of issues with the books as readers too.

But okay!

1) the lack of backstory is Still so confusing. She said it was so frustrating not knowing why xyz was going on. What is the prophecy / why does it matter? Oaths are never really spelled out enough (when i brought up the moiraine thing and why that was a big error). Of course as Katherine pointed out, we have nfc who the heroes of the horn are and at this point that should have been established. Even about the dark one and who what it is. Sealing of the forsaken etc..was very unclear on that.

So i explained about the breaking and taint on saidin the oaths etc (she wasn't getting it at all so I had to say something like imagine a trash can and the dark one is a bean bag and lews therin stuffs it in with the help of his male friends but just before he closes it a bean pops out and taints the male half of the source). But overall to me this is a big mistake for the show to not establish and takes away so much when there's such a rich story in place

2) moiraine and the boats. My initial reaction was just..why do it from such a distance. It felt ..weird. like okay then you're a sniper kind of character. I just didn't get why it was that way though it looks pretty. The point about the oaths is very on point. But i also later felt that if we see the context..the seanchan are shielding the dragon reborn against ishamael. Moiraine at this point in the books doesn't know as much as we know about the seanchan. So her intervention through her eyes can be seen as basically protecting rand. Lan's comment here is valid but yeah..in a broader sense. Now here what my friend said was - well moiraine had already let that taren ferry guy die. So this isn't the first time right?

So again I feel this is such a huge miss in the show because moiraine is THE aes Sedai. They just showed that she was compelled to obey siuan even though she didn't want to. So it seems just ..not trustworthy that means justify the ends to her. It doesn't really put thr oaths in the right context.

3) Mat and the heroes and the context for it. Again it looked cool and as a book reader I liked seeing the visuals. But ohhhh man it has Nothing to do with rands fight. We were laughing about how all that the whole scene did in terms of plot was get rand stabbed by his dagger. Like what was the point of mat showing up at all? He had zero contribution positively.

4) turak was just unnecessary. The character in the show. In the books he provides a kind of rite of passage for the show. Here she was struggling to remember his name and actually i had forgotten too..turak? Tuvak? Turok? Tuvok? (Star trek !) But it's like why even put him there. She said oh he was the guy hungry for the horn. But the thing is he has no idea it was even around. It was some bribe but so what? Like the character could have just been deleted.

5) Lanfear at this point is basically a lightfriend..omg!!! Like seriously. Moiraine and co following her into the ways. In the books lanfear does help rand but it's also always in line with the dark one etc. Here lanfear has helped rand more than any other character I think.

Also what my friend flagged and is probably less egregious to book readers is that this really undermines the egwene / rand relationship. Like one minute it sounds like some maaajor love thing and then next minute he's pretending to be dead and hooking up with this woman he barely knows. And when lanfear says shes the only one who cares about him for him that actually hits home because as far as the show has it that is actually true.

6) a more insidious situation which the lanfear arc is symptomatic of is that there is no difference between good and evil. It's all blurred. Aes Sedai go around murdering innocents. Which really makes lanfear strolling through cairhien randomly killing whoever and setting fires look just Normal. The whole point would be that she's evil, she kils casually. Yet she's there to help rand and moiraine. So then what? What's the difference even? Motivation of darkfriends is a big mess.

One thing my friend flagged was that by the time rand is fighting ishamael, all the good characters seem to have done bad things. Egwene murdering renna is just..understandable but not heroic. Mat is also not really heroic at this point. Perrin is walking around with a cute dog..o..Kay so what.

7) I was actually feeling bad for ishamael. He's on this platform or whatever facing some 7-8 characters by himself. And it just Looks odd. Like the only person who actually fights him is egwene. Which, again, she's damane trained fine but so what??? She's barely trained. She should be nothing to him and he flings her aside I think at the start.


That's how easy it is and weird. So i don't get all that. Agree with everything Katherine said about his agency and the banner. Like what is even the point.

The only thing is okay..nynaeve had a big scene in season 1, egwene has one here so maybe rand is being set up for season 3. But it's just ..weird. like I almost wondered if they had changed who the dragon was right at the end.

Anyway all that said I didn't hate the show. It was fun watching and I even rewatched season 1 to remind myself. Some of the plus points for me:

1) egwenes acting is really really good. Very impressed with how she conveys so much without a word. She has to show her joy with the power plus v mixed reactions to renna (fear hatred etc)

2) moiraine not being stilled was yay ..lan figuring it out was beyond silly and borderline Mary Sue ..but oof ok

3) liandrin is overall turning into a very likeable character for me in the sense that she seems to be fleshed out and layered in a way that the books didn't have for most of the major reds

4) there is a lot of foreshadowing and references..I feel that while the overall plot feels odd the individual scene writing is not the worst

5) lan continues to look v cool and is easy on the eyes

6) fight scenes when they do happen are overall decent, especially with the aiel. Not the falme one so much but just overall

7) I like the difference in the way people channel..egwene's weaving style looks different from moiraine's and so on

8) season 2 did an overall better job with the tower and many isolated scenes (barthanes etc)

I think overall it's still been fun and I'm on a wot reread so that is nice! Also for me when I reread now between the game and the show there's a lot more clarity on the books' geography etc so that is nice. And biggest plus is I can now explain some of the game stuff to people who had no idea about wot ..and it's v awesome when they make wheel of time references :D

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by Harker » Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:54 pm

Some of this stuff is addressed in the materials that go along with the show.

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by halfhand » Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:49 am

Lots of Q&A now, a lot of them with glimpse of the (lack of) insight on their book adaption

"So why is this not valid for his peers like Eggy or Nyn? Nynaeve showed how powerful she is in S1E4. Egwene, multiple times already. How is that only Rand needs slow build up? Also as he will be stronger than them all, won't it make sense for them to have at least similar atp?"
Sarah (their book consultant): "In S1 Ny's power was latent and instinctive. In S2 Egwene was Tower trained AND forced by way of adam. Rand has barely learned to embrace so he's already ahead of where he was at this point in the books."

Completely missing the point that Rand is not "latent and instintive", completley losing sight of the entire point of the Dragon Reborn lore and theam. But they already lost the significant of the Dragon with the "who is the dragon reborn" misadventure from season 1.

Also this explains a lot in regard to the disjointed writing.
Rafe interview
"It’s interesting. A lot of writers in the room obviously who weren’t familiar with the books were like, “Why are we doing the Horn of Valere?”
I don't know, I kind of expect that if you are a writer of a book adaptation that you should read the book.

Ultimately, I do not see the show making it past Season 4 with the current trajectory (Season 3 is already shot, so they will be limping in Season 4). Even though Season 2 was better than Season 1, their shoot schedule is every 2 years, so we're talking Season 3 in 2025, and season 4 in 2027. Even if this was a huge success, that would completley kill any momentum. They are not going to be able to keep actors on for 10 years which would be needed for the whole story, and they're going to have to rewrite out actors and diverge even further.

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by Prykor » Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:07 pm

halfhand wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:49 am
Lots of Q&A now, a lot of them with glimpse of the (lack of) insight on their book adaption

"So why is this not valid for his peers like Eggy or Nyn? Nynaeve showed how powerful she is in S1E4. Egwene, multiple times already. How is that only Rand needs slow build up? Also as he will be stronger than them all, won't it make sense for them to have at least similar atp?"
Sarah (their book consultant): "In S1 Ny's power was latent and instinctive. In S2 Egwene was Tower trained AND forced by way of adam. Rand has barely learned to embrace so he's already ahead of where he was at this point in the books."
Which is enough training for it to make sense that she could weave several fireballs in an extended seige/battle, heal herself from taking a trebuchet blast, withstand death from a damane collar when the sul'dam dies, and then hold her own against a forsaken to save Rand like a true girlboss all back to back.
halfhand wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:49 am
Also this explains a lot in regard to the disjointed writing.
Rafe interview
"It’s interesting. A lot of writers in the room obviously who weren’t familiar with the books were like, “Why are we doing the Horn of Valere?”
I don't know, I kind of expect that if you are a writer of a book adaptation that you should read the book.
It's fine, I'll read the spark notes up to the sections of the book that the show will cover that season and then reimagine most of the less important parts that clearly won't impact future events or plot points to get rid of of the toxic masculinity and do a better job of female empowerment in a way that the book fans will barely notice the changes and give the female characters more importance than the books which only focus on the achievements of the males.
halfhand wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:49 am
Ultimately, I do not see the show making it past Season 4 with the current trajectory (Season 3 is already shot, so they will be limping in Season 4).
Compared to the rings of power, this is a big improvement. With the rings of power dead, Amazon's show funds gotta go somewhere. I think WOT is like #3 or #4 for watch counts for this year (or something near there), so I doubt it is unpopular enough to get canceled.

At this point, I'm hoping for the show to get to the city of Far Madding, and have a history lesson over the fall of the Maredo kingdom due to the moron king's inevitable and deserved fall, and the following rationale for the woman to be the leaders of the city and men know their place below them with the highest ranks they can get are with the army or merchant guard while the women run and own everything from the hyper-misandrist writer and show runner perspective.
halfhand wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:49 am
They are not going to be able to keep actors on for 10 years which would be needed for the whole story, and they're going to have to rewrite out actors and diverge even further.
And here I thought half the reason why the main characters were aged up was to keep the characters from physically changing too much over the course of the planned story from start to end...
Well, they could pull a Dr. Who, or have the character trip and falling to get horribly maimed and then having their face/hair/voice altered to a new actor due to a botched heal job from a novice's healing weave, or they could do what they did with Matt and just hope the audience doesn't notice.

I'm at the "take a shot every time something stupid happens" and then the next morning watch a recap or episode play-by-play and then see all the other stuff that I missed. Season 2 is much better, and more entertaining... just not for the reasons that the writers and show runners would like.
I doubt they will notice though, with how high they are from sniffing their own farts. That interview Q&A was about what I was expecting, but it is humbling to see just how much higher they were than I thought.

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by Katherine » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:09 am

I selectively forgot about Moiraine little "I have to obey the Amyrlin or I will die" bout of pseudo-compulsion BS. WTF is that about? How is that going to impact the story going forward especially in Season 3? You know what I'm talking about Sallie Daera.

The show definitely includes more scenes humanizing the villains than RJ did. Readers did not get to see a lot of Ishamael's motivations and his internal struggles until Sanderson took over the writing. This applies to Lanfear and Liandrin and some other characters too. This is something the show does better than the books. There I said it.

Lanfear is helping Rand to get what she wants not to help Rand defeat the Dark One. Throughout the show she has several scenes where its clear she is trying to cull her competition because her ultimate goal is for her and Rand to be together as Lanfear and as /the Dragon/ ruling the world. In order for her to accomplish this, she needs to a) undermine/kill Ishamael by bringing Rand to fight him b) make sure the other Forsaken never awaken by paying for their seals (groan) to be dropped into the bottom of the sea and c) ensure Rand continues to grow as the Dragon so that he reaches his full potential. That last item about Rand is important to Lanfear because she fell in love with who Lews Therin as the Dragon rather than Lews Therin the man. That's what set her apart from Ilyana. So that's why she appears to be Rand's best friend. She's not a lightfriend, just motivated by her own delusions and ambition.

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by isabel » Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:45 am

That is a great explanation for Lanfear..thank you.

I wish really wish the show would amplify these contexts more.

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Re: Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 8 (finale) Discussion

Post by halfhand » Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:19 pm

Rating data coming out for this season.
Nielsen Ratings

Viewing Time for Originals (week of season finale)
1. Love is Blind
2. Ahsoka
3. Only Murders in the Building
4. Beckham
5. Virgin River
6. Loki
7. Sex Education
8. Lupin
9. The Wheel of Time
10. Gen V

Wheel of Time (and AMazon originals cohor in general) losing out to other platform originals.

Season 2 finale also down on viewership (430 million minutes down from 630 million minutes) compared to last season finale.

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