My rather erratic behavior

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My rather erratic behavior

Post by Salle » Mon May 29, 2023 3:46 pm

I feel like I owe a bunch of you apologies for my dung behavior lately. I'm not trying to justify it at all, but wanted to give an explanation as I view many of you as friends even though I haven't shared much with you. I found this game earlier this year when I was really struggling after a recent diagnosis of MS following what I thought was a routine visit for some minor seeming vision issues. The game has been a very pleasant escape from reality. I have been seeing a great therapist who has really helped me start to accept the diagnosis. However, I am still not entirely there...I honestly don't know if I ever will be.

There have been a few days where symptoms have flared up and something stupid has happened in the game that makes it feel like every thing in my world was falling apart in a single day. On those days, I couldn't take it out on the disease, but the game and y'all were things I could blame. It hasn't been reasonable or mature and for that I am sorry. So many of you have made the last handful of months super enjoyable and I hope to keep getting to know you and growing friendships. I can't guarantee I won't have some bad days, but I will try my best to not let it spill into the game.

Thank you,
-Emily (Salle, Sadie, Judy, Sallaya, etc.)

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Re: My rather erratic behavior

Post by Alita » Mon May 29, 2023 5:08 pm

I would like to think that you and I have developed a rocky friendship over the last couple months, even though you kept stealing all my smobs =P. I would like you to know that I'm here for you if ever you need a shoulder to cry on. I feel for you, and can only imagine how a diagnosis like that can really wreak havoc on your emotions, and having an inanimate object, or unconnected people so close and accessible can be an easy scapegoat. Personally, I haven't taken any of your words or actions personally, simply because this is just a game, and we (on the other end of the internet) have no clue (until now, in a small part) what may be happening on your end. I hope things smooth out for you, and you find a way to cope productively. Take 'er easy, and you know how to get ahold of me if you ever need to. Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Re: My rather erratic behavior

Post by Arandur » Mon May 29, 2023 10:54 pm

All loves, we all have our bad day's. Life can be chaotic and challenging in so many ways. No grudges, as this is just a silly game. We all have our bad moments in game and in life. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

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Re: My rather erratic behavior

Post by Loret » Wed May 31, 2023 4:59 pm

I'm sure some people appreciate the effort and understand that you have stuff going on in rl, we all do. Take care of yourself.

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