Too much PK

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Too much PK

Post by Sarja » Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:01 pm

Hi everyone,

It seems like every time I turn around, a higher experience player is PK'ing me. I really just want to explore the world and have fun. Level 49, about to apply to Tower. Honestly, the PK is just too much and I won't be playing anymore. There genuinely needs to be an opt-out of some type.

Thank you.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Rig » Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:58 pm

Wotmud is both an immersive PvE and PvP + RP environment. How and what you choose to play is up to you, but realizing that the game contains all three of those elements in which you’ll most likely be (willingly) partaking in two of those three, is important.

There are ways to avoid the player-killing aspect, but you’ll likely not find a way for it to be completely avoidable while playing as long as there are other players.

I’d consider taking some time learning as much as possible about pk so that you know how to at the very least how not be fresh meat to shadow spawn or sushi and how to avoid it as much as possible at the most.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Sarinda » Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:06 pm

Sarja wrote:
Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:01 pm
Hi everyone,

It seems like every time I turn around, a higher experience player is PK'ing me. I really just want to explore the world and have fun. Level 49, about to apply to Tower. Honestly, the PK is just too much and I won't be playing anymore. There genuinely needs to be an opt-out of some type.

Thank you.
I am sad to hear this and hope you reconsider. The Tower is a great place for newer players to learn game mechanics and also how to both survive and eventually win as a channeler in PK. A number of clanned only weaves like Locate Object also make it easier to detect where enemies may be or protect yourself.

Please feel free to message me here or on Discord, or find me in general if you would like some tips on how to survive more and still enjoy the exploration and RP facets of the game.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Etain » Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:17 pm


I've been where you are, as a player who's been here since 2008 and has never learned to PK even to a degree where I could run away successfully. Like Rig said, WoTMUD is based around three major elements: PK, PvE, and RP. Most people rarely participate in more than two of those three, and some few only ever do one. PK has always been one of the central focuses of the game, and at this point, due to the relatively low population, I'm not even certain that you could implement an opt-out without permanently splitting the playerbase.

The question you have to ask yourself is, does your enjoyment of two of the central elements of WoTMUD outweigh your dislike of the third? I've been predominantly an RPer since I started, and like you, I don't care for PK, after multiple attempts to learn. Right now I'm on a month-long (so far) break from WoTMUD, asking myself that same question. It sounds like you've put some time into leveling your character, and made some plans for the path you wanted to take in the future, so I'm going to advise you to take some time, talk to some people, maybe give learning PK a serious try if you're up for it. If, after doing those things, you still can't reconcile yourself to the idea of dealing with being PKed, then you should walk away. Don't make a hasty decision, but if you're not enjoying yourself, there's no reason to make yourself continue.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by vhalerie » Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:47 pm

Noooooo, I have been keeping tab of your progress on a handful of different alts, and I have to say that you have the potential to become one of wotmud's greatest, you really have the mind for it. You are nearing the point where a few more fundamentals down and you will be fast enough that someone tracking you will not be able to keep up with you, even stopping for smobs, which cuts down on the pk a LOT.

Coming from a player who played over 3 years and 10,000 hours always avoiding pk before ever going out LOOKING for pk for the first time, I still enjoyed having the threat of pk looming over me (once i got the basics down) because of the sense of risk that it added 24/7 and the tradeoffs between overextending yourself or falling back near friendly mobs for safety.

I would highly recommend giving it another go, perhaps starting a new alt with a warrior or a rogue, where you can finish learning the fundamentals as a low level where you will almost always be left alone, and have a bit more survivability without having the vulnerabilities of being a channeler.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by onta » Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:05 am


I enjoyed playing with you. I get the discouragement aspect of not being able to really compete in PK. However, it is part of the puzzle the game affords, and a rather satisfying one when you start to get the hang of it. There are plenty of people that will help you do so and facilitate that aspect of the game if you ask for it. A clan chest helps significantly lessen the sting of loss when you die, too.

You'll be surprised if you ask for the support to learn PK. There are teachers and facilitators on both sides and if you let folks know you're trying to learn, they will help you do so.

PK is a pleasant puzzle to try and sort out.

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Prykor » Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:38 am

onta wrote:
Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:05 am
PK is a pleasant puzzle to try and sort out.
I would recommend a hunter or warrior for PK, especially for learning. I would also recommend exploring the northern areas as a trolloc hunter over a LS channeler, auto-track helps so so so so very much in alerting you to potential incoming danger!

PK on a channeler is rough, and for balance purposes their defenses (hp and defense) are lacking -- which makes it incredibly punishing when you are jumped while exploring. Sure, there are measures you can take (keep horse at or above tiring, etc.), but the more important piece being zone knowledge...which puts you in a catch 22 if you are exploring (though a map will only do so much -- rarely do they have locations of friendly mobs (or relative strength of them...a very weak patty with slow aggro will likely be insufficient to keep you alive), main/obvious choke areas with bad flees (While flee direction is random, it's not an even split for # of exits in many of the main choke rooms!).

Which compounds things a lot more if you are a solo player, or a single character player, as re-eqing can be a real pain (alting to a rogue helps, though finding another 2-3 folks to smob is best).

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Loret » Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:55 am

you can explore the world all you want, but sometimes you run into bad guys. It's part of the experience here! Give it another shot, don't worry about dying too much, right now the game's in a state where equipment and help grows on trees so just focus on enjoying what you can and if you get in a jam, just ask and chances are someone will be quick to help you get back on your feet.

See you out there <3

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Jaster » Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:23 am


I am sorry to see you discouraged from the game because of excessive player killing. Most of the good players who are NOT desperate for QPs would have let you live when they noticed after the 2nd, 3rd, 4th..... time killing you that you were clearly newer. They probably would have given you suggestions where to go and learn. But we have some disgruntled players who harass statters and their saplings, can't kill the competitive players, etc. I would recommend giving it another shot and trying to find some mentors on the race you choose to continue on. Continue to be vocal on the chats and there will be people to offer help and teach you. Use the continued deaths you had as fuel to get better and get revenge on the ones who made you feel this way. Or you can simply post their names and I will gladly do so :)

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Re: Too much PK

Post by Sarja » Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:11 pm

I appreciate everyone who commented, cared, and read about my concerns. I will think on the advice you have all given and am thankful for it.

Jaster, people who have been insistent on PK are: Byrg (by far the worst), Splatter, Ommin, and Lathyn.

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