Are players leaving?

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by barb » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:30 am

Elysia wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:21 am

It's kind of pointless to speak to you if there are literally dozens of characters across timezones sniping smobs... Also, chances are that means someone in an imm-less timezone doesn't get noticed and/or feels they aren't going to get noticed anyway and venture into abuse.
unless im the one playing the dozens of characters XP. I know of one other unclanned channie using projectiles, and showed the trick to literally everyone else who was interested, so yeah talking to me early on about what was considered abuse could have saved it from becoming prevalent. If you don't want to talk to individual player thats fine, posts like these can put things into perspective so that we are all on the same page. One thing I cannot do and will not do is to read your mind on what you feel is abuse. Like I said earlier everyone has different opinions on what that entails, and without any explanation than sleep stabbing smobs and walking out 20 seconds later full hps is a lot more "cheating" than using an entire class of weapons that have been in the game from the start, that has its own set of risks and benefits. Am I okay to stick to strategies like sleep stabbing and avoid things like projectiles? sure, but it only finally got through to me after like three or four consecutive nerfs and the removal of all the easy to get projectiles that it wasnt intended. Even then it barely blocks me at all but only makes things more difficult on newer players.

In the long run, do what you want to do, but if the only thing you convey is literally what gets rewarded or not, then please dont get mad at players for smobbing completely based off of what gets rewarded.

edit: messed up quote things somehow, fixed.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by barb » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:37 am

btw, not saying that rules have to be put in place for it, but just a post every so often about things you have found concerning can go a long way towards nipping certain activities in the bud, at least from people who are intending to do right. Obviously it wont get anyone who is purposely trying to circumvent rules and get away with anything they can get away with, but you would be surprised how many of us are actually in the first group and not the second :)

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by porka » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:50 am

So me solo smobbing is abuse? Or is it OK because I drop the equ to reequ others? Like how many times in a day can I hit SK before am in the wrong? Najdeer? Filthy? DDF?? Rene? Kural? Etc..

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Aureus » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:05 pm

porka wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:50 am
So me solo smobbing is abuse? Or is it OK because I drop the equ to reequ others? Like how many times in a day can I hit SK before am in the wrong? Najdeer? Filthy? DDF?? Rene? Kural? Etc..
Three things here:

1. This isn't abuse! Many smobs are designed to be able to be soloed with the right setup and easily done by two players.

2. Ultimately it's up to Imms to address tactics we think are broken or too strong (e.g., projectiles with certain smobs or blinding city heads). It is not the responsibility of players to moderate how often they hit certain smobs -- it's a game, do what is fun for you.

3. The cases Feneon is mentioning are things like 2 players figuring out how to hit Evil Elyas using only projectiles, when he loads a rare uncraftable axe that is essentially a heron 100% of the time, and then farming that mob on repeat for weeks -- dozens of hits. These players kept the tactics quiet, and I can't say why, but a reasonable observer might conclude that they thought if it became widely known it would get nerfed (ie, it was not intended or gave an unfair advantage). In this scenario, the Imm staff has to 1.) put in place monitoring and then check it periodically for this sort of thing, and 2.) spend a bunch of time tweaking the smob to prevent these tactics while not making it impossible for a normal group to hit. I think I personally spent upwards of 10 hours monitoring and tweaking this smob, and ultimately I just had to nerf the axe load from 100% so I could move on to other things. At the end of the day, my view is it's really Imms' responsibility to fix this sort of thing and not players' job to always be worried about whatever tactics they are using, but it is a massive time sink and we're only human (and volunteers at that). So we do get annoyed and frustrated when it feels like players probably recognize this is too-good-to-be-true and then take advantage of it to its fullest and keep it quiet rather than check in with Imms. Then if specific players have been warned about this before because there is a pattern of it, it can start to become a problem and veer into "abuse" territory. It will never be a problem for someone just playing the game unaware.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Reyne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:16 pm

Shinji wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:24 am
Question: is there a reason why this difference is not communicated to players as a rule (e.g. you not supposed to hit mini-smobs/smobs more than X times a day)?

Seems like an important bright-line that the Staff uses to distinguish between legitimate hits and perceived abuse and is one that players need to know/respect. I see this as similar to the Uniques policy of needing to use one 100% of the time and not store it etc.
I think this would help a lot.

I'm slightly wondering if logging into my rogue to scrape up gold from the butchers / etc would be considered exploitative or not. That character is obviously not Reyne so inno doesn't matter (to that character). No one has said anything to me about it. I don't sit there camping but if I'm playing for a couple hours and going through Lugard a few times in those hours... Butcher is going to die a few times. I do see a difference between that and hitting / clearing / idle-renting / repeat though. A script might as well be doing that (probably is in some instances).

That said, I have also had times where I have 10-20 minutes to jump on real quick, and thought "I'll just jump onto the rogue and kill a couple mobs for the gold." In those instances it might very well look like what Elysia described: jumping on, clearing an inno mob, renting again 10-15 mins later. If I have a busy day I might do that a few times throughout the day - often happens when I am at work. Maybe I shouldn't play between work emails :lol:

My other thought is that we could maybe use more equipment/gold sinks. This ties in to the other thread going about clan treasury bonuses, I think. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if someone was hoarding X item if there was a way to have it removed from the game other than if someone drops it on the ground before boot or lets a corpse expire. Probably falls under the "why don't imms just..." that Elysia mentioned :D

Last thing - I'm not entirely sure I understand *why* it is bad for a few people to hoard items. Like I kinda get it but upon further reflection what does it actually do: they go back into PK faster, and they can help re-gear their compatriots. I know Draz has, several times, given me a full dodge set after a death which enabled me to keep playing vs logging out to do something else and re-gearing the next day. This is probably me being naïve, though!

Very cathartic thread, in any case. I appreciate the imms responding.

e (mostly responding to the below): For what it's worth, from what I've seen imms are pretty understanding if you come to them and say "hey, is this OK or did I do wrong here?" vs just keeping quiet when in doubt and then letting them find out later.
Last edited by Reyne on Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by porka » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:25 pm

Thanks for the response. I know I wouldn't personally do anything I thought was rule breaking on WOT just because it has been my happy place for many years and would break my heart to be banned honestly. While there has been I think 2 issues in the past 19 years that I was shown a 'trick' only to be told it was a bug or abuse of the game of which I stopped and/or it was fixed. Mostly it's just unclear to me what is abuse and what is a accepted trick sadly. I know alot of that is 1 my own memory issues or 2 something that isn't wrote down in forums/discord/wiki, info isn't there to know it its bad or good, I guess?

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Reyne » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:35 pm

Aureus wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:05 pm
3. The cases Feneon is mentioning are things like 2 players figuring out how to hit Evil Elyas using only projectiles, when he loads a rare uncraftable axe that is essentially a heron 100% of the time, and then farming that mob on repeat for weeks -- dozens of hits. These players kept the tactics quiet, and I can't say why, but a reasonable observer might conclude that they thought if it became widely known it would get nerfed (ie, it was not intended or gave an unfair advantage). In this scenario, the Imm staff has to 1.) put in place monitoring and then check it periodically for this sort of thing, and 2.) spend a bunch of time tweaking the smob to prevent these tactics while not making it impossible for a normal group to hit. I think I personally spent upwards of 10 hours monitoring and tweaking this smob, and ultimately I just had to nerf the axe load from 100% so I could move on to other things. At the end of the day, my view is it's really Imms' responsibility to fix this sort of thing and not players' job to always be worried about whatever tactics they are using, but it is a massive time sink and we're only human (and volunteers at that). So we do get annoyed and frustrated when it feels like players probably recognize this is too-good-to-be-true and then take advantage of it to its fullest and keep it quiet rather than check in with Imms. Then if specific players have been warned about this before because there is a pattern of it, it can start to become a problem and veer into "abuse" territory. It will never be a problem for someone just playing the game unaware.
Assuming the tactic didn't radically change - I knew about this before said group was farming it because Draz and I were doing it before that group. I did not have time to play as much as Draz would have liked and he found another group and taught them the method. I will say my impulse wasn't to immediately blab about how it could be done because a) that's not in my character's nature as a Blue Ajah and b) if it was more widely known then it would become much more dangerous to do (DS/SS might be waiting at the portal stones, etc) - and it was already very dangerous (see below). It also wasn't a particular secret. In my experience, Draz is more than happy to include people in the smob run, to show people what he's doing, and to teach people about the game. To my recollection, he didn't ask me to not say anything about it to anyone else or anything of the kind. Just because he didn't post an announcement about it, that's not keeping it a secret. IMO.

It certainly was not out of any thought that I was maybe exploiting something and wanted to keep quiet. Whatsoever.

Heck I even asked Austin if the angreal recharge on the discs and the wind blast on the circlet was something he knew about and if it was intended, and if I was allowed to use those. It seemed a little imbalanced/unfair to me! I still suspect that nerf happened because the imms weren't even aware it was a thing before I asked and you know, if that's true: I'd ask again and do it the same way.
it feels like players probably recognize this is too-good-to-be-true and then take advantage of it to its fullest
To be clear, it takes skill to clear that without dying. Most people we brought in there died. A lot. People lost sets more than once. It emphatically did NOT feel too-good-to-be-true to me or I would have asked about it as I did with the angreal. That zone is a nightmare. If someone aren't familiar with it then a deer is likely to kill them. Elyas' emote still one shots you if you fail a weave and don't immediately flee out. There were many deaths and trials before the tactic was honed in on so neatly. Even then it felt very dangerous every time we did it because one small error = death.

I would suggest that maybe, sometimes, imms tend to assume bad faith without asking. Literally not one time did anyone ask me (I can't speak for Draz) about the EB hits we were doing. Not once. To be fair it was only a few times vs the farming that apparently happened daily.

It was something I was excited to do with Draz in the few times I had the chance to do it, though. Now it's just another thing that is out of proportion with difficulty/danger vs reward.
and ultimately I just had to nerf the axe load from 100% so I could move on to other things.
Which... fair? *shrug* If you think it is loading too much, fine. I have no idea what the drop rate is now but if the result is just no one hits EB anymore then maybe it is too low is all.
Then if specific players have been warned about this before because there is a pattern of it, it can start to become a problem and veer into "abuse" territory. It will never be a problem for someone just playing the game unaware.
And obviously I can only speak for myself and am not privy to conversations between imms and others but just figured I'd chime in.

edit: Last thing.

Since Draz was told earlier in this thread that maybe it is the way the communication happens (I agree): In cases like Evil Braem farming I think it would be productive to reach out to a player like Draz and say "hey, so, you're hitting X a lot and it is having Y issue" (too many axes floating around due to 100% drop rate for example) and ask "how do you think we should handle that?" versus just getting grumpy and nerfing without saying anything. You might be pleasantly surprised and be met with "yeah, did seem like a lot, maybe cut the drop rate?" Now you're both working together to adjust something vs having ill feelings on both sides.
Last edited by Reyne on Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:06 pm, edited 24 times in total.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Fermin » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:43 pm

Here's just my opinion on the PvE Smobs...there is danger to smobbing both solo and in a group and there is literally nothing that is available by smob that isn't available easier elsewhere. Except perhaps rares on Jafar/IOMM which is a large time commitment.

My solution would be to add a ~1% load on every smob. This isn't enough to make it totally worth while to farm a single smob but it means every repop there should be a few rares out in the world. Scouting the smobs and then making groups to hit them becomes worthwhile.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Gretchen » Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:38 pm

the problem is things have been downed to the point we have to farm smobs (i am not talking about a normal smob trip i mean repatativly hiting the same X loading smob over and over every time you can for things like sids and g rings
i am not talking about draz farming wicked axes i am talking about the basicls of a dodge set you need to stay alive
and yet just trying to requip your self or an alt can seas like its abusing the loads

its coming down to the lack of communication

is it cheating or is it players playing the game in one of the few activity's they can do that is rewarding

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Elysia » Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:07 pm

Shinji wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:24 am
Question: is there a reason why this difference is not communicated to players as a rule (e.g. you not supposed to hit mini-smobs/smobs more than X times a day)?

Seems like an important bright-line that the Staff uses to distinguish between legitimate hits and perceived abuse and is one that players need to know/respect. I see this as similar to the Uniques policy of needing to use one 100% of the time and not store it etc.
There isn't a rule, that's why. Such a rule would also be utterly pointless, since the killing of a mob isn't timestamped and stored and not searchable by timestamp. Thus even if we were to say "5 times per day" then it wouldn't be verifiable, making such a rule utterly pointless. This is literally the stuff we see in the narrow window(s) we're on. If it's excessive, we ask other imms to keep an eye out too, see if the player just has a short run or is showing no signs of stopping. Depending on the circumstances, we either talk to the person (e.g. the KMG player who was alting stuff) or if it's too good to be true, or multiple people are doing it, we make tweaks.

Even if we were to say "5 times per day", then you can be sure that people will make the 6th hit 1 min after boot, because that's how some people work.

Remember, it's not just about the farmer, it's about all the other players who would find the mob dead when they make the effort to go out there and hit it, making one aspect of the game feel like a waste of time.

Most of the players who have posted about their behavior aren't really the problem. Hell, sometimes I go on a binge and kill one smob several times in a week. And then I don't go to that zone for two months after and forget it even exists, so to speak. However, we're also seeing people end up with 50+ on trophy in a matter of weeks. It's the extremes we're talking about here.

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