Are players leaving?

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Brocas » Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:35 pm

I started reading this thread and got about 1.5 pages and started losing interest.. a lot like when I log in :lol:

Why do I not play?
I just don't find much enjoyment. I always wanted to master Brocas.. was the 1 thing I hadn't done yet that I thought is achievable but after whenever I log on, I sit around bored not really knowing what to do.

I get about 2 hrs maybe 3 if the kid cooperates, a night to play games if that's how I choose to spend my free time. It's not much. For me, I just have a list of other things I'd rather be doing... including tv shows, books, playing music, talking to my spouse, other games that I find more enjoyable. So for WoTMUD to win my attention for the little time I have, it has a lot of competition and to be frank, I don't think there are any changes that have been made or not made that effected this.. it's just what it is.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Raspen » Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:02 pm

Taziar wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:07 pm

I'm sorry you feel so betrayed by the community over this entire wolfbrother page debacle. I can relate with that. And I'm sorry that you don't understand how the wiki works... maybe that is mine and Thuvia's faults, maybe we didn't explain to the community and teach others enough. But honestly we were too busy building the structure so others could contribute.

If you don't contribute, you don't get a say. It's not mine or Thuvia's job to change or fix anything that someone dislikes or disagrees with. It is our job to facilitate contributions and protect the information as a historical reference. You, or anyone else, can say what you think our responsibilities are, or what you think we should do, or how information should be handled... but, in the end it isn't up to you.

I do know that you never talked to me about anything... ever. Except now, in your fictional account of how it all went down in this thread. Information verification is important, sadly you didn't verify yours before you posted it.

Good luck, and best wishes.
Best of luck to you Taziar. As noted before, it is commendable the amount of work you have put forth for the community in general. The statements were never in fact around those points and the overwhelming sentiment from all involved was gratitude. It appears we have to come to a head around the usage and distribution of data in other domains. I respect you have your position and I have mine. We have not moved from those positions and we'll have to use the old adage of agreeing to disagree.

Unfortunately the beginning of this conversation started with how Harun with his wb friends and Spyder treated you unfairly. (pardon the paraphrase) And this is what drove you off. I wanted to know the specifics because at the end of the day losing a player is bad for business. Even if I hated you and as long as you weren't a cheater, it makes sense for you to stay. As I was brought into the accusation by proxy of WB I wanted to know and still want to know the details to hold folks accountable or provide clarity. I hold Spyder and Harun to a high standard as they do with me (sometimes harshly but fairly). If there are folks inside of WB or Harun/Spyder who are harassing folks they should get punished and would be confronted for being jackasses.

As far as the inferences about me personally, I'm just gonna let those go. Hopefully this is a needed break rather than a permanent leave. At the end of the day it is unfortunate to see folks leave.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by isabel » Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:29 pm

I switched to online chess last year sometime and it gives me all the satisfaction of quick pk that had strategic back and forth within 10-30 minute time span.

Would be fun to play anyone here if you are interested in the game. Wrt wotmud i tried to condense it to maximise the play that i liked but the time expectations have always been a lot. Zone sense on my character was purely a time saving thing to know if opponents were around/interested. North pk zone changes - not sure they were needed but no interest in learning new things now.

There's hardly any logs either anymore. I follow some chess videos and some are absolutely hilarious ( is a really great watch for newer players game - kind of like a jeskryyg log if both of them were 3 months into the game).

Wotmud definitely always had the potential but it only realy delivered when there were good and happy leaders on both sides. Chess in that sense throws up a lot of fun because you never have a 22 years of experienced player with every possible bonus vs someone who has been playing a month - so even for really new players it's very competitive and fun.

I just see a lot of parallels with wotmud except hits those awesome notes 4% of the time.

Anyway lots of good times - the verania/fender smob groups, Markus teaching us pk, lots of really nice and exciting and immersive moments but alas, the time sink is atrocious. I think i saw a post not long ago soemone saying that they wasted an entire day mining and the response from admin was kind of like oh yea bad rolls can happen. It's just really out of proportion when 30ish minutes is really as much most can spent on a game now and of those 30 at least 20 should be really fun.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Taziar » Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:42 pm

Thank you Raspen. I honestly and truly wish you the best.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Jenda » Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:04 pm

Ominas wrote:
Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:28 pm

The toxicity is a problem but it just makes me apathetic more than anything. I suppose because I genuinely do care about the game and the community. So it’s sad to see it where it is, with it being as small as it is. I don’t get my feelings wrapped up in what others think of me personally. But I understand why others do.
I'll quote Ominas here because he articulated my demeanor towards the game lately. I haven't "quit".. but I'm not as active as I have been over the last year. The weather turning nice and being more interested in my RL social circle and interests had also has an impact on my activity. But why am I not on Mondays through Thursdays after work and getting my cave dwelling teen kids fed before they disappear?

I'm a social player first and foremost. Those who know me know I'm down for almost anything. Whether or not my own skill level meets the task, I'm down for my friends and acquaintances. That's been largely lost as almost every one of my homies has been driven away in one form or another. The rest of this thread is a testament. I myself have quit before for a couple years due to the constant toxic, unconstructive bitching (that no one wants to hear anyway) and seeing others bullied for this or that frivolous, telephone game reason. This hasn't changed and in my eyes feels like it's gotten more focused (especially on people I happen to call friends) and intense. People are getting constant pressure even for who they're friends with (as if that's anyone's business). It's a fact that there are some who get off on the drama and openly and actively perpetuate it. Most people who I am not tight with, probably 99%, are super nice to me personally and those who aren't don't bother me very much. I have a thick skin and can clap back; I even have fun with it. But I do see the ugliness. It's not even a matter of trash talk and oversensitivity, although a couple people truly are oversensitive and should toughen up. It's just not fun for people to log on, to relax after work, after kids go to bed, when your honey is busy, your precious few hours... only to be inundated with bitterness, faction pressure, complaining and whining, threats, intimidation, alt stalking spreadsheets (wtf?), etc. People really need to lighten up and understand that there are other people, not villains, behind the keyboard. Let's stop acting like we're in highschool.

The second reason is the huge number of changes that, for me, seem to be very overwhelming to the point where I feel why bother learning new zones, new weapon stats, whatever else. Usually just ask my friends but they're largely gone. I legit have nfc what is even going on anymore. I don't have time to re-learn zones even to the fucky level of knowledge I previously had. Not that I ever had a Phd in wotmud to begin with. I just feel so lost with anything but RP which is more or less stable and based on the books. The less I play the less up on changes in game code, mechanics, and RP state of nations and relations I am. Getting further left behind. It is a snowball. The documentation for mobol for processes in the Tower is upkept by players. Players who slowly are no longer playing and therefore capable of updating said document... I only play Jenda so I don't know about other classes but I feel like playing Jenda lately I just get wtfsmushed.. it's all a bit frustrating.

So my only reason left to log on is to check in on apprentices in my Ajah. As they can hit me up on discord or mail, I don't feel it's worth dedicating any time to even idling anymore than 10-15 minutes occasionally to see if I'm needed.

That said.. if I am invited for an excursion or roleplay, or needed by an initiate or apprentice, I'll absolutely log on and I'm usually on discord if you want to chat.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Ashlee » Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:12 pm

Jenda wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:04 pm
Ominas wrote:
Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:28 pm

The toxicity is a problem but it just makes me apathetic more than anything. I suppose because I genuinely do care about the game and the community. So it’s sad to see it where it is, with it being as small as it is. I don’t get my feelings wrapped up in what others think of me personally. But I understand why others do.
I'll quote Ominas here because he articulated my demeanor towards the game lately.
Yup. This is it. It is shocking to me that people still believe this community is not toxic. I've haven't been around for nearly as long as some, but it really does seem to be the worst in the past year or so than in my time ever playing. But it is also the other usual things. We are an aging playgroup with very little new, younger players. We don't have the time we used to. And all my friends (bar a few) no longer play and haven't played in years. Throw all of this together, and it is just so much easier to play almost any other game.

That being said, I am so very sad to see Taziar leave. Such an asset to this game and this community. The mud will absolutely feel his leaving.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Jaxon » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:46 pm

Treat people the way you want to be treated. Also, Attitude and approach go a long way in all we do!

I still log on occasionally and have moments that are enjoyable. Good people are honestly what keep me coming back. The relationship side of this silly game has been most of my focus for years, and I truly enjoy getting to know people on a personal level.

Quick to Listen.
Slow to speak.
Slow to anger.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Lakitu » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:37 am

While I unfortunately have no time to play these days, I surely do appreciate how much this game has contributed to my life in such unexpectedly practical ways. I am grateful of all the people/friends/clanmates/opponents that I had the chance to interact with and form such awesome nostalgic memories. I really do hope that this game will continue to thrive.

Thanks so much, Wotmud!
Last edited by Lakitu on Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by porka » Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:10 am

For me it's the drama, so much drama I don't have time to feel like I'm back in high school. Many of our leaders on all sides actually have left, we no longer have people to lead for good PK. I mean for good God people are trying to follow me!?! I've tried to stay as neutral as possible with all the different drama and changes. I am incredibly frustrated with the lack of transparency of each clan (bonus then no bonus then only certain people got bonus etc) and the never ending bait and switch. I am also frustrated with the never ending changes. Every time I finally got comfortable or ranked up after trying for years, it has been changed, changed again and feels like my years of effort were completely wasted. There has been a few times that I have had to completely stop playing a character because of the changes had made that character no longer even playable for me personally. Am not a leader but I used to pk nonstop. Now the want to pk is almost totally gone. What was the point of mastering? What is the point in playing my warrior? So much info is "special" or only for certain people to know is 100% BS and frankly toxic af then makes for resentment. Any other game out there if I needed to learn something about it I could Google it you can't do that with this game you have to kiss someone's a** to find out any information and I'm not gonna do it anymore. That's my 2 cents.

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Re: Are players leaving?

Post by Khaster » Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:28 pm

isabel wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:29 pm
the time sink is atrocious. I think i saw a post not long ago soemone saying that they wasted an entire day mining and the response from admin was kind of like oh yea bad rolls can happen. It's just really out of proportion when 30ish minutes is really as much most can spent on a game now and of those 30 at least 20 should be really fun.
I agree. Now come back. Thanks.

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